The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Vincent Busam

    Watching kids sports, then playing beach volleyball.

  2. Robin

    Easy 5k today and a 16k long run tomorrow.

  3. Evan

    Training runs on Saturday and Sunday.

  4. Dan Sheldon

    Banging out long run.

  5. juan

    im doing the vuelta a ibiza mmr 3 stage race

  6. Halford

    Lots of weights this weekend and maybe some biking

  7. Stacy

    Hiking on our first sunny day this spring in Oregon, then hopefully and trail run on Sunday

  8. Stephane

    Hey Ray,
    Will do few training on Zwift with my new Elemnt Wahoo computer and if my knee permit it, some extra running km.


  9. PeterB

    A 100k ride tomorrow, hopefully some more riding on monday if the weather permits it.

  10. Róbert Olasz

    Long run on Saturday and rest on Sunday… this is the plan.

  11. Russell

    Actually manage to get out on the bike for the first time in ages!

  12. Graham

    This weekend will be a 10 mile run and 4 hours on the bike trainer, which will be much more pleasant after purchasing a bedside medical table, as you suggested, to hold everything I could need or want. Since my legs can handle a 10 mile easier than a 4 hour bike, I’ll do the run on Saturday and bike on Sunday before Monday’s rest day.

  13. Ryan F

    10k Saturday and Sunday! Gym on Monday. Maybe a hike in there somewhere if the weather is nice!

  14. Jason

    My plan is to be lazy with the wife, sometimes, it’s just that kinda weekend.

  15. Paulo Ramísio

    A 80km bike ride on Saturday, and lots of turkey on Sunday.

  16. Clayton Montgomery

    I plan on running around to get the last spoonful of mashed potatoes and swimming in a bowl of green bean casserole. Other than those wild exercises, I will just be enjoying family.

  17. Andrew B

    20-30 mile hilly trail-run on Saturday, 6-10 mile flattish recovery run and bodyweight strength work on Sunday. Chocolate soufflé recovery meal.

  18. Bogdan Terziiev

    Going to perform 2 long hilly rides.

  19. Vainikainen Tommi

    Long ride on Saturday. Lets see if there is time for more.

  20. Brian

    Running 8-10 mi today, then an additional 5-10 over the weekend along with some strength training.

  21. Petr

    On Saturday I’m running to work to pick up my bike I’m leaving there today. Ride home and eat some chocolate. On Sunday hopefully some longer run.

  22. Anthony McCusker

    Long run 32k for Düsseldorf marathon

  23. William

    Lots of cleanup after the ice storm we were just hit with. Then unwapping chocolate

  24. David

    Sat – swim with 2 yr old then 5k Parkrun
    Sun – be hungover ten climb some big hills in Devon! :)

    And chocolate!

  25. Joe H.

    Training plans for the weekend are tennis match Friday evening, mellow run and weightlifting on Saturday, and very long walk Sunday to burn some of the chocolate/rich dinner.

  26. cps

    Yard work, man. #dadlife

  27. Roman V

    I would like ride minimum 3 hour pro day with my friends on road bikes. I hope it would by sunny days.

  28. Steve Baldwin

    Owing to a foot of snow in central Wisconsin thereby scuppering my plans for a long ride, the swimming pool beckons….10x50m, 8x100m, 5x200m.

  29. Jakub Wosik

    I’m planning on doing 6k on Saturday and then a bit longer run on Sunday. Probably no running on Monday, as by then I’ll be brimming with delicious Polish Easter food.

    Best from Poland!

  30. Jason Williams

    Tossing Easter eggs into the yard

  31. John Cardona

    Starting training for the Hell of a Half Marathon

  32. Bryan P.

    Saturday: 3hrs over-under intervals on the bike
    Sunday: Easter feast

  33. Patrick McKenna

    recovering from being sick so just taking it as it comes, getting out and doing whatever my body feels up for

  34. Andrew Phillips

    Over the winter I became a little de-conditioned, so I’m doing some slow HR based training, Maffetone style. Probably just 5k distances. And eating chocolate eggs and bunnies.

  35. Keith

    Some weights a little running. Nothing special this weekend

  36. David R

    I am going to start off Easter weekend with a 20 mile outdoor ride and then hopefully a short run Sunday.


    Friday Swim fast session then Bike 1.5 hrs Big gear workout
    Saturday 5.30hr aerobic bike, 30 min brick run with drills
    Sunday – 10 mile run

  38. Peter Poulsen

    A short run, maybe the Watopia Mountain and a lot of eating :-)

  39. Jorgen

    Training technic on the local xco-track on saturday and saturday

  40. Eelco

    Just doing a round On the bike. And lots of brunch.

  41. CX ride & some skyrunning / mountain running

    …but there is a problem with the chocolate bunnies: Not even a single one is left as I gave all of them to my students at school yesterday.

  42. Beth

    2 hour ride today, 20 mile run tomorrow

  43. Leon

    saturday – 111 km ride
    sunday – rest
    monday – 65 km ride

  44. Liz McKenna

    getting my haircut… maybe some aero/weight benefits?

  45. Jayon Kim

    My goal is to ride at least 50 miles on Saturday.

  46. Nigel Pond

    Spinning class-Cadbury’s Creme Egg
    Session on the Concept2 Ergometer-Cadbury’s Creme Egg. Book it, done.

  47. Linus De Paoli

    Maybe some sort runs and strength training

  48. Lee B

    Run/gym combo all three days (Fri/Sat/Sun) between taking care of kid and hanging with family.

  49. Tanya

    I’ll ease back into things after last Sunday’s NYC Half with an easy 6-8 miles from Brooklyn to Manhattan. And then: cake.

  50. Oleksiy

    Well, a long 3h session on my turbo trainer on Saturday and an easy run on Sunday.

  51. Rebecca G

    A long slow run on the scenic and rocky Appalachian Trail –which might also include snacking on Cadbury Mini Eggs! :)

  52. Jonathan Collins

    Crushing an indoor ride this weekend. Chasing rabbits on the bike :) Happy Easter!
    Thanks for your excellent technical write ups. :)

  53. Chad Medford

    Just a nice long run on Saturday, and then a rest day on Sunday

  54. i’ve got a 5 mile run scheduled and a rest day!

  55. Vincent

    Ski moutaineering for the next 2 days, and just rest on Monday.

  56. Ken smith

    Run – Progressive 16 Miler

    Miles 1 – 4 between 8:00 – 8:15
    Miles 5 – 8 between 7:30 – 8:00
    Miles 9 – 12 between 7:00 – 7:30
    Miles 13 – 16 between 6:45 – 7:15

  57. Rob Williams

    Wrangling two small children. No better exercise…

  58. Joe

    Get a short run in each day and hopefully 1 day of working out at the gym.

  59. Devon Q

    I’ll run about 9 miles tomorrow and Sunday will be around 15 miles with the last 3 miles at my goal half marathon pace.

  60. Mark Milliken

    Hey Ray,
    I’d like to ride outside for 100km but.. it Snowed and freezing Rain happened again, so it will be an indoor workout for me!

  61. Mathieu

    Starting with a mtb-tour on Saturday morning. My bike is prepared, so ready to go!!

  62. Ken press

    Did a nice spring ride today (good Friday) to start things off right. Rest of weekend is a run sat, some yard work (I’ll strava that) and ride on easter w the kids.

  63. Raphael Bolduc

    Saturday I’m doing a 3h00 or more bike ride.
    Sunday I’m doing a 2h00 or more bike ride.
    Monday I’m doing a 2h00 or more bike ride

  64. BWinter

    Strange page refrefh and unable to check if it got thru (submit now! button reacted strange and only comment text is empty (so sorry if it’s a double post)
    So the idea is to do some cycling on Sunday

  65. Long Run Nick

    A couple of EZ runs: 6 Mi Sat/10 Mi Sun. Being 72, and having run over 84,xxx miles, most of my runs are EZ. :)

  66. Panos

    Sadly no workout for me cos of an injury.

  67. Alastair Fowler

    A windy ride in the Scottish Highlands on Friday followed by a wet ride in the Scottish Lowlands on Saturday.

  68. luca Rossetti

    Ride and run everyday and long recovery at lunch

  69. per

    training for 1/2 ironman in August so a lot of endurance training on the bike and some running

  70. Josh Kruse

    5 mile run on Saturday morning. 1.5 hrs of Zwift on Sunday morning….hoping to see some bunny ears on Zwift. Maybe a fluffy tail?

  71. Vickie

    I’ll be sweeping at a local trail race in No. Cal. this weekend. It’s a great way to get my long miles in for training AND give back to the trail race community. :)

  72. Matthew Garrett

    20 mile ride Saturday and 10k run Sunday

  73. Phillip Partridge

    The goal this weekend is 42 km.

    2 easy early runs of 21 km. Weather is looking good for Saturday but Sunday will be wet!

  74. Jeff LeBlanc

    This weekend I’ll be running a The Eastern States 20 Miler race from Maine to Massachusetts, and then we’ll see how I’m feeling on Sunday, maybe a quick 1 Mile at 15% incline on the treadmill.

  75. Maksim

    Some eggs, some hills a lot sleep!

  76. Ivo H.

    First hide and seek easter eggs with the kids and then going for a nice trail run

  77. Mark

    Weather forecast is dire so training will likely be limited to a 5km park run followed by hot-cross bun making (then eating) with the children on Saturday and Easter egg hunting (then eating) on Sunday. Due to the forecast the bike is having a post winter service so longer term plan will be ride the weight gain off…

  78. Ian R

    40 mile mtb Friday.
    10 mile run sat am. 2000m swim pm.
    Kids day Sunday.
    40 Mike mtb Monday.
    Love a long weekend.
    Great site. Keep it up.

  79. Gerry

    Weather is supposed to brighten up this weekend so hopefully going to go on a 45km bike ride tomorrow and likely some running intervals on sunday

  80. Mark L

    10k tempo run done today, and a 40k bike session planned for tomorrow, then relax and see the weekend out!

  81. Matt Field

    After a 10 mile race today, nothing tomorrow but hoping for a 110km sportive on Sunday (if the weather holds).

  82. Paul

    I am on call at work and it will be raining a lot so I am making plans for the the work treadmill :(

  83. Matt

    Run, run, egg hunt. In that order.

  84. I’m going to try to go for a longer run this weekend if the weather holds out.

  85. Elaine

    Sneaking in some runs between my motorcycle license classes!!

  86. Zach

    Continued ultra marathon training in the mountains, hopefully 35 miles over the two days!

  87. Huy Nguyen

    Basically maintaining my base of 65-78 miles per week till the beginning of marathon training in April. 6-mile recovery Saturday followed by 17-mile long run on Sunday.

  88. Curtis

    Saturday: easy 14 mi w/ last 20 min moderate effort
    Sunday: (wedged between easter bunny egg hunt and extended family festivities) 2 mi warm up, 6×1 mi at 10k pace w/ 2 min jog recov, 2 mi cool down

  89. Matt D

    10mi TT

  90. Ryan McCauley

    1 hour easy ride with a 10 minute run off the bike and an hour run on the beach!

  91. Kim White

    I’m going to go for an easy run if the weather cooperates. If not, I’ll stay indoors and do an exercise DVD.

  92. Oomer

    Looks like it is going to be 65 Degrees this Sunday. Planning to run 13.6 Miles

  93. Steven

    Swim.Bike.Run – recovery week style, getting ready for the final build for IMTX

  94. Mandy Breen

    Hopefully getting out and doing some walking. Not ready to start running yet.

  95. Lis H

    A 5k run on Saturday and a MTB ride on Sunday morning!

  96. Martin Femsteinevik

    I’ll go skiing cross country to prepare for the Norwegian championship in biathlon next weekend!

  97. Walter S

    Taking it easy in bed, as have come down with a fever :(

  98. Lars Blesvik

    Started of today with a nice 6×6 Z3, and wil follow up with a nice long recovery ride tomorrow.

  99. Leah Gregory

    I will probably go to the gym so I can eat a lot of chocolate on Sunday. :)

  100. DAvid

    No racing this weekend, but riding for about 60+ miles.