A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Patrick Smith

    Today will be my first swim in a few months… we’ll see how that goes. Then I’ll try to get some runs in during weekend events.

  2. D Norris

    Short training run Saturday morning, then hopefully road trip with a friend to a state park later in the day for some hiking.

  3. MartinF

    No hard plans, just a 6 mile base run and some rest and recovery. Just coming back from a hamstring issue.

  4. Stephen Kilbourn

    I plan to bike long on Saturday with some friends, and then a Sunday run/swim/church/ pool party brick

  5. Scott layher

    Long run tonight and then spend time with family. I plan on eating until I explode. Then return to reality on Monday and get out on my bike.

  6. David Tunney

    Cycling in the Wicklow hills

  7. Blake Sills

    Will do a 6 mile run tomorrow, 9 miles Sunday, and 4 miles Monday. Hopefully squeeze in an hour bike ride in at some point too.

    Will be smoking a brisket on Monday… can’t wait.

  8. Dustin

    A few runs while I’m traveling for a friend’s wedding. I’m hoping to get an open water swim in on Monday, but the lakes on the East Coast are still pretty cold.

  9. Cheryl Gundy

    First outdoor swim of the season will be this weekend!

  10. I´m planing to trail run my longest distant ever this weekend.

  11. Zambezi Boy

    Going out on a 10 km run after a 3 km warm up with my wife who needs to put her new M400 through its paces.

  12. Tonight: easy loops of the F1 track (~60k)
    Tomorrow: easy 90k of flats if weather holds
    Sunday: 150k gravel race/event

    Also: weekend training plans involve shining the race steed. ;)

  13. Yaw Wei Ow

    Couple of lunchtime runs in the scorching Singapore afternoon and some planks at night!

  14. Oleg

    Swim on Saturday, then some yard work in the garden. Long bike ride on Sunday. Monday is a day off.

  15. Adam

    Honoring the fallen by doing the Murph workout tomorrow morning at my local box.

    link to themurphchallenge.com

  16. Simon Massey

    Bank holiday in UK, so means another 24hrs for road cycling.

  17. 30km along the river path as part of training for my first ultra!

  18. On sunday, I am planning a 60km bike-ride (hopes the weather will work with me) and on monday evening I have a track-run planned. Got I love the weekend (oh no, I am a triathlete)…

  19. Jonathan

    Long run Sunday!

  20. Lester Li

    Just a few short runs, lost of BBQ and house work.

  21. Marko

    Bike race

  22. chris

    I’m going to run my long run late Saturday because I have a bunch of family commitments in the day and am giving my wife the day off form our three boys so I have them to myself from the moment I wake up until dinner.

  23. Vickie

    This weekend (Memorial weekend in the US), I’ll be trail running at altitude on Sat, snowboarding on Sun, and then hiking on Mon. Cannot wait! Wahoooooo!

  24. MaxFury

    10k run followed by Indy 500 followed by hot dogs and beer

  25. Scott

    Recovering from a bad crash. Training the beer curls and fork lifts. :(

  26. Antonis Spanakis

    Probably a two hour bike ride and half an hour run.

  27. nakia buenaventura

    Lake swim and bike ride with my kids getting ready for their triathlon next weekend!

  28. Jose Luis Agapito

    I plan to do 3 workouts, one a bit longer in the weekend (12k or so)

  29. Ian Cassidy

    Saturday TT
    Sunday RR
    Bring the pain ?

  30. Adam

    2.5 hr ride, 90 min run, swim and tiling a bathroom!

  31. Roberto

    Long run on Saturday, hoping for a good weather here in Ireland!

  32. hollyoak

    Quick run tomorrow and then a race on Sunday inside Paris, the one you did last year ;-)

  33. LukeH

    This weekend I will be doing a 5k TT run tomorrow morning followed by a long ride
    There will be a swim and a long run on Sunday and then on Monday (because its a holiday in the UK too) there will be another long ride and probably a swim as well.
    Other than that just relaxing really. Love a long weekend.

  34. Vincent

    Nothing planned besides recovering from injury….

  35. Ab Brody

    Still recovering from the Brooklyn Half where I PR’d and right before the Chase Corporate Challenge on Wednesday so probably a light weekend with a few easy runs.

  36. Thomas Fillaud

    Hi there,

    My plan is just trying to rest and enjoy my family.
    Oh, and run au 10km in competition :-)

    Thanks for this giveaway

  37. I am not really planning anything big this weekend, maybe an easy spin or something, as next Friday I am off to the Pyrenees for a 9 day long self-supported duo ride of 930 km and 18000 m of elevation gain, so now I am in the phase of preparing 100% fresh and ready legs.

  38. Sean Sloan

    Rain all weekend,so I’ll be spending my weekend pedaling around Watopia

  39. Josh W

    Swim today, ride/short run Saturday, run Sunday, and then set up tent(s) in the backyard for the inaugural South Philly Memorial Day Backyard Campout.

  40. Peter

    Planning a bike ride to the beach and a bbq by the pool.

  41. Michael W

    Sat – 26.2 mile training run
    Sun – 4 (or so) mile recovery run
    Mon – Eating and drinking

  42. CJ

    Hike, avoid the rain, maybe surf, maybe take in some roller derby!

  43. Phil A

    Not completely sure, since the workouts have not been setup, but should be:
    Swim Tonight
    Bike Tomorrow
    Run on Sunday
    Swim on Monday

  44. Jon

    No time available for training this weekend :(

    so I did it all today instead :)

  45. Mathew

    Brick on Saturday or Sunday, a day off and a short cycle on the other day. All depends on the weather as I haven’t used my bike much recently so not very confident with it on wet roads. Looking forward to my first ever tri in a month.

  46. Laurent Fargeton

    Nothing spectacular!! Just having a good mothers’day meal after sunday training

  47. Ricardo Morais

    40k MTB on Saturday
    70km Road on Sunday

  48. I and a friend plan on doing hill-repeats on Vallåsen as a preparation for Bydalen mountain marathon. Will probably squeeze in some MTB and skateboarding too.

  49. I have a “long” 8 miler planned for Saturday!

  50. Michael Gagliano

    A spin on Saturday, and an FTP test on Sunday…

  51. Charlie G

    I’ve been working 90+ hour weeks, so I’m hoping to just get outside for a ride at all!

  52. Rich M

    Sat: Cycle, Outdoor Swim, Cycle, maybe a short run..?
    Sun: attempt the Leith Hill Octopus :-) :-o
    Mon: Recover

  53. R.J.

    My training plan this weekend is to go on an easy 4 mile run Saturday and mountain biking on Sunday.

  54. Jim D

    Swim workout Saturday, long bike Sunday, long run Monday!!!

  55. Mathieu

    Saturday I’ll start with a duathlon with my running-group. Sunday I’ll take my MTB again to cross through the nearby forest! :) Looking forward to it!

  56. Element

    Training hard for my upcoming enduro race the next weekend

  57. Huy Nguyen

    Finish off a base-building 78-mile week from Pfitz 18/85 and then dread doing Mesocycle 1 two more times in the next 12 weeks.

  58. If I’m feeling up for it, a parkrun (that’s a non-competitive 5k “race”) on Saturday followed by some extra miles in the afternoon.
    A mountain run on Sunday, probably about 15 very hilly miles.

  59. Daniela S.

    No specific training plan for this weekend, but I would like to go out for a nice hike and a bike ride, followed by BBQ and ice cream. Have a great weekend everyone!

  60. Nikolay Arhangelov

    Have a short run-swim-run challenge.

  61. Ben

    We are taking the family out for more bike rides and runs since the pool is closed for the long weekend.

  62. Stefan Wallström

    Slow 14k. Preparing for Stockholm Marathon next weekend.

  63. Neil Buckman

    Last ‘long’ ride, swim and run before Ironman France. That and getting my baby packed and ready for her first holiday!

  64. Steve Baldwin

    In NYC to visit family so got to be a tempo run around Central Park! Humidity’s going make it a killer though!

  65. arnul

    Sansego trainer ride 60 minute, 5K run…and no swimming as the pool is closed for renovation ?. Recover with avocado egg toast and yes, hopefully some bbq

  66. Ja'far

    Sa 7 mi
    Su 1 h walk

  67. Robert Newton

    Tomorrow, Saturday, I’ll be doing a steady zone 2 50 mile ride, then on Sunday there’s no training but we’re off to see Harry Potter with the kids.

  68. Saturday I will probably do a short run.
    Sunday I will do a long bike ride with a criterium race sandwiched in there (winston-salem cycling classic)
    Monday I will get in an open water swim and a run. Also, help my parents move some stuff around the area.

  69. Mark

    Playing Aussie Rules then spending the rest of the weekend recovering.

  70. Emerson

    Some hill repeats tomorrow before work and hopefully some miles with kids this Sunday.

    Ready for the weekend!

  71. Henrik Bruntse-Olsen

    Did a nice run today, Shelter trip with my daughters school class tomorrow and then another run on Sunday ??

  72. wannes

    10k on friday, +10k on Sunday
    Watching MX Enduro on Sunday.

  73. Art

    A nice hour and a half long LSD run to pregame for the grilled meats.

  74. Rick Wright

    American living in Germany riding bikes and running the trails over the long weekend before work sends me back to D.C. next week.


  75. Chris Drew

    14 mile run – 2nd long run in my marathon plan

  76. michalis

    This is going to be a racing weekend. High mountains and then a recovery ride

  77. Jerc

    I will do some cycling. Nothing fancy just searching for nice views.

  78. Mark Goddard

    Running the Laguna Hills Half Marathon on Monday.

  79. Laurent

    Running along my twins on their bikes

  80. Pablo Gonzalez

    Long bike (3 hrs) and then run for 1 hr. Good times!

  81. Miinhow

    Gonna do long boring run this weekend.. Gonna try to spice it up with some tunes

  82. Oren Smith

    Easy ride, maybe a run, birthday party and of course, birthday cake!

  83. Tamás Buti

    20k trail running

  84. Paul Holmes

    Taking part in inaugural Liverpool City Swim on Saturday, followed by running Rock’n’Roll Liverpool Half Marathon on Sunday. Along taking kids for Saturday morning Park Run.

  85. Joseph Vernon Siskey

    Running a 15k on Saturday and getting some swimming and biking in throughtout the weekend.

  86. Shawn

    Plan to ride 50 miles today at endurance pace. Tomorrow will be 30-40 at recovery pace and if I don’t have to work, Sunday will be 20 miles of intervals.

  87. Jon Turnwald

    This weekend , I’m gonna clean up my room, study for my ACT, and get ready for XC practice to start up on Monday!

  88. David Diener

    Saturday – 18km run
    Sunday – weights session with cardio

  89. Neil Newman

    75 miler with a couple of tasty climbs thrown in!

  90. Dean

    Recovering from a shoulder op, and looking for gadgets I can buy ready for my first post-op ride.

  91. Bradley Hammond

    I’ll be doing some easy rides and runs trying to recover from surgery. Oh and eating BBQ and remembering those who gave their lives in defense of something bigger than themselves.

  92. Robert Warden

    A nice long run, then relaxing with family and a BBQ!

  93. Last weekend I ran an ultratail, so this weekend I’ll make a recovery run, like 15 km, and go to climbing wall

  94. Bruce Collin

    Short easy run on Saturday and Long run on Sunday

  95. cristian Tudorache

    300 km brevet tomorrow !

  96. Gabriel

    The plan is to get on the saddle for more than 3.5 h + 30 min run on Sunday

  97. René van der A

    Tomorrow i’m going for a 80km ride and on sunday the plan is to do a 8k run.

  98. Markus Sperzel

    Just taking it easy with a run on sunday … but thunderstorms are predicated. We will see

  99. Mark

    Planning on a 10k trail run in Saturday. BBQ with the family in Sunday and unfortunately may have to do some work on the Monday holiday.

  100. Phuc Gin

    Long run and brick run!