A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. Anne

    16 miles run, 70 miles+ biking and a lot of swimming

  2. Brilly

    Giving the better half a break and trying to look after two kids under four following a week away for work. If only they understood the need for Daddy’s bike time… :'(

  3. kr

    I’m taking a sort-of break from training to go on a 3-day backpacking trip instead. So, not exactly a break, but not on my tri training plan either. Will be hiking around some lakes and hitting a few small peaks. Looking forward to it!

  4. Weekend Beach vacation, 3 hr tempo ride Saturday, 1 hr swim/1 hr run Sunday, 1 hr bike/10 min transition run Monday

  5. Trent

    I have a long swim and a log run planned for the weekend followed by 12oz curls with some burger flipping.

  6. `Greg M

    75 mile bike ride in the mountains of CA!

  7. Tim Smith

    Long group ride Saturday and then enjoying BBQ Sunday…and maybe Monday

  8. Nick

    I’m doing an 80 mile group ride and then shorter stuff on Sunday and Monday

  9. Joelle

    Friday: On the hunt for a wedding dress for my sister in Chicago
    Sat: Short run in the morning, dinner at the parents house, they are moving so last night as a family after 23 years
    Sun: Packing parents moving truck, that counts as exercise, right?
    Monday: Another run if I’m not to sore from loading the truck, BBQ at my house complete with family, lots of teenage boys eating all the food and 5 dogs. Supposed to rain. Can’t wait….

  10. Indrandaw

    Going to Tinalapu island this weekend,easy swim in the morning and 5k run on the afternoon then chillin in the island

  11. John Bairen

    Running tonight until I get tired. BBQing with inlaws on Monday. Otherwise, a rare weekend off for me.

  12. I’ll be happy with anything this week. Very few miles have been had lately…

  13. Nir

    3 mile interval run on the Saturday, 60 mile ride/3 mile run brick session on the Sunday. Plus helping my son learn to ride a bike.

  14. Sam Baldwin

    Long rides now that the rain has stopped here on the east coast!

  15. Jay

    A couple of runs, and a couple more drinks

  16. Kenneth Xiao

    Going to beach with family, will have some seafood and a long run (HM distance) around the beach.

  17. Kyle

    Short interval workouts carrying my son to the bathroom while potty training him. Cardio and strength workouts all in one.

  18. Keegan S

    Hopefully, I will get on a few climbs in Glacier Park this weekend. May be a rainy hike.

  19. Ellen

    Biking, pastry, running, and lots of rest.

  20. Jacob DeWispelaere

    Recovery ride today, full rest day saturday, then fast group ride sunday. Extra day monday will be determined.. BBQ sounds good though :)

  21. Dave

    Ride as many miles as I can manage and get together with friends and family. Maybe watch the Indy 500?

  22. chris

    three day weekend means three days to get out there on the bike and enjoy

  23. Mikerl L. Sartin Sr.

    I plan to do 2-3 long power walks and some strength training. The weather should be really nice.

  24. Martin Mortensen

    After a week with a lot of biking the weekend is reserved for a long run, hopefully at least 10K

  25. jake lindstrom

    Headed to Deep Creek, MD: home of Savageman and the Garrett County Gran Fondo, to do some riding. Probably 50miles on sunday with at least 8K of climbing

  26. Jeff

    At a conference today and taveling home all day Sat, so I’m hoping to get on the bike Sunday weather permitting.

  27. Jason Newville

    Combination of running/biking and BBQing/smoking meat. Nothing like running and biking a ton in anticipation of grilled or smoked meats.

  28. Tim Brookie

    Escort my wife through her final prep for a half ironman (long ride, long run) and of course – setup to watch the 100th running of the Indy 500 on TV.

  29. Corri

    Saturday – 60km Group Ride followed by 30 min Run off the bike
    Sunday – 1 hour run

  30. Brent

    Busy weekend at work spent moving quickly, dodging and at times cursing. As well as thinking how I need to get some swim time in before my sprint triathlon coming up!

  31. Michael

    Easy run on Friday, Swim and Bike on Saturday and Sunday, Long run on Monday

  32. Kate

    I’m going to do an OWS Saturday, and a run bike brick sunday.

  33. Dan

    Continue to hobble around on the walker as I recover from a fractured hip.

  34. Allan

    Riding the Challenge of the Centuries in Hartwell, GA. Barbecue at the neighbors house on Monday.

  35. Rodney evets

    Recovery ride and another ride

  36. Damen Hattori

    My family is flying in from across the country to visit us and my 7-month old daughter- we’re so excited! I suspect the weekend will lean more towards the BBQ end of the spectrum rather than the training side!

  37. Damon

    Brick on saterday and swim on sunday.

  38. Lucas Gourley

    Relaxing and grilling out with the fam.

  39. Travis Pickell

    Recovery Run on Saturday (8 mi), taking the family to the pool Sat and Sunday as well to beat the heat

  40. Adler Teixeira

    Do my first century!

  41. Graham r

    Short run today then construction of the new basement play area for my kids. Installing surveillance cameras inside and out and some new wifi access points.
    Assuming I can get that stuff and the other chores done I’ll toss in a ride too.

  42. Steve

    First open water swim at the beach and a couple 10k over the long weekend!!!!

  43. Jay Dunbar

    4 hour group ride on Saturday, 3 hours of intervals on Sunday, and recovery on Monday.

  44. Dimitri Kiselkov

    Volleyball tournament on saturday and a 5 or 10k race sunday ! Monday begins my week off to take care of my girlfriend and baby !

  45. Erika

    Sunday starts week 1 of my 10k training! It is going to be pretty hot here in Boston, so I think I’ll have to stick to the treadmill.

  46. Joe Horn

    Will spend some time in the water (on a floating raft with an adult beverage….)

  47. Saturday I have a 13K than Sunday a 32K and I will finish monday with 24K. It’s my training plan for the Beast of Burden 100

  48. Ming

    Trail run on Sat. Swim on Sun. Sleep in on Monday.

  49. RTM

    Hiking and camping in Shenandoah National Park.

  50. Bert

    Hopefully getting in a long run, which sadly right now would be 2 miles. Injuries really can throw you for a loop, but it’s time to saddle up, get back on the horse and Rule 5.

    Also, I’m not sure if wedding dancing counts as cross-training, but I’m going to be sure to properly refuel with the appropriate carbs (crossing fingers for some great beer)

  51. Alex

    BBQ and the beach!

  52. JeroenJonkman

    This sunday the 1/8 triathlon of Luttenberg in the Netherlands. Looking forward to this first one this year. Weather will be bad… Let’s see what happens…

  53. Ryan

    Just had my gallbladder removed a week ago so I’m going to try to go for a short jog to get rid of all this gas! TMI? Probably.

  54. Andy

    Indoor bike intervals Friday (15 miles), then a 12.5 mile bike/3.1 mile run on Saturday. Back to indoor intervals on Sunday. Monday I will probably rest.

  55. Chris Cameron

    Saturday is my rest day, but on Sunday I will be doing a my long run within a 75-minute time constraint. Monday, I’m scheduled for a 30-minute recovery run, but I may add in some cross-training, as well.

  56. Alex

    Cycling pub crawl tonight, Parkrun tomorrow & London 10k on Monday.

  57. K K

    First open water swimming this year.
    Running Intervals 3x4x400m on Saturday
    Cycling about 2h on Sunday or Running 1+h if it its raining.

  58. Noah R

    Bike saturday, run Sunday, beer Monday. Hoping the forecasted storms have some breaks in them!

  59. Daniele

    I am two weeks away from a Marathon. This Sunday I’ll be running 21 easy km.

  60. Stefano

    Long indoor bike on saturday followed by some minutes running at high intensity.
    Sunday will be a long(ish) run, 2hour~ if the weather is on my side!

  61. L

    Finally trying running again after taking weeks off because of a stupid injury

  62. Martin Smith

    Starting some foam rolling on my IT band after my first physio appointment last week.

  63. Frankie Franceschi

    Saturday- open water swim 1.2 miles followed by 50+ miles on the bike
    Sunday- 13 mile run followed by 25s on the bike

  64. Kevin

    Getting a new TomTom Spark Cardio & Music delivered on Saturday so planning to do a few runs this weekend to test it out.

  65. Peter Gibson

    2 hour easy ride on both Saturday and Monday. Trying to nurse my wounded knee with an easy weekend.

  66. Kalman K.

    Most likely running around with my child :)

  67. Neil G

    Hopefully a bike ride with the family down to the lake (a whopping 2 miles each way) and/or a walk with the newborn in the stroller.

  68. Jeff Kohn

    Planning to fit in a long bike ride and swim somewhere between the BBQs.

  69. IzzyODT

    No extra training plans.
    Tomorrow my little daughter has her “Little mountaineers” final climb on a nearby hill and on Sunday me and my work colleagues will attend a MTB event called “Team Time Ride” where the winner is not the team with the best time but the one closest to the average time.

  70. Sean G

    Feet still healing from my first 100 run, hoping to get some cycling in to try out my new varia radar.

  71. aftron

    swimming Saturday, and running until I melt in the mid-atlantic heat Sunday.

  72. Matthew Talbot

    2 hours on the bike followed by an hour run on Saturday

  73. Noah McMurray

    Recon climbing in preparation for an everesting attempt next month.

  74. Enrique Ortiz

    1/2 marathon trail run race!

  75. Adam Okoye

    Singing in concerts on Saturday and Sunday. Doing hill repeats on Monday (and homework).

  76. Matt

    Nice long run on Saturday and relaxing bike ride with family on Sunday

  77. Michael

    Trying to fix my IM run – run long, brick run, etc.

  78. Katalina Aguilar

    going for a relaxed tempo run Sat, sunday swim and Monday REST!!!!!

  79. Monica

    Mowing the lawn and some running

  80. Andrew Madsen

    Still recovering from a long Grand Canyon run last weekend, so I’ll probably keep it simple and mostly eat. :)

  81. Lori Connors

    Heading to the beach early Saturday morning. Plan to run Sunday and Monday…..sand = killer calf workout!

  82. Patrick

    Mountain biking tonight, road riding tomorrow, running on Sunday, and road riding on Monday. Hoping the weather holds out!

  83. Andreja

    Saturday: a hill climb with the family
    Sunday: a joyful bikeride in the sun

  84. Lauri

    Orienteering competition on Saturday, long run on Sunday.

  85. Benjamin Ness

    Planning to do a short single speed ride and catch up on some sleep!

  86. Erin

    5 mile race Saturday… eating bacon on sunday (it’s a byob(acon) party at my house!)… recovering on monday.

  87. MJL

    This is a little backward, but I’ll mostly be recovering from a harder-than-usual week of training. Will go with something short and easy on both Saturday and Monday. Thanks for the give-away, Ray. Random number generator: Pick me, pick me!

  88. Ketchup

    8 miles on the road bike.

  89. Samuel Khoo

    Not a special weekend and will do total 10k run in the botanic garden.

  90. Jeff Tignor

    Long ride Saturday morning then painting the baby’s room. Easy run Sunday then more baby stuff. Beer Memorial Day

  91. Jaco

    This weekend only a quick run in between of al planned family visits

  92. Jamie

    Short run, which is equivalent to the hub’s long run. Sad face.

  93. Justin

    Laps in Central Park on Saturday and Monday, Sunday – CRCA race (~37 miles) in Central Park NYC on Sunday. 5:45AM START!

  94. Niko

    some interval-training on my indoor-bike! (bad weather ahead) :-(

  95. Keith

    A short run today, 25-30 mile hard bike effort Saturday, 5-6 mile run Sunday, nothing on Monday! Yay!!

  96. Andy

    Got a tendon firing up so I will just be doing some bike riding.

  97. Brent

    I’ll be running, swimming, and grilling.

  98. Noah

    Three hours of biking outside on Saturday and an hour and a half run on Sunday…last weekend before goal race.

  99. Chad Steider

    Brick workout on Saturday at race tempo, Indy 500 on Sunday, and then 30-40 mile ride on Monday!

  100. Shan Sharif

    My training plans include doing a stage race of a circuit race of 30 mi followed by a 6 mi tt. sun is 47mi road race, and monday is a 40 min crit. After the crit will probably do some open water swimming and bbq.