A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Petr

    Shorter run on Saturday if I can wake up early enough to avoid predicted 90s, longer run on Sunday, some good food on Monday.

  2. Mike

    Run Bayshore Marathon on Saturday and enjoy the rest of the U.S. Holiday weekend!

  3. Sean McPherson

    Trying to get fit again! 15-18 miler through some California Redwoods

  4. Beau Parks

    Last long training ride before riding 200+ miles on Skyline Drive next weekend. Monday, I’m running a local 10k.

  5. AK

    Visiting cousins in New Jersey – the only muscles I will be stretching are the ones around my gut.

  6. Travis

    Starting a week on Florida’s beaches. Back to training next week!

  7. alejandro ponce

    fun in the sun….

  8. Jim Pike

    Just did IMTX two weeks ago, so plans are to consume as much alcohol and grilled meat as possible :)

  9. Alastair Fowler

    Easy day on Saturday in prep for a race in the north of Scotland on Sunday

  10. Saturday morning 10km run at 4.15 pace
    Get up at 4.30 am Sunday for a 80km bike ride like every other sundays :)

  11. teodor cosmin

    As I am recovering from a tendinitis, I will do a mellow 150k road ride on Saturday and accompany a girl squad at a Gentlemen’s Race on Sunday (140k, 1500hm). Not really a training weekend but I;m slowly coming back :)

  12. Marcio

    50 miles ride on Sunday, 20 miles ride on Sat (hills training), 20-30 miles on Monday, flat and nice ride

  13. Norman Cheung

    10 Miler race Saturday. 50mile bike on Sunday? Beer on Monday!!!!

  14. Kelvin Lim

    10km run follow by 2km swim!

  15. Dave

    Swimming in the Caribbean.

  16. Josh Springer

    Plan on riding to our local coffee shop with good friends and getting a nice 60KM ride in!

  17. Craig D

    This weekend I will be getting my fat butt off the couch and continue my training for some late summer Tri’s. Probably a few beers thrown in as well.

  18. Matt

    Slow and steady for me. Doing a bit of 145 bpm HR training trying to help me run further, and faster.

  19. Daniel D.

    Swim Friday, Bike 60 Saturday, BBQ Saturday, attempt to run Sunday, Swim Monday

  20. Gonna meet up with some buds for a 2hr ride, and them maybe some hiking with The Girl (mine, that is)

  21. 3 hour bike on Saturday, 1:45 run on Sunday, 1:00 bike on monday.

  22. Looking forward to a short stroller run with my daughter on Sat, and a longer trail run on Sun.

  23. Martijn De Mulder

    No weekend for me (I’m a deployed Soldier for the Dutch Airforce), so the training goes on (6-days a week).
    This “weekend” it’s weight training (back) and cardio (burpies, cycling etc.)

  24. Aurimas

    Road race on Sunday, recovery week afrerwards and tests next weekend

  25. Jeremy Mill

    I’m going to go for a long run in texas, far from new England

  26. TimRules

    2hrs LSD/recovery (from race last weekend) trail run Saturday, family hike Sunday … also Monaco GP!

  27. bb

    long slow distance

  28. Israel Rosa

    In this weekend I sprint in the hill and Jump Rope.

  29. Steve

    Was going to be a long ride and an open water swim, but I’ve burned my arm this morning and not sure if the wetsuit will irritate it!

  30. Sean M

    long run, long ride, and maybe some mountain biking

  31. Matthew Owen

    Running in a local 5k race and get some biking in as well.

  32. Farhan

    Planning to do a recovery ride and also some Freeletics. Got a race coming up next week.

  33. Tiago Pinhal

    walk walk walk preparing for the tour du mont blanc

  34. Jeffery Rehner

    I’m planning on 10km Saturday morning and 7.5km Sunday morning.

  35. Kuba Wosik

    Hi DC, so my plan for this weekend (an extended weekend in Poland as well) was/is a slow 6k today (done), a long run on Saturday and a long stroll down a beautiful blooming botanical garden on Sunday with my wife and our 10-month-old daughter. Perfect weekend!

  36. Pat Smith

    No training this weekend other than maybe a short easy ride Saturday. First duathlon of the season Sunday. (So not ready)

  37. Geoff Clarke

    Recovering from serious illness and haven’t been riding in about 5yrs , so going out and trying to get back in the rhythm again. Short and flat, but still painful.

  38. Ben Lee

    This weekend is a 3 hour long bike with half hour brick run on Saturday and two hour bike w/ a half hour run on Sunday. Slowly building up that bike volume.

  39. retiredpro

    I will be biking along the coast from San Diego up to Irvine with a friend of mine. About 80 miles one-way and then we’ll hop on the train to get home!

  40. Michael Frazier

    I was planning three 75+ mile rides, but visiting family is going to cut two of them short.

  41. Larry Hosch

    Apple Duathlon on Saturday…lake, pontoon boat, beer and BBQ for the rest of the weekend. Oh yeah, and riding my new CX bike on every tempting dirt road around.

  42. Philip Leschhorn

    Dodging cars and hopefully surviving the drunk drivers this weekend. Happy Memorial Day to all the vets.

  43. Koly Belostotsky

    Sunday is a typical rest day for me. Saturday will see me do a short’n’hot indoor aerobics workout in the morning (highknees+mountain climbers, 15 seconds each for 10 laps); then there will be lots of walking in the parks (summer’s arrived to Moscow, hooray!), and then a short (20+ minutes) evening aerobics workout.
    And, of course, hoping to win this giveaway (I want to buy the fénix 3 hr bundle)! :)

  44. Abel Oyhamburu

    Run 5k four times a week

  45. david phillips

    I shall be trail running in the black mountains in s Wales.

  46. Neal Welland

    Taking in the hills around the Cotswolds.

  47. Will be watching a friend swim/run the Alcatraz Challenge on Sunday.

  48. Declan Collins

    90km cycle, then feet up for Sunday.

  49. Lucas

    Long ride, racing clinic, ride with daughter on trail-a-bike, and refueling with burgers and fries.

  50. Petr

    I am planning to run 12k on Saturday and slow 5km on Sunday.

  51. Andy Gridley

    Ridley Mile – Swim
    3mi run

    2:30 ride
    3mi run

  52. Jake

    I’ve got a long easy run scheduled for Sunday. Z2-ish. Will probably do some intervals after work today. I might drink some beers too. In other words, 12 oz. weights, many reps.

  53. William

    We have a long weekend in Brasil so it began today with 2k swim and 5k run. Saturday is a cycling day and sunday relax at the pool.

  54. Kris Jones

    Have a 200km training ride for my up coming 1000km ride in August. Will be the longest I’ve done yet.

  55. Eli J

    This weekend plan, going to Horsey 100, riding 100 mi Saturday and 72 mile on Sunday. Come back home and ride 60 mi for the annual Memorial ride from TAB.

  56. John

    Air show and then tempo run. Of course some smoked brisket will be had too!

  57. Denis Dyck

    I hope to be able to run a couple of kilometers after I bruised some ribs in a bike “incident” last week-end just before my birthday. :D

  58. Blair Cabot

    Maple sugar and cayenne pepper rub ribs. Usually make a a whiskey and apple cider vinegar bbq sauce.

  59. David Allen

    Cycling Saturday 32 miles and Sunday 50 miles.

  60. jeffrey schmidt

    47 miles on the bike Monday, 54 miles on Sunday rain permitting

  61. Per Olav

    Here in Norway, my training plans for the weekend are several walks with the dog. about 2-3 trips. And at least a bike ride every day.

  62. Scott Turvey

    Flat recovery ride Friday, Mission Gorge hillclimbs Saturday, fly to Atlanta Sunday, and Chattahochee River ride Monday

  63. Michael

    A nice Memorial Day weekend ride with my cousin!

  64. Carrie

    Just spending some time with my kiddo. Maybe 5 miles on Sunday.

  65. Stoyan Savov

    Saturday-40K bike rides and swim training in the pool.

  66. Tom

    A couple hours of running, a few hours of biking and some swimming. Plus a bunch of eating.

  67. Mike S

    “Resting” with my kids on Saturday, long bike ride on Sunday, 8-10-mile run on Monday. May BBQ some quantity of meat for recovery protein.

  68. Torsten

    unwanted rest is on the plan :( twisted my ankle this morning in an attempted to overcome my downhill Angst. Didn’t work out to well I must say…

  69. carl thomas

    Fast group ride Saturday, run Sunday before church.

  70. Doing a practice half iron sans the swim (my pool liner has a crack in it!). Time to Shake & Bake for IM Lake Placid!

  71. Pere

    Just ran an ultra last weekend so i will stick to the BBQ´ing plan with a double session sat-Sun

  72. Tom Shaw

    Testing out the new TacX neo followed by a nice easy cafe ride on Sunday:)

  73. James

    Last long training run before my 5K race next weekend…

  74. Sean

    50km bike ride on Saturday, 20km run on Sunday

  75. Norma Campbell

    Beginning to ramp up mileage after a 50 miler two weeks ago.

  76. I have a race this weekend, a triathlon race, in Romania. It’s a sprint race, but that doesn’t mean that it will be easy. I’ll do my best and I hope to win here, it would be a greater victory :)

  77. Jacob

    10 mile run.

  78. Wouter

    A brick training session including a 3k open water swim to test out how my new tri-suit holds up!

  79. Anthony LoSasso

    Going to NYC for a bat mitzvah – but I’ll do a long run (2.5 hrs) in & around Central Park Saturday morning, maybe a short run Sunday, and then home to close out the weekend with a long ride (3.75 hrs) on the KICKR for Memorial Day. Then, BBQ!

  80. Richard White

    Well here in SA it’s winter time . Tomorrow will be a marshaled club ride , and then Sunday will be a 150km tempo ride .

  81. Joshua Jensen

    Spending time with visiting family, thinking about the trail running in should be doing (and missing)

  82. RJ

    Camping, hiking, Mountain Biking in the Utah Desert for Friday, then a long road ride on Saturday. Sunday, recovery, Monday (Memorial Day) Back on the dirt again…50 mile mountain bike ride.

  83. Arno Smit

    I am planning to do a tour around a lake, the Markermeer. This is a 172 km ride. But if the weather is too bad, i will shorten the distance…

  84. Justin hoffer

    Yes please.

  85. Kevin Mooney

    Quick check to the 920XT :D,
    Friday – Bike intervals & 700 Swim,
    Saturday – Run 15k with Fast finish,
    Sunday – Combination Bike 40mins, 5k Run…

    Training for my first attempt at a Triathlon in June, by the way thanks for that post on how to approach your first triathlon, you mentioned it on the podcast a few weeks back, it helped a bunch!

  86. Frank M

    I plan on running about 8 mi each on Sat and sun and, then, a well deserved rest on Monday.

  87. James G

    Maybe a parkrun on Saturday morning and a longish run on Sunday morning. If the sun shines, There Will Be Picnic.

  88. Benjamin Winter

    Going on a long run tomorrow and a long family bike ride monday.

  89. John

    Soccer tournament all weekend! Could use some new motivational gadgets!

  90. Eric Bronsard

    My WE looks like that :
    Long run on saturday and on sunday, Brick.
    Moving very soon so the rest of the time I’ll be packing :-)

  91. Rohan

    Starting with a group mountain bike ride, then a light weights session…packing boxes

  92. Daniel H.

    I have planned three training sessions, 1/day, from Friday to Sunday. Friday and Saturday will be 45-60 min at training zone 3, and Sunday 1h25 at zone 2.

  93. Jonathan

    My family of 7 is running in a “GLO” 5k tonight. Then headed to Florida for running on the beach!

  94. Kyle Doberer

    Probably an hour long ride tonight outside hopefully. Then maybe long rides Sunday and Monday 3+ hours. Weather permitting of course Kansas has had a fun week with severe weather.

  95. ian crossley

    Running and drinking beer

  96. Andreas

    Try to crush the 30 x 100m in the pool and 60km on the bike.

  97. Csaba

    After completing the Giro climbing challenge in time… the weekend will be easy MTB in the hills :) and some hiking probably.

  98. John Gavin

    Taking the TT bike out for the 1st time in nearly 2 years. Won’t be fast or pretty, followed by a swim & a run.

  99. Mike

    2 hour bike, 1:15 hour run, 1 hour swim
    Hot dogs, hamburgers, beer, vodka

  100. Andrew

    I’m on call (someone’s gotta keep an eye on things!) this weekend, so I’ll be sticking to the BBQ! Then burn it all off on Monday taking the kid out hiking.