The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. The weather’s supposed to be good this weekend so I’m planning on going for a 10+ mile run and 40+ mile bike. After that, gorge myself on candy and Easter dinner!


  2. Mike James

    Good Friday lie in. Espresso toast & banana breakfast. 43 mile ride -on my own, I tend to work harder that way. Chocolate milkshake recovery.

  3. Training this weekend will include a 3-3.5 hour ride w/long climb intervals, 30 minute continuous swim on Saturday. Then a 7-mile run on Sunday with a 1:45 recovery ride. Happy Easter!

  4. 1 hour each of bike and run on Saturday (at separate times) and a 3 hour bike on Sunday followed immediately by a 15 minute run.

  5. Kelly

    Hitting a nice 5 mile run along the Schuylkill trail, followed by an hour massage!

  6. Hans

    I would really like to try a recovery training, this because of my hamstring injury. 3 miles would be nice, in stead of the 16 miles I had planned for my marathon training.

  7. Kris Mahadocon

    Bike, run off the bike, and long run to work off the easter bunnies! :)

  8. Colleen

    Plan to do some running, hopefully the rainy weather will take some time off. Plan to eat some peeps too!

  9. John Rampulla

    Run, drink beer. Repeat

  10. Making a sad trip to see family much brighter- ran in UK trail around Alderley edge, then a break and 6 km in Barcelona, back today to visit and hit 3 gentle km in the gym. I start flying back to Australia tomorrow and hope to run in Dubai for a few km before final leg.
    Hardest part- Dubai I only have 2 hour wait so it may have to be a swift walk around and around duty free!

  11. Roland Matifas

    New Zwift mountain extension

  12. Maurice

    If you see a fatass running wildly in the woods, that may be me training. Yep, that kind of thing.

  13. John Russell

    I hope to get out for a long run.

  14. Mariusz Luczak

    Some hillclimb trail run in nearby forest (10k-15k).

  15. Kristofor

    Will be running about 55 miles in preparation for Comrades. Practice marathon on Sunday, and then 5 more hours throughout the week.

  16. Kris

    Plan is to get a couple of 20 mile rides in before the weather turns bad again. Then back to the trainer…

  17. Bryan Nelson

    Zwifting all weekend. Up to the radio tower we go,

  18. Shadowmate

    Zwift for an hour tonight. FTP test tomorrow. Club ride on Sunday. Tjis is what life is all about.

  19. Adam Scheuer

    Nothing fancy this weekend, probably try to bike Saturday followed by the usual long run on Sunday.

  20. Bob

    Two short recovery runs after last week’s half marathon PB.

  21. Martin

    As I’m out of shape I plan to go running until I collapse tomorrow, hopefully that will be after at least 6 km…
    Sunday is family dinner so only thing to get any exercise will be my stomach…

  22. Rich Hill

    Tandem ride to prepare for a long ride in April – followed by (hopefully) far too much chocolate.

  23. Richard

    What a Easter weekend this will be , many many km’s to . Firstly today was 165 km ride for my mate’s birthday which included the all important steri stumpie chocolate milk halfway stop . Tomorrow will be another century ride and I will be marshaling with my local club . Sunday will be another century ride which will definately include a Easter egg and mega cappuccino and lastly Monday will be a short recovery ride . What a weekend !

  24. Allen Joiner

    Going for a 10 mile run

  25. Robert Forshaw

    70 mile ride Saturday followed by 12 miles of pure tempo running Sunday!

  26. Eric Lund

    Swimming as much as I can this weekend. Just started swimming laps again after knee surgery.

  27. Andrew

    Cross training in the garden digging and planting

  28. Jared

    mountain and road biking

  29. Neil Hornstein

    Sad panda no riding, dealing with zipp hub recall. 10 mile run in the schitzo New England weather?

  30. stephan

    Steal my kids’ easter chocolate and have them chase me to get it back. Totally exercise. :-)

    • Jacob

      I plan on chasing my brother around the house, and eating his chocolate, then running away from him. I am 6 yrs old.

  31. SS76

    my plans include speed walking on the treadmill for 35 – 45 minutes each day..

  32. Jason

    Trainer ride and a trail run.

  33. Ken clark

    Get outside for a bike ride on Saturday & a quick run Sunday before kids get up

  34. Bryan

    Roller intervals on Saturday, Short run on Sunday!

  35. Plachno

    I just returned from visiting family in small farm town in Midwest. It was too cold for outside training (from AZ) and I did not have time to drive to a gym several towns away for workouts. Usually weekends are long workouts but will spend this weekend getting back into the workout groove.

  36. Darren Jefford

    Last long run before a weeks taper ahead of San Francisco Half Marathon next weekend whilst I’m there on business!

  37. Mick Wall

    7 mile run this morning, 5k Parkrun tomorrow and 2k Junior Parkrun on Sunday with my little girl. Happy Easter Ray.

  38. Chelle

    I plan to go for a run and take some barre classes.

  39. Etienne M

    Hill ride if the snow quits, Sufferfest Power Station if it does not!

  40. Jerome Feuiltault

    Easter bike weekend on tap with CX on Saturday and long steady TT on Sunday – hope the nice weather stays as my time on trainers is starting to make me go bonkers!

  41. Remco Verdoold

    First workout, and Ray get prepared for this too, will be a 10 k stroller run with our 1.5 year old. As prep for my half marathon later this year.
    Then bike ride with the little man. Just to compensate those chocolate eggs.

  42. Florian

    long run tomorrow, hopefully a nice ride on sunday

  43. Serban Mestecaneanu

    I am training for marathon so over the weekend I have run no less than 165 minutes, with or without the Bunny…

  44. Mikael Moreira

    I’ve just returned from a 16km run on the trails of La Gomera. Inspired by your trip to the Canaries I booked a trip to La Gomera and love it. So much trails (but hilly)!


  45. Jeff Gillen

    Saturday is our bike groups long awaited century ride. A short transition run off the bike and then a group get together. Sunday is planned for recovery with a swim and short run.

  46. Alvaro

    Going for a tempo ride Saturday morning, maybe 60-80 miles.

  47. DaveJ

    18 mile LSD on LSD (LakeShore Drive) in Chicago and then a 4 mile easy run on Sunday with some stretching.

  48. Tom

    Hopefully squeeze a run in while on holiday

  49. Phillip

    Raining outside, so riding on the new Zwift Mountain course. Base training and intervals.

  50. Today I went for a 1km swim, tomorrow I will go for a bike ride and Sunday I will try to swim a bit more.

  51. Gregg Bray

    I plan to ride 3-4 hours Saturday and Monday since Sunday is looking like a washout. Easter candy will definitely be a part of the post ride nourishment plan.

  52. Jeff F

    Racing Masters 50+ Cycling here in SoCal

  53. Shaun Howard

    Been fighting a cold all week so gonna try and get at least a short run or bike ride in. Without the cold it would have been ~HM run on Sat and ~50 miles ride on Sun. UGH!

  54. Ronald

    Ftptest and an easy ride , followed by chocolate egg hunting with the kids !

  55. Jonas

    Running off easter eggs today,
    Running off pizza tomorrow,
    Running off easter eggs on Sunday

  56. JimH23

    7mi Trail Run through the Poppy reserve with the run club.

  57. Erik Nekkers

    Some easy km’s tomorrow and sunday in preperation of my first race of the season monday

  58. Paul

    High power output short intervals on the bike, a 40 minute easy run, a squash match, all followed by a 90 minute sweet spot bike session.

  59. If the weather allows it; riding for the first time on the summer bike!!

  60. Chuck

    Saturday going on the 31 mile Redlands RUFF ride, Sunday before Easter going to put on some more miles, and hopefully my Varia Vision will ship today from CT!

  61. Brandon Williams

    24 mile trail run on Saturday and a 10 mile trail run on Sunday.

  62. Titus R.

    A six and a twelve mile run.

  63. Blair Cabot

    Love got a club ride Saturday and some drinks after. Solo long ride on Sunday.

  64. German Merino

    My goal in this long weekend is running 15k and swimming 3k on Saturday and 40-50 mtb ride on sunday hope to eat champurradas ( local sweet bread) and chocolate after the run!!!

  65. I’m waiting to stop the rain!

  66. Cchin

    6mi run and some taekwondo training

  67. Martin

    Few morning runs out on the trails. One already done!

  68. Todd

    My weekend training consists of a 1hr 40min run, 1 hr swim and around 3.5 hrs on the bike (hopefully outside). No telling how many chocolate bunnies that will take.

  69. Csaba

    If I can rest myself than I’m planning some TT preparations and some training for the upcoming race on Saturday and the usual group ride of the team on Sunday is planned too!

  70. Yuriy

    I’m going for a long run this weekend.

  71. Ty

    Coach says:
    1:20 run
    2:30 bike (probably indoors) due to cold
    20 min set aside particularly for stretching/foam rolling
    40 min core circuit

    What I’m actually going to do:
    1:30 run
    60 bike with the girl
    120 training ride
    10 min of the part of the core I feel like

  72. Avda. Restollal 63 Bajo
    (Trek Store)

  73. Tomer Shahar

    Sat- 3.5H MTB, 40M brick run
    Sun – 1H aerobic run

  74. Alex.

    10K TT in Phoenix Park for me tomorrow morning

  75. Stephan Verdeyen

    Ideally…a hard interval run Saturday and a long-ish ride Sunday.

  76. Phil B

    Still xc skiing in the Great White North, and will be for a while by the look of the long range forecast.

  77. Aleksander Kacprzyk

    With very limited time available, it will be a fast paced 10k to round up this week’s strength and speed workouts.

  78. Arist

    Do orienteering run first without a 2 year old son, then with him wife to search some eggs.

  79. I went for a mtb ride today, first one in years. Away with family for the rest of the weekend so I guess the training will be resisting chocolate bunnies and eggs.

  80. Marisa

    I’m running 20 tomorrow, my last real long run before Boston.

    I need to win this! My Garmin has become totally unreliable but new ones are too expensive.

  81. Jevgenijs Bacula

    Bike intervals 40+k. If the weather cooperates probably a long ride.

  82. Milton Evans

    run 4 miles on Saturday and 3 miles on Sunday preparing for a 10k

  83. Malyssa

    I’m maybe going to run out in the countryside at my parent’s house. I’ll definitely be getting a workout hiding eggs and then trying to help my toddler find them.

  84. Russ

    My plan was to ride at least 40 on Saturday, but the weather isn’t looking like it is going to accommodate.

  85. Peter W

    easy 50k on the bike eating chocolate eggs, with a brick after. Then a swim and run on sunday while in a chocolate coma.

  86. Ivan Grech

    Saturday plan is for a swim bike brick while for Sunday a long ride is anticipated. This will be followed by the traditional Maltese Easter sweet, Figolla yummy!

  87. Nate

    Friday is a recovery day from vacation. Saturday will be an hour run in the morning. And I’ll try to get a couple hours of cycling in at some point Sunday, if it works out around family activities.

  88. jason mant

    60k threshold two up !!!! then recover and 100k on mon with the girls

  89. Andrew

    Recovering from my post marathon recovery with an easy swim and maybe a local 5k.

  90. Carsten Lapointe

    Saturday: 80 min run, 5 km swim. Sunday: Wattbike session, short run in evening, and 3.8 km swim

  91. matthew hill

    Chasing Easter Bunnies. Good training, and fun for the whole family.

  92. Maciej

    Still two more weeks of skiing before switching into summer mode.

  93. Jason Whelan

    Friday: 16k run
    Saturday: 1hr bike, 30min run (brick)
    Sunday: easy 10k run

  94. Dan McG

    Eat a bag of Reese’s eggs and try to burn it off with some biking and running of course!

  95. Ziga

    Two 5k runs and some Crossfit should do the trick this weekend.

  96. Richard

    Going for an easy swim is the plan.

  97. Michael

    Long ride on Saturday, some shorter intervals on Sunday.

  98. Tonny Madsen

    Saturday: Buying a new (used) road bike, if we can agree on the price :-)
    Sunday: 25 km as training for CPH Marathon in May

    No Bunny, though…

  99. charlie Hastings

    10 mile run followed by cycle with 11 year old

  100. Gabriel Espinol

    Got a new bike so most likely set it up and go for a ride!