The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Adam

    Intervals on Friday and long run on Sunday

  2. Jesper

    I will be doing a couple of strength training sessions (without bunny).

  3. Yonah

    Nothing major – a short run or two – maybe some ultimate Frisbee on Saturday with some friends

  4. dieter

    saturday a run in spring weather conditions, sunday on the bike looking for the easter eggs

  5. Sonny7

    No workouts for me this weekend, working on recovery aftrer an injury :(

  6. luyi_pr

    Doing nothing… Recovery week after IM70.3 Puerto Rico

  7. Travis Higlett

    Peak week of marathon training. 34km long run followed by sleep, eat, sleep and more sleel

  8. Andrew Porte

    Long run tomorrow, 10+ miles and swim set today.

  9. Emiliano Manon

    Hey Ray,
    This weekend I’ll be going to doing my long run and afterwards I will be attending an OCR focused class.

  10. Rob

    Going for a 15 KM easy run… burn some fat, so I can eat some (more) easter eggs ;)

  11. Justas B.

    Will hit the road with my new bike, as it seems the snow will finally melt this weekend.

  12. Dan Hunter

    A few friends and I are doing some parkrun tourism on Saturday morning and then Monday is stress test of a new race that my club is creating 7 miles of beautiful countryside winding through wind turbines.
    In between I shall be eating as much chocolate as possible!!

  13. Trevor

    I’ll be hopping along on an up tempo long run because of a bum foot.

  14. JoeFitz

    Rest on Saturday. 14 mile long run Sunday. Maybe the wind will even drop below 30 mph for once…

  15. Carlton

    I plan to restart my Trainer Road training plan!

  16. Bernard Maughan

    Planning on 70km ride and a gentle recovery swim and stretch as I recover from packing to move house

  17. Joseph Wagner

    I’m training for a 10K which, if I complete it, would be a huge milestone for me as I’m overweight and have never really been a runner. I’m hoping to finish week 10 of the Couch to 10K program this weekend.

  18. Travis

    a couple af sessions on the Kickr and an open water swim in sunny sydney

  19. Most probable training session : a walk with family.

  20. GIBA

    Hi Ray! Tks!!! Planning for a long run on Saturday and Sunday an open water swim…. Happy Easter!

  21. Kristen B.

    A (late!) St. Pat’s day 5 k, and an Easter egg hunt :)

  22. Jonathan Osgood

    Now that I have a LTHR estimate from my Fenix 3, I am going to start spring training.

  23. Hans

    A ride on saturday and a rehab run on sunday

  24. Nate

    Squats, a hike and lots of ham – supposed to be nice here Saturday, might have to get the bike out.

  25. Rich

    After tuning up the road bike yesterday, this weekend’s plans involve riding with my brother and sister down the Blue Ridge Parkway!

  26. Jim Baker

    Weekend training centered around running.

  27. Hopefully and 8-10 mile run tomorrow and 4-5 miles on Easter Sunday.

  28. I will do the rocket ride in Nyack NY.

  29. Nate B

    Running,lifting weights, and plenty of sweets!

  30. Laszlo

    A long run, 18k.

  31. Norman

    Planning to cover 200km in the weekend

  32. Rich

    Ride about 30 miles on Saturday and then eat way too much on Sunday…

  33. Amy H

    My training plan is to volunteer at a local 5K on Saturday and to run a 5K on Sunday.

  34. Michal

    My goal is to actually get out of winter mode and go for a run along the river this weekend … if there happen to be chocolate eggs consumed along the way, so be it.

  35. Fabrice ANCEL

    Probably a bike ride for about 80 km on saturday, and a short run (10K max) on sunday. Last week before the Paris Marathon…

  36. Steven

    Getting a bike fitting, then going for a ride cross-country in Korea!

  37. Bryan S

    I’m going to do along run to prep for my 12k trail race next weekend.


    I’m working through the weekend and switching from nights to days so I will be lucky if I can get enough sleep let alone train at all.

  39. Tony Marcus

    Weather permitting, power test on Saturday morn and a longer ride on Sunday before the family wakes up. In there somewhere will be a couple of runs and strength work.

  40. Mats

    Going for 5k run every morning this easter. Perhaps one even longer run. Nice way to start the day!

  41. Frank

    Training ride for the easter weekend chilled ride down our local trail (50km) on good friday. Followed by run on saturday and another ride in the bike park on Monday to practice skills.

  42. Jon Niehof

    Ugh, unless this cold breaks my plans are to sit on the couch and whimper. I’ll probably haul my butt out and run a couple of miles to help stave off the complete decline.

  43. Hugues Tremblay

    Long weekend here, planning for 3 runs. Hoping that the current snow storm will not impact the plan!

  44. Martin Horne

    Fri – 52 mile ride, Sat – swimming with the kids, Sun – rest, Mon – off-road ride

  45. Jim Allie

    40 minutes of rowing Friday, 20 mile run Saturday, and 40 minutes of rowing on Sunday.

  46. Shane Porteous

    Camping in a town that is 2km wide, so will be doing laps of the town to make up a 10km Fartlek session . Followed by an Ocean swim.

  47. I have a fast run on friday and a long one on sunday

  48. Dave C

    Long run on Saturday, then a quick swim workout early Easter morning.

  49. Ben

    Testing out a new mt. bike with intentions of giving an xterra a go!

  50. David

    Long rides for Friday after watching E3 and Saturday

  51. Pat

    Getting outside for a hike to start the weekend; ending it with a medium length run.

  52. Marc Metakis

    hitting the pool for a nice swim

  53. Ted Howe

    I’m running the Phillies Charities 5K on Saturday morning and then planning my annual “Here comes the Sun” sunrise training run for Easter Sunday. I try to time it so that the sun is coming up behind my house as I run up the last hill toward home… only problem this year is that the weather looks like it will be overcast by the time the sun comes up.

  54. larry silverman

    Babysitting twin 3 year-old grand kids followed by treadmill workouts on both days.

  55. G.g.

    Picking up a bike on Craigslist in the AM and heading straight for elevation for some hill training!

  56. Pedro Bravo

    I plan a rowing session on saturday and a long run on sunday. Friday is for Batman vs Superman :D

  57. Gerald

    Today it´s pool time. A good swim.
    Tomorrow nothing endurance related: I´ll go clay pigeon shooting.
    Sunday: A running unit of 10k.
    Monday: Depending on the weather: Indoor or outdoor bike ride.

  58. pi

    run for an hour on saturday and bike to my aunt’s house for dinner on sunday.

  59. Justin Bergolios

    Mountain biking on Saturday, T25 and viewing the Cherry Blossoms on Friday!

  60. Norm Kwong

    20km bike ride (weather permitting), 5km run, 1km swim, and to spend sometime outside doing anything.

  61. Ian S

    10 to 15k run on Saturday. Bike ride on Sunday – outside if weather permits.

  62. An 8km beach run tomorrow with my running buddy Rob, followed on Sunday with a nice cruisy 10km, and then on Monday a slow 5 with my 12 year old son.

  63. Jim

    IF it stops raining {
    IF it wams up {
    Swim outside
    } else {
    Road bike
    } else {

  64. Piotr

    plan is run 30k on Sat, Sunday just nutrition and Monday some 60k on bike!

  65. joel

    3-4 hour trainer time, with Reese’s eggs as nutrition. 3000y swimming to see if the bunny likes to swim.

  66. Marc Dietenmaier

    Races on Saturday & Monday

  67. Daniel Bengtsson

    On a weekend trip to London, planning to testrun (part of) the London marathon course.

  68. Walter A

    Planning to make up for lost time since I was in Chile all week for business. Looking to do a solid bike / run on Saturday and a longish run on Sunday afternoon…to work off all the chocolate Easter bunnies!

  69. Paco Anton

    Continue training for the Madrid Half Marathon in April. Should do 8k later today and a further 15k long run on Sunday.

  70. Kyle

    I’ll be doing 2.5 hour bike on my kickr as well as a 10 mile run as I continue to train for the Nashville marathon.

  71. Thom

    My plans are to strength train followed by a long swim on Saturday.

  72. Pete G

    VO2max intervals amd hill intervals on a spin bike at the gym. I’m travelling…

  73. A weekend in the Lao district for some Easter riding up and down the hills and around the lakes. That’s then plan depending on British weather.

  74. Marie Rote

    Riding a 40 mile Roubaix and then another hopefully 3 hour ride Sunday as a preemptive strike on Easter dinner!

  75. Mark

    Need to get about 5-6 miles in running, plus I really want to break my bike out of winter storage and see how well it rides after its tune-up in February, as I start to train for my metric century Ride to End Alzheimer’s in June

  76. Thomas Brock

    Just a run…maybe a ride.

  77. Alex

    Going to swim 1km later today and run 10km tomorrow.

  78. Ann Marie Morley

    I’m recovering from an injury, so probably just stretching…

  79. Tomas Hektor

    I have a cold so the only training will hopefully be some running drills to enhance my technique.

  80. Steve

    3h Aerobic ride to earn some chocolate!

  81. Wayne Sulak

    Ride Saturday morning, go to work for 7 hours then ride Sunday Morning.

  82. John

    Hoping for the first outdoor ride of the season as well as a run or two.

  83. Kevin R. Dunn

    This will be the first weekend that I can get my bike out. I plan on testing my new HR on the ride.

  84. My first outdoor cycling session this year. Looking forward to test new road tires and aerobars.

  85. Kester Spindler

    Skiing and a short run.

  86. Gerard

    Running long on Saturday and hopefully on Sunday too.

  87. Noel Price

    Plan on bricking a on Saturday, a long ride then quick run. Sunday longer run.

  88. DJ

    Rest Day Saturday, then an Easter aerobic endurance ride.

  89. Tim

    Planning on a long ride with mates Saturday followed quickly by a strong coffee, and then hopefully some afternoon recovery in the pool.

  90. Kevin

    Stage race this weekend

  91. Joe

    Hopping around the neighborhood and eating deviled eggs.

  92. Alex L

    Ice canoeing for the last time most probably! Still cold in Canada ;-)

  93. Joshua C

    Run. Ride. Gym. Swim. Repeat.

  94. Fabio

    Friday: Light mountain bike ride.
    Saturday: Not yet planned
    Sunday: 85km ride in the morning and a plethora of chocolate in the afternoon!

  95. Markus

    I plan to end my backcountry skiing season in the Austrian Alps. Lets hope for nice weather!

  96. Happy Easter to you and the Girl! I’m hoping for nice enough weather to get out and ride my bike a couple of times this weekend!

  97. Gavin

    This weekend my wife and I will be taking a hike to a beautiful waterfall.

  98. Javier Biscontin

    Not sure if I’ll train at all… Lots of work!

  99. Michael Paxton

    Right now the only thing on the books is a 5 mile run on sat depending on snow and maybe a swim on sunday.

  100. Santiago Murcia

    Friday: Swim
    Saturday: Bike
    Sunday: Bike + run