A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Mike Boardman

    I’m running tonight, open water swimming in the New Forest tomorrow and then cycling the 100 miles up to the in laws for a BBQ!

  2. Johnny

    Completing the Strava Giro Challenge on the bike.

  3. Jens Hedström

    Gotta look after my kids all weekend but I’m hoping to get a run in on Sunday evening. Or maybe go for the first ow swim of the year!

  4. John K

    Friday: Long bike, drink wine
    Sat: Swim, drink wine
    Sun: Not sure, drink wine
    Mon: Drink wine

  5. Harry Roberts

    Trainer ride tonight, Long Ride Saturday, Group ride Sunday and the Memorial day ride on Monday.

  6. Daniel

    Darts. Football, Sweetheart, Running.

  7. Rouleur

    80 miles solo on Saturday with lots of hills, then 60 miles on Sunday with the club to rip up my legs even more!

  8. Bill Tunney

    Provided it doesn’t rain us out we have 100K club rides on both Saturday and Sunday. No long weekend for us in Canada.

    My wife is running her first Ultra (a 50K), so I’ll be going to cheer her in also.

  9. Elar

    One 60-90km ride and the rest of it is manual labour plastering and painting my new house….great workout and highly motivated!

  10. Rory

    I’m working all weekend, but plan to commute by bike everyday.

  11. Ryan

    ran a half marathon a couple weeks back, so i’m still in recovery/beer-drinking mode… which will come in handy this weekend

  12. Elaine Fung

    Easy 2 hour trail run on Saturday (if my ankle cooperates) and then a steep hike/climb up a local mountain Sunday.

  13. On the trainer most the time today and then watch the weather. With bad storms this week everything is little flooded so might do a lot of trainer riding. and few dirt roads with the Fat tire bike.

  14. Harvey

    So, that’ll be a solid weights session, two runs and a recovery BBQ.

  15. Charlie Ko

    Long group run Saturday, Tennis Sunday Morning!

  16. Mark Mc

    Long slow run around the beautiful cliffs at Howth on Saturday, and then charity Cycle on Sunday for local rugby club. Will have to squeeze in a bbq too!

  17. Paul

    some climbing training on saturday and a 100 km ride on sunday

  18. Squeegy

    Going for a mountain bike ride in actual mountains in Mexico. A change for this flatlander.

  19. Sam T

    Meeting up with good friends to ride the Mendip Hills (south-west England) on Saturday, then off to Wales on Sunday for a shorter but hillier spin :)

  20. Juhani

    2xrunning and disc golf

  21. Marten

    I’m gonna run the Brooks 10k run stravasegment in Amsterdam to make a chance to win a free entry for the actual race ;)

  22. Chris Yeung

    Hitting the single track with family. Aiming to set a new personal time and distance record (maybe elevation too).

  23. Ivo

    Since a car hit me hard yesterday this weekend my only plan is to rest, hope the bruised rib will heal soon.
    Bike will be fixed by the bike shop… but a new edge 1000 and helmet will be a great purchase if i win!

  24. Erik

    On Saturday a run in the dunes and on Sunday a long distance run.

  25. Eric T

    Long run with a long endurance swim thrown in and hopefully a kayak session!

  26. Dave

    Saturday: 1 mile swim, 40 mile ride

    Sunday: 10 mile run, 20 mile ride

    Monday: 10 Ribs, 5 Brats, 2 Burger Interval Repeats

  27. Mark

    Rest and relaxation over the holiday weekend, with a couple of runs sprinkled throughout.

  28. Leonard

    21.1k training for Marathon and beer/bbq

  29. Ollipekka Jaanisalo

    Friday evening is for a 2 hour ride with my road bike. Saturday is for entertainment and rest, and sunday is for a 120km mtb ride around a local lake called Roine with my fatbike. Gonna be an awesome weekend! And thank you for a great website, been reading your stories and reviews for a few years now. And good luck for the triathlon in Paris! :)

  30. Boris Lacik

    taper period for upcoming race next week.. just some 60k ride and a short run afterwards

  31. Todd M

    Endurance rides with my coach through a local national park.

  32. Sami

    More about grilling. Probably ribs, to put some meat on my ribs.

  33. Patrick Leegte

    Saturday morning a soccer tournament for the oldest and a birthday party sunday afternoon. Plan is to squeeze in a mountainbike session in between. Destination and length unknown

  34. Redo my FTP on TrainerRoad and then go out on Monday after a the BBQ on Sunday :)

  35. Brian

    Short 30 mile bike saturday , short run sunday, rest day monday

  36. Kale

    Yes, we will be celebrating the holiday, but not before I get my Triathlon training in. Bike Ride, Brick, and another run planned for the long weekend ahead! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  37. Rebecca G

    Just progressed from crutches to a cane! I’m excited to go fishing and bird watching this weekend while my husband runs. ;)

  38. Roser

    On Sunday I will run a half marathon wish me luck :p

  39. Andrew Clarke

    Lying around trying to get better, unfortunately.

  40. I plan on chasing my oldest on his bike while pushing my youngest in the jogging stroller. Probably 4 miles on Saturday.

  41. Chris Fox

    Saturday: 5 mile run + Core Workout + Yoga
    Sunday: 7 mile Long Run + Yoga
    Monday: Bike Ride + Core Workout

  42. Jeremy Grand-Scrutton

    No concrete plans, but hoping to get some time on the bike, and also getting my 4 year old out on his balance bike ahead of an impending transition to a pedal bike…

  43. Matt

    2 hr run on Saturday and 60mi bike on Sunday

  44. Callum O'Brien

    First ever half marathon on Sunday! Ever so slightly terrified.

  45. Hugues Parmentier

    Hi Ray,

    I live in Brussels, so no holiday on Monday, but:
    – 3 km swim on Saturday, and
    – Running the Brussels 20k (www.20kmdebruxelles.be) on Sunday !


  46. Matt S

    Referee two semi-pro soccer games.

  47. Max Bunker

    80 km bike,
    10 km run and
    family time!

  48. I wanna run 10km forest trail!

  49. Kenni Lund

    I just finished a Friday a 1o km fast run
    Saturday I’m playing 18 holes of golf
    Sunday I’m running a interval run from Polars new running program

    Now I’m going to have a Friday pint or six:-)

  50. Tony

    Tonight a 3/4 mile swim and a 4.5 mile run, tomorrow a 40 mile bike ride, sunday a mile openwater swim and a 10 mile run.

  51. Pat

    Running the Ottawa marathon Sunday, recover and slow down for a few weekd then onto training for the Philly marathon in November.!

  52. Thomas Strande

    50-55 miles bike ride either Saturday or Sunday, and extend the long weekend by doing a 200km greenway bike ride on Tuesday.

  53. Joe

    I just picked up the PowerPod power meter last week (based on your review!) so I’ll be putting some time in on the bike for sure!

  54. Max

    This weekend my swimming pool is opening after repairs, so I’m going to make it two swim days as the weather is going to be too hot for the outside training.

  55. Artur G

    I’ll be going out on a club ride on Saturday. We usually do roughly 90-95K at this time of year. Looking forward to that.

  56. Bernard

    A long ride at Z2 with 2 coffee breaks in between.

  57. Greg Penner

    Finally warm enough to ride outside here so, biking!

  58. Joshb

    This weekend we will be bringing my 18 month old son hiking and swimming. The little boy only wants to be outside its so awesome

  59. Robert

    Planning to complete Strava Giro challenge. Simply put.

  60. Anatoly

    Cycling in Bay Area all day long!

  61. Tom Wright

    I am in the middle of the Intermediate Cycling Plan from The Sufferfest. So I will be suffering this weekend! Then cooking out.

  62. Ranga Natarajan

    I have started training for my Fall marathons and and hoping to run this 5 to 10 mile this weekend before the barbecue and beer

  63. joe Hellenbrand

    going to take off for some exploring on a new trail today. Tomorrow I’m grabbing the kids and introducing them to a hilly trail near our home. Sunday will be pancake and hitting the pool. Monday will be moving my Brother In Law into his new home

  64. Jerry C

    Rest and recovery long weekend. Golf and BBQs.

  65. Hugo Noronha

    Next weekend I’m planning a Grandfondo

  66. Friday, saturday – recovery day.
    Sunday – race :) hard working day. Evening recovery ride.

  67. Adam Simek

    ? → ? → ?

  68. Gabe Dakowicz

    My training plans for this memorial day weekend have been drastically changed from what they were last year, as I was hit by a truck on May 10th fracturing my left humerus. Saturday I plan on going to a huge cookout with all a bunch of cool friends and Sunday I will spend 2 hours 30 min on the trainer, because you know, my humerus is not going to be in pain forever! Monday will consist of walking to the coffee shop with my girlfriend and enjoying being an American! Hopefully the sling will be off next week! :)

  69. Scott carvalho

    I will be on the bike as much as possible. Remodeling kitchen and tile guys are two days behind, the girlfriend is upset because her three day weekend is ruined, looks like the bike is the safest spot to be!

  70. Seth

    Probably a longish run at the beach and at least one ride.

  71. Scott D

    Trying to get back on the bike after 3 weeks of travel!

  72. Keith Rees

    Planning to ride 35-40 miles on Saturday, sneak in a leisurely family ride on Sunday and enjoy a nice BBQ with family and friends.

  73. MG

    Long run Saturday, long ride Sunday, grilling all the meat Monday

  74. Henrik Teinvall

    Recovering from a sore throat so easy bike and easy run this weekend….back on with training program on monday

  75. Matthew Burkey

    Today Going to try Rucking
    Saturday 2.5 hour bike ride
    Sunday 1.5 hr run at HR2

  76. Tom earls

    15 min warm up bike

    4 x (30min bike- quick T- 10.min run)
    Each brick @ higher intensity 1st @ 80-85%
    15 cool down bike

  77. HvG

    Starting my first ever marathon training schedule (right after completing the Brussels 20KM race).

  78. Bill

    Ride, ride, ride. And then ride some more.

  79. Rodolfo Duarte

    Sat: 10k run
    Sun: mountain bike
    All depends on the weather.

  80. Russell G.

    Long ride tomorrow
    Walk followed by pub lunch on Sunday
    Hill climb practice on Monday (it’s a long weekend in the UK too)

  81. Alan B.

    Our little girl is due on Monday, so we’re just planning on travelling to the hospital this weekend. :)

  82. David Keegan

    work, run, eat, drink, repeat

  83. Tim Corbeau

    I plan to do several short running outings in order to overcome my knee pain. Even some cycling depending on how my knee reacts. Happy sweating everyone!

  84. typically weekend for me, with a long ride on saturday and long run on sunday, gearing up for a couple June races

  85. Gunar

    On a weekend I plan to run for two hours on hilly env.

  86. Stu Alp

    I will be substituting a mountain bike race and road ride with studying and writing the final part of my pharmacy licensing exam!

  87. Javier

    Saturday will be a resting day and Sunday, long easy run. Most likely, on the road, but maybe I’ll do some trail running. Not decided yet.

  88. Scott

    Getting back on the road bike now that it’s fix and racing in the BolderBOULDER.

  89. Philipp

    Going on a long ride through the alps

  90. Patrick Shea

    I have a long run on Saturday of 12 miles

  91. Richard M

    Finally riding around in the hot weather here in the Northeast! I may also do my first ever bike-to-the-race, do the race and bike back, ~70 miles on Sunday. Monday-BBQ….which means bike…so I can eat more BBQ

  92. Felix Hagemann

    We headed to the lake for the weekend. Plenty of running trails for all distances!

  93. Alex

    Staying in the trainer and the treadmill.

  94. jan bauer

    Planning to ride north of Galway on Saturday and spin with local club on sunday. It shuld be sunny so need to make most of it.

  95. Paw

    A round of golf Saturday and hopefully a run, need to test my new Vivoactive HR :-)

  96. Praying for good weather on Sunday so I can ride & read – hit up the forest and do some relaxing in the (hopeful) sunshine :)

  97. Mark

    Hoping to get my first long trail run since w move house and my daughter was born. If that can’t happen – road running with the stroller.

  98. I am hoping to go for a 30 mile or so gravel ride.

  99. Pramot Thakarn

    Running 10k Saturday and swimming 100 laps Sunday. Ranong , Thailand.

  100. Devi

    13k run on saturday
    100k ride on sunday