A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Riley Enders

    Couple of runs and a long bike ride this Memorial Day weekend. Some stretching etc. A few hot dogs.

  2. Alex Pointon

    Physiotherapy appointment and pity party

  3. Eric Gross

    Hopefully going to get a long ride in (or two)!

  4. Emiliano

    Today 14km at 4:55 min/km. On Saturday an easy 60min jog and Sunday something between 15 and 18km.

  5. Rik

    Long weekend in the UK as well! Hoping to do some interval training over the weekend!

  6. Keith Pearlman

    My first sprint tri is next saturday. Going to try to get in an open water swim this weekend if possible.

  7. Tom

    Long day on bike!

  8. Sirapat Konkham

    Physical therapy because got knee injury

  9. Matthew

    Running a 5K on Saturday, then BBQ on Monday.

  10. Mads Sørensen

    Two interval sessions to bring down my 5 K time….

  11. Paul Lee

    Running around chasing my son. Hopefully I can burn a few clarifies that way.

  12. William mcanirlin

    Looking at a preride of the course I am doing in July, tonight is a rest day (mow the lawn), and then sunday is probably a rest/family day, with a long run avoiding any parades for monday.

  13. Rob Ferguson

    200km round London as I don’t want to pay £50 for the train; and a swim in my in-laws newly unveiled (and log awaited) outdoor pool after to recover.

    Also may short sprint intervals chasing after my toddler.

  14. Bo

    Tomorrow I will train shoulders and then hit the treadmill. Sunday is leg day followed by work. Monday is relaxation time.

  15. Pawel

    bike (200 km), run (20km) (split for two days randomly) and house cleaning as strength and core training

  16. Todd Osterberg

    Fri: 1h run
    Sat: 5h ride, ROTB for 20 mins
    Sun: trampoline assembly for kiddos (avoiding doghouse by getting this done)
    Mon: Pool and track workouts

  17. Patrick cann

    Short run and some mountain biking.

  18. Sam Olson

    10 mile tempo, a long run of 18-19 miles, and some beer to counter those gains

  19. Borja Irezabal

    I wiil go for a 3k swimming on sat and a little of bike son sunday.

  20. 10K on a runway strip in Northern Alaska

  21. Scott

    Probably some sprints and some kettlebells.

  22. Stefan

    I’ll do it like our famous swimmer Thomas Lurz from Würzburg is saying: “You always have to push!” So regardless how the weather will be: I have to push :D

  23. Andy

    6 hr z2 ride… getting ready for Ironman Vineman!

  24. Bertrand

    It’s Paris triathlon this week-end (well I’m only swimming in a team of 3). Apart from that, not much training planned…

  25. Jake VanDewater

    Long gravel bike rides

  26. Dom

    *Tennis: every day.
    *Run: Mon / Wed / Fri – AM
    *Warm Weights: Tue / Thu

    *SHOOTING: Sat
    *BBQ & BEER: Sun

  27. David

    Going to do a 2 hour endurance ride on Saturday and 1:15 min ride Sunday.

  28. Mario Lira Junior

    Did 25km today at a veritable snail pace, but what the heck still my first 25km… Will do a 10km obstacle race Sunday

  29. Stephane Zambon

    First group session for the Paris 20km on Saturday, and helping a friend moving on Sunday.

  30. Shawn

    Long weekend because of Memorial Day, so the plan is a long run Saturday, then Sunday I’ll do strength training at the gym, and then hopefully on Monday if the weather holds out I’ll get some seat time on the bike. Thanks as always for the giveaways.

  31. Edu

    I swim today, run tomorrow and bike on Sunday

  32. Ben

    2 hour, zone 1/2 bike ride on Saturday.

  33. Michael Casey

    Working on hiking all 35 Catskills peaks over 3,500 feet.

  34. Chris Portman

    Hoping to get in a 60 mile bike ride – weather isn’t looking like its going to cooperate.

  35. Mario Ritschard

    Well, I’ll do some runs to prepare for my first attempt for 100k @ Bieler Lauftage.

  36. Adam Peterson

    Easy five mile run and some yoga!

  37. Vince Schaper

    Last weekend of training before Honu! Taper and fly to kona on Monday.

  38. Kevin Morice

    Already done a short brick today.

    Tomorrow is a rest day.

    Sunday is the Scottish Aquathlon Championships. My first Championship race as a Veteran. 750m swim in 10 degC loch and then 5k round a purpose-built scenic triathlon venue.

    Then marshalling on the Sunday afternoon for the Scottish Triathlon Relay Champs.

  39. Stephen Hughes

    Training runs for a 24 hour relay race in a few weeks time. Repeated runs at intervals throughout the day. Joy!

  40. Flemming Vind

    This weekend will be warm for a change in Denmark . Planing to do a 15mile run and some strength exercises.

  41. Brandon Cave

    Last long ride and run before taper!!!! Woohoo

  42. Kris

    Hill intervals on Saturday, and a fasting spin on Sunday. Monday is reserved for hardening my stomach with some hefty BBQ. Totally helps fight the stomach issues often encountered when eating far too much sugary cycling food, according to my unscientific opinion.

  43. Lisa R

    Catching up on training after 2 weeks on vacation – Time to swim, bike, and run.

  44. Nina Portman

    Going to get back in the pool this weekend!

  45. Will Mann

    Celebrating the wife’s birthday with a century ride tomorrow morning, then a cookout tomorrow night.

  46. Will Nickell

    Two mountain bike rides and a day of smoking beef brisket!

  47. Juris Rats

    Morning run, 8 km on Saturday,
    Morning run, 12 km on Sunday
    MTB ride 20km on Sunday afternoon

  48. Sara

    Running in my first Tri soon (at age 50). Will be nervously getting the bike off the trainer and on the road.

  49. Gilles Dessureault

    Friday: Run
    Saturday: Run
    And sunday: More running

  50. Acd

    100 miles on the bike tomorrow. Pub. Long run Sunday. Pub.

  51. Reader

    18 km easy run, 50-60 km cycling.

  52. Micah Brafford

    Smoking some Memphis Style Ribs helps keep the power threshold

  53. Sandra

    Recovery from injury by trying not to eat too much. And probably mowing the grass. Cheers.

  54. Steven

    3 day mountain biking trip in moab

  55. Rob

    Some bbq’ing on Monday, with several iterations of indoor cycling to offset!

  56. Felix Köster

    Helping friends build a playtower for his child..

    Some small mountainbiking and/or running depending on time

  57. Myles Matteson

    Likely a century tomorrow then another hundred over Sunday and Monday with a run and swim thrown in too depending on the weather.

  58. Khanh Le

    I planned for Global5k from RunKeeper this weekend and World Running Day from Strava after that

  59. Jimmy Smith

    Ill be doing a variety of workouts this weekend. Mostly eating and drinking but will squeeze in some other fun too.
    Mountain Bike Saturday
    BBQ Beer
    Murph on Monday (1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 air squats, 1 mile run)

  60. Sean Ostermann

    Back into training after running the Fargo half last week. Nice easy ramp up starting tomorrow. Hope to get some riding in as well.

  61. Patrick Young

    Hiking today, hopefully group ride Saturday morning, then work Sun/Mon

  62. spiessr

    My plans are running for my 2nd marathon within a week.

  63. Daniel Orban

    Saturday: 1,5 hour MTB (EN – VO2Max -REC)
    Sunday: 5 hour MTB XCM race

  64. Richard Hambrick

    Sat. 70 mile Ride, 25 min run
    Sun 1 hour 15 min run.

  65. PaulEA

    3hs ride with 1000+ elevation gain and 1h open water swim in Meditarraneo sea.
    Sunday transition bike+run

  66. German Merino

    On Saturday 1500mt swim an 15krun and sunday 40k bike

  67. Dawn A. Lester

    OWS clinic Saturday morning followed by an hour run. 2 hour ride on Saturday followed by a Nats game. OWS practice in the mountains of VA followed by a short run and BBQ!

  68. Chad

    Saturday: Short Bike-Run Brick workout; Sunday: long ride; Monday; Long swim

  69. Vincent Karsten

    Going for a bike ride and a short run to test out if my foot is fully recovered after get injured a week ago.

  70. I am likely to go out cycling or running this weekend and I coudl really use that credit to replace my old Garmin 910XT.

  71. Slow Old Goat

    Practice for next weekends Ride 2 Recovery

  72. Raymond Bailey

    Volunteering for the Buffalo Marathon, continuing IM training and BBQ. Good things come in three.

  73. Max Müller

    Easy gym program for Sunday ?

  74. Samuel Pérez

    The tipical Sunday training program is being at “the casa de campo” at 9:00 run for 1 hour , and then have a breakfast with the friend at the shore of the lake….. energizing for the rest of the week!!!


  75. Kevin

    If rain holds off, I hope to get in some club group rides.

  76. Diego

    First day out in the “woods” for trail running preparation

  77. Stefan

    150km Ride Saturday
    30km Run Sunday

  78. Annette

    Doing a race simulation prep for the upcoming Escape from Alcatraz, inlcuding ocean swim in the Pacific Northwest

  79. Marco

    Saturday – 16k long run in the morning, then 1.5k swim with drills
    Sunday – Brick simulation

  80. Greg Lyons

    Saturday spin. Sunday a nice long ride in Austin. Fun all weekend.

  81. Matt

    A 15k run with friends this Saturday and nothing else planned atm.

  82. 3 hour Run on Saturday
    95 mile ride/ 8 mile brick on Sunday :)

  83. Eduardo Fiallos

    A couple of long runs. Or riding. Depends on the rain that is currently in town visiting.

  84. Will Scott

    I plan to swim, cycle, run and kayak this long weekend. Good weather for all activities, finally!

  85. Brian Dickens

    Ride the Texas hill country with friends

  86. Giuseppe Paoletti

    I’m going to do a 50km tour / 1500 mt D+ in mountain bike with some friends! Hope the weather will be nice?
    Cheers from Italy!!!

  87. Andras

    long brick session on saturday and some light swimming on sunday!

  88. Don B.

    More of a fun ride planned, but zwift if the weather doesn’t cooperate or I don’t have the time for more.

  89. Jason

    Saturday easy swim in Lake Lanier and long run on Sunday and picnic/barbecue at the park.

  90. If my achilles mellows out, I’ll be going for a trail run.

  91. Simon juul

    Fundraiser run on saturday with the kids , to raise money for a “artificial grass ” soccer field :-) going to be great fun.

  92. Fabio

    Finding a suitable Hike in the hills of Oltrepo’ Pavese in Italy!

    (I hope a 25Km this time)

  93. Russ Lilley

    I am running the RRCA State Championship 1 mile on Memorial Day, Looking forward to it.

  94. Bartek

    100k night ride with @ ca. 150BPM on Saturday

  95. John

    R&R at many BBQ’s

  96. Guillermo

    Plan on doing a 5k on Saturday, hopefully a nice long bike ride on Sunday, and if time permits, another good ride on Monday. Hopefully some top golf too.


  97. Ian

    Sat – 3hr easy bike and 1hr aerobic run
    Sun – 4hr bike with efforts

    and browsing clever training in between for the 735xt and 520 I’m debating on purchasing along with a long list of other goodies!

  98. Evan

    Whatever I can get in between shifts

  99. David

    Last long run (20+ miles) tomorrow before Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, MN in June

  100. RudolfvdWerf

    10 mile run, BBQ on sunday