The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Brad

    Criterium race Friday and either a circuit race Monday or a 60km loop around this beautiful city.

  2. Kris Pachla

    I’ll be riding on Saturday, and running on Sunday! Oh and eating lots of ham.

  3. Matt Carter

    Hi Ray! I took advantage of the first decent bit of weather in the UK today and smashed out 55 of the slowest miles I’ve ever done. Planning the same on Monday, and in the interim I am going to attempt to eat my body weight in Creme Eggs and Lindor balls. Happy Easter!

  4. Raskatash

    I´m going to try the first time for me Zwift… hopefully it´ll be as good as i saw it on Youtube!

  5. Mosez

    Running the 10k Bunny Bolt in Denver, CO!

  6. Jay

    Still recovering from a marathon so my run will be short and slow with Easter. After training a couple chocolate eggs and then editing my GoPro footage from the run

  7. Vincent

    Saturday; 2h ride
    Sunday: brick 2h ride 2miles run

  8. Craig Santelman

    I’m going to ride my bike if I can avoid the rain/snow in Minnesota!

  9. Derrick Yap

    training plan is basically a 12k easy run on saturday and 20k easy bike run on sunday in prepration for RnR Raleigh

  10. Robert

    Definitely will be running after some Easter eggs with the kids. Usually do a nice little 5-10 mile ride with my 5 year old. And should be able to get a 3-4 mile run in on Sunday.

  11. Kenton

    Long run on Saturday, watching UVA go to the final four on Sunday

  12. Julian Middlewick

    A 42 mile sporting Time trial and a long run with a Parkrun in the middle

  13. David Graf

    Group ride on Sat and hour run on Sun.

  14. Randy

    Probably a 5-6 mile run on Saturday or Sunday morning, depending on how many 12-oz. curls I get in the nights before.

  15. Alex

    12k run and hope it doesn’t snow!

  16. Francis

    should be good weather again tomorrow (unlike today), will get the mountainbike and check out a singletrack in the nearby forest, I discovered yesterday while running.

  17. Nicholas

    Two easy 6 mile runs followed by a long run on Monday! Trying the Hansons marathon method this time around. It’s killing me.

  18. Tyler Bargen

    Three day weekend = three workouts. A swim, a bike, and a run!

  19. Ewan Hardie

    marathon training, so lots of running!!

  20. Scott Pryde

    A hilly cycle around Fife in Scotland, 10mls run , 3K swim…and some Easter egg hunting with the kids.

  21. Andy Sampson

    Slow recovery run on Sunday after yesterday’s 20 mile.

  22. Vira Katolik

    My hippity-hoppity Easter weekend plans include a 20-mile run on Saturday, followed by raiding my nieces’ and nephews’ Easter baskets on Sunday and eating ALL the candy.

  23. Simon

    I will be running in my local parkrun Sat and then a 10k training run Sunday

  24. Jonathan W

    Run uphill; run flat; run uphill and flat. That’s Sat, Sun, Mon, respectively. Then, if I turn on my brain properly, I’ll do an appropriate amount of strentching too.

  25. Clas

    At least 2 or 3 rides with the bike.

  26. Jussi Laurila

    Just planning on getting a lot of riding at the winter paths with the MTB, as they are now in quite good shape

  27. Kris T

    Eat Cycle Sleep RepEat Cycle Sleep RepEat…

  28. Matthew Wissbaum

    Sunday we are doing a trail hike at the trailhead on Easter Rd. And we will be eating peeps when we get to the overlook

  29. Joe Deering

    Trainer tonight, pool in the morning, and chasing Easter bunnies on Sunday!

  30. Gilles Levesque

    I’ve got the following for the weekend. Last long run weekend before Boston.

    Good Friday – 11K Easy (DONE)
    Saturday – 13K Moderate Run
    Sunday – 28-30K Long Run
    Monday – 10K Moderate Run

    I would love to add a power meter to my setup.



  31. Ken

    53 mile bike shop ride in warm and sunny weather.

  32. Chris Concannon

    easy 7 miles with strides this afternoon, easy 8 and strength training tomorrow, then on Sunday I finish my last long run before Boston – warm up, 16 miles at 6:45/mile, cool down.

  33. Jay

    A gentle trot after a bigger week… And an attempt at pulling down a tent and getting it into the same bag it came out of….

  34. Jon Tate

    I’m going to squeeze a couple of beach runs between games at a soccer tournament in NJ.

  35. Miguel

    8 miler on early Sunday Morning. Happy Easter!

  36. Alex

    I will do a quick gym workout, some cardio, some weights and then sauna. Maybe I can do that twice. Other than that, it will be a friends-and-family-Easter-marathon :)

  37. Paul

    Easter egg run hosting. 7kids AMRAP (10m backyard egg hunt) – time cap 5 min/kid. Not claimed – mine! then a Erg session to burn those calories

  38. Debbie

    I am going to do a 5k and 12k run. A 30 minute row and 30 minute TRX training.

  39. Ciaran Fitzgibbon

    Friday: 112k cycle up to the mountains in Wicklow (Ireland)
    Saturday: slow run circa 80min
    Sunday: swim 3k
    Monday: circa 100k back up the mountains
    Tuesday: rest!

  40. Craig smith

    4 hrs training session with trainer road then Easter ham and bunny

  41. Ivan

    from tacx galaxia to road…

  42. Jeff Fung

    Take it easy eating a chocolate bunny followed by a 60km hilly ride on Saturday and a 10km run on Easter Monday

  43. Tawnya

    Barbell Club on Saturday morning; light run Saturday night; long run Sunday morning!

  44. Lana

    hoping to get 8-10 miles in on Saturday and veg out on Sunday :)

  45. This weekend I’ll be finishing off a long hard week with a 12 mi long run Saturday. Then a much-needed rest day on Easter Sunday (and some chocolate eggs!)
    Thanks Ray!

  46. Zach E.

    Going to hit the trails on the MTB on Sunday for about 25 miles.

  47. John

    I am going to do 3 loops around park, it should be around 7km in total.

  48. Paul

    Yes, some cycling!

  49. Simon Lindqvist

    Just a 12 km run on Saturday, and some strength on Sunday.

  50. Dave

    Hi DCR!

    My plan is to hit the gym for weights tonight.
    A Swim on Saturday
    and a long run on Sunday :)

    Enjoy your weekend!

  51. IM Giesen

    My wife works all weekend (at least the waking hours) so I’ll be pulling kid duty. Which means a sufferfest video after they go to bed and maybe getting out for a little ride with them in the trailer if it stays halfways nice out.

  52. Joanie Anderson

    Man 2,680 replied already…. Here goes nothing…. :)
    I have a 2hr bike tomorrow and tempo run Sunday.

  53. Robin

    I’ll be doing strength training today, resting on Saturday and 20k on Sunday. Maybe a swimming session with my kid for good measure too.

  54. Hunter Coleman

    Heading to Florida for our Spring Break and plan to get a couple of 5-7 mile runs on the beach at sunrise!

  55. Timothy OLeary

    Bike/Run Sat, Swim/Run Sun.

  56. Reinhard

    I´ll do some biking to visit my mother-in-law – rest of the family goes by car… Refueling with chocolate eggs later on :-)

  57. Henrik

    With all the food I just ate, I’ll have to do an eggstra lap by the waterfront! Just my normal 8 km run. Nothing fancy!

  58. Andrew Crow

    Plan to get 35+ miles on the mountain bike this weekend!

  59. Maciej

    Last long training before my first ultra on 3Rd April.

  60. Tim Dolan

    Away with family for the weekend, so no training. Except possibly a few egg lifts.

  61. Tobias Leismann

    A little too injured to run, I plan für two full days of mountainbiking.

  62. Peter Dieser

    Hopefully a dry 3-4h hours ride on Sunday! Enjoy your weekend!

  63. Jared

    Long relaxed ride to town and then using the bicycle to climb a mountain.

  64. Kennet

    Winter MTB and XC skiing!

  65. Christian

    Brisk walk through Wareick, UK as I am on an Easter holiday without bike..

  66. Steffen

    Two long Traineroad rides planned, plus a short run…. need to work off that nutritional chocolate.

  67. Patrik

    Downhill skiing tomorrow and perhaps it’s warm enough for the first outdoor cycling this season on monday..

  68. Stefan Peeman

    Tempo lap on the tt bike on Saturday then an easy two hours on Sunday

  69. Martijn

    Some leisurely cruising on the bike tomorrow and an easy 1hr run on sunday. Many chocolate eggs will be consumed as well…

  70. Joshua Howard

    long run over the weekend and a mixture of trails and road runs. Toss in some hills if I can as well

  71. Pat

    chocolate ! chocolate ! chocolate ! (bike) chocolate ! chocolate !

  72. evldave

    Going to be spending time hiking with my baby daughter

  73. Stephen Leung

    On the trainer every day and some ice hockey on Saturday

  74. Sarah L

    Happy Easter! I’m just getting back into shape after s baby, so my plans are for one or two short (or “base building” as I like to think of them) runs. Thank you for th giveaway!

  75. Kevin Marshallsay

    I’ve got a 100km ride to do sunday, 5km run and some weight work tomorrow, maybe indulge in some chocolate too at somepoint!!

  76. jeroen jonkman

    Going for a15 km run on first and 22 on second easter day

  77. Olivier from Paris

    Try to fit a few rides and runs between the showers

  78. Cheryl

    Watching husband on his trainer and providing towel and water

  79. Brian Lemanczyk

    I am going to ride Zwift Mountain for 2 hours on Saturday.

  80. Christoph Heesen

    Tempo-Run today,
    Strenght on Saturday,
    Long-Run on Sunday and
    an Recovery-Run on Monday.

  81. James D

    My training plans this weekend are to beat the longest run record on my Garmin Forerunner 235 (currently only at 12.42km :-)), and get some climbing in at the gym.

  82. Half

    2h bike on saturday, an XS aquathlon on sunday, and monday maybe some bike if it’s not raining

  83. Paul S

    Temperatures are climbing again… so outdoor rides! Sat and Sun rides on the cx bike to get ready for the Ottawa season openers.

  84. Myer

    Hey, trying to overcome an injury while over-enthusiastically training for my first marathon. At I have a PB in the 18 miles right? Anyway, this weekend will see me running a slow and steady 10km around Central Park, beautiful time of year for it!

  85. Dan Doherty

    I’ll be rehabbing my knee and back in the hopes of racing again by mid year!

  86. Michael Savelli

    Grinding last long run before AR50!

  87. Mary Podbielski

    Long ride with a brick run!


    Long ride Sunday with some olympians and semi pros ! Hell ride but pure fun and the off to work !

  89. Maarten

    Indoor training ride on board of a ship

  90. Jacek

    Some long runs to burn easter food ;)

  91. Grant Acosta

    Lots of trainer rides this week…mimosa power lifts on Sunday.

  92. ChristianV

    First outdoor ride(s) on the new road bike – yay!!

  93. J.W.

    No training this weekend.. Away with family.. Tuesday I’ll start again B-)

  94. Herbie Hedgecock

    The weather forecast for this weekend is just awful, so I’m not planning much running, but maybe I’ll manage a very energetic, very indoors Easter egg hunt.

  95. Sven

    Finally recovered from a knee injury and I’ve been building up the milage the last couple of weeks. I will run an easy 25K on Sunday.

  96. Gonzalo Adolfo Jimenez Murcia Leviatanh

    My plan is to recover, I have pain here, there, over there, etc.
    Also buy baby staff. he is landing in 20 weeks

  97. Jon

    Just a 90 mins grind intervals on the turbo.

  98. Mitch Devore

    I was hoping to be out riding this weekend testing out my new pair of glasses. Looks like with all the rain that is attacking Florida I’ll be out running on some muddy trails instead.

  99. bkacin

    I’ll do a long run 30k and a recovery run.

  100. Peter J Dougherty

    Get started on comeback after an injury!