The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. James

    My parents are visiting so my weekly long run is cut short. Instead will do an hour run both mornings with the dogs. Post run dark chocolate to follow the recent publication on its training benefits!

  2. Josh

    Tapering down for a marathon in two weeks so a couple of short runs and some stretching sessions

  3. Bikeman

    Just ride. Winter’s over. Time to work off all the donuts & beer.

  4. Cas Mulder

    I am going to run a 10 k

  5. Alessandro Scalco

    Easter 100
    48km Friday – done and dusted
    32km Saturday
    20km Sunday

    Comrades training at its best!!!

  6. Elliot

    Trails trails trails! 23-30km run planned for Saturday and 16km recovery planned for Sunday. I love a long weekend!

  7. Jeff Addison

    Rip through the snowy woods on the bike…eat mini eggs….long trail run… mini eggs….long bike in woods or maybe road….eat mini eggs…..pool swim….long turkey dinner…mini eggs

  8. Joel

    Short 6 miles Saturday morning and sleeping in on Sunday. Sleeping in is hard work.

  9. Kez

    Recovering from the end of a 7 week erg training program. Gym workout at hotel and massage.

  10. Brad Borgald

    105min long run on Sunday, training for the Mother’s Day 1/2 Marathon.

  11. Stefan

    Going to search easter eggs with my children…and doing a longer run on Sunday.

  12. Ale C

    Run 10k con sunday for the chocolate prize waiting at home

  13. Hubert

    Saturday: interval training
    Sunday : eat chocolate
    Monday morning : long run to burn the fat

  14. Ken

    In crazy Illinois weather 8-13 mile run on Saturday, rest on Sunday.

  15. Olivier

    A long swim on saturday, maybe short run after that. Sunday is reserved for a long bike ride

  16. Thomas

    I will do some indoor biking and I guess getting the garden ready for the season will also raise the pulse a little.

  17. Ben_i

    Weekend weight gain for me

  18. Josh Oliver

    A very happy Easter race length brick session around Melbourne, Australia

  19. Esev

    Fri Running 10K Sat Snowboarding Sun Core strength and Yoga

  20. Teemu

    Long run and couple of gym visits.

  21. Alex Castano

    Watching the weather in NW Florida…but a bike ride with my daughter in tow in her Burley Encore plus a six mile run on Sunday. Keep up the great work. Cheers!

  22. Chris

    Hope to get in a nice ride on Sunday to offset the Easter dinner damage.

  23. Andrew tortoishell

    As its the anniversary of my breaking 3 vertebrae, sticking to the trainer, sufferfest videos and probably still wearing my helmet?

  24. Sebasz

    70 km bike riding over the long weekend

  25. Cédric

    Hi Ray,
    I will keep training for my april marathon.
    That should involve long runs at pace, of course ;-)

  26. Emlyn

    Fast 100km Friday
    Steady 120km Saturday (in fact much of the Sydney loop you did)
    Chocolate Sunday
    Zwift on Monday

  27. Riza

    Easy 20++km ride on Sat, hoping to be able to get a ride in on Sunday. Easy spinning on the trainer tonight.

  28. hollyoak

    Wrapping up the training for the upcoming Paris Marathon, so nothing to heavy, 2×20 MPace on Saturday and 3×10′ MPace on Sunday possibly.

  29. Tovi

    Starting a slow taper for Boston, so hill repeats today, 2 hours on the bike on Saturday and 16 miles on Sunday, followed by a major eating frenzy during Easter Brunch!

  30. Oleg

    Muddy Ukrainian trails are waiting!

  31. Max

    Plan on doing one swim session, and 10×400 m intervals this weekend.

  32. Steve

    Out on the bike Friday, then at least two long runs as my final big weekend before marathon time!

  33. Imran

    Will do some interval running on Sunday.
    Possibly a social mountain bike ride on Saturday.

  34. Lots of family/friends events planed, but I hope to squeeze a bike ride or two. On Monday (which is holiday here) there is an orienteering sprint race.

  35. Thomas

    Weather forecast looks like it’s going to be an indoor SST session on Sat, an outdoor 3+ hour endurance ride on Sun, and Mon off.

  36. Dale

    Training for half marathon. 10 mile run planned.

  37. Brian

    Cycle up a 13km climb!

  38. Chris Elam

    Planning an FTP test on the trainer on Sunday. Probably won’t get to anything on Sunday with all the driving I have to do.

  39. Simon

    My goal for the weekend is to celebrate the little I can do with a broken ankle rather than be disappointed with what I cannot.

    And avoid looking to jealous when spotting runners and cyclists out and about.

  40. Martin

    I’ll do a 6x1K interval training. Last prep for the Berlin Half Marathon next week.

  41. Lindsey

    2 hour run and 2400yd swim today, 4.5 hour bike ride tomorrow, recovery swim on Sunday!

  42. Joao Cravo

    Tomorrow I have a Sprint Duathlon. The first of 2016 :)

  43. Chris

    This week hopefully a long run round Cambridge, swimming and might dust off the bike… But then skiing for some late Alpine snow!

  44. Kevin

    Going on a long run.

  45. Rónán

    Cycling hills and watching parades!

  46. Eric

    It’s freezing rain this weekend, so I’ll be doing some riding indoors on Zwift. Hopefully I’ll be able to get 2 rides done for the long weekend. I got some bike tuning to do as well.

  47. Dog

    80 km on the bike

  48. Gene

    Will be running 10 miles Saturday morning with training partners and then riding 15 miles solo on Easter Sunday. Throw in some yoga and light lifting and it should be a great weekend!

  49. Niklas

    To be honest, probably no exercise at all. Am on vacation and even though my running gear is packed it will likely not be used…

  50. Greg

    Plan is 5k Saturday and an 8 mile trail run on Sunday.

  51. A.

    Saturday: 2-3h ride and 1h swim
    Sunday: 20k run
    Monday: 3-4h MTB ride and short run

  52. MisterOppie

    Saturday will be a zwift ride while watching E3 Harelbeke and on sunday a ride to the docks and crossing the border with the netherlands.
    In the afternoon sleeping in front of the TV an eating way to much chocolat

  53. michael

    Friday afternoon a 6-7k careful run… we got a dump of ice pellets & snow on Thursday
    Saturday afternoon I’ll get a quick 8k run in (if underfoot conditions are better)

  54. I’ll be doing a quick blast around a local muddy river bank today.
    Local 5k parkrun tomorrow and probably a nice easy MTB ride on Sunday before eating to much on Monday.

  55. Nick

    It will be a long leasurly ride to make the most of the last of summer for me

  56. Matt B

    Tapering towards Manchester marathon in 2 weeks and trying to shake off a bug.. So just aiming to do my 12 mile run tomorrow and cutting out anything else.

  57. Tom T

    Today a low pace run in the evening and on sunday interval training after some chocolate bunnys (just for energy)

  58. 70km ride on Sunday morning with the Levallois cycling club. Looks as if it will be pretty good weather!

  59. Peejers

    Visiting friends so too much beer, going to do a strength training workout before, maybe a run tomorrow and hopefully biking on Sunday

  60. Andy Jelagin

    Chilly in Chicago this weekend but will be riding with the gang Saturday and Sunday mornings. See you all on Sheridan Road!

  61. Fabian

    Unfortunately I have to work this weekend, so either one or two times 7-10k run

  62. nick

    Maybe a light stroll along the Corniche in Abu Dhabi !! :)

  63. Alex

    Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, trail running in the Adelaide hills, chocolate, chocolate, wine.

  64. Markus S.

    Today is an interval provided and for tomorrow is a short-lived run on the Program . At Easter there will be a long run .

  65. Martin

    weekend is resting and on monday i will start with an long jog

  66. Les

    A 30k bike ride then eating some chocolate eggs

  67. Benjamin

    plan is a long ride on Saturday over 115km and Sunday a long run 1h30 :)

  68. alainquimarche

    Long walks with family around the beaches. Bike with friends. Tons of chocolate to keep our bodies full of protein :)

  69. Falko

    I am recovering from my A-race. I have a slow 6 miler planned.

  70. Oliver

    One and a half run around a local park, rinse, rest, repeat.

  71. Andy

    Couple more training runs for a marathon in 1.5 months.

  72. Steve G.

    Off to the gym for some weight training this evening with a couple of Trainerroad workouts on Saturday and Sunday.

  73. Jens

    A long run, some intervalls, some swimming – while dressed as an easter bunny, of course.

  74. Markus T.

    Friday: 12k Marathon pace + 3k In/Out
    Saturday: 10k easy
    Sunday: 32k longrun
    Monday: 10k easy

    Between: eat chocolate :-)

  75. I’m doing parkrun tomorrow (Saturday) morning – you should do the Paris parkrun at Bois de Bologne, just register first, and bring your parkrun barcode. Sunday I’m running the course of a race Qi Gong that I missed out on doing on race day. When I finish it I qualify for the Series Finisher medal. Monday is a fat-ass half marathon that I might do about 17km of.

  76. Jason DAURY

    140km ride Sat
    10km run Sunday
    Sleeping monday…

  77. Gunther Michaelis

    Boiling some crawfish

  78. Pete

    A couple local half century rides

  79. Aaron Smith

    Spam maki sounds fantastic. Good energy for a medium long run, landscaping and house painting.

  80. Mike

    I’m visiting at my parent’s, so probably more of a recovery weekend. I hope to get in some running each day with one interval workout in between.

  81. Blake Taverna

    As much as I can to try and work off the bulk Easter eggs that I’m going to consume ?

  82. Simon B.

    Run and ride, assuming the weather cooperates!

  83. Sabina

    Got a little injured recently so I’ll take the weekend off.

  84. Paolo Veronesi

    I love having three days out of work, so swimming on Saturday, 16K on Sunday and interval runs on Monday (the swimming pool is closed on Sunday…).

    Happy Easter, I wish you good luck

  85. Evert

    making a 150km ride attempt, up from 100km solo rides at 32km/h avg :)

  86. Eric

    Marathon specific session today. Easy 60 minute run on Saturday then a 26-28M long run on Sunday

  87. Manos

    Plans for the weekend. Mmm. Just got back from a business trip to Algeria. Today is a rest day and watch a basketball game late at night. Tomorrow a free run for 30 min and one more on Sunday for 40 min. Maybe a small excursion to near villages or stay home depending on the weather!

  88. Miguel

    I am going for a bike ride. Would definitly appreciate being able to stick a PM to my bike soon :)

  89. Paul

    Last run of week six in preparation for the Manchester 10k. Feel fitter now than 10years ago. (Man in his 40’s!!)

  90. Ross

    Endurance base training – 3 long rides and a long run

  91. stijn

    Short ride on saturday and long run on sunday :)

  92. Samo Osina

    Two bike rides (Saturday-Monday) most likely with some challenging up-hills :)

    And eggs colouring with children, of course…

  93. jr

    Some 50k ride and maybe easy run

  94. Mike

    I’ll be helping out a friend marshalling a race that she’s organized. The following day I’ll be taking part in a cleanup at the beach where our club swims in the summer months. And then eating lots of chocolate.

  95. Kevin

    Pretty normal weekend

    Saturday : 70 minutes run in the morning, an hour swim in the evening
    Sunday : trainerroad ride for about 90 minutes followed by a long afternoon on the couch watching Gent-Wevelgem
    Monday : trainerroad rides for about 60 minutes and in the afternoon watching my kids athletic tournament

  96. Diana

    Well, I’ve been getting back into running after taking a break, so I have a short run planned for Sunday. Saturday I’ll be doing an Escape Room.

  97. Tyler

    Active recovery and muscle stim on Saturday, long slow distance run on Sunday.

  98. Benjamin Gordon

    Hitting the hills on a medium long ride this Saturday, about 100 feet per mile climbing. Working out the jaw and stomach Sunday with Easter brunch and dinner!

  99. Florian

    I plan on a long run on Saturday, probably with some ice cream afterwards as the weather forecast looks promising. All those lost calories will be replaced at an Easter Dinner on Sunday with friends.

  100. Jerry

    Doing a Parkrun on Saturday and a long bike ride on Sunday