A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Ryan

    I’ll be putting in a good 70-100 miles on the bike and four or five on foot.

  2. Oskar

    Road bike about 170 miles if as planned. Short weekdend but weather looks to be good here in Sweden!

  3. David P.

    Finishing out a planned 100 mile running week, peaking before a 100 mile race June 17th.

  4. Sandro

    Cleaning up some abandoned trails, and a 15k trail running

  5. Michel Bertrand

    Went on my first outdoor ride last week (it was still snowing the weekend before that), and no more pain in the knee on which I had ACL surgery last year :)
    So this weekend I will be getting on the bike and just enjoying rolling along without pain; serious training can come later :)

  6. Shawn

    No training just camping all weekend.

  7. Eddie Cheung

    If weather permit, go hiking for 6hr. Otherwise, bike trainer…. :v

  8. Kevin Knight

    Brick workout on Saturday followed by an endurance ride on Sunday.

  9. Aaron

    Going to get in a 3 day training camp with some climbing up to Estes Park and a long run at Magnolia.

  10. marti038

    A short brick on Saturday, 3000 yd swim on Sunday, and going to see how much BBQ I can eat on Monday.

  11. James Eaton

    Group ride Sat for tempo/threshold work, then 1x threshold run 1x light swim and 1x VO2max work worked in sometime over the rest of the weekend – whenever I can squeeze the hours in.

  12. Greg Judin

    Ironman 70.3 in Durban, South Africa is a mere 3 weeks away…. so my weekend consists of two big brick sessions (or, as my 6 y/o son calls them, brick wall sessions!)

  13. Amy S

    TRX for an hour on Saturday then family pool time. Long run on Sunday then family pool time. Parent/child tennis tournament on Monday then family pool time. Happy Memorial Day!!

  14. Long steady distance… with a few sweetspot intervals… cross season not far away!

  15. Dora Chan

    Have been coughing for weeks… the best I can do is jogging for half hour

  16. Mark

    Getting in some extra trail time with some back to back long runs. 20miles Saturday – 15miles Sunday. Beach & Beers Monday!

  17. Andrew Phillips

    I’m recovering from a light injury, so will lay off the running this weekend and will focus instead on strength training and a long walk. It’ll still be great!

  18. dudes, it is road racing season. ABD Memorial Day Masters Sat, Sun and boom Monday! rubber side down yo!

  19. Rimvydas

    I am taking it light :) gonna try out new scenic route (~50km) and for sunday hoping to do the same just with couple of friends for a bit of competition.

  20. AndiT

    I’m still out with a lower back injury, so will just go for some longish walks and a bit of swimming. Can’t wait to get back to running.

  21. Jeff

    BBQ and cycling planned! Testing new carbon wheels – a Christmas present and these are their first outing!

  22. Rick Yazwinski

    Recovering week so easy bike, easy run :)

  23. Luke

    Sat – Home improvement (cross-fit)
    Sun – Bike the drive, 60 miles of dodging bad riders
    Mon – Pouring one out for my brothers that never made it home

  24. Mark R

    Open water swim and brisket!

  25. Steve Horne

    Going to get some miles in on the road bike. Also hope to get the kayak in the water. Also BBQ. :)

  26. Scott

    12 mi run on Saturday.

  27. Neil Strenge

    Just some gentle bike and run in Z1… still got IM Lanza in my legs from saturday!

  28. Michael

    It’s race weekend!

  29. Matt Mills

    To start my weekend I will be cruising through the roads of Hong Kong seeking out as many climbs as I can. Here I will do hill repeats and in total a 4 hour ride. Straight after a 10 minute effort off the bike to get those run legs going.

    On Sunday it’s a 2 hour 9 on 1 off run to end a training block. The 9 on 1 off at epace has helped me a lot with recovery but still with the progression benefits.

  30. Robin Seibel

    I’m continuing my three part plan for recovery from bad neck juju:
    1. Ride
    2. Ride
    3. Ride, then recover with barbecue and Stella Artois.

  31. Darren

    Race weekend! Calgary Half Marathon Sunday morning.

  32. Peter Andersson

    Friday: Tempo run
    Saturday: 4000m swim and 3-4 hour bike
    Sunday: 3-4 hour bike

  33. Patrick

    After finally breaking the 90 minute mark for a 13.1 last weekend, I’m rewarding myself with riding 3 days in a row!!!

  34. Matt H

    Taking care of packet pickup for NEXT weekend’s 5K – and hopefully 2-3 longer bike rides if our spring weather decides to cooperate…

    And burgers.

  35. Chris

    Saturday – 5km swim
    Sunday – 2-3hrs on bike climbing

  36. Jesus Climent

    Run run and run. I have not had an opportunity to run 4 days in a row in a long time.

  37. Ritz

    Travel to Boston area, bringing my bike for a couple of 30+mile rides.

  38. Chris Carland

    Riding my bike and eating some BBQ!

  39. Filipe Santos

    I’ll be happy if can get my ass out of the couch!

  40. Alex P

    Will try to squeeze in a 40km bike ride on friday, and 2x 5k runs on the weekend.

  41. My first time riding a bike in a year! Got a baby bike trailer

  42. Brett Bornhoft

    Last long ride in Raleigh before I move north plus some short interval training with my lady.

  43. Justin

    Beginning the marathon taper with a 16 miler, and some grilling on Monday!

  44. Mike

    Taper week for my half marathon! Short 6 mi run today and an easy long run Sunday pre BBQ.

  45. Duane

    Saturday is a brick day with a 2 hour ride and 30 minute run. Sunday is long run day with 2 hours of running. Monday, 3 day weekend!!!!, is a swim day so 1 hour in the pool doing some race simulation stuff for my race the next weekend.

  46. Tristan Jones

    Out for a quick ride or run at some point but mostly enjoying the long weekend with my 9 month old daughter.

  47. Andy

    Ran a 10 K on Badger Mountain this morning

  48. Hoping to get a 30+ ride in on Saturday. Hour long run in on Sunday. And hamburger eating on Monday!

  49. ErR

    Towing the kid in the Burley.

  50. Todd Johnson

    Running a trail half on Saturday, and probably a recovery jog on Sunday, and definitely some grilling.

  51. Titus

    6 mile run Friday
    1 mile open water swim Saturday
    Open water swim and 12 mile run Sunday
    40 mile bike ride on Monday

  52. Marcos Caraballo

    Friday 5k, Saturday 800m swim and 10k, Sunday 40 miles ride and Monday 1200 m swim and BBQ with my brothers in arms remembering our fallen. Good weekend for you too. MC

  53. Rolando Felizola

    Full weekend ahead. Saturday has an epic ride planned with a few buddies with tons of climbing. Then some family photos before watching some NBA playoff action. Sunday: good food and Game of Thrones, duh. Monday: A brick workout, BBQ, and taking a moment to actually remember what Memorial Day is all about.

  54. Lauri

    No workouts for me… We just got our house listed for sale, so between all the moving/packing/cleaning and being 6 months pregnant, I’m taking some downtime.

  55. Brian

    A 5k charity race on an airport runway Saturday then hopefully a longish slow, bike ride, run and swim Sunday.

  56. Daniel Ward

    Walking 100k from London to Brighton non stop for Ovarian Cancer Action.
    Normally this would be my long ride!

  57. Adam Fahey

    Downwind SUP

  58. Chris W.

    Tapering down the marathon training for the 18th June and hopefully some bike rides if the weather holds out (being Britain i doubt that!)

  59. Short run, long run, and some cross training. Maybe some ribs.

  60. Craig

    Long run Saturday, long bike Sunday… All to work off the junk I’ve eaten over the last few days

  61. Umesh Naik

    Thanks to DC Rainmaker for inspiration. I will be doing apart half marathon this weekend. Keep the good work DC Rainmaker.

  62. Jolene

    a long run in the rain!

  63. Ken

    I have a 3 mile run Friday as well as StrongLifts 5×5, a 6 mile run on Sat., a walk and StrongLifts on Sunday, Monday will probably be a rest day, and on Tuesday will be another short run (probably 2 miles)

  64. Josh Smith

    10K training run and deadlift session!

  65. Broward

    Long weekend here in Singapore, so I plan on getting in a 5k run before doing upper body work on Saturday (before the base Memorial day carnival and BBQ), 10k run and swim 1000m on Sunday, then suffer through Murph on Monday in memory of a fellow Officer and all around badass, Mike Murphy.

  66. KC Jacoby

    Hoping to get at least two runs in on my long weekend.

  67. Benoit

    Honestly, i don’t plan much until the last hour before leaving.
    But i’m guessing i will have fun riding for an unknown distance.

  68. Simon Porteous

    Saturday parkrun with compulsory post run coffee and Sunday a hilly trail long run of about 20km.

  69. Andrew

    Long ride with a short run off the bike on Saturday, long run on Sunday. Weather looks great, finally.

  70. Tal

    It’s holiday weekend in Brazil as well. A good mixture of wine and relaxed runs are a perfect call.

  71. Paco Anton

    16 km run on Sunday getting ready for next week’s trail half marathon

  72. Evelyn

    Easy swim Saturday, long bike Sunday.

  73. Kate

    Plans for a short swim and run, then heading off for possible camping and mushroom foraging with the family!

  74. Philip Taylor

    No training this weekend, but as soon as I’m CANCER-FREE you better believe I’ll be back out there running and biking!

  75. Efraim shaw

    A run and some biking perhaps

  76. rusek666

    Long weekend in Poland too. So at Thursday I took a 12km run with mother in law an father in law. Today some intervals, and finally at Sunday long 30-40km run through the forest. And BBQ is also included in my plans.

  77. Steve wood

    Ran 7 this am. 15mi trails Sat am. Possible family hike if rain holds off sun am. Monday more trails, of course!

  78. clouseau

    60km flat ride friday, 40km hilly ride saturday, time with the family sunday.

  79. Dufton Lewis

    TrainerRoad’s Solomons on Saturday and hoping for nice weather to ride outside on Sunday.

  80. Tridotexe

    No Training plans. Spending a nice weekend with the family.

  81. Rob

    no long weekend for us Canadians, sadly. Only two days of cycling instead of three…

  82. Jason Moore

    Thursday:cycle 41 miles
    Friday: ALTERNATING TEMPO RUN: 2-mile warmup, 3 x (1 mile at marathon pace, 1 mile at 10K pace), 1-mile cooldown
    Saturday: rest day
    Sunday: 10 miles easy pace
    Monday: triathlon transition work out
    10 mile bike / 2.5 mile run

  83. Tony Vollmers

    15km run on Saturday and a swim on Sunday. Birthday weekend which includes lifting a beer or two as an exercise.

  84. Sean Dooley

    Saturday – trainer then run
    Sunday – 12 mile run
    Monday – run and strength

  85. Daniel Churco

    Going to go for a long ride and Run.

  86. Tim

    Sat: Ride my bike
    Sun: Ride my bike
    Monday: Ride my bike slowly, tired from Sat and Sun.

  87. Vítor Rosa

    Last thursday we had a holiday, but my body told me I needed a rest. So, this weekend, I’ll have to make up for the “lost” time and complete the strava everesting challenge (May climbing challenge of 8,848 mt D+). I have a 150km cycling planned for Sunday, and if that isn’t enough to complete it, I’ll have to “hit the road” again on Tuesday (last day of the month)… :-p

  88. Eric

    Got a few appointments and rain is expected for most of the weekend.
    So looks like it is going to be indoor bike trainer on Zwift after the kids are asleep.

  89. Gary A.

    My first 100K bike ride.

  90. Ben Brown

    Since I hurt my foot last week, my training plans are to rest on the porch, smoke some turkey legs and drink a few ice cold beverages.

  91. stephane

    My local pool just opened, so it will be pool weekend and BBQ!

  92. Ben de la Fuente

    I’m planning to run twice over the weekend – maybe for a total of 8-10 miles.

  93. Brian

    Short easy run today due to excess heat
    Looking forward to taking a little off during the holiday weekend to recharge

  94. Maxim

    No BBQ, but some house hunting. And a trail hill repeats, rinse and repeat.

  95. ST

    50k in mountain bike (even with rain) and 5K run

  96. Stephen Cooper

    The long weekend was last weekend in Canada, so I’m well-prepped for a weekend full of childrens’ birthday parties. The training will be less exertion-based and more focused on carb-loading!!

  97. JW

    Doing no training at all.. Enjoying family time

  98. Glyn

    Plan to do a 50 mile route along the South Downs Way on Saturday morning. All off road and about 4,500ft of climbing.
    The Sunday will be a rest day as I am going to watch the England vs. Wales rugby match at Twickenham followed by a friend’s wedding party in the evening.
    Therefore to clear my head on holiday Monday will be back out on my bike again, with maybe a road & mild off-road mix on my CX bike.

  99. Umberto

    I’m going in the woods and see if i can outrun mosquitos

  100. Helen Wilkes

    Its my first solo long ride – going from London to Brighton (as long as my borrowed Garmin Touring doesn’t sabotage my plans…)