The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Steven

    Saturday morning will be spend on the cobbled roads and nasty climbs of the Tour of Flanders. If I’m out of bed early enough on Sunday I’ll go for a run, otherwise I’ll jump on Kickr in the evening to leave some sweat on Zwift.

  2. Renee

    Going for a long ride with my triathlon friend on Saturday and for a run on Sunday to get warmed up for the Easter egg hunt!

  3. Alex Bennett

    Final preparations for the Paris marathon, longish run and an hour or two on Zwift.

  4. m

    ‘m leaving for the RVV … I hope …

  5. Stuart Maxwell

    Aiming to get in at least one MTB ride each day on the 4 day weekend we have here in Wellington, NZ.

  6. Milkywaye

    Running with my 13yr old son at the same time as trying to figure out how to best position my fenix 3 hr on my wrist so that it stops telling me my heart rate is higher than that of Batman’s while fighting superman

  7. Mark

    Go for a (probably wet) long run on saturday and after that, eating a lot, and I mean a LOT of chocolate!!!

  8. Carsten Tjelder

    Going south France (Dordogne region) this weekend but will bring running clothes and plan for a few 10K’s to explore further.

  9. Thomas

    As the weather is going to be “so-so” this weekend, all signs point towards mountainbike and trials bike training.

    Both bikes will be a good tool for practicing bunny hops :)

  10. Kris

    5 mile run on Sat and 3 miles on Sun

  11. James N

    A quick 5k park run tomorrow, a 10k on Sunday and then try out the new road bike on Monday, that’s just how I roll ;)

  12. Dan

    I’ll go for a swim on Saturday. Sunday morning I’ll be running at duathlon in a relay team with my cousin.

  13. Greg

    2x 1km swims, 40km bike, 10km run.

    All fueled by eggs (of the chocolate variety of course!)

  14. Greg

    Nice long ride on Saturday and a short run on Sunday.

  15. Keller

    This evening little swim, tomorrow bike if weather not wet and Sunday little run.

  16. Klaus De Buysser

    Riding Gent-Wevelgem (not with the pros ;)) on saturday. Recover on zzzzunday!

  17. Graeme

    Gardening (that counts as training right..) and maybe a 10k on Sunday

  18. Tim

    I’ll chop up a few logs for a lunchtime BBQ, squeeze in a short run and finish by cycling to the pub. Class is bank holiday schedule

  19. Daniel Jessee

    Going for 2 long mountain bike rides

  20. Jonathan

    Long run on Saturday then catching up on a few more kms Sunday after a training interupted week

  21. phil

    A monster weekend of summer bike fun and final long run before London Marathon

  22. Darryl

    Trail running in the snow this weekend, 20kms or so. A bike ride on Sunday, 50 km, if the road are ice free.
    Happy Easter everyone.

  23. I will be drinking wine. It takes serious calories to decide which wine(s) to drink, and then even more to open the bottle(s). It will be tough, but I will prevail.

  24. Rich

    Climbing last night, caving with the kids today, then hopefully squeeze in a road ride this evening, swim and mountain bike ride to follow, plus a run if my knee behaves.

  25. Tuomas

    I am goung to eat well at my in-laws, do a 6x1000m interval training on the road (running) and a long sunday easy paced orienteering!

  26. Steve

    I go run 22k in my easter holiday part of my preparation for the Rotterdam marathon on 10th April.

  27. Rob

    30km MTB ride in the woods

  28. Thijmen

    Running as an easterbunny for young athletes hiding Chocolate eggs!

  29. Sander

    MY plan is to do some yoga today, and head out on a 10K run tomorrow. Probably another run on Monday as well!

  30. Srinivas Kolla

    I plan to ride my Specialized Roubaix on cycle rollers and do interval training with BSX Insight SmO2 monitor to determine lactate threshold

  31. LanceR

    Just sit on the couch and eat chocolate Easter bunnies.

  32. Johan

    eating chocolate eggs, because it is totally valid nutrition.

  33. Javel Silveira

    An easy run on Saturday. Chocolate eggs on Sunday.

  34. Frank Zgoznik

    4 Hour ride with 20 mins at FTP then later 4 x 5 mins at FTP. Think it’s gonna hurt

  35. Eric

    A long run before eating a lot of choice-bunnies :)

  36. Robert T

    I’m beginning a taper for the DC 50k, so just a 2 hour zone 2-3 run on Saturday and a rest day on Sunday.

  37. Paul

    Long-ish bike on Saturday early and a 6-10 mile run on the trails on Sunday. Bonus run in Monday.

  38. Ken Furman

    Run, bike repeat

  39. Myriam

    Definitely going to eat easter eggs :-) Besides that going for a run and maybe a bike ride.

  40. Andrew Rutherford

    Couple of recovery rides and chocolate

  41. Helder Rodrigues

    No training yet, hit a car which didn’t respect a stop sign on 15/02 and still have some months until full recovery. Stopped the liquid diet last Tuesday which was a major improvement.

  42. James

    60k ride on Saturday and and another 90k ride on Monday.

  43. Lee D

    A 6 mile run up the hills on Saturday and then a casual 7 or 8 mile run around the neighborhood on Sunday dodging children looking for eggs and/or bunnies.

  44. Jurgen

    Saterday a 90k ride, and sunday a run, with no eggs (choco or otherwise)….

  45. Ryan D

    4 mile runs today and tomorrow

  46. Jonathan

    Long run (25-30k) for marathon preparation.

  47. Florent

    I’m starting a 3 months preparation for a 40km trail based on 3 to 4 runs a week

  48. Steffen

    Following my Trainerroad Base-Plan (“Palisade” on Saturday)
    and hopefully some long outdoor MTB ride on Sunday or Monday.

    Happy Easter Holidays

  49. Michael

    Hill run on Saturday and then LSR on Sunday. Easter eggs for recovery.

  50. Roman

    Well, the plan is to run Friday, Saturday, Sunday and a long, long one on Monday. There is a very real chance of at least one miss, though..?
    As to nutrition: it will mostly involve the sugary, brown stuff..
    Happy Easter, Ray. And thanks for all you do!

  51. Tom

    I will go on a 3hr ride this Sunday and a 6hr ride on Monday. Final preparation for the ‘Ronde van Vlaanderen’ sportive.

  52. Dénes Szluha

    Running in the wild (trail)

  53. Fahmi Faraz

    commuting to work 30 miles each day

  54. vidkul

    Playing basketball with my kid.

  55. Leo

    Finally going to train with my bicycle after three and a half weeks of inactivity.

  56. Ivan

    Friday evening: FTP test on the WAHOO Kickr using ZWIFT.
    Saturday will be the only day without rain, so I have to agree with my wife so I can go for a 100+ km group ride in the afternoon (means shopping very early ;-).
    Sunday/Monday: discover new mountain roads on ZWIFT.

    A power meter is on top of my wish list :-)

  57. JB

    Here in France it’s Easter Monday (not Friday).
    Gardening on Staurday, Snowshoes on Sunday/Monday ;-)

  58. Martin

    Plenty of food and rest, maybe a MTB ride just so I don’t feel too bad

  59. Vitalijs

    Planning to do epic 20 mile long run

  60. jqc

    Long run on Saturday. Off on Sunday!

  61. Kevin

    Interval work chasing my daughter around as she finds eggs

  62. simbie

    starting up again after injury..

  63. Carlo

    Medium-long hilly ride (as far as Utrecht can be hilly) on saturday, strength training in the gym on sunday, ride with efforts on monday. Last weekend before the famous Ronde van Vlaanderen cyclo next saturday!

  64. BernardB50

    I’m going to do:
    – a recovery ride on Friday (1hour of Tacx)
    – 100km ‘Flandrien-style’ ride to the ‘Monts des Cats’ on Saturday (wind force 7)

  65. screwdriver

    I’m going to run and cycle a little bit, but without any special plans :)
    Happy Easter!

  66. Alexander Björk

    Long rung Saturday, long ride Sunday. Long live the weekend warrior!

  67. Philipp

    I’ll only do an easy run on Saturday. The reason for this is that I’m doing the marathon in Paris next week, so it’s tapering time for me.
    Btw, I had some great Spam musubi on Hawaii recently, so I total wouldn’t mind getting sandwiched bewegen two pieces of Spam ;)

  68. Chris

    On Saturday I’m going to do a fast shop ride and on Sunday some distance. That could also change into some mountain biking if the mood strikes me.

  69. Marc Robards

    Long run and a caramel egg for my post-run recovery meal!

  70. angelo masotti

    Go for a mid/long run (+ – 30km) along the coast in Liguria , and may be a short run uphill.

  71. Nicolas

    My plan is to fuel my runs on this long weekend with the corpses of chocolate bunnies!

  72. Chris

    Doing a really very long run :-)

  73. Henry Ng

    Go for a easy LSD run and then an after run swimming session. Both easy one.

  74. Andrew

    Friday-swim and run
    Saturday- bike
    Sunday- bike and run

    In between- steal Cadbury eggs and other candy from my kids baskets

  75. Lani Ralston

    Trail marathon @ US National Whitewater Center in Charlotte.

  76. douglas frost

    hill ride on saturday, chocolate on sunday and even longer ride on monday

  77. Alex

    Will do some skydiving jump tomorrow and a 2h smooth run on sunday.

  78. 2 hour endurance ride on the computrainer on Saturday and some weight training on Sunday. Cadbury eggs will be added as needed.

  79. Lucas Van Aelst

    10k run on Saturday,
    2.5h golf on Sunday

  80. Justin G

    A run this morning around Central Park before getting on a plane.

  81. Terry Steer

    Extended long weekend for me – 50km reco ride with the wife on Thursday morning (Complete), Fast 50km club group ride on Friday (Complete), 90km intermediate/fast club group ride on Saturday morning, The wife has a 2hr 20min run on Sunday as part of her marathon training, so i’ll be doing 50-60km reco ride on Sunday afternoon, then Crit racing on Monday morning – 60min + one lap, then Crit racing Tuesday evening – 55min + 1 lap.

    so I’ll be busy!

  82. Keith

    Had a Good Friday ride already. Same again tomorrow, Sat & Sun with some running & swimming sometime too

  83. Cyril G

    Going for a 50km ride, and maybe some stand up paddle :)

  84. Rouleur

    Ride about 150 miles in the rain ( I live in ireland! ) over the weekend, arrive home, collapse on the sofa and consume excessive amounts of chocolate!

  85. david phillips

    Running in the woods tomorrow, and then 20k on trails on Monday.

  86. wannes

    Lots and lots of skiing in the Alps

  87. Tom

    Managed to miss a ride today already so I’ll probably ride later. Parkrun Saturday with a run to and from, and hopefully ride and run Sunday and Monday.

  88. Michel

    Doing a fatbike beach ride on friday and weather permitting a saturday road training. monday will probably be filled with brunching with the family

  89. henning

    a tempo run and a long run. if we still have snow on the local hill i’ll spend an evening getting my last telemark session for this season.

  90. Alex

    Starting training for a Spirnt triathlon on 24th of april :)

  91. Tridotexe

    Going for a long run in Saturday. Hoping the gingerbread man stays away!

  92. Erik B

    Will be ending a hard week with some 4×4, one set today and one on Sunday. Then it’s time for an easy week.

  93. Oren

    No real training planned for this weekend, but I am planning to take care of my bicycles (both of them) and rest a little.

    BTW, these giveaways are the best ever. Thanks Ray.

  94. Stephan Joos

    Plan: going for a 20k trailrun on saturday, relax on sunday to be prepared for another 30k trail on monday. On tuesday i propably will deal with the greatest muscle soreness one can think of :-)

  95. Torsten

    On Saturday a quick 40k ride on my roadbile and on Sunday morning another 100k on my trainer.

  96. Ganabu

    A nice trail marathon with lots of vertical as a training run for a 100km in 7 weeks… And lots of recovery sleep!

  97. lukian

    Starting the tapering for my marathon training so some long intervals on saturday and a steady 16k on sunday.

  98. Luis

    Road Race on Saturday and 3.5 hours on Sunday with some VO2 work and Tempo thrown in.

  99. _tido_

    My goal is to hide chocolate bunnies for my kids at Flash Gordon speed, and then to carry all of them as HIIT workout !

  100. benji

    I am on vacation with my parents in the countryside, so I will go for a few rides in between chocolate binges.