The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Felix Hagemann

    The good ol’ long run.
    And lots of food!

  2. Enrique Ortiz

    3.5 hr bike with 45 min run on Sat and Sun 1.5hr run tempo

  3. Andrew Clark

    I’ll be running 20km into the local beach town, where I’ll be buying Easter egg for the kids!

  4. Dean Goodwin

    Fri – week 8 knee rehab exercises
    Sat – same as Friday with 20+ pool laps
    Sun – same as Friday
    Mon – same as Saturday

  5. William Owens

    Just did a lovely 113km hilly ride Good Friday, swim and progression run tomorrow then off to Portugal Sunday for a weeks training camp with some friends ????

  6. Katalina Aguilar

    Saturday: 2 hr run
    Sunday: 2.5k swim

  7. Dan R Reese

    I’m strength training tonight and going on a longish mountain bike ride tomorrow. Then eating too much on Easter.

  8. Jonny Willett

    This is a long-run weekend trying to convince myself to enter a marathon this year. Also need to get out on the bike, went for a mtb last weekend and have felt it all week!

  9. Al

    My plans involve breaking in my new cycling shoes around the Cotswolds in the UK.

  10. I’ll be racing in a Sprint Triathlon on Sunday. Pool swim, closed bike course, 5k run. Lots of hills, though.

  11. anybody

    As I did a long run today my knee will probably scream for some resting tomorrow. Maybe I will do some little gymnastics or just rest.

  12. Dan Kothlow

    Group ride with our local multi-sport group. One hour out – one hour back, then a potluck and microbrew adult beverages. Hopefully the rain will stay away.

  13. Ryan

    I intend to take it easy this weekend.because the shins are hurting

  14. Colin Foe-Parker

    56 miles on the tri-bike!

  15. Duncan

    Moving house while eating chocolate to keep energy up!

  16. Mat

    I have a 10km run and also going for a 60km ride. Nutrition to be a small egg every 45-60 mins with a bunny for recovery! :-)

  17. Keith

    I’m running a 10k on Saturday and riding my bike 32 miles to the beach. That is about all I have the energy for these days.

    • Mark Donnelly

      Planning a 100km MTB orienteering around Madrid with a few friends. Crossing my fingers for a win. I’d love to get a real GPS for my bike. I have a V650 and today’s 80km didn’t go too well.

  18. Eric

    I’m doing a swim at the gym on Saturday and a run on Sunda!

  19. Ronan kane

    Weekend will involve 2.5k club swim friday morning followed by steak and normandie cider with some pals friday eve. A hill run Sat with the dog flowed by family Dinner.
    If the weather improves a 90k club spin on Sun and regular club swim on Monday with bank holiday breakfast at the local cafe. So mostly eating with some excercise thrown in!

  20. Agata

    XC ski + run + bike ride, the sequence depends on the weather (no cycling in the wet below +10C ;-)

  21. Jonathan Michael

    We finally have a sunny weekend so I plan a 40-60 mile ride, with 3,500-5,000 ft of climbing for Saturday, chilling on Sunday..

  22. Jeffrey Morgan

    I will be racing in a sprint Triathlon. trying to break my PR.

  23. Eric simpson

    Run 13k friday, 25k saturday and 7k sunday

  24. Chris

    I’m taking my two year old swimming in the morning, and hoping he will sleep long enough for a 90 minute ride in the afternoon (it normally tires him out pretty well). Then hoping to get in a couple of hours on the bike on Sunday morning before we all head off to my parents to eat and drink too much!

  25. Stephen

    Long Ride tomorrow then probably a short run on Sunday before the feast.

  26. Jarred Ward

    Go for a run if time, get ready for the first big half marathon!

  27. Hi Everyone,

    Thanks DCRM and CT for another giveaway. That’s really pretty awesome of you guys. My weekend training plan is to do my long run towards the goal of charity running the Berlin marathon–my first ever. The long run is still pretty short at the moment–15km.


  28. Jesse

    Not much probably as I’ve already done 170 kilometres of skiing this week… But maybe a calm 10k just to get back in the running business.

  29. John H

    A 10k race for a local charity on Saturday (that I haven’t trained for at all) and if I’m able to walk after that a 90k bike race on Sunday morning through Connemara in Ireland.

  30. Christine

    I plan to do a push-up for every jelly bean I eat in addition to hiking and running.

  31. Steeven

    Friday = Easy 60 minute Bike in Fasted State
    Saturday = 1 hr Run
    Sunday = 2 hr Bike
    Monday = Swim & Bike

  32. Andreas

    Easter weekend just kicked in with a nice and easy Good Friday 5k. 40-50k ride on Saturday and Sunday – yeah, Sunday is all about the chocolate eggs and bunnies

  33. Carla

    Swim bike fun! Doing PT for a run injury…

  34. I own a small group gym in San Diego, and amazingly, everyone wants to take a Kickboxing class on Easter Sunday, so I’ll have the gloves on for an hour, preceded by an indoor cycling class (we have Schwinn bikes, so I can’t say Sp_nning).

  35. Peter

    30k of Nordic skiing tomorrow and a ride on Sunday (after gorging on Lindt chocolate and Cadbury mini eggs that I just picked up at Target).

  36. Bill Gookin

    Yoga on Saturday and then hopefully an easy ride on Sunday…working on getting my knee back in running shape so next year I’ll be able to beat my kids at the egg hunt!

  37. James Davies

    The weather forecast is more Autumn than Easter, but 50-miles on the bike tomorrow morning and then a long run in the forest on Easter Sunday just on the outskirts of London.

  38. Ned

    This weekend I’ll be running 5km then following it up with a 40km cycle around the beautiful Cheshire countryside.

  39. Linus Yng

    A short 8k run. Getting back from into shape after flu..

  40. Melanie

    First 5K of the year!! Woop

  41. Ben Wooilscroft

    It’s going to be an inside ride today – wife with broken hip and collarbone on the sofa, I can’t go far

  42. Arno van der Loop

    Saturday ..a run of 20 kilometers and one hour Swim indoors , Sunday 75 km bike ride , Monday family time..

  43. Matthew Wood

    Watching the US men’s national soccer team take on Guatemala. 5k race for a PR and then resting up!

  44. Eric Siebert

    Fly home Sat. Run to stretch out the legs on Sunday and burn off an Easter brunch.

  45. Scott Sleight

    two big runs w/ my tireless Vizsla

  46. Milt MacFarlane

    A ride a swim a ride a run

  47. Julie Olson

    I’ve got an 8 mile training run on my schedule for the weekend. Followed by lots of sitting on the couch.

  48. Kevin Hieber

    Morning swim followed by a 2 hour bike ride.

  49. Erik

    Last weekend without the family…no Easter bunny, but at least three large training rides planned.

  50. Chris

    A nice run along the Chicago lakeshore… where bunnies will indeed be hopping.

  51. John

    Hill repeats until I hurl. (I heard it was a thing.) ;-)

  52. Maxbre

    Ciao Ray,
    Short run on saturday (6km) and ride on sunday (50km)

  53. Alysha

    Friday = 60 minute Orange Theory
    Saturday = 60 min Upper Body Workout
    Sunday = 60 min Lower Body Workout

  54. Greg p

    Kayaking friday, run sat and Sunday at in laws house. They have some great trails in their backyard!

  55. Chris C.

    Just moved to a new flat, so likely to have a spin around to discover new routes

  56. Craig

    Fresh snow today to telemark in, tomorrow I’ll do a backcountry skin/ski, and probably a nordic skate ski on Sunday

  57. Geoff

    I’m borrowing a demo Diverge at the moment. Fitted CX tyres to it yesterday, so I’m going to be doing some trips to the woods!

  58. Carlos

    Tomorrow I’m cycling from Malaga to Osuna in Spain. 1400m along 116km, nothing too crazy

  59. Robin

    Sat will be easy, only to try making the Sunday group ride hard :)

  60. John Ward

    I have a road race on Saturday and our hammerfest coffee ride on Sunday.

  61. Mattias

    a session running on a treadmill + strength training and 70 km road cycling

  62. Robyn

    I’m running 3 miles to see the cherry blossoms! Sunday I’m doing a track workout!

  63. 25 miles on the bike today (Good Friday), intervals on the rollers tomorrow, cake-eating for my mums birthday on Sunday, then LSD on the rollers on Monday!

  64. Ged equi

    First spring ride out at 7am tomorrow with a good friend in the Kent (UK) countryside.

  65. Enrico Bottacin

    Long 100 ride on saturday and 4k ride + 10k run on Monday.
    happy easter!

  66. cyrille

    Mountain Biking in Vallée de Chevreuse (43 km from Paris)

  67. Stefan

    Long and slow is on the menu

  68. alex

    no training for me, just resting my broken back

  69. Kelly

    Saturday trail run with friends
    Sunday-Sunrise Easter service at the Riverfront Park on the banks of the Arkansas River as it flows through downtown Little Rock, then last long run of 20 through the city trail system before winding down mileage for #Boston2016! Hallelujah

  70. Eduardo

    I did my long ride today, so rest is what I have ahead

  71. Kevin Pearce

    2 hours on the bike trainer each day over the long weekend.

  72. Pete Lambertz

    At least 2 runs and possibly a bike.

  73. Erik Meijer

    Saturday free, sunday 10K run and monday 30min indoorcycling.

  74. Michael

    100 km bike ride planned

  75. Ed

    Trainer road on my kickr.

  76. Luca

    Saturday plan is for a 3000mt swim training folowed by sunday 3hrs bike ride plus 45minutes easy run…chocolate eggs to fnish the day…

  77. Adam

    12-16k runs on Saturday and Sunday, 80k ride on Monday

  78. Peter V.

    Eating a lot of chocolate eggs last days. Long run this weekend in preparation for the marathon in 2 more weeks.

  79. fisao

    Long club ride tomorrow and on Sunday the same again! If I can stomach it, this will be followed up with a shorter one on Monday.

  80. Khoi

    Planning to hit the trails on Saturday and run 10K Sunday. Happy Easter!

  81. Dexter

    Easy run Saturday morning. Quiet day with the kids on Sunday

  82. Brad

    MAF test on Saturday and a long run on Sunday.

  83. George Schley

    Starting Saturday at 6am… Swim, bike, sleep, chocolate… Repeat until Monday.

  84. Charlie M

    Easy 4 miles – hopefully a long run Sunday

  85. alan galang

    100km ride on Sat and a trail run on Sunday

  86. Gary

    Short 8-10k along the canal. Just enough to assuage the guilt of eating too many chocolate eggs.

  87. Jimbo

    Weekend training and activity
    Friday night commutish ride – 18 miles with a likely beer stop in the middle
    Saturday – Hash run in the hils, beer to follow
    Sunday – Probably a MTB ride in the hills, usually ends with a beer.

    Sense a theme?

  88. Eric R

    I’ll swim sat then on a plane for Mexico!

  89. Lars

    Since it’s the last training day of my triathlon camp, we’ll do a hilly 80 km trip tomorrow, Sunday is recovery traveling.

  90. Christian Garcia

    Planning to go out on a 50 mile shop ride and Saturday and then probably a 60 mile ride around a dam on Sunday. Seems like a fun plan most definitely.

  91. Jan Wender

    Today: Medium-easy 12k, tomorrow: long run (20+ k), sunday: rest :-)

  92. Kalman Szaraz

    Just a 14 km run for training, to be prepared for a 28 km run on the following Sunday.

  93. Peter M

    I plan to swim until either I can’t anymore or the Easter Bunny comes and kicks me out of the pool. I also plan to force myself to endure a 10km run. Happy Easter!!

  94. Jim

    Back in the pool Saturday, gonna push for three miles, and some hiking on Sunday.

  95. Duncan Chedburn

    Friday- 2 hour fasted z2 cycle
    Saturday – strength
    Sunday- Full day skiing :)

  96. George

    Planning to run 10k in the stadium nearby at Saturday and Sunday maybe some weight lifting.

  97. stephane feret

    This week-end, training for iron man 70.3, with 2400m swimming alternating fast pace and technique. A 10 km run, and core training.

  98. Robert

    I won’t be eating much chocolate or spam, but I will be getting in a 5 mile run on Sunday.

  99. Chris

    Coming back from surgery so ramping back up and hope to get an 8-mile run tomorrow, a strength workout and some biking in on Sunday.

  100. Stephane

    Sounds great, thanks Ray!
    Well it’s a difficult choice between Fenix3 HR and the Hawaiian underwear…
    I plan a gentle run tomorrow after my tai-chi class, a double-gentle one on Sunday w/ maybe some km at marathon pace and a long run on Monday. With all that, heavy load of magnesium–ok black chocolate you got me.