The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Steve

    Long TrainerRoad ride on Saturday.

  2. Fab

    Rome Marathon training schedule says: saturday 6 easy miles, sunday some 600 mt reps.

    Chocolate eggs not mentioned.

    Happy Easter everyone!

  3. Kyle Polansky

    Next weekend I’ll be race directing my first triathlon (and racing it too)! First time being in charge at a race, so it’ll hopefully be an awesome experience.

  4. Derrick Chamlee

    If the weather holds a ride outside. If not I’ll be on the trainer.

  5. Jon Winter

    Friday 30 mile ride followed by 500 calories of chocci
    Saturday 30 mile ride followed by 500 calories of chocci
    Sunday 30 mile ride followed by 500 calories of chocci
    Monday 30 mile ride followed by 500 calories of chocci

  6. TC Wood

    Use the prize to help my son get his bike back on the road.

  7. jon dexter-thornton

    Run tommorow, bike sunday. Probably a swim or two

  8. Matt

    I have a 22 mile training run planned for Saturday

  9. Roddy

    Swim Saturday morning. Bike Saturday afternoon.

    Chocolate on Sunday!

  10. Jan

    if I’m lucky, swing my lazy ass on the trainer and go for a run afterwards, but probably end up having one huge nap instead

  11. Gabe

    I have an interval workout today and then an easy 5 mile run tomorrow.

  12. Kevin

    Workout will be limited to chasing after my three year old during an Easter egg hunt. Chances are she drops me.

  13. Manu

    Looking forward to my long run on sunday, hoping to beat my 25K record. :)

  14. Chris

    My plan for next week will be something like this…
    Sunday: Long Run (1 hr.)
    Monday: Cross-Train (Elliptical, Bike, or Weights)
    Tuesday: Interval
    Wednesday: Easy Run
    Thursday: Interval
    Friday: Cross-Train (Elliptical, Bike, or Weights)
    Saturday: Rest

  15. Joris De Wolf

    All weekend skiing with a 60 minute easy (but uphill ) alpine run on sunday.

  16. Andrew Crockett

    A half marathon. And then lots of chocolate.

  17. Kale Bushmeyer

    30 mile ride/20 run brick and a 4 mile run the next day.

  18. Russell P.

    Observing Good Friday
    Long run or long bike on Saturday
    Celebrating Easter

  19. Brett

    Main goal this weekend is spending time with the family.

  20. Steve Simonsen

    A short swim and hopefully a longish run.

  21. Ninad W

    Travelling for the long weekend. Did a 5k on the treadmill today. Plan to use the hotel’s pool tomorrow and then go for a run on Sunday with the city’s running group.

  22. Simone Pillon

    Unfortunately I’m recovering From mononucleosis, so for this weekend I’m Just sitting on the sofa, but hopefully in the Next month I will be able to begin with a soft training Plan.

  23. TuomasO

    Do to the cold Im trapped indoors for the next day or two. Hopefully on Monday Im able to hit the pool again :)

  24. Tim D

    Cramming for the Boston Marathon with some long, hard running this weekend

  25. Zach

    Long run (11 miles) on Saturday and some time lifting in the gym on Sunday.

  26. Randy Spiessens

    This weekend the will be a short intervaltraining as my wife has a present for my birthday ;-)

  27. Henrik

    Finally some good weather in town, so first longish bike ride of the reason is due.

  28. Kevin Knight

    Easy bike and long run on Sat. Easter Sunday, relax.

  29. A walk today and hopefully a short run over the next few days to get back into training as I’ve not done much for too long!

  30. Cheryl

    Long run Sunday to justify the chocolate consumption that will follow.

  31. Stefani

    A long ride, a long run and a strength workout.

  32. Joonas

    Probably gonna hit the gym once or twice now that I’m finally healthy again.

  33. Broward Maryan

    CrossFit 16.5 (Friday pm)
    5K run then chest/arms/lats strength and finish with a mellow 10 mile spin on the trainer (Saturday)
    20 mile bike and 5K run (Sunday)

  34. Juha Rinne

    Training plan for the weekend is two runs (short + long) and couple walks with my son. One thing is for sure I cant cover candy calories with my runs ;) Happy easter!!

  35. Eric

    Walking 40km without a Garmin fenix 3 hr. Will get one when I win;)

  36. jill

    I have a 13 mile training run on the schedule for Saturday morning.
    In prep for my 1/2 Marathon on the first!

  37. Jason M

    Long ride saturday then racing local club race sunday morning.

  38. Going for a long ride. And eating some chocolate eggs.

  39. Carl

    Skiing with the family during the day, sunrise snow shoe trips to the glacier at sunrise

  40. Ken O' Mahony

    Fri – 10min warm up – 30 min tempo – 10min warm down
    Sat – 6 Mile low heart rate recovery
    Sun – LSR – 13 to 15 Miles

  41. Brian

    130 min long run, last 20 min at sub-7 pace. Yoga. Beer. 13 mi trail run.

  42. Mehmet Kloss

    I will visit my wife’s family to celebrate easter holidays. To burn all the needless calories I have to eat in this period, I will ride the 90 miles to from my home to them and back by bike.

  43. I’ve got a 5k tomorrow followed by an Easter egg hunt with the family… Hoping to break 20:00 for the first time!

  44. Thomas

    Combination of hill repeats and long run. Big Sur marathon coming up!

  45. Steve Fitz

    I have a long run planned whereby I chase the 4 grandkids around as they hunt for the 40+ eggs we hide about the property. Candy is high on the wish list but money also rates high.

  46. John Escaleira

    I will be doing a lot of walking around Disney World for the Easter weekend!!!

  47. Sander Brinkhof

    Sadly, hanging on the couch because of my shin splints :(

  48. Andrew M

    Fri: Mess around ride on Zwift, Sat: Park run, Mon: 70 minute tempo run (M-Pace)

  49. Roy

    Plan to do a nice hopefully 52 mile bike ride on Saturday and possibly a trainer ride Sunday morning on zwift. Maybe I’ll find a group ride that morning.

  50. Alicia

    Today was 1800m swim and 40 min base run. Tomorrow is 1:20 trainer ride and 30 min brick run. Sunday will be negotiating the brunch buffet at a local restaurant known for its decadent food.

  51. Plan on doing a swim tonight, a little SUP’ing tomorrow, and hopefully a long, restful nap on Sunday!

  52. My goal is to eat spinach and eggs and then go on an easy 15-mile bike ride. Sunday I want to do a short and fast sprint workout on the local high school track.

  53. Nagy Zoltán

    Indoor cycling with Tacx Bushido and a short outdoor run.

  54. Stephen Codrington

    I will be doing some z2 spins, inn trying to lose another 5lbs before a hull climb in June.. I will beat grahams time this spring!

  55. Bo Nordgren

    The weekend ahead I am going to strap on my brand new Salomon Fellraisers and do 2 or 3 laps around my muddy but pretty park. The circuit is 4k and after a week suffering from a nasty virus I am itching to get out there.
    My new shoes arrived just as I was coming down with the bug and have been sitting there calling to me singing “run in us”.

  56. lawrence

    I live in SF. Riding Alpine Dam this Saturday, and Paradise Loop and Sunday. If you ever make your way out here, you need to ride these!

  57. Michael Wright

    My plans for a series of long endurance rides have been derailed by having to take my children to Easter Hat Parades. Seriously, WTF is a Hat Parade and why are we going to more than one. I do know that I’ve had to get up at 5:30 to cram in a trainer ride. Oh well, I, sure it’ll be great. Happy Easter

  58. Richard street

    60km bike ride weekend before first ever 100km race in New Zealand – wish me luck

  59. Andrew Thompson

    Nothing! I need a rest :)

  60. Geoff

    Planning on a long run and hoping the weather is nice to go bike riding with the kids.

  61. John

    8 mile run today, ocean swim tomorrow morning followed by college hoops. Go Nova!

  62. Christopher Cronin

    I’m riding all three days . . . I hope :) Goal is 200k

  63. Saturday morning, 1hr bike, 20 min run.
    Sunday: 3hr bike ride. Gahhhh! Save me Easter Bunny!

  64. Rocco

    Hopefully a short ride tonight after work to be followed by a long ride tomorrow morning! Gotta get the wife going on her new bike!

  65. Carl

    Slow running with the gf

  66. Jonathan

    Try and connect an ant+ speed sensor to my usb-otc note 2 via garmins ant+ mini usb stick.

  67. Dennis

    Going for a run along the danube

  68. Nighthawk700

    Sunday I plan to do about a 6 mile run. 1.5 miles will be the route of a 5K I’m doing in May (it’s two laps, I only need one to see the layout), then I’ll circle the reservoir for the rest of the distance. Thanks for the contest!

  69. Brian

    Forced slowdown before next weekend’s race.
    Moderate run on Sunday.

  70. Andy

    1 last brick workout on Saturday before Oceanside 1/2 IM next weekend. Sunday rest day.

  71. @XLrunner

    First great weekend in DC means two awesome bike days.

  72. Claudiu Daba

    I plan to ride around 200 km.

  73. Frank Craen

    I plan a bike ride on saturday and a run on Lindsay

  74. Alisha

    End of a recovery week, so I’m doing 2.5 hours in the saddle tomorrow and nice, relaxed 9 mile run on Sunday. Hope to see some friends while I’m out!

  75. Keith G

    Just plan on getting a run in both Saturday and Sunday. If the weather holds, may try to hit the track for a workout.

  76. Paul

    trail run and recovery swim

  77. Josh

    Sat AM: 22 miles at marathon pace +10 seconds
    Sat PM: 30 min jog
    Sun AM: 30min jog
    Sun PM: 5X5min hill reps

    Last huge training weekend before Boston

  78. Joey

    Doing a 50mile ride indoors due to the Easter monsoon….

  79. Jonnie nilsson

    Doing some upphill and downhill skiing in lovley sweden

  80. DJ

    Goinf for a 4h bikeride and a short run, with sun, i hope. Maybe some chocolate eggs ;-)

  81. Tim

    I’m recovering from surgery so a short light ride on Sunday.

  82. Stephan Postmus

    Saturday morning Threshold ride and Sunday a good 2 hour ride.

  83. Brandy

    45 mile ride on Saturday with a brick then a 14mi run on Sunday. Perfect weekend for it!

  84. JohnE

    50 minute ride a stationary bike on Saturday and trying to squeeze in 30 minutes on Sunday,

  85. Tommy

    I’ve got to catch up on my weight training this weekend that I missed earlier this week while on vacation. Probably a hiit session thrown in there Saturday also.

  86. Nolito Teruel

    Hopping over the new mountain route in Zwift while playing Volta a Catalunya on the big screen.

  87. Matt Kaiser

    Friday night to Saturday I’ve got a long flight across the Atlantic. So Saturday will be a short fast run to keep jet lag away. And Sunday will be a longer and slower run.

  88. L Baker

    Bike fit, 2200 meter swim and 10 run. Then a chocolate bunny, as promised by my husband.

  89. Chris Archibald

    I will be riding 300k in about 14 or 15 hours for training for a Fleche (24 hour ride) in april and a four day 1200k ride this summer

  90. Bill

    Lots of running to get easter eggs before my kids do

  91. Frank Bauer

    Saturday: Return to Germany from training camp in Mallorca
    Sunday: 8k jog

  92. Sean

    Gravel group ride saturday and a swim and run sunday.

  93. Frederic

    Had a swim session This morning
    Maybe a turbo trainer ride
    And two runs

  94. Today: 1hr swim, FTP test (nailed it), 1hr pilates
    Tomorrow: 1hr swim
    Sunday: 40 mins turbo
    Monday: RACE DAY!

  95. André Lemos

    Participating on my first duathlon tomorrow! Wish me luck!

  96. Stupidboy

    Visiting family is enough of a work out for me this weekend ;0)

  97. Erin Spoonhour

    Sadly, working all weekend, hope to get out for a run on Monday!! Will be trying to avoid those delicious Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs!!!

  98. Filipe Santos

    Going on a run this Saturday.

  99. Mack Huntress

    I’ll try to get a long trail run in, between smoking about 20 lbs of BBQ and hiding eggs in the yard.

  100. Ignas

    Usual long run (21k) and some ride.