The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. DaveG

    Watch the kids race sailboats on Saturday morning then weights and a run in the afternoon.

  2. Ben F

    Two rest days coming up I think – been an intense week. Will probably have a leisurely cycle somewhere and go to the beach (though storms are forecast for around here so that might be hopeful)

  3. John

    I’ll be running 10 or 12 miles Saturday morning, and hashing Saturday afternoon. If my legs aren’t too sore, I’ll run five miles or so on Sunday – depends on the weather, too!

  4. brian mc

    Racing in the Scottish duathlon champs

  5. Jochen Jonckheere

    I’m going to try to do a little part of the parcours of Gent-Wevelgem on saterday.

  6. Kerry

    The plan for this weekend is to continue my recovery from a bunch of running ailments. Nothing but stretching and mobility movements for me.

  7. Ritchie Robertson

    A five mile run in galveston. After that meeting with a group that will most likely beat your podcast cohort Ben at the galveston half ironman in april talk about their brick workout from the morning and the open water swim from the day before.

  8. bobbi

    Gotta try to smash a 12ish mile run into all the Easter goodness. I fully intend on fueling with chocolate bunnies!

  9. Josep

    A few trail runs (12 to 15 kms) and walks with kids.

  10. JuanB

    Two long rides back to back.

  11. Brooks Daniel

    Enjoy some beautiful weather in Korea with some sprints or a group ride.

  12. Adam

    Family trip, but hoping to squeeze in an easy run

  13. Paul C

    100 mile bike on Saturday followed by a 60 miler on Sunday

  14. Chris

    Lunch run today, 45 minutes. Brick tomorrow, 90 minute ride, 30 minute run. TBD on TrainerRoad vs ride outside. Then an easy trainer spin on Sunday.

  15. Milessio

    Running at the World Half Marathon Championships in Cardiff on Easter Saturday!

    A short recovery run on Sunday.

  16. Andrea

    On Saturday 25 km run; on Sunday morning I’m going have a bike ride with a couple friends without any particular goal other than burning at least a few of the calories that I am going to eat later on at lunch…

  17. Melissa

    I’m planning on going to a pair of hiit/Tabata classes to really get the heart rate up this weekend!

  18. S Sokolov

    Going to do some good cross-training

  19. nate

    hope to get a short ride in on Saturday; that’s about it!

  20. Jeremy

    This weekend, my staple workout is my 27 km long run. I plan to do 6 km of half marathon race pace work at the end. Hopefully, the weather will be nice. Thanks as always for the giveaway, Ray!

  21. Mike

    Taking it easy with some treadmill runs since I’m on call all weekend for work.

  22. Frank G

    Eat chocolate , go to church and bike 80 km to the in laws for dinner

  23. Theodoris

    20 Km running and 30 Km biking!

  24. maija

    5 miles easy recovery. Hope it doesn’t rain!

  25. Os

    Recovery week so maybe a 14 mile run on Saturday and then 8 on Sunday.

  26. Kevin Roberts

    My goal is a light ride on the rollers today to loosen up the legs for tomorrows 40+ mile ride. Plus my wife might drag me to a yoga class. If that is the case, I won’t need to loosening of the rollers

  27. Adam Brady

    Bike this morning, some hiking, and maybe another bike or two

  28. Ken

    Looking forward to the long trail run on Saturday!

  29. BrianF

    Bike/Run on Saturday with longer ride on Sunday.

  30. Tamas

    Plan to do a 30km MTB ride and probably a 10km interval run

  31. Chris Aldrich

    Starting to get into 70.3 specific training. Brick session on Saturday and then long run on Sunday with a recovery ride Sunday afternoon.

  32. Chris

    I’ve been terribly lazy of late, so I’ll consider it a success to just get out on one run. Might even make it a hill climb just to teach myself a lesson..

  33. Frank G

    Hi Ray,

    Will do a three-days-in-a-row workout, through local woods.
    No, not three days running, just three runs on consecutive days – pffeh, what were you thinking :-)


  34. Daniel

    I’m hoping for some good weather! I plan to hit the greenway and do a 6 mile run on saturday and then on sunday ride on the trails with the kids.

  35. Steven N

    Hoping to do a long run fueled entirely on Cadbury eggs.

  36. Florian

    Saturday: Skiing in the (Austrian) Alps, Medium run in the morning
    Sunday: Skiing too (hopefully) and maybe a recovery run afterwards
    Monday: maybe some cycling but it will depend on the weather.

  37. Kyle Shaw

    We’re expecting bad weather all weekend in North Florida, but I’m hoping to get a decent 6-mile tempo run in on Saturday!

  38. Andrew

    Nice hill repeats on Saturday run, and hopefully a nice long ride or run (depends on weather, about two hours either way). Sufficiently long enough to earn my fair share of chocolate!

  39. Rich

    saturday and sunday rides – interval training

  40. Ben Lee

    Planning on doing a 120km race/training ride this weekend and if all goes well, a nice run on Sunday.

  41. sean

    First race of 2015 – 5K in Philadelphia!

  42. John Fox

    A good core session and then some open water swimming in the cold Atlantic waters off Ireland

  43. Brian

    A long ride followed by a short run, and lots of time with family.

  44. Ben de la Fuente

    Hi, Ray! I’m going for a run today, then hopefully another one on Saturday or Sunday.

  45. Yannick

    Looking for easter eggs with the girl’s family.. after I had a long over due nap.

  46. Bike ride on the beach!

  47. Jay

    Heading south for spring break with the family, so hoping for good weather and some long, slow, barefoot beach running. Lots of steps at Universal Studios, as well.

  48. Jeff

    Running 15-17 miles of wet, cold trails as part of marathon training. Then chocolate.

  49. Pablo

    5 mile tempo run on saturday, 10 mile on sunday

  50. Jørn

    Bike, bike and more bike – hoping to get 400+ km done Thursday to Sunday

  51. Stefan

    2,5h bike/1h run brick session on Saturday, 3h easy ride on Sunday

  52. Eva

    If the weather clears, I’ll do a short ride this afternoon, otherwise I’ll Zwift today. Saturday a longer ride outside, and same for Sunday.

  53. Matt Lyle

    So I’m a week from a half marathon, and two weeks after a full marathon, so kinda taper, kinda shake the cobwebs off… I think 13-14 miles nice and easy.

  54. S. Chhat

    A long easy run on Saturday and some strength training on Sunday

  55. Paul

    Rainy 80 planned for Saturday :)

  56. John Pophal

    Hoping for a nice sunny ride in California on my spring break from Wisconsin.

  57. Steve Clark

    I am down with some sort of crazy cold this week. So lame as it is, my training this weekend is recovery. And planning for greatness once I am well… ;-)

  58. Jon

    Trainer ride on Saturday and Sunday and a run Sunday night

  59. Charlie Russo

    Travel for the Easter holiday will constrain my available time, but I’m planning on an easy 8-mile run early (very early) Saturday morning and then an hour on the trainer using TrainerRoad Sunday night.

  60. Terrance

    Some hiking as cross training to celebrate the summer-like weather.

  61. bob

    First, spam is awesome. Fry it up and put in on some bread. Great!

    I plan to pick up by brand new salsa blackborow fatbike today and go for a ride.

  62. Matthew Neugebauer

    Since we’ll be busy with family obligations centered around Easter, I’ll put in some time on the stationary bike with Netflix!

  63. Brandon L

    A short run Saturday, and hopefully an Easter bike ride before the rain hits here Sunday. Jelly bean nutrition to keep me fueled!

  64. Zane

    Couple of hours on the trainer Saturday and if the weather is nice enough hopefully outside for a few more hours on Sunday.

  65. Michael Harman

    Friday: planning on a 30-45 mile ride, just have to decide on a route.
    Saturday: probably a much shorter, easier ride for recovery
    Sunday: most likely going to be a day off since it’s supposed to rain

  66. David Wilson

    30k+ run in the local hills, kinda tricky mixing up a bit of training with work and the sharp end of planning a wedding.

  67. Mads Frederiksen

    I Will do interval on my neo to Day and a 6 k run on sunday

  68. René

    I’m going for a 3 hour bikeride tomorrow and a short run on sunday and maybe another bike ride.

  69. Dr_LHA

    Training plans, not much but I am going to build a new bike!

  70. Mike C

    I plan to weight train, row, run and maybe hike.

  71. Rick

    Get a long hill run in and possibly squeeze a ride or swim in around the Easter festivities with the little ones

  72. Chris Dudko

    Assuming I can navigate family visitors, I plan the same ~68 mile ride on Sat & Sun in an attempt to finally shock myself into fitness for the season.

  73. Renee

    1 hr 20min Brick on Saturday (30 minute bike immediately followed by a 50 minute run), then 1 hr 30 min bike on Sunday.

  74. Martin Juarez Ferrer

    My plan is to go to my wife’s country house roundtrip (about 120km)

  75. Stu

    Wife’s birthday so mostly eating and maybe a hike.

  76. Dana Harman

    Still working on recovering from foot surgery to repair a torn peroneal tendon. Back on my feet though (albeit with a walking boot) finally!

  77. Todd

    Interval run this afternoon. Recovery run and body weight exercises on Saturday. Long run on Sunday morning prior to the Easter Bunny’s arrival!

  78. Brett Ward

    Friday I’ve got a running workout with some Hills. Saturday, it’s a long bike ride followed by a relatively short brick run, and then Sunday it’s a nice and short recovery run. Should be lots of fun!!

  79. Steve

    Given the snow forecast for Sat, I’ll be spinning on the rollers. If there isn’t too much snow on Sunday, I may get outside – but probably more roller time.

  80. Peter Chapman

    No plans for training this weekend. I will be spending my time explaining to my wife how I really NEED to spend $600 on a Fenix 3 HR if I don’t win this sweepstakes!

  81. jack allen

    just got to keep moving. hoping for a long run on Saturday and some tennis on Sunday

  82. Michael R

    Once the freezing rain and ice pellets melt off the roads later today I plan a long run (long for me – 16k) this afternoon with an easy run tomorrow and drills on Sunday.

  83. Mike Man

    Starting with a 60+ mile ride today through the hills. Will see how that goes for the rest of the weekend.

  84. Tom Smulders

    Starting up my new cycling club CS010 in Rotterdam The Netherlands!

  85. Stefan

    Today 10k in light hills
    Tomorrow 4* 2.000 Tempoflex
    Easter 26k in light hills
    Monday 10k in light hills

  86. Mathieu D.

    No training this week-end, it’s time to compete! I’ll run a 10k as part of the Lyon Ekiden on Saturday, then race an aquathlon on sunday (1000m swim + 5k race).

  87. Matt Cartlidge

    Heading out running later, rest day then long bike ride in the Peak District weather permitting here in the UK.

  88. ToniM

    Coming from an injury, start again with 5k on Saturday and if my quads want 7 to 8 km on Monday.

  89. Staffan Nilsson

    Having been to a 10 day “runcation” last and this week, I will do a slow 8k run today Friday and a long run on Monday. I’m training for my second marathon, in Stockholm in June, and I’ve got to find that delicate mix between rest and training.

  90. Jürgen Sachslehner

    A Short swim on saturday morning and a sort of long run(>15K) afterwards.
    On Sunday the weather should be goog enough for a long Bike ride with my girlfriend :D

  91. Dimo

    Visiting family, so for the most part lots of nutrition. Did a short 7k run today though and try to add another one Sunday evening.

  92. Brian Owens

    Short run on Friday. Shop ride on Saturday. Recovery ride on Sunday.

  93. Tyler

    Unfortunately, still rehabbing from a knee surgery, so just some basic PT exercises, and maybe a slowish bike ride.
    Could use some equipment to make the bike trainer more exciting; mostly a runner.

  94. Steve Martin

    Long ride on Saturday and possibly another bike ride on Sunday

  95. Tony

    Some gym time, a 10km run, and hopefully some laps in the pool.

  96. Remi Ricard

    This weekend should be around 12C outside, I will go for my first ride of the year and see if my indorr Sufferfest
    training had paid off this winter.

  97. Brian Cheung

    After a long week of bike commuting, I’m taking today easy then getting some “junk miles” in on Saturday and Sunday. Maybe on Zwift, hopefully in the real world! Maybe I’ll wear the bunny ears on Sunday.

  98. Jon K

    This weekend I’ve got a 7 miler planned.

  99. Justin

    Running on sand mainly now to increase the pain, so probably a whole lot more of that for the Easter break. A 10k on Sunday perhaps…

  100. Kevin Gienapp

    I’m doing a 90 minute long run on Sunday to get ready for half marathon in April