The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Yuki

    Lots of family eating spaced with some strength and a run

  2. Adrienne

    Some quality trainer time, picking up heavy things, and about 7k worth of swimming :)

  3. Jan Martijn Metselaar

    Riding my bike and running in preparation of my first triathlon. And maybe I’ll even spot an easterbunny.

  4. Sam Baldwin

    Long run Saturday and 2+ hour TR workout on Sunday!

  5. Leslie D

    Zwift, stand up paddling and a swim.

  6. Erika

    I am still feeling like I am recovering from a 5k last weekend (where I set a PR!) so I will be doing an easy run and some yoga/foam rolling!

  7. Haris Tacxman

    I hope that the weather will allow for a 60-70km relaxed group ride on Sunday.

  8. After cycling to the station (that’s almost training) and getting mucky due to the rain we got in Sweden, today was spent resting and washing the bike.
    Tomorrow will be a nice solo ride to the coast and up some good climbs, aiming for about 150 km.
    Sunday I am travelling again, but Monday will hopefully involve another ride, this time with my dad and in England.

  9. Huckleberry

    Saturday: 50 mile training ride with Hack & Wheeze Cycling Team in Atlanta
    Sunday: Hills and cheese dip!

  10. Matt Arffa

    Going to Zwift it this weekend – hoping to summit Zwift Mountain twice in one ride and eat some chocolate eggs and hamentashen on the way!

  11. Alex Harris

    Hit the hills today, due to do the same on Sunday but due to weather might have to be a turbo session.

  12. Oscar

    Just ride the mountain bike on the back country on both days.

  13. Seba

    Ride + Run in different days – enjoying the spring

  14. Matt Mabry

    Still rehabbing my ankle after a nasty fracture. I should be back out on the roads in a few weeks.

  15. Maarten

    Im going to hold an eating competition with friends: who can eat the most chocolate eggs in an hour while riding at 75% FTP on the hometrainer!

  16. Michael Schmid

    I will do a nice and easy ride together with the guys of the Vienna International Cycling Club on Sunday and on Saturday maybe a harder one with some intervals.

  17. Peter

    Long slushy run in the snow, an hour in the pool, and strength training.

  18. Scott

    6 mile or so run, swim or outdoor ride depending on the weather.

  19. Valdone A.

    Going to do some yoga on Saturday and ride the trainer on Sunday

  20. 8mile Walk on Saturday. An easy run on Sunday

  21. Will

    Saturday – 80 mile bike ride (could be more depending on how I feel)
    Sunday – 30 mile bike ride (Could be less depending on how I feel)

  22. Jeff

    With the rain/snow in the forecast I’ll likely be on the trainer trying out the new Zwift mountain course.

  23. Hoping to get a 90 min run on Sat and something (anything) Sunday. Oh yea, and eating. Always lots of eating.

  24. Olli

    Cycling. Outdoors if weather permits.

  25. Nick

    Recovering from a chest infection means to only training I’ll be doing is sat on a sofa, practicing my beer drinking

  26. Thomas Hunt

    Just finished a nice sunny ride. And next a long run when I get a chance between the forecast rain for the rest of the long weekend.

  27. 10 mile tempo run, a couple of easy shorter runs, and an hour either on the trainer or (depending on fickle mountain weather and the level of the snow line) on the roads.

  28. Donna

    a little time at the gym but lots of good rest

  29. Andrew

    Tapering for Oceanside next week

  30. Euan

    Rest day Saturday, 40 miles cycling on Sunday (probably in the rain), core work on holiday Monday and a short ride if it’s dry.

  31. alexander

    I’ll run 10km.

  32. Tim Bodin

    My plan is a short 3 mile run on Saturday, and then an early 10 mile run to my brother’s house for Easter brunch.

  33. PPG

    I’ll be spending 1/2hr on the rollers followed by 1/2hr of strength training.

  34. Sandra

    Running in Athens, working out and sightseeing

  35. Abby Chapman

    Easter weekend workouts = 1hr swim, 1:15 run, 1:15 ride… and beef tenderloin for reward

  36. Jamie

    60′ swim today.
    120′ ride + 30′ run tomorrow.
    Long, slow run on Sunday.

  37. Brian Dickens

    Going for a nice hill country training ride out of Helotes, TX with friends. Getting ready for a few supported rides from 60-100 miles.

  38. Jan Schütt

    I planed a bike block over the easter days but the shitty wheater in germany and a little cold i got 2 days ago (after running the halfmarathon in Velo Netherlands last Sunday) made me stop my plans an set in a few days of rest.

  39. David

    Saturday will be a quick 3 mile run and Sunday will be Stronglifts 5×5 (Squat/Bench/Row day). What I’m really looking forward to is a week of hiking in Zion NP next week!

    Thanks Ray.

  40. Boquerontri

    Friday- Bike: 15 min WU, 8min @ 80-90% ftp 90-95 rpm
    4min @ 90-100% ftp 90-95 rpm
    8min @ 80-90% ftp 90-95 rpm
    Run: 15 min WU, 5x 1 km fastest constant pace, 2min recovery, 10 min cool down

    Sunday- bike outdoors 1.5-2 hours.

  41. Matt

    20 miles tomorrow and a parkrun then marathon chocolate eating Sunday.

  42. Johan

    I’ll be knocking down a wall as part of construction work in my future home. So core stability will likely improve after this exercise.

  43. LukeJ

    Probably just getting enough sleep! More than 5 hours at last! :)

  44. Jared Havican

    I’ve been slacking, I just hope to get out on the bike.

  45. Tom Bowles

    I plan to run a little and rest a little.

  46. John Adolph

    Heading up to ski this weekend, so I guess that would be filed under “cross training.”
    Happy Easter, everyone!

  47. Ty

    I will be doing my daily calisthenics and probably a 5k on Saturday. And lots of walking.

  48. Stuart Grey

    Skiing and running in Chamonix – come on snow!

  49. Nina

    I’m running 14 miles on Saturday and then eating ALL.THE.CHOCOLATE on Sunday.

  50. Harry

    Easy run and getting back onto East Coast time today, regular run tomorrow, longer run and weights Sunday.

  51. Mark Berkelaar

    Try to go out for a 15k run and 2 hours on te rollers.

  52. Mihai

    Follow the sun. Easy long run. :)

  53. Kristian

    Alpine skiing Saturday and a long ride Sunday after a HM run today :)

  54. Mike O

    Probably just a couple of easy runs, maybe a little riding.

  55. Jacob Sconyers

    Saturday is my rest day, and I’ll be nerding out at History Camp Boston. Sunday, I’m getting up and out early for a 25.5 mile run. (Today, I’m waiting to hear whether I’ll be chosen as an alternate for a charity team and get to run the Boston Marathon for the first time. If not, I’m registered to run the Providence Marathon on May 1.)

  56. Chris

    11 mile run, 2 hr bike, and a 4 hour meal… or maybe just hide in my bedroom and eat the kids chocolate. Not like they could find the eggs under all the snow anyway…

  57. Shawn Hime

    My training plan this weekend involves trying to eat as many chocolate Easter eggs as I can while riding as many miles as I can. I guess the real test will be to see how many chocolate eggs I can fit in my kit.

  58. Nat

    Cycle with my wife on our tandem. Aerobic threshold run.

  59. Craig Aiken

    I’ll be praying the snow finally stops here in Colorado so I can get back to cycling next week.

  60. Brett Cole

    crossfit open 16.5 + some riding + some running

  61. Kevin

    Easy ride on the trainer Saturday and 20k chocolate fuelled run on Sunday.

  62. Chris L

    Hopefully an outdoor ride on Saturday and Easter Trail Run Sunday! Both fueled by chocolate eggs.

  63. Joe Morris

    Hitting the trail with a 3 mile run to start my training for next half-maraton.

  64. Eric N.

    My plan is taking it easy this weekend so I can finally recover from this cold.

  65. Jón

    Longish run tomorrow and short recovery on Sunday

  66. Sam M

    I will up bright and early Sun morning for a long run. Then lots of milk chocolate!

  67. Matthew

    Bespoke Cycles ride on Saturday to see the redwoods, followed by easy ride on Sunday.

  68. Scotty Montrose

    Friday: Quit work early, ride 2.5 to 3 hours. easy miles

    Saturday: Club ride. 3+ hours. tempo

    Easter: Weather permitting, 3+ hours, CX bike, combo of road and trail/gravel

  69. ErR

    Run and ride if/whenever I can. Difficult to do with visiting family.

  70. Jerry C

    Still not warm enough for this fair-weather rider, so I will probably be on the trainer and zwift. Mountain course tomorrow.

  71. Ingo

    Some Biking tomorow and running in sunday

  72. Joe Marino

    Going for a tandem rid with my wife/stoker both days this weekend

  73. James Morgan

    It’s time for a hard brick and a long run!

  74. Anu

    Already did a run, going to do some more running and also some cycling and swimming.

  75. Peter Gibson

    40 km ride on Saturday and 60 km on Sunday or on the trainer if the rain continues.

  76. Nick mosley

    100 miles using the mountain route on zwift.

  77. Bradley R Hammond

    I’ve got a 10 mile training run planned and possibly some miles on the bike if the weather holds.

  78. Long run to end up wilth a 60K week.

  79. Fran

    Going for a 3-hour bike ride tomorrow if the weather copperates, and 1hour tempo run on sunday.

    Thanks Ray!

  80. Mike S.

    Well I got drawn for the NYC Marathon so I’m working on getting my base up for the next while until training officially begins. 30 minute daily runs for the next month. No easter plans sadly. Thanks Ray!

  81. David K.

    I’m just hoping to get in some miles. As long as I can find the time for and tolerate in the west NW weather.

  82. Dani

    The goal is to go for a run every day to burn the calory intake caused by easter bunnies.

  83. Lennart R.

    This weekend I will be downhill skiing all day and maybe some cross-country skiing in the evening

  84. Jonathan Noblett

    A ZWIFT Traininf session on my new smart trainer :-) maybe an egg or two!

  85. Joshua Wingell

    More of Zwift’s Epic mountain!

  86. Wouter

    Hoping to get a ride in on Monday if the weather cooperates

  87. Runningbezz

    Once Man Flu has subsided, plenty of km’s to be clocked up on the road bike.

  88. Jacob

    Running and biking at the beach!

  89. Markus

    Yes please

  90. Eric W

    Doing Team Alpha training on Saturday and Bootcamp on Sunday

  91. Henrik

    Recover from my man flu and hopefully be able to run on Monday!

  92. Jacob deCastro

    I will be getting back into shape after having a nice Easer meal.

  93. George Barrett

    Going on a run this Saturday while the weather is nice!

  94. Thomas

    Some pathetic walk/run intervals to rehab an injury.

  95. Darren

    3 hour turbo session with Zwift. Followed by Easter eggs

  96. Mike Tamayo

    My plans this weekend include a 50 mile ride on Saturday followed by an Easter egg hunt at a city park with the kids and strength and conditioning on Sunday at the fire station.

  97. Albert

    Just a short(ish) long run as part of my training for my second marathon in a few weeks.

  98. Jos Dukers

    Most likely no training, since heavy wind or rain has been predicted.

  99. David molony

    My plans for the weekend I’d ride 60km around Christchurch port hills in Sat, Sun MTB with friends for 3 hours in the morning, Monvjust a 2km swim in an outdoor pool.

  100. Jarl P

    Weather forecast is bad (strong gale) so I will most probably not go seakayaking. My bike is at home, but I have my trainers here so if weather is too bad I will do a 5-10k run.