A May $600 Gadget Giveaway!


This is the last giveaway.

I mean, the last giveaway until the annual Giveaway Extravaganza next month of course!  I’ll let you read all about what that madness was like last year, but for now, we’ve got to get down to business for this giveaway!

The winner will get a $600 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on the vast majority of what they sell, or use their updated VIP program for anything else.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin FR735XT (in stock!), to a Cycliq Fly12 camera/light, this crazy foot massager thingy (really) or heck, even a chunk towards SRAM eTAP or the new CycleOps Hammer Trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead.  For those in the US, it’s a long weekend – so substituting your BBQ’ing plans for training plans is acceptable.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k or hot dog), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  This is a pulled pork kinda place.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, May 30th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.



  1. sender sakajani

    I will do the Rocket Ride on Sunday which is a local ride in NY.
    Then Monday I will take the day off.

  2. Daniel Benbow

    Saturday – 12 km run at ~12-13kph.
    Sunday – Beep test training comprising of Tabata sprints followed by a cooldown bike ride.

  3. Mike Hayford

    Well, It’s my 14th wedding anniversary…so mostly I just plan on relaxing with my wife and son!

  4. Paolo Veronesi

    As usual in spring, a short swimming training on Saturday and a ~10K run with friends (aka “race”) on sunday

  5. Shawn B

    I’ve got a road ride tomorrow followed by some brunch with family and friends. Sunday I think I’m going to hike a local trail and do some much needed trail maintenance.

  6. No training plans… but I have a racing plan!

    Nottingham Sprint Triathlon – an ETU qualifier (not that I have a chance of qualifying!)

  7. johnO

    The plan is to start training for a Tri that is a month away.

  8. Brian

    I’m traveling tomorrow, so I’ll miss the KTC Expo 10k. I hope to do a simulation of the race on Sunday.

  9. Mark

    Running 2x – one long, one recovery – pre BBQ
    Gonna try to get out on the bike sometime.

  10. Magnus

    Hi Ray,
    Long trail run planned for the weekend, in training for Ultra marathon.


  11. BBQ & pool Saturday, BBQ & pool Sunday, and probably BBQ & pool Monday. :-D

  12. Jason Polachak

    Friday: Demo Yeti mountain bikes for fun(scheduled day off) so active recovery.
    Saturday: Will be 90 minutes on Trainerroad “Bear” workout. But may ride outside.(need new batteries for cadence so might go outside)
    Sunday: 2 hour 45 min ride outside at least on the road/mountain bike.
    Monday: Recovery day. Will probably do wheelies with kids in the neighborhood.

  13. Michael M

    I just moved to another house this week, so training will consists of exploring the surroundings, alone while running and with the whole famile while cycling.

    I’ll conclude with a few laps in the pool of the city sunday

  14. Deanne

    My husband and I will be celebrating our 15 year anniversary, so this would be awesome. One of the 15 year traditional gifts is a watch, so I could win him a new one… or for myself :)

    Our training group is putting on a trail 50k so I’ll be running 10 miles of that on Monday, hoping to get some biking in as well.

  15. Amy Nickolas

    I’ll be doing my long run either Saturday or Sunday, hiking with the dog, and maybe some SUPing if the weather cooperates.

  16. Jose Storopoli

    I would like to do a long run since the weather is awesome but I’m tapering for an early June marathon!

  17. Ewan Hardie

    saturday: a little 5km shake out and sunday running a marathon!!!

  18. Allen

    Spending the weekend on the lake.

  19. Mike

    We will be visiting family so I will sneak in some running when I can.

  20. Daniel Widlowski

    Headed to the beach to go for an open water swim and run home!!

  21. William

    I’m sure I’ll squeeze in a short run or two. But, I’ve trained extra hard this week to make the weekend more about family, outdoor activities and a little home brewing.

  22. Matt

    Does shuttling kids to sporting events count as training?

  23. James Walsh

    I plan on logging some bike miles and shopping for my next set of running shoes.

  24. Jonathan Patterson

    I reckon a 5k park run on saturday morning, then a MTB dash, then road ride on sunday and a run on bank holiday monday. there may also be pie and beer on Saturday…!

  25. Andrew

    Just finished my spring “A” race this past weekend, so just going to do an easy long run (~10 miles) to make sure I maintain fitness ahead of fall marathon training. That, and consume large amounts of beer and ribs.

  26. Chris M.

    Just some long mountain runs getting ready for Western States 100 in 4 weeks.

  27. Allen Goodling

    On a big bike block right now, so riding 90 minutes on Saturday and 3 hours on Sunday.

  28. Patrick

    It’s going to be a wet weekend of running and riding in the rain. Brick each day. Alternating Run/Bike focus.

  29. Devin

    First open water swim of the season, Sunday brick, enjoying the holiday Monday.

  30. Joe

    long steady ride on Sat, relaxing the rest of the long weekend.

  31. Climb, baby, climb!! Probably 9,500′ in 85 miles Sat, 7,500′ in 60 miles Sunday and then a bit more on Monday. Gotta be ready for Ride The Rockies in a couple weeks and then climbing Ventoux in Provence in July!!

  32. ybt

    On Saturday, I’m planning a 10k run and on Sunday I’ll certaintly moutain biking if weather permits.

  33. BJ

    Looking to hit the beach for a long vacation with the family and hope to get in some swimming and a couple of nice and easy long runs.

  34. I plan on doing active recovery all weekend. That means beer!

  35. Amy Myszkowski

    Pushing the kids in the double stroller between rainstorms.

  36. Pedro

    20k run on sunday. Probably a bit wet, says the forecast.

  37. Henrik

    Play with the kids. Would be great if I’m able to squeeze in a bike training as well.

  38. Ricardo Resende

    Will run 10k on a nearly flat course on saturday and play with my kids on sunday.

  39. Josh Murphy

    Saturday morning, a fast group ride with Localcycling KC, Sunday a quick runaround with Penny (my lab puppy), and Monday morning doing the Tour of KC Gran Fondo!

  40. Jonathan Osgood

    I will be partaking in some interval training on Saturday, and a 2.5 hour long run on Sunday.

  41. Marcin F

    Saturday – 2,5 km os swimming
    Sunday – 60 km of bike ride + 5 km running (brick)

  42. Amanda W

    Visiting family and running in the Boulder Bolder 10k on Monday.

  43. JeanFrancois

    Doing a half marathon as part of the Ottawa Race Weekend.

  44. Rafael Olea

    10K recovery run on Saturday and 22K long run on Sunday.

  45. Stephen Guerrera

    Long hike with the pup and the girlfriend up some vermont mountains.

  46. I had a week full of workouts in order to complete Strava Giro Challenge in time so I think it will be a rest weekend for me

  47. Eduardo

    Easy 10km on Saturday morning followed by great barbecue at the beach!

  48. Kristi S

    Running a couple of 1.5 – 2 mile runs to get ready for a 5K next weekend!

  49. Matt


  50. Kevin McMahon

    A glorious 40 mile ride tomorrow and a walk with the family.

  51. Chris

    No training plans but am planning on BBQ’ing some ribs with a Korean Rub I found at the store the other day.

  52. Nathaniel Savage

    100 Mile bike ride from Portland Maine to New Hampshire and back. Getting ready for IMLP.

  53. Michael Harman

    A couple easy rides the next day or two and then my wife and I are going on an organized ride Monday morning for 50+ miles. I’m debating going on my regular Monday night group ride that evening, but that’s 80+ miles in a day, could be kind of rough.

  54. Jack

    On Friday evening, easy after-work running session. On Saturday, rock-climbing session with a friend.
    Sunday’s gonna be swimming pool time!

  55. Bongo McBongo

    Last bike ride before winter.

  56. P Nordlund

    Bike ride on saturday and sunday runday

  57. Thien

    Cheering on the runners at the Ottawa Marathon this Sunday…that’s kind of like training, right?

  58. Brent

    Going for a bike ride while my daughter starts her cross-country race conditioning for next season.

  59. KPVa

    The plan is for a long run Friday, long swim Saturday, long bike Sunday.

  60. Clint

    Hill repeats and gym session tomorrow. Sunday quick 40k ride

  61. Vince Cammarata

    Saturday is a 2.5 hr bike ride, Sunday is an 1800 yd swim in the afternoon. That leaves Monday as a run in the woods of undetermined length followed with BBQing some babyback ribs (only eat them twice a year, but they sure are good).

  62. I’m looking at a 25 mile MTB ride, a half marathon trail run and hopefully a family ride out somewhere

  63. nico

    short bike ride on saturday (about 80km). 5x intervals race speed/running on sunday, black roll afterwards.

  64. Larry Speagle

    Saturday will be SPIN day with a 90 min class early in the am.
    Sunday on the other hand will be a 75K trail ride in the lake region north of Kingston Ontario Canada.

    Happy long weekend to all the US folks

  65. Tom Rutter

    Swim coaching on Saturday morning, followed by taking my kids swimming to try out their new wetsuits on Sunday. Hopefully a cycle on Monday too.

  66. Ryan Goldvine

    Training’s up, running the Ottawa Marathon this weekend.

  67. Manuel

    Getting out on the trails near Charlotte.

  68. Paul S.

    Tapering for Olympic Duathlon

  69. Long ride with some work
    Two swim races in a lake
    A short easy run

    (do i get extra entries for the haiku?)

  70. Tom

    Long run on Saturday, grilling chicken on Sunday with family, sleeping in on Monday

  71. Andrew

    getting a head start on marathon training with a 10 miler on Sunday

  72. toh

    30km run with 3 ice cream shops.

  73. Getting in a trainer session during lunch today. Then I’ll get in about 4000 yards on Saturday, followed by a 1-mile lake swim race on Sunday and most likely a run on Monday.

  74. tom

    My lady just surprised me with a camping trip to somewhere? I don’t even know, but we’re packing climbing gear, and I’m leaving work a bit early. It’ll be a fun way to get out into the natures.

  75. Kory

    Making bacon wrapped hot dogs on the grill, then getting a post meat workout in.

  76. Kirk R

    I’ve got plans for a couple slow runs – 6 and 10 miles. The sudden heat wave here (in upper 80s Fahrenheit) mean anything but slow would be unwise for me.

  77. Norman Isaacs

    Probably going to do around 150km’s cycling this weekend combined with a 15km run.

  78. Kevin L

    A few short rides with the kids, and hopefully one long run and a couple of short ones.

  79. soleary

    Trainerroad Friday AM. Shortish run Saturday AM before driving to Indianapolis. Sunday tailgate AM then off to the 100th running of the Indy 500 with a cookout and beverages to follow. Drive home Monday and hopefully squeeze in an evening swim.

  80. Barry Mowat

    Last leg loosener just done for the Edinburgh marathon on Sunday where I’ll be hopefully doing a sub 3:30 for the first time (or doing my usual & blowing at 21 miles). After which I’ll enjoy the rest of my weekend with my wife & kids, maybe trampolining (or in my case watching).

  81. Michael Soganich

    3 trail runs in Blue Ridge, BBQ from the Cajun meat shop

  82. Kirsten R

    I’ll be running slow 6 and 10 milers with my Dad. ;)

  83. Ahbe

    A buddy and I are training for the Bellingham marathon. Its just a 6 Mike run Saturday. Hey, you have to start somewhere.

  84. Nemo

    Just getting over this head cold will be enough!

  85. James

    Might go for a swim, but more likely to spend my time down the pub :P

  86. Bryan Kirk

    Hot and humid in the forecast for my part of the world. So early morning runs, then some pool time (the kind with a beer not far from reach).

    Might go cheer on the Ottawa Race Weekend participants on Sunday morning.

  87. Jeremy

    Running a 10k race

  88. Scott

    3hr ride on Sat
    2.5 hr ride/6 mile run on Sun
    Beer all day Monday

  89. jwarkins

    2-3 hour mountain bike ride Saturday, easy run Sunday then 5k race on Monday

  90. Recovering from hill training by sitting on a plane :P

  91. Brandon L.

    no racing this year, so nothing is on the calendar. with that, i’ll hopefully dust off the bike and remind my legs what it feels like to spin.

  92. John Pane

    Long run, tempo run, family bike ride and bbq.

  93. Tim Basile

    Short 3-4k on the Saturday to get the legs moving and then the Ottawa Marathon on Sunday. Weather calls for hot & hot, and then some humidity.

  94. Byron Miller

    Got a longish (10mi) run tomorrow followed by weights and 15mi (hopefully) on the bike on Sunday.

    I’ll find something to do on Monday. Maybe a casual bike ride with my son.

  95. Scott K

    Friday – light 45 minute spin.
    Saturday – 50km time trial
    Sunday – kids birthday party, so there is probably going to be cake and ice cream.

  96. Thomas Eklund

    Weighttraining today, followed by two easy runs on saturday and sunday. Getting som rest before 10k raceday on monday!

  97. Jim Peters

    Helping with Couch to 5K on Saturday, long run Sunday, recovery run and BBQ on Monday

  98. Bogdan

    2 long rides during Sat and Sun, and then BBQ on Monday :)

  99. Ryan Zielinski

    It’s supposed to be hot and humid, so getting in some outdoor swim miles would be nice! If the rain holds off, a little biking too.

  100. Michael Badillo

    Jammed my ankle on Wednesday playing softball. Hopefully will be recovered enough to do a nice 10-14 miler on Memorial day.