The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Alex Morrison

    Long walk around Bitche (a genuine place in France!) tomorrow, and a 12k run as part of my half marathon training on Sunday.

  2. Zenek

    No specific plans, running, MTB or chocolate eggs depending on the weather and the amount of mud in the woods

  3. Marc

    Sleep. Lots of sleep.

  4. Matt

    No training, just racing local 10 mile road running race.

  5. Tom Coussement

    just some cycling as preparation on watching Gent-Wevelgem

  6. Dan B

    Going to run in the rain on Saturday (8-10 mile training run), eat some of those chocolate eggs on Sunday and then pay for it on the bike.

  7. Anthony W

    Just got my first NEW road bike ever (Specialized Allez DSW SL Comp) today and plan on taking it out for a maiden ride. Just need to get a new computer set up to help out.

  8. Kir

    I’m going to run for more than 1 hour

  9. Michael Smith

    A nice 6 miles run Saturday and a longer 9 mile run Sunday.

  10. Stephen R

    …just a 1 hour endurance run on Saturday…on Sunday there should just be a few short sprints to grab some easter eggs!

  11. Young

    Will be going for a long ride this weekend to burn those Choco-bunny cals.

  12. Drew

    Chocolate, chocolate and chocolate. And around all of that I plan on biking today and got a climbing mission lined up for tomorrow. Should be a good weekend! Cheers Ray!

  13. Farhan

    Eating chocolates while training, maximum productivity…

  14. Matthias

    4 days Full of Yoga.

  15. Marty

    Second ever kickr ride tomorrow, followed by a run Easter morning

  16. Don

    I’m moving apartments next week so my life is packing boxes. This weekend i’ll be keeping my sanity with a couple of 30+ mile bike rides before the wife wakes up!

  17. Thomas McCarthy

    Sat- 2hr bike and 1/2 hr run. Sun- 1/2 hr bike and 2hr run. Hopefully outdoors, supposed to rain in central FL.

  18. Christer

    Pool swimming on my vacation in Abu Dhabi

  19. Allen Black

    1 trainer ride done and 1 more plus a run to come.

  20. Jay Thomas

    A nice long ride in the rain! (I live in the Pacific Northwest).

  21. MJC

    Mileage build up for a summer road relay

  22. Olivier Leclercq

    Hi ray. Walking or running . Moving everyday is my plan . At least 12.000 steps….

  23. David

    Last long run before taper time for The 120th Boston Marathon!

  24. Matija

    Preparing for mtb competition

  25. Barrie

    Parkrun, 2hrs on the bike, 60 min run and first visit to an indoor 50m pool.

  26. Marcin

    In the sunday morning, I will run 12×400/400 reps and then I will eat a lot of goods from my easter table:)

  27. Roelof

    Saturday an easy 60km ride and monday the Bultentocht(160km).

  28. Patricio Despradel

    This weekend will be my last inside the taper phase because next week i will be running paradise in Punta cana Half marathon ind Dominican Republic baby!!

    a medal and 600 in gadgets…not bad…hehe

  29. Joseph Matchette

    Saturday will consist of working at my son’s Eagle Scout project. Sunday….looks like a trainer ride in the afternoon.
    Hopefully the weather will also allow a short run on sunday.

  30. Tad

    Getting the bikes ready to hit the road and trails and possibly squeezing in a rail trail run.

  31. Paul Hietala

    Long running!

  32. Lauren Dingman

    1 mile run today, long walks with the doggies Saturday and Sunday at my inlaws!

  33. Justin K

    I will be ramping the training back up after last weekends half marathon

  34. Michael Terry

    My training for plan is to go for a long run on Sunday. Also chasing a 4 + 2 year old around to wear them out from their Easter egg chocolate high

  35. Wilbert Kroon

    A 100km bikeride on Saturday, a shorter ride on Monday depending on the weather between 50 and 75 km

  36. Massimo

    It’s taper time ! My last week of training before my first marathon, right in Paris !

  37. Anders

    First outside bike ride of the year! (Kurt, we’ll meet again after summer)

  38. Joseph

    Saturday long run and some hiking on Sunday. Thanks Ray!

  39. CJ

    Ride Saturday, and Sunday is run day…

  40. Donna

    Long ride short run and short ride long run were the plan until I got a spinal injury Wednesday. Now it’s rest.

  41. marvin

    240km Amstel Gold race training. Will be a long day :)

  42. Jurassic

    Parkrun tomorrow, bike ride Sunday, and eggs!

  43. Gordon Warren

    I’m planning a long slow distance run, after which I will briefly lament the lack of gen 2 running dynamics on my epix.
    Stop rolling your eyes: I will get over it… eventually…

  44. Olga Kulabukhova

    On Saturday I’m preparing tasty lunch to eat with my lovely husband after he is back after 60km cyckling

  45. Jenelle Glover

    I’ll be enjoying a nice run-bike-run-bike-run workout on Saturday, followed by a long run and recovery ride on Sunday. Maybe some chocolate will be worked in as well :)

  46. Ann H

    Running Satirday and Sunday. No set pace, just going to enjoy any running I can do before starting chemotherapy next week.

  47. Christer Sehlstedt

    I will do a mini training camp with long run.

  48. Jen Andersen

    Hoping the weather will change for my bike rides on Sunday and Monday :-) Gale force winds are not so bike friendly.

  49. Sanna

    Snowshoeing. With chocolate :)

  50. Dan

    Recovery week, easy ride Saturday, one hour z1 run Sunday.

  51. Fabio Campos

    My goal is two 22k runs, back to back.

  52. Mark

    Hiding eggs for our neighborhood egg hunt, as well as one just for the kids. Also spending as much time outside either bike riding, playing wall-ball, or basketball.

  53. Kayce Shelton

    I have a 25 mile ride planned saturday morning and a 50 mile ride planned for sunday morning. Early bird gets the worm and things.

  54. Katri

    I will have a swim Sat morning and I am trying to squeeze sth in between my family obligations on Sunday. Most probably it will be only yoga this time.

  55. Felix

    If I am healthy enough,
    I will go for a slow run and a slow bike ride.

  56. Santiago

    Short 45 min ride today, Sprint triathlon tomorrow and resting on sunday! Have a great weekend everybody

  57. Tony Benavidez

    Go for run Saturday. Break in the new folding bike Sunday.

  58. Dan Lipsher

    Got a long (112km) bike ride planned Saturday — the Topanga Reacharound. Got a shorter (87km) bike ride planned Sunday. Then we sleep

  59. I might head out for a ride — my first one in five months! Fingers crossed!

  60. Isaiah

    My training training plan over Easter involves a daily strength session in the gym each morning and a run each evening. Keep busy to stay away from copious amounts of chocolate.

  61. KPVa

    Long trainer ride tonight, long swim tomorrow, long run Sunday.

  62. Richard Mable

    Shoulder rehab with the stretchy bands, hand excercises for the broken finger, and a few hours on the stationary bike.

  63. Tim

    Quick run and chopping down trees from a windstorm.

  64. Joe

    Cross-country skiing, and hopefully an easy ride outside if the weather cooperates.

  65. Sharon Root

    My training plan for this weekend is to do a lot of walking as part of my recovery from surgery and a DVT.

  66. Coach Dion

    Thursday race 3000m track 10:27
    Friday cycle with friend running 56km race.
    Saturday watch real race.
    Sunday or Monday long run on mountain

  67. Claude

    Trail run!

  68. Chris Larson

    Saturday is a 45 mile cycle with a 3 mile run after. Sunday is an 8 mile run followed by 2 Easter parties.

  69. Marius Podaru

    GFNY race is in about a month, training must go on no matter how much ice has covered everything in the city.

  70. Daryle Yarab

    End of recovery week for me. Easy Bike Saturday. Easy Run Sunday.

  71. Sebastien

    Planning on a 10k run Saturday, and possibly another one on Monday.

  72. Steve

    Training for a half marathon so have 2 runs this weekend. A 4km this morning and an 11km tomorrow.

  73. Tim

    I failed to communicate well enough this past Tuesday and my wife went down on the bike with a hairline elbow fracture. I get to go ride tomorrow but she has to sit at home with her arm in a sling….. She could use a new gadget to cheer her up!

  74. Jodi Plante

    Bootcamp Saturday morning and Sunday a short run with my boys (the dogs) before Easter lunch.

  75. hodag91

    Hopefully I will be able to get in a 2 hour ride and a 10 mile run over the weekend.

  76. Snooly

    It’s weights tonight, hill reps running tomorrow and a 3hr LSD ride on Sunday.

  77. Phil Wilson

    I’ll be running, lifting and then running again.

  78. Geoff

    A long run and hopefully a bike ride with the kids if the weather is nice.

  79. Pavel Nouel

    40 mile ride on Saturday and a 10 mile run on Easter!!

  80. Scott Gray

    I’ll be hacking my way round the NE of Scotland. Wind, rain and suffering.

  81. Sandy Milton

    I will be running on Sunday with Falkland Trail Runners, round Falkland Estate in Fife, Scotland

  82. Stash

    I am going to do a couple of XC rides with my old Trek 8000 hardtail.

  83. Yonadav

    Bike outside for the first time this year, run long, relax.

  84. David

    My goal is to ride both days. Outside. I hope I get 30 and 50 miles (respectively) but more importantly that my cough is gone and I can resume my attempt to develop enough power to catch on to the back of the A ride.

  85. Jacob

    I’Il be riding the stationary bike while watching college hoops. Maybe a hike if the weather is nice!

  86. Owen

    Hi Ray!

    My training plans for the weekend are to ride up a local Cat 3 climb and then do a Gran Fondo (130km) in preparation for a 100 mile charity ride I am doing next month.

  87. Helen Roberts

    Taking my 2yr old daughter to the park to do a few laps on her new scooter (whilst I jog along side making sure she doesn’t fall off!)

  88. David Nyskohus

    Since we’ve just moved into our new place, I’ll finish unpacking boxes, then setting up my brand new dedicated bike room (and laundry) and then fit in some time on the trainer whilst watching the Volta a Catalunya stages I’ve saved. Perfect weekend…

  89. Logan

    Chocolate eggs may be legitimate, but what about marshmallow peeps? Need to get outside for a run, it’s been entirely too long.

  90. Josh Mars

    I plan on breaking in my new running shoes and eating lots of chocolate

  91. Peter Wellsman

    Chill weekend with some relaxed rides

  92. Pawel Tatarek

    BH1 4HB
    63 Walpole Road

  93. CJ Rogers

    Longish ride followed by lunch, lots and lots of lunch, oh and candy.

  94. Martin Hult

    Five high intensity workouts in three days. Plus massive amounts of fast carbs.

  95. Jared

    A 16 mile run in the mountains today, recovery tomorrow and a 10 miler to finish off the weekend on sunday.

  96. Henrik Isaksson

    My train will be one trainer ride a day in sweet spot for about an hour.

  97. Joe

    Long bike Saturday, track workout Sunday

  98. Simon Steixner

    I will be doing a 100mile ride on my new bike to set it all up and get used to it

  99. aj

    I’ll being doing a 50k on Zwift!

  100. Frank

    At least 80 km on Sunday in order to complete my 250 km goal of the week. For Monday, we’ll see what the weather will bring us…