A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Damian

    Just a short easy run this weekend, and some biking. Recovering from a hamstring issue that forced me to DNF a marathon a few weeks ago.

  2. 20 mile run on the Eastern Divide course to prepare for the race in June!

  3. Richard Elliot

    Planning some recovery mileage after my 10km race this week. Hope to get a long run in too.

  4. I’ll be riding two centuries unassisted this weekend to prep for the Double Triple Bypass!

  5. Scott

    6hrs hard and fast mtb ride on Saturday, 8hrs moderate mtb ride on Sunday. I tell the misses that I have to ride that much, it’s training. In reality I just love riding and competing gives me a valid reason to escape the family :)

  6. Gretchen

    Weightlifting – SL 5×5 and hopefully getting the bike in service for summer!

  7. Matt Hunt

    Going to a beer festival on Saturday instead of training, BBQ on Sunday and then picking back up on Monday with a nice long swim and short run

  8. David (frostbyteva)

    Saturday is a shake out day before Sunday’s 101 mile, 10,164 feet of climbing race. A gift card would make getting a Kickr possible so that I can stop roasting my tires.

  9. Anthony Tom

    Have a 5K time trial to end the season Saturday and the seven days rest. BBQ will be fun

  10. Mike K

    My plan looks to be:

    Sat: Morning Run, stuff face at a birthday lunch, kayak a bit
    Sunday: Stuff my face at a BBQ, chase children around (which i think counts as interval training right?)
    Monday: Mountain Bike morning, Hope for no rain afternoon, kayak a bit if i didn’t get to it saturday.

  11. Hoping to get in an extra run, with the additional day off. Easy run on Sat, and maybe a run with the kids/jogging stroller on Monday.

  12. Jake Reynolds

    If the weather holds out, I’m going to try out my new commute on the day off.

  13. Guzman

    First, thanks for the blog and of course for the giveaway. For the weekend first football with the kids and then bike and run training.

  14. Gildo

    Bike 180km on Saturday and 10km run on Sunday

  15. Christine OConnor

    I am trying to get back into shape after breaking my ankle so will struggle to complete a hilly 10K tomorrow morning and will then do a CrossFit O2 Max class (if I can still walk after the run).
    Will also try to ride my bike on Sunday…..

  16. Dan

    Its a fun filled weekend of Swimming, Biking and Running!

  17. Zach

    Been laid up with some ankle problems after a recent ultra but feeling better and will give some light running a shot.

  18. Bruno Resende

    Doing a 25k in both road and uphill/dirt track

  19. Laurie

    Moutain biking and road riding followed by a little running!

  20. david

    I plan on a glorious weekend of biking, running and swimming

  21. Quek Ee Meng

    Having a full marathon on 29 May 12:30am
    Move forward training to Thursday and Friday evening
    Thursday evening 30 min workout
    Friday evening 5 km run
    Saturday rest.

  22. Kyle Bodnar

    Aiming for a couple good rides after a busy week.

  23. Joel White

    Planning to hit up the Memorial Day Massacre ride in the hills near Boulder, CO. Its a whole lotta climbing and I’m a whole lotta classics type rider.

  24. Cristian Ungureanu

    Will complete my weekly running program I have on my Polar Flow. Short run on Saturday, Long Run on Sunday. Both very early in the morning.

  25. Brano Jacko

    Some running an biking with open water swim test for the first time in 2016 to get the feel for next week half im race

  26. Jesse Inskeep

    Brick training at a sprint tri distance on Saturday, mid-paced cycling club ride on Sunday, smoking some ribs on Sunday afternoon for the family and then a cross-fit workout on Monday. Can’t wait!

  27. Laura

    some yoga and a short bike as long as the weather holds up! Also a boat ride – that counts, right?

  28. Jeff Roth

    I’ll be breaking in my new smoker with a brisket and a pork shoulder accompanied by many 12 oz. curls.

  29. Mike J

    I’ll be combining an early morning fitness walk with my M400 and taking my dSLR to capture some Wisconsin farmland images. Hope I don’t capture any ticks along the way, I don’t like picking up hitchhikers. That Garmin 735 looks real interesting.

  30. Stephen Caldwell

    Heading out for a metric century ride with some friends, then BBQ to recover.

  31. twoxj

    It will be a long bike with a brick Saturday, long run on Sunday. Nothing fancy.

  32. Kyle

    10-12 mile long run on Saturday, rest Sunday, then 3x .5 mi intervals at 90-95% HRR. I’ll probably throw in some goblet squats and planks somewhere as well.

  33. Michael B.

    Normal training runs, then the Bolder Boulder 10K on Monday!

  34. Domingos Baia

    40km warm up ride early Sat then to the 2016 Warrior Dash Ontario , 80-100 km ride Sunday with a coffee stop. :)

  35. Fareed Daaim

    Rebooting my run with a 5k run after 3 weeks off due to bad knees. Age is catching up fast!

  36. Renee Ward

    Long run on Saturday followed by a bike ride on Sunday and burgers on Monday as we remember those who have served for our freedoms.

  37. jero

    Participate on an Olympic Triathlon (Cala Millor) on Sun 5th June in Mallorca ;)

    Thanks for the Giveaway!



  38. RO

    I’m focusing on strength training right now. Suffered really bad ITBS during marathon training 6 weeks ago, and I’ve decided not to run a marathon this weekend.

  39. Sawyer

    Volunteering by putting up flags on the graves of our US Veterans for Memorial Day weekend. Followed by a canyon ride on Sunday and dinner. Group ride on Monday.

  40. Bobby Le

    6-mile fun run for Autism support Saturday morning. 9-mile run to a bbq Sunday morning. 8-mile scenic run Monday morning.

  41. Jenn S.

    This weekend will include a long walk with the kids and some weight training. I love to do weighted squats while piggy-backing the toddler!

  42. Mike s

    5 miles through the neighborhood pushing the kids in a jogging stroller on Saturday. A one mile swim while pulling the kids in a small raft on Sunday. Monday is brisket on the smoker day with some 12oz curls.

  43. Chris

    just finished a short run 260d+, tonight its horseriding and tomorrow a 10k race. sunday time for some Zzz’s

  44. Marisa G

    Saturday is an 80 min run with short 30 min ride before. Sunday I’m doing some course recon for Deuces Wild 70.3 with a 3 hour bike ride. Monday is recovery swim and eat all the things. :)

  45. Mikael Tilly

    After running two half marathon last weekend (inkluding The Gothenburg half marathon at 1:26:08) and running my age (44k) this wednesday the 25th I will just do a couple of 10k runs.

  46. Robyn Kral

    7 Baseball games for my 14 year old in 48 hours will find me hitting the gym equipment at the hotel to get a training run in.

  47. Nathan Deck

    Nice long bike ride and finally getting to the pool! Du season over… bring on the tri’s!

  48. Ryan

    Have work over the weekend but hope to get a quick run in before work.

  49. Steve

    I had a 2100 yard swim this morning. Saturday has a scheduled 90 minute ride. Sunday is a 3 hour ride. Monday is a 2400 yard swim and an easy run. I will end it all with barbecue ribs on the grill Monday afternoon.

  50. Phil Wilson

    Leave the wife holding the baby and entertaining the 4YO and sneak off for a run. Hopefully.

  51. Bill Duke

    Training run for the Baltimore 10 miler next Sat.
    Mountain bike ride also.

  52. Sarah Putt

    We are removing our garage roof over the long weekend, so it looks like my arms and back will still get their workout.

  53. Henry Ng

    Most likely a easy LSD. A thunderstorm is coming, hope the weather works out well……

  54. Lorcan

    I’m planning on long run for Saturday then a chilled out bike ride exploring the Netherlands to relax on Sunday.

  55. John Lewis

    mountain bike steep climb intervals today
    Citibike NYC all weekend
    Run Brooklyn Manhattan bridge loop.

  56. Chris B

    A big gravel bicycle on Saturday then plan to run my motorcycle around the racetrack on Monday (with my Garmin Virb of course).

  57. Ryan Menze

    I’ll be racing in Bend on Saturday and then riding McKenzie Pass on Sunday (still car free!)

  58. Mark

    link to burlingtonrunners.com

    Doing the 50k – I should probably get around to checking out the course & directions to it sometime soon…

  59. Luis Iturralde

    Doing the Greek fest 5k on Friday, then on Sunday a Olympic triathlon, and Sunday an very easy ride and some awesome food

  60. Jeff Clowers

    I will be going to Yosemite with the family and will run as much as I can so I can bbq a lot :)

  61. Colin C

    My in-laws are coming in town to celebrate my Father-in-law’s 60th. So, lot’s of food and very little training…

  62. Joaquín Rey

    On Friday afternoon 3K swiming at my normal pace 02:00/100 metres. Saturday relax. Sunday 10 km running at my race pace. THanks RAinman

  63. Rawley Burbridge

    It’s a birthday weekend for me so I hope to play golf a couple of times, grill some good food, and I might squeeze in a ride or two if the weather holds out.

  64. Philip Hemmers

    Tomorrow a 5K. Sunday nothing. Monday start marathon training.

  65. Beaglebutler

    A bit of crossfit, a 5k run, possibly a long bike ride, and a lot of eating to exercise my digestive system.

  66. Olytri

    Easy 6 mile run, still recovering from a hip/hammy injury

  67. Josh Golomb

    A little riding, running, and grilling!

  68. Gryphon

    I will continue to fight through a nasty attack of allergies upon my sinuses by pedaling the beautiful roads of Northern California’s wine country.

  69. To accompany my best friend with a bike during his first 100+ km (220km) ultra race around the lake Balaton in Hungary called Ultrabalaton.

  70. Neil Donovan

    Doing my first ever sportive – 82km in the Danish countryside

  71. Ravi

    Recovering from Viral; Probably an easy recovery ride on Sunday

  72. Marc

    I have a long weekend as well with BBQ :)
    On Sunday my training plan is to do a long run of about 20 km

  73. Shannon

    Long ride in the hills of PA for me.

  74. Steve Gouveia

    I will swim 1 mile, after 50 minutes workout with weights and finally 2 miles running.

  75. Mihai

    I would like to start running again after slacking for 2 months. So I guess a 5km run will be my target for this weekend :D and I hope I win if the random generator here wants to :))

  76. Jared

    Most likely just some lazy rides

  77. Leaded

    Swim today, run on Sun, Grilled meat on Mon!

  78. Brian Reese

    Ride with my son on Sat, Ride on my own Sun, Beer and BBQ on Monday.

  79. Dan Lee

    Lots of climbing at tempo to prepare for a hillclimb in June

  80. Eric

    Planning on my first out of doors bike ride (~30 miles) tomorrow. Probably try a light job (returning from tendonitis) on Sunday.

  81. Samuel Villeneuve

    First an open water swim in the newly melted lake than hill repeats on the bike until I can’t push the pedals anymore!

  82. Alec Dinerstein

    Criteriums on saturday, sunday, and monday

  83. Running a ZwiftQuest event so that will be my training and hopefully the training for others too!

  84. Sean Owens

    First trip to the Alps cycling, Alpe D’huez just outside our door!

  85. Sms

    Its hopefully gonna be a long warm Weekend in southern germany… Did my mtb sessions and sa/sun will ne Running focused with 10ks Ohr something of the sorts

  86. Craig Beattie

    Attempting to get sub 40min at a local 10km race

  87. Jan Kelley

    I’m running and riding every day for a summer workout streak.

  88. Andrew

    Starting the weekend off with a short and sharp hills running session, followed by a nice long ride on Sunday!

  89. Amy Lucas

    Speed work, strength training, easy run.

  90. Alice

    Saturday I will be doing a fun, not too hilly, Century bike ride planned w/4 other friends. Sunday will be hill repeat day on my bike. Monday will be a 20 mile, flat bike ride in the morning with the local bike store.

  91. Sam

    Rest day for Saturday, then a long ride planned for Sunday morning!

  92. Joshua McLaughlin

    I get out of work early today so I’m planning a 30 mile bike ride in the park near me. Tomorrow a group of friends and I are weighing in for our summer weight loss challenge so I get to stuff my face with whatever for the day. Sunday long run of 8-10 miles followed by Sunday swimming in Lake Erie with my kids.

  93. Richard Elgar

    I’ll be doing a 5k run at Parkrun Saturday and then I’m doing the Outlaw half triathlon on Sunday in Nottingham

  94. Nicholas

    Ride the Truckee Triangle while my wife goes shopping. Should be fun! Then eat some hamburgers!

  95. Luciano Resende

    Also a long weekend in Brazil and the plan is to resume training, that is not happening too often.

  96. Jan Martijn M.

    Short run on Saturday and a long Ride on Sunday. Hopefully some bbq in the middle.

  97. Henrik

    Semi-long bike ride at a medium pace with Adam S… I mean myself.

  98. Phillip Partridge

    3 x 22 km (starting this evening) at an easy pace of 5:10 a km – training for longer distances.

  99. Anthony

    Long bike ride on Saturday to tomales bay then hiking at mt tam on Sunday

  100. Jared Havican

    Hopefully a long ride