The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. The plans are quite simple. On Saturday morning a bike workout with some intervals (1 hour 10 minutes duration), on afternoon 12 km run + some core stability. On Sunday a nice 18 km cross run in the woods :D

  2. Benjamin

    I’ll be spending Easter in family, running and hiking on our favorite trail!

  3. Christian C.

    Start again slowly to prepare for my HM in two weeks – after being out sick for 10 days
    And of course: Easter egg hunting with my kids.

  4. Richard

    Running around the Kloentalersee, hope not to find too much snow, around 30km, just enough km to stay on top of the strava Club “swiss Ultratrail community”

  5. P Nordlund

    A short run on saturday

  6. Derek Chan

    More sessions on the trainer. FTP tested up from last time so interesting to see if I can still hang.

  7. Ole

    I’ll be doing a weekend tri. Swimming and running today, followed by a 65mile road cycler tomorrow. Legs up on Sunday!

  8. Thomas

    Saturday a 40km MTB ride, Sunday a 10km trailrun and Monday recovery with chocolate eggs :-)

  9. Chris Robbins

    I’ll be heading out the front door for a 6-8 mile run later today, followed by a rest day with exercises tomorrow, and then another 6-8 mile run on Sunday!

  10. Bryan

    I’m doing a long run and a long bike. Maybe even a swim if my shoulder is feeling better.

  11. Levente

    This year at Savitaipale, Finland, it’s skiing on the still frozen Lake Kuolimo, running in the silent forests around the lake, finding chocolate eggs with the kids outside in the snowy garden and trying to be able to do all that with all that delicious food and desserts in the fridge.

  12. Peter

    Friday evening: Core & Stability training
    Saturday: Fun with the Kids
    Sunday: Cycling (about 85km)
    Monday: Short ride & brunch

  13. Tibokan

    65km bunch rude and a 16km tempo run, plus a sneaky HC hill climb if I find the time

  14. Pedro

    The plan is short tempo run 8 x 800 meters.

  15. Claus

    A short test run saturday to see if the pain in my knee has improved…. Two weeks until my first ultra, so fingers crossed that the knee is more runnable than last weekend…

  16. Milosz Pogoda

    I’am going to have 2 easy swimming workouts and 3 moderate runs. I don’t eat sweets so it will be easy for me :-)

  17. Michiel Molevelt

    My training plan are an interval session with 10 x 400m repeats on friday, saterday easy long run 80min, sunday 40min easy run, monday a half marathon in marathon race pace. All in all preparations for Marathon of Rotterdam of 10APR16.

  18. Jeffrey Keenan

    Fun weekend ahead: first sprint of the season on Saturday followed by a 2 hour ride Sunday morning!

  19. Kris

    My weekend goal is to rest and ride 170km on Eater Monday

  20. Phil

    Should be running a 5K on the weekend, and then chocolate.

  21. Neil

    Crossfit WOD followed by a lot of chocolate

  22. Gareth

    I’m running in the IAAF/Cardiff University worlds half marathon

  23. Kevin Dwyer

    parkrun in Poole on Saturday and a longish run on Sunday :-)

  24. Chris

    Working out indoors after 8inches of spring snow fell.

  25. Alberto C.

    – Repeat the FTP Test
    – Two 200km days back to back with a friend crossing the country bikepacking
    – Zwift to recover and pre-streching

  26. Jan Roman

    Quite busy weekend – two 4k swims, two long runs and hopefully a coffee ride :)

  27. Anneli

    To enjoy the first outdoor cycling training as the spring finally arrived to Estonia. :)

  28. Marc

    20km run and 2h on the bike.

  29. Brian

    FTP test today followed by a long day climbing. It’s my birthday ride. Maybe a short ride tomorrow. Pie on Sunday.

  30. Shane

    Just need to get in one tempo run over the weekend and I’ll be happy.

  31. Will H

    HOP, on the bike and go for a 40 miler. Recovery run on Saturday. -Happy Easter!

  32. GH

    Family time and some running.

    Also, continuing to test out the Moto 360 Sport. Just received an Android Wear update last night that I am hoping solves the stuttering bluetooth music problem when jogging with the Plantronics BackBeat Fit headphones (btw, these headphones work perfectly when running with the Sony SmartWatch 3)

  33. John Pane

    tempo run saturday and long sunday

  34. Jd Azuelos

    50k lake Lahore ride. Egg hunting with the monsters and recover with 12k run the Monday

  35. Stefan Irion

    10k in Central Park

  36. andrew white

    watching college basketball and eating pizza.

  37. Simon P

    Already done a 10km run and 50 km bike.. Work for two days then an “underground” Half-Marathon on Monday.
    Easter Eggs are the finishing prizes for the 21km !

  38. Tagg LeDuc

    TTs followed by chocolate pizza

  39. Matt Leary

    A comeback run or two with a couple of rides thrown in just for the fun of it.

  40. Jef

    That should be 1 hour easy on Saturday, with 10′ tempo, and 1h30 on Sunday. Oh … and chocolate of course.

  41. john

    My plan is a 12 mile run on Saturday morning, followed by eating a lot of candy on Sunday morning.

  42. Nurlan

    i’m going to practice butterfly swimming in a pool

  43. This weekend is base miles.

  44. Jason

    My plan is to chase my daughter around and eat. I have charged up my garmin watch so maybe I’ll actually use it?

  45. J.D. Snipes

    Long Run with quality

  46. Charles

    planing some interval training for the half marathon I’m racing next month.

  47. Tim K

    I have to do a yard work triathlon this week. Lawn, beds, and general clean up. If I wake up early enough I can squeeze in a ride.

  48. Mike D

    Tabata session on Saturday. Long, early run on Easter morning.

  49. Lars

    Well, that eating chocolate eggs thing sounds good to me. I think I’ll try that. Right between the morning and the afternoon runs this weekend.

  50. Whitney

    Long group run Saturday morning followed by a bike ride with the kids. Sunday is a day of rest.

  51. Matt

    I’m in taper mode for the Berlin HM next weekend, but I’ve got 6 planned today (Friday), 10 tomorrow, and then 5 easy Sunday.

  52. Christy

    Some training runs and chasing after my 2 kids!

  53. Long run with my brother tomorrow, which we rarely get to do because we live far apart, so yay to that. And a ridiculously long trainer ride on sunday.

  54. Andrew

    Some speed work on Sunday in preparation for an upcoming 8k.

  55. Timothy Follis

    Swim, Run and a long Bike. Oh yeah

  56. Sumrit

    Just a short bike ride 3-5 km.

  57. Mike G

    My plan is to be lazy over the weekend, then a few shorter runs next week. Maybe hit some cals in there as well

  58. Raymond Wright

    Whatever I can fit in considering I am working 12 hour shifts every day this weekend. Boo!

  59. sebastiaan

    If the baby allows me, I’ll go out on the trail here for a quick 2hr ride. Can’t wait to get back to proper training!

  60. paco

    Fri 2×5000 @ 4.55 recover 3min
    Sat 70min @ 5.20
    Sun 24km @ 5.15

  61. Training plans for the weekend are actually more on the resting side than anything. I’m aiming to visit a few places to get some walking in, otherwise, it’s more or less a recovery weekend from the week’s training for me.

    I wonder if chocolate bunnies walk, not just hop?

  62. John Bairen

    We’re supposed to get a lot of rain, so I’ll probably spend too much time on the treadmill. If weather permits, I’ll be running trails to get ready for my 50K next month.

  63. AM

    A pool swim and a turbonsession.

  64. John Riordan

    A little swim and eating chocolate bunny ears

  65. Luke S

    I’m in the final stages of recovering from a calf injury, so a run/walk session on a treadmill today, hopefully followed by a 10k run later in the weekend.

  66. Greg d

    50+mi both Sat/Sun with a lot of climbing. Spring has arrived!

  67. Sean Price

    An easy bike, followers by a birthday party.

  68. kW

    90 minute swim with the group on Sat; 1 mile time trial run to establish new VO2max value for spring training

  69. Sergey

    A good long sleep

  70. Jason

    Saturday outdoor ride followed by some prime rib on Sunday!

  71. MartinF

    My coach has me doing some crazy Zone 5 Pace repeats for 2 hours. Then I’ll go recover at a nice restaurant for Easter brunch.

  72. Pierre

    The easter will be my test weekend.
    Performed a 1500m swim test Thursday.
    Saturday will be a 5k running test.
    At last a ftp test on the bike on Monday.

    Wish me luck!!

  73. David

    I haven’t fully planned out my weekend training yet. But I’m considering running to sunrise service in Easter morning (and back home) for a total of 12 miles.

  74. Eric Le Page

    I plan to go do a few short runs to avoid my inlaws.
    Probably 3 X 40 minutes.

  75. I’m accidentally sprained my ankle, so I will resting most time in weekend. May be short bicycle ride.

  76. Bob

    Indoors – treadmill and Zwift climbing. Pollen is streaming outside.

  77. Charlie

    This weekend is my kickoff training for my next marathon! Pretty excited about it! Also, first time I will not be running my age on my birthday in about 5 years – gotta switch over to metric at some point anyway! :)

  78. Allan

    It looks like a nice weekend ahead, so i’ll probably head out on the bike. Oh, and yard work.. that counts as training, right?

  79. Fred W

    A 12k run along the flat canals of Kildare – ideal training for a 21k mountain run in Colombia!

  80. Olivier Champoux

    3 hours trainer session and 2 hour treadmill during the weekend.

  81. Gildas

    Planning a 10km run and some Zwift new Watopia mountain climb …. without the bunny !

  82. Stephane L.

    15k running today, and 2 hours Kickr Saturday !

  83. Liam

    This weekend is all about taking advantage of a) the time off work and b) beautiful autumn weather here in Australia.
    Friday – Fast 70km ride – along the coast and then looping back. Then a 10km slow run along the river in the evening
    Saturday – 40km ride, including a couple of hard efforts up some 5 – 8%hills. Then to the pool in the afternoon for a 2.5km steady state, easy swim
    Sunday – A long ride up into the hills; the cafe will be closed so it’ll be BYO this time around :(
    Monday – Nice long run, taking in some hills; aiming for 1.5 hours.

    Oh and did I mention the awesome weather? So lots of outdoor cooking!

    Tuesday is back to work and a couple of days off training…

  84. Mat

    I should do a simple easy run on Saturday followed by a long run Sunday… But I might do the long run on Saturday and spend Sunday eating chocolate eggs actually…

  85. Kate

    Just finished a spin workout this morning and tomorrow have a 5 mile run on the calendar. Sunday is my rest day. Thanks, would love the Forerunner 630!

  86. Jeff Oden

    I’m going to workout my rest muscle as hard as I possibly can.

  87. Dominik

    Ich werde am Wochenende relaxen und maximal meine Langschlaffähigkeiten trainieren.

  88. Elizabeth Kinney

    Following a modified daniels plan currently, so 2E + 4M + 2E Saturday and church, family, food on Sunday.

  89. Chris

    I’ll be in my basement with trainer road and Daredevil in Netflix!

  90. I’ll be taking the bike out for a hill ride with a friend along the Nakasendo old post road. Hopefully we will be coming back as well.

  91. Rain

    Short recovery run tomorrow and 20km run with fast finish on Sunday. Happy holidays!

  92. Patrick

    Cycling 115k to get to a nice beach destination, and just hang out with friends there!

  93. alan ballard

    Twenty mile run around the local reservoir.

  94. Laurel N

    Running 8 miles on Saturday and lifting weights, and then going for an easy 4 mile run on Sunday.

  95. Ivo

    To start my training for a 14K-trailrun, I will run a 12 minute cooper-test on Easter day to test my current fitness level.

  96. Joe Buckey

    16 mile run as part of my Marathon preparation.

  97. Andrew

    I’ve got 2 bike rides, a brick, a long run and half an hour on the vasa over the next three days.

  98. Anna

    I spend on holidays and will train my ability for recreation.

  99. Reeli

    Bike/run brick on Saturday and 2.5hr ride with hill repeats on Sunday followed by some dark chocolate for special recovery nutrition!

  100. Steve Nussenblatt

    Gonna ride, ride, ride the bike!