The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Artur

    Sadly, no training for me, I’m in bed with a nasty cold :(

  2. Travis

    Re-attempting my first 24 hour ride after my last attempt (a couple of days ago) got interrupted by a severe storm.

  3. João Pina

    Since I am in holiday without bike, my training will be eating a lot of chocolate eggs!

  4. Chris Mcelwee

    Long run on Saturday. Chase kids after church on Sunday. Eat jelly beans.

  5. Warren

    Lots of rest for Oceanside 70.3 (including lots of chocolate eggs!! )

  6. Dan Joyce

    Hoping the weather forecast is wrong so I can head out and get some nice hard miles in! Also copius amounts of chocolate will be consumed ;)

  7. David Ward

    Did 35 miles today (cherry blossoms in DC) and want total 125 through the weekend….

  8. Artem Parshentsev

    I’m having long tempo run 90 mins on Sat, and then reverse brick on Sun: 1hr run outside + 1hr TrainerRoad ride on Kickr. It’s still cold here in Moscow.

  9. Sarah

    I have a 4hr ride Saturday and 18k run Sunday.

  10. John

    10 miles Saturday and lots of candy eating Sunday.

  11. Aaron Grenz

    5-7 mile training runs on Friday and Saturday. Speedwork on Sunday.

  12. Ab Brody

    14 mile “long” run and a 5 mile shakeout. Half marathon training so much easier than marathon training from a mileage standpoint!!!

  13. Dalton Carver

    My goal for the weekend is to get in about six 500m on an erg on Friday (1000m warmup and 1000m cooldown). Then Saturday will be a nice, easy 5000m worth of rowing. Then Sunday is Long Run Sunday but Easter style! And finally, I’ll get to enjoy a great Easter meal after the run.

  14. Nick S.

    Saturday – 5mi @ HM pace / Sunday – 10mi Long Run

  15. falconeye

    No trainings plans. I am injured and can not train for at least 4 weeks :-(

  16. Rod

    My plan is to do at least a 30 mile ride on Saturday at a fairly aggressive clip – hopefully with some buddies. Oh, and then I am planning to head to Tahoe Sunday afternoon to do some skiing! Happy Easter.

  17. Jonathan

    Longish run in Central park, NYC,Saturday morning and a somewhat shorter run Sunday

  18. Scott Ho

    Breaking in new shimano pedals with some Road cycling mileage… And dying Easter eggs for the kiddos!

  19. Max

    I will be going for a 10km run.

  20. John Wilson

    Long run on Saturday morning, movie and beer Saturday evening for recovery ;) Bike ride Sunday.

  21. Mathieu Cagnard

    2 hours spinning class Saturday morning
    10 miles run Sunday morning
    Maybe a swim sometimes too ?

    Happy Easter to all

  22. Marco G

    Try to do some base training while taking care of newborn. No easy task.

  23. Jeremy

    Trying to train around the in laws!

  24. Brian

    My wife is about to give birth, so my plans involve sticking close to home and maintaining a vigilant baby watch!

  25. Alex

    Taper time for me – ez run & ez swim for Sat and Sun.

  26. Noah

    On Saturday, I will be riding for 2 hours and 45 minutes on the trainer followed by a 30 min run. On Sunday, I am doing an hour and 15 min run at near race pace then sleeping for the rest of the weekend.

  27. peter

    the plan is: one run on saturday or sunday evening (15 to 20k)

  28. My plan is a long run and maybe some cycling.

  29. I’m just hoping enough of the snow melts to get back on the bike. I had a pretty good month going, but haven’t been able to ride for over a week.

  30. Allison M

    I have a 14 mile run in the mountains tomorrow and a long ride on Sunday!

  31. LB

    Six to eight kilometres on my street route.

  32. Jeremy W

    This weekend consists of mostly watching the calorie consumption. Between basketball and the holiday that may be tricky. If I can get some time in at the gym then I’ll take that as a bonus.

  33. David Stott

    Well next week’s 100km audax is actually 120km so I’m trying to add the extra distance to my training rides to make sure I’m up to it!

  34. a 20 mile run, chocolate, perhaps a bike ride, chocolate, and some fun with the children :-)

  35. Avishai Moscovich

    Will head over to the pool for 2k swim in Saturday.
    Long run 15k on sunday

  36. Bartosz Nazar

    I’ll be riding my mountain bike all weekend!

  37. Jon

    First outdoor rides after a winter on trainer. 120km today. 3h on hills sunday with a pro. Excited. …and some running in the forest by the sea. Great weekend

  38. Troels Jakobsen

    One last session of xc-skiing and a few slalom turns before a long homeward carride.

  39. Vince Cammarata

    Good Friday was a 1600 yd swim workout including 10 X 50’s free. Saturday has an FTP assessment workout on the trainer (would rather be outside) and Sunday is going to be a short run since a) the pool is closed, b) can’t go for a long ride since there is cleaning and cooking to do and c) I’ll be eating too much lamb to do nothing.


  40. Brett Bornhoft

    My goal is to do a long run Saturday afternoon, I already accomplished my 30 mile bike this morning, and Sunday I hope to gorge myself with brunch… SO MUCH BRUNCH!

  41. Jesus Cabrera

    Coming out of a flu, so not too intensive training this weekend! Brief swim session and also a run with my dog!:)

  42. Jaymeth Maddox

    Planning on doing a few easy spins and, if my knee is feeling up to it, an easy 5-7 miler.

  43. Marc D

    Long run on sunday. After eating chocolate!

  44. Eric FInnen

    Trail run training for a North Face run in New York.

  45. Sonja Nesse

    Two mile hilly neighborhood hike with the pups, 60 mile bike ride with the fiance, then relax and eat lots of frozen peeps!

  46. ubrab

    Brick session tomorrow (40km/8km), solid 120km ride Sunday, 90km recovery ride Monday – YAY!

  47. Trail running on Friday at Albion hills

  48. Jeff

    First of all, chocolate is a yes!

    Yesterday’s snow should be melted off the roads. If it dries, out on #1 road bike, if still wet, out on #2 fender bike. But on the bike for sure!

  49. Nico74

    Going for a quick interval training on bike to try to get back the legs feeling!

  50. Matt Ellard

    This weekend I will be mostly sitting on my ass & drinking beer


    Short track workout Saturday and then run SIx miles on Easter Sunday

  52. Erik

    I just got a Burley D’lite through the REI member sale & dividend distribution. I plan on throwing my 4-year old in it and riding around Haines Point and the Mall so she can see the cherry blossoms. Don’t you miss DC (they fixed all the traffic problems, I swear)?

  53. Ryan

    No training this weekend. Recovering from a cold.

  54. Oebele

    10k walk on Saturday and a ride on my Merida ride 400 on Sunday :-)

    • Daniel Frazier

      I’m running 5 miles and doing p90x3. Then a couple days of rest before I start a p90x3 regiment. I could really use a new fitness was tracker! I’m about to outline the trigger on the 235 but I’ll upgrade to the Fenix 3 hr if I win… Please pick me!

  55. Agron

    Long distance run at Saturday and 40 x 120 meters on Sunday.

  56. Frank

    Two days of rest!

  57. Jan

    Lots of training in eating the little chocolate eggs ? And probably two 10k interval runs. Happy Easter!

  58. Amk025

    1.5h swim + 30min run on Sat
    2h bike on Sun
    5h consumption on Sun

  59. flarunner

    I tried this on my tablet and I don’t think it worked, so I’ll try again on my laptop. Sorry if I’ve done a duplicate and made more work.

    I plan on running some and walking some and maybe biking some.

  60. Steven K.

    Speed work on Saturday and 12M LSD on Sunday.

  61. Steve

    The plan is to ride 30-40 miles on Saturday, with another 20 on Sunday for recovery. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.

  62. Andrej

    Swim, bike and run

  63. Antonio Bošković

    Training for the weekend will involve Saturday morning last minute shopping and on Sunday there will be about 80k hilly ride about 2000m of elevation after that lots of cake :)

  64. DB

    Follow the kids while they chase the Easter Bunny

  65. Jason

    Expecting snow this weekend, so I’m probably stuck on the trainer. 2 hours tempo + sprints on Saturday. 2 hours however I feel on Sunday. Probably on Zwift.

  66. Jim Dwyer

    Coming back from an illness, it is a pretty easy weekend. 1 1/5 hours on the bike Saturday and a nice short 30 minute Easter morning run.

  67. Matt M.

    Group ride Saturday. Intervals on Sunday.

  68. Riding a couple hours on the road bike each day and perhaps getting in my first run since January

  69. Robin

    I’ll likely spend part of the weekend on my indoor trainer and part of it on the road on my bike getting base miles. Neck issues have kept me off the bike for a few months, so my base miles are virtually non-existent right now.

  70. Ulric Huang

    Riding away on the kickr (4 hours) plus a 2 hour run….unfortunately taking a non-rest day holiday from training doesn’t do much to help build that fitness!

  71. Ed B

    4 hour ride on Saturday followed by a 40 minute trainer ride 1:45:00 run on Sunday. Gonna earn some Easter candy

  72. Steven K.

    5M speed run and 12M LSD in prep for my first HM in 3 weeks.

  73. Ryan

    I recently switched up my workout to incorporate more HIIT training which is what I’ll be doing on Saturday and Sunday will be an early morning run. Early in the morning is the only way to guarantee a workout with my one year old and two and a half year old.

  74. Andras

    the usual longer brick tomorrow and a 3k swim on sunday. with loads of chocolate obviously!

  75. Terry T

    Progression run on Saturday morning and a 12ish mile med-long run Sunday, with both followed by time watching the NCAAs on TV. Go ‘Hoos!

  76. blaf

    hopefully illness will be gone and I will do an easy ride after sickness

  77. Patrick lemieux

    2 last days of downhill skiing ! 90 mins on trainerroad on monday.

  78. Nicolas

    I am going to take the opportunity of this long week end to do a 4 times 50kms in 4 days…

  79. James

    Park run on Saturday, 13km trail run on Monday

  80. jesper n

    Just a small sickness recovery MTB ride. Sure hope to see double digit temperaures here in Copenhagen soon….

  81. Yussu

    Some cross country skiing. Sweet.

  82. Jeff

    First track session of the year, a swim and a ride.

  83. Ryan C

    I recently started incorporating HIIT training into my gym routine which is what I’ll be doing on Saturday and Sunday I’ll be going for an early morning run. Early in the morning is the only way to do it since I have a 1 year old and two and a half year old.

  84. ivoaktiv

    preparing for triathlon training camp on mallorca… looking so much foward!

  85. cristina

    7km rum on Saturday and hike with Bela on Sunday.

  86. Chance

    Sailing to Bimini, so no riding for a while. Training the liver though…

  87. Vincent

    Moving into my new house and enjoy some nice chocolate after the moving is done :)

  88. Michael

    I plan to get a 20 mile ride in on Saturday and some serious nutrition recovery in on Sunday.

  89. dieter Neirinck

    Imperial century on Zwift today, recovery ride tomorrow, long run on monday

  90. Paul S.

    I’ll be taking my dad (visiting from out of town) up the Gibralter Rd climb. A Santa Barbara bicycling classic, and a new addition to the Tour of California this year.

  91. Oliver

    I will be skiing in Switzerland! Wahoooooo!

  92. Ge

    Saturday 90 mins TrainerRoad interval, try to do 1-2 hours long run on Sunday

  93. arnulfoarnulfo

    Swim, bike, maybe run. Memy Easter eggs will lose

  94. Paul Smyth

    A gentle long ride before the Ronde sportive the following weekend.

  95. Andy

    Racing the Oredigger HC TT… If the snow doesn’t cancel it.

  96. Erik

    Running in the dunes on Saturday and another running training over hills on Sunday.

  97. wilfred

    I am going ride my mtb for the weekend and have an easter diner.

  98. Tim

    Hoping to knock out an 18 mile run with my wife. She’s training for a marathon in May and is prepared, I’ll likely be hurting.

  99. David Gralnik

    12-14 mile run

  100. Shana

    I’m going to a dance convention this weekend, so planning on several hours of class each day and many hours of dancing each night! But next week starts a half-marathon training program, I could use $600!