A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Morten Klingenberg

    Not too much actually, just finished my first marathon this Sunday in Copenhagen in 23-25 degrees. Official time: 3:30:19

    I think I’ll treat myself with a couple of beers enjoying the big carnival in Aalborg :-)

    Training will start again Monday :-)

  2. Kat Lundgren

    Really long, low intensity, time in the saddle rides over the course of three days with a goal of 150+ miles breaking-in the new bicycle. As long as the weather cooperates.

  3. Curtis Ferree

    My training plans for the weekend: 6 easy run on Friday, 6 mile run on Saturday with 3 miles at tempo, Sunday 8 mile easy run. Monday is for grilling and beer.

  4. Continuing training for IM70.3 Dublin – short 5k easy run on Saturday followed by a monster 70k bike & 10K run bric on Sunday!

  5. Peter Speight

    Training plan for this weekend will be to survive a flight with my 10 month old son back to Toronto on Saturday, and then hopefully get a ~90-100k ride on Sunday

  6. Quentin van Marcke de Lummen

    40 miles rolling hills tomorrow, chilling on Sunday and Liege-Bastogne-Liege on my Tacx Vortex on a rainy Monday.

  7. Amanda

    Taking it easy with an hour run on Sunday before BBQing

  8. David Van Hove

    I’ll go for a 12K run (mostly through the woods) on saturday morning.
    Sunday is filled with my youngest son’s swimming class and eating birthday cake with the family for the older son in the afternoon!

  9. As the mountainbiketrail is closed because of national championships my training focus will be on strength training TRX, burpes that kind of thing. Kind of boring, but a lot of fun when you mix it with 20 times 45 sec work 15 sec break. Maybe I can squeeze in a litte trail running between strength training and finishing my master-degree paper.
    Sunday it’s all about watching the national champs in the local woods.

  10. Henrik Engert

    Tapering training program for this weekend due to a Triathlon on Monday! Just some short running.

  11. Matias Gonzalez

    Yes!!! Finally I can say what I’m really doing this weekend! BBQ!!!!

  12. R. G.

    Long run tomorrow. Last one before my 100k trail run next weekend!

  13. Steve

    Running a 5k tomorrow as a training run (but the crowd will probably push me to race… we will see what happens) and then whatever mileage I can squeeze in on the TM since I’m solo parenting this weekend. Should be fun!

  14. Michael

    Currently in Alaska on business, so looking to enjoy the trails out here and get some miles in! (Followed by enjoying a local brewery)

  15. Tim

    A local tri friend hosts a party every Memorial Day and Labor Day — it usually involves at least a small amount of cycling, running and lake swimming (he lives on a lake), so we shall see which of them get attention :)

  16. Steve!

    Saturday: long cycle ride in the Carolina hills.

  17. Ken Clark

    Bike/Run brick on Saturday, long run Sunday, then Tri Course Preview Ride on Monday.
    And unfortunately a lot of work around the house

  18. Bill Gay

    A weekend of no running. Just walking around San Diego visiting the town.

  19. William

    10km run in Cape Town, on the beautiful Atlantic Seaboard! You can’t beat it!

  20. Shawn Hime

    I plan to get outside for a nice long ride and hopefully, the weather holds!

  21. Rohit Surya

    My plan is to ride ateast 20 miles this weekend! I am starting to ride and excited about it and ofcourse enjoy some good BBQ and kick back during memorial day weekend. Your website has been of great help. thanks for all that you do!

  22. Markus

    Long runs in the Parc Naturel Régional du Pilat near Lyon

  23. Mowing a 1000m2 lawn (Yay metric system, I’m european).
    Doing a session on the kickr while my son takes his afternoon nap on saturday, and doing a long run on sunday.
    Maybe a family swim if we can fit it in somewhere in between (juggling kids counts as core stability in my book ;-))

  24. Xavier

    I am moving this weekend but ill make sure to find some time and go out for a bike ride and discover my new training spots for the future!

  25. Mike S

    Just getting back to running after recovering from surgery. I am hoping to get a 5 mile run in this weekend.

  26. Nic D

    3x1500m swim and 2.5 hr ride on Sat, 90min run on Sun, weights and light ride on Mon.

  27. M Ware

    Looking to get in 2 long rides in preparation for 100 miler in Minnesota next month.

  28. Tim Wood

    Doing a race on Memorial day

  29. Craig Santelman

    The plan is to BBQ and ride bikes – lots of bikes!

  30. Joseph McLeod

    I’m planning on riding tomorrow morning then going to the pool. Running Sunday morning then possibly moving, then riding Monday morning!

  31. Kenneth Lim

    10k Trial Run on Sat and a hosting a long ride for my cycling club on Sun

  32. Paul

    A nice long bike ride, please some running!

  33. Dave

    Last few days of a peak training block as ironman at the end of June. Next week is an easy week!

  34. charles le gall

    2H of tempo on Trainerroad saturday, 10k run race on sunday morning then 2h30 easy bike on the afternoon !
    Big week end :)

  35. MattBombHead

    Saturday – 5k at ParkRun (looking for a PB
    Sunday – approx 60miles on the push bike training for RideLondon


    Long run on Sunday and Murph on Monday.

  37. Start the training for the next marathon. There are 4 more ahead this year :-)
    Long jog, BBQ, long jog, BBQ, long jog, BBQ is the weekend program

  38. Steve Hardy

    Recovery Running and Riding <1 hour or so Post Ironman Texas. Paddle Boarding and some fermented cold beverages.

  39. Michal

    Saturday: either tempo training (20-30 mins of warmup, then 4×10 mins in zone 3 followed by 3 mins rest and then some cool-down) or a group ride with whatever the group does. Sunday is a longer run, but since it’s after my injury, I’ll only run about 90 mins in zone 2 with some intervals (4x1min/1min) at the beginning, in the middle and at the end.

  40. Jessica

    Long run of one hour (trying out running for time intead of distance with a Garmin half marathon training plan) and then for crosstraining maybe a long bike ride to have a picnic at one of our beaches if it stops raining! I’m also doing a treadmill run tonight because I have to pick up my membership card from the gym I just signed up for.

  41. Heather Agnew

    Got a 6 mile run planned for Saturday and another 4-5 miler for Monday.

  42. Peter Wellsman

    Training is on hold for the weekend as I’ll be working at a MTB race then a Tri the next day, might get a run in sometime on the weekend….

  43. Vincent vaucelle

    A short warm up swim before a club race (3 x 1km with 10 rest between each) on Saturday and on Sunday, group outing to the Buddha on Lantau island (close to Hong Kong) passing by a climb called the beast.

  44. Ubaldo

    I will be doing a few short runs and lots of pool time with my kids!

  45. Greg Klimaytis

    Hamden Hills 1/2 Marathon on Saturday, beers on Sunday

  46. Going to a nice cabin in the woods and make some miles in nature instead of the big city I live in.

  47. Dan Bouchard

    Friday, short 3 mile run
    Saturday, 8 miles at half marathon pace
    Sunday – 90 mins run
    Monday – 5 easy miles

  48. Michele pedalepazzo

    In Saturday I will leave from Milan and I will bike towards the south of Italy till I reach Lecce in Apulia, 4 days later and 1050km later! Pretty good training plan :)

  49. FrankG2

    First, beat this cold. Last long run before race in a week. Bike miles a plenty and much respect for memorial day.

  50. Colin Foe-Parker

    Enjoy the start of taper for 70.3 Hawaii!

  51. Andrew Evans

    BBQ Sunday
    Run off the food Monday

  52. William Hunt

    Prep for Alcatraz!
    Saturday – Long ride on Blue Ridge Parkway. Hills!
    Sunday – Hill repeats. :(
    Monday – Easy bike, trail run.

  53. jeremy gauss

    I plan on doing some MTBing , kayaking and BBQing this weekend.

  54. andrew

    a couple 30 mile bike rides; a hike and some good fun from there

  55. Dennis

    Short run tomorrow and brick session the day after.

  56. Jamie M

    Long run today and long ride tomorrow. Rest on Sunday.

  57. Iain Logan

    Friday – Lake swim tonight – new wetsuit to test
    Saturday – Box Hill and back 70 mile bike then get daughters to 3 different birthday parties
    Sunday – Swim and run home before making pancakes. Will probably need to cut the grass based on the unseasonal sunny weather in the UK
    Monday – pack and travel to Lanzarote for week long family holiday. Got outline permission to hire a bike out there for 1 day

    Enjoy your weekend Ray


  58. Giedrius

    Swim, a lot of swim, I mean really a lot!!!

  59. Steen Sadolin

    A long bike ride and some Giro on tv ;-)


  60. Michael Behr

    20 minute warm up
    4 x 20 minutes fast (90% FTP)
    10 Minutes easy
    Immediately after bike4 Miles
    at ½ marathon pace
    8 miles Sunday with out 4 and back faster
    run on Monday and BBQ

  61. My plans are to enjoy the last day of LREC2016 (Language Resources and Evaluation Conference) on Saturday, after that go for a swim in the Adriatic sea and/or the pool and perhaps go hiking/geocaching in Portorož and Piran, Slovenia :)

  62. Jean

    I planned to run around 15k in the woods on sunday, and maybe a quick 5k run on monday before my early plane to NYC

  63. Patrick

    Just a 10k run. Not training for a race right now!

  64. Stephen Allison

    Having hurt my back in a race two weeks ago I will be taking my first ride since then. Fingers crossed that my back will hold up! If all goes well, I may even try a run

  65. JFH

    Bike, run, eat & drink, then rinse and repeat for two more days.

  66. Richard

    A mix of getting kids to birthday parties but squeezing in a short run on Saturday and a long ride – about 3 hours on Sunday afternoon.

  67. Alasdair

    A final weekend run before a half marathon next weekend!

  68. ftk

    Hopefully put a 100 miles or so on the bike

  69. Christophe Martens

    Seeing as the weather doesn’t look very promising in Belgium I’ll have to make the most of my time which means a 2-3h ride on saturday morning with hill repeats (10x +/-30s) and some sprint efforts along the river on the way back home.

    If the weather permits, I’ll try to squeeze in a running session on sunday morning (6-7km).

  70. Nikos Tsirimiagos

    starting again after long injury, probably an easy run of 5k

  71. Dan Palmer

    I am going to do a long easy run with my dog, Woody, and another run with some hard race pace efforts to get ready for a Tri next weekend. Then of course fill my face with hot dogs, burgers and beer!

  72. Sean Lally

    Going to National Ultimate Frisbee championship to watch my son play and probably bbq too. ;^)

  73. Angus Jeffrey

    I’m looking forward to a wet Saturday ride around the river!

  74. Jyrki P.

    easy swim, half marathon as training race and long bike ride

  75. Chris

    Bike tomorrow. Run Sunday. Eat Monday

  76. Ian Darling

    Saturday long ride. Sunday calls for rain so Trainer road indoor ride.

  77. Emil Schjott

    Getting in some much needed rest sets after putting in serious work this past month. Well deserved I think.

  78. Yuriy

    Saturday: AM Swim 1500 m, Sprint Intervals; PM Bike 1:15 hrs, hill work, short intervals in HR Zone 5
    Sunday: PM Long run in HRZ 1

  79. Ian

    I’m still trying to get back into the swing of things after an injury, so if I can manage to make myself sweat a couple of times I’ll be happy.

  80. Brian Owens

    Heading up to visit family for the weekend. Will squeeze in a quick run Sunday and a longer ride Monday.

  81. Axel Robitz

    Traveling to London and book some kilometres in England. Just to have English runs in Garmin Connect.

  82. Ryan

    Planning to do 72 miles on Sunday, and go for a Zwift workout on Monday.

  83. Chuck Sloan

    Saturday is a 4:30 trainer ride followed by 30 min run. Sunday is 1:45 run. Monday is 5k Race with baby jogger followed by beer and brats! Happy Training!

  84. Darren bell

    skiddaw fell – uk lake district – mtb ride up and down – it’s a long weekend for us in the UK too!!

  85. Dimitrios Athanasiadis

    Saturday: 60 miles bike Sunday: a long run of up to 15miles. I think its enough for the weekend

  86. Luis

    I’ve been taking huge walks lately in order to recover from injury. I’m going to try and run some miles this weekend for the first time in months

  87. Sascha

    I’m going for a 4 hour ride tomorrow followed by a sweet short 40 min interval run.

  88. Rob Forshaw

    Starting my final build for Ironman Mont Tremblant! 14 mile run on Saturday and 100 mile ride followed by 5 mile brick on Sunday!

  89. Chris

    Race weekend!

    A road and TT on Saturday, a second road race on Sunday, and a crit on Monday. For extra bonus points, it’s supposed to be heavy rain all weekend.

    • Graham

      Day 5-7 on the road to Omaha Olympic Championships. After qualifying I am taking it a day at a time. this weekend, I will be doing a hilly 64mi bike called the marshall wall, a swim workout with my masters swim team and two lsd (the runner meaning not the drug meaning) runs.

  90. Markus Zurberg

    Hill training on Saturday (you only get better at doing hills by doing hills) and club ride on Sunday

  91. Luke Boswell

    Long run Sunday, beach with the kids on Saturday. Swim on Monday.

  92. Joe

    no plans in particular just riding my bike.

  93. Doug B.

    Some nice easy runs while on vacation.

  94. Oliver Bird

    testing my bruises ribs on a bike/run/row after a hard Tough Mudder last weekend!

  95. Andrew

    Ride my bike for the next four days hour to hour and half for each ride. To get the motivation to start training for the Pittsburgh to DC ride.

  96. Bart

    On Sunday 1/2IM in Poland :)

  97. XLrunner

    Nice long bike ride on WO&D on Saturday and then some hill work on Sunday. Memorial Day easy bike meander around the memorials. Third time and it would be a tradition.

  98. Rob

    5k, attend a wedding, attend a college graduation bbq

  99. Rebecca R.

    A hilly century!

  100. Murray

    Trying to get myself back after a prolonged spell of post-sprint-marathon laziness.