The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Peter

    Going to run my last long run on Sunday, before my first Marathon.

  2. Matt C

    I am gunning for my first training century of the season on Easter! Yay Spring!

  3. Susan

    Hi Ray – I’m doing some weights on Saturday AM followed by a trail run with my husband. Sunday I’m swimming and then riding my mountain bike. Happy Easter!

  4. Changren Yong

    Bike race this weekend.

  5. Alfredo

    This weekend I plan to do some trekking tomorrow and an easy run on Sunday, before eating half a chocolate egg!

  6. Sam

    I’m going to ride my bike 2.5-3.5 hours each day. With any luck, most of that will be on my mountain bike with recently upgraded brakes, and will also be toying with bottomless tokens to try to tune my fork a bit better.

    Ancillary stuff:

    Fixing climbing wall grips to my kids tree-house and fashioning a better door, start working on a pulley system as well…this will involve all sorts of core strength and also improve my will as I do my best to not let out my frustrations by way of “colorful” language.

    I will also be hosting an Easter Egg hunt in the back yard so I’ll be working on my functional movements.

  7. I’ll be running 21k like a rabbit that is taking care of his eggs and being chased by a tiger.

  8. Kevin R

    6 mile marathon pace run on Friday, 13 miles easy on Saturday, rest and have an Easter egg hunt with the kids on Sunday.

  9. Ekku

    Some running on saturday on the icy roads and long indoor bike ride on sunday

  10. Mike Bishop

    I am hoping to get in a bike ride of 80 miles on Saturday outside if the weather cooperates. Then Sunday I plan to do 100 miles on Zwift due to the crappy weather.

  11. Irawan Balcet

    Plan on going for a hike with the whole family. Happy Easter !!!

  12. Bringing the summer bikes out for the first time – and thus justify eating the rest of my chocolate eggs – even the ones with marzipan.

  13. Chris Walkup

    8 mile trail run on Saturday. Hike the local butte to the top for the sunrise on Easter Sunday.

  14. Jeffrey Watts

    No training this weekend for me, instead I’ve got a climbing heavy 50 road race course to tackle on Saturday.

  15. Brett Erickson

    Plan is to do zero training and eat as much food / chocolate bunnys as possible!

  16. Jeff Hickman

    Run, run and run. And clean the garage.

  17. Klaus

    Two 40 km sessions on the turbo, as the children need to be watched as th lady of the house has a night out

  18. Friday:Walk 12k with dog and then run 10k trails
    Saturday:5k Parkrun and then an 8k dog walk
    Sunday:21k run and 7k dog walk
    Monday: Eat my own bodyweight in food ;) and then try a 30k on the bike and a quick 10k dog walk.

  19. Jeroen

    A short bike ride, but mostly cleaning and maintenance of my bikes. While eating chocolate eggs of course.

  20. No training plans this Easter other than massaging, stretching, and creaming the cuboid/5th metatarsal area of my foot… Already seem to have progressed substantially on the long road to recovery from a 3-year chronic not-very-limiting-or-hurting-but-gradually-worsening injury. Can’t wait until I can pick up running without worry again!

  21. Brady

    Hoping to get outside this weekend when weather turns nice. Sick of the trainer.

  22. Jim

    I’m a Peace Corps volunteer in Thailand but back in my USA hometown for a month holiday. So, my training plans call for a 10-mile run as I am getting ready for a half-marathon in a few weeks while I’m here. And if the weather holds out, I’d love to get in some bike riding. I’ve been gone 2-years and the bike is looking a little dejected. :)

  23. Daniel D.

    Bike 40miles, swim 2000yd, run 9m

  24. BadgerBen

    Easy runs Friday and Saturday with a 15 mile long run from the hotel to grandma’s house on Sunday( over a river and through the woods)

  25. Pedro

    Trainer and strength and condition tomorrow, and an endurance ride on sunday morning to make some room for easter lunch and dinner

  26. Jeff

    Bike ride, eat chocolate bunnies, run, eat more bunnies, maybe a few reese’s eggs

  27. Billy

    ride a few hours saturday morning and maybe a swim

  28. Gary

    Take a bike ride down the local rail trail and finally fix yup my trainer setup for during the week.

  29. Ian Markham

    I will mostly be running round after the kids to see who can find all the Easter eggs first….wish me luck their fast

  30. Dennis Mühlenstädt

    I’m gonna hit my new KICKR Snap and try to find a way without that numb feeling in my crouch. REALLY annoying!
    Perhaps adjusting saddle, changing Bib… Easter tweaking ;)

  31. jamie

    Family is in town for the weekend and we are going to get a couple trail runs in. Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. Kendra

    Starting to taper for the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler! Probably a short run on Saturday morning, followed by light weights on Sunday.

  33. Bernard

    A couple of ready runs, off season is great!

  34. Saturday, a 20 minute easy run. Sunday a 10K at race pace

  35. Bryan

    Spending time with family and friends and eating too much candy.

  36. Tyler Pahlke

    Swim and run both Saturday and Sunday. Pool 1 to 1.5km and treadmill run 4 to 6km both days.

  37. Kim

    My training plans for this weekend is to run a bit, and to cycle a lot. Hopefully we’ll get some nice temperatures this weekend!

  38. Alex

    Interval run on saterday. A bit of sailing for to relaxed. And a bike ride on monday

  39. Ikihiutale

    I’m doing light forestry work

  40. Lorcan Murphy

    Long training run followed by plenty of Easter eggs and hot cross buns for recovery!

  41. Matt Ibach

    I plan on doing a 30 mile ride Saturday afternoon, before one of two egg hunts this weekend. Sunday, a quick out and back early, before church, a.m. fasting ride cus, lets face it, I could lose a couple lb’s.

  42. Todd

    Enjoy a Friday in moderation, healthy food and water on Saturday, then 8-10 miles around a beautiful lake…looking for bunnies and/or a zombie Jesus.

  43. Darren Spicknell

    Probably a stroller run with number 2 Sunday afternoon. Hopefully a short run today or tomorrow. Have to make room for all the food I plan to eat this weekend.

  44. Jeff

    It’s gorgeous here in STL. Ride Saturday, squash Sunday.

  45. Corey W.

    Spending Good Friday finishing one bike build and starting another, then local training races Saturday and Bunny Day

  46. Brett

    7.5 mile run today and then 5 on Easter Sunday. A HIT session with friends on Monday.

    Seriously need this as my Rotor Power cranks are in for repair and can’t ride at the moment :(

  47. Maria

    Alpine skiing, cross country skiing and a hard spin on the roller.

  48. Chelsie

    An easy 4 mile run Saturday and basketball at the gym on Sunday.

  49. Joe Orick

    Run, cycle swim and eat eggs till I burst. Joe

  50. Sean D

    Long run on Saturday then a short run early Sunday morning.

  51. Trent Sprague

    Light 8mi Long Run on the Lakefront path with the team on Saturday, and on Sunday, a easy recovery run at no faster then 7:30 pace per mile with the rest of the team before outdoor season starts.

  52. Depending on the weather I might go for a semi long trail run tomorrow, and Sunday I have 27km planned in preparation for my marathon.

  53. Jet Pacapac

    Went on a 200km group ride today, Friday. Will join a 5k Easter run on Sunday :)

  54. Scott

    Some weight training this evening, and then a 10-mile long run on Sunday morning. Building up mileage for a half marathon in May.

  55. Just came back from a long MTB ride – exhausted. I’ll try to go for another one tomorrow morning, and hopefully one on Monday and Sunday as well – will see, helping my parents move to the new house and moving in to new one myself – so time is tight these days…

  56. Andy

    Hoping to get in a 2 hour ride & 20 min brick on Sat.

    Then an hour run on Sunday before church.

  57. Paul

    Doing some intervalls on the bike trainer, since the weather is to bad to ride outside

  58. Lukasz J.

    Started off with an easy 8k run today. Tomorrow warm-up and then some nice intervals. On Sunday planning to do an easy 20k. In 2 weeks my first race of the season (10k) and hoping to go below 40mins for the first time!

  59. Heather

    Strength training Friday, rest on Saturday, long slow run on Sunday after an egg hunt! Happy Easter

  60. Tim Smith

    I plan on riding 30 miles Sunday…..hopefully outdoors.

  61. Kelly

    Sat – 4 hour bike / 30 minute brick
    Sun – 1 hour spin / 90 minute run hill intetvals

  62. Paul

    Pool swim on Friday, bike trainer on Saturday and off in Easter

  63. Dressel

    In Switserland for the long weekend, so i’ll be doing some skiing!

  64. Corban nemeth

    I will be getting in some spring base miles with some sun rolling into the PNW!

  65. Manuel

    A hilly bike ride with my new Tarmac

  66. Hidé

    Plyometrics today, brick on Sunday, and a swim in Monday. Got to love long weekends!

  67. Paul Molnar

    We got dumped on with snow, since I’ll be restricted to the trainer. I’m planning on a 60 min GCN program tonight plus another hour or so of base miles, and then a couple of hours on Sunday.

  68. Nancy T

    Taper week for season-opening race next weekend. Woo hoo!

  69. Carlos

    I’m gonna ski ski and more ski!! :))

  70. Heron

    Tomorrow will do 4 hours with some climb efforts. After that free to eat a lot of chocolate!

  71. Kevin Barrick

    Swimming, swimming and more swimming, maybe mix in some stole peanut butter cups

  72. Kevin Owen

    Hills. Lots and lots of hills.

  73. Trey Lord

    Long trail-run Saturday (16 miles) and then taking my son out on his new bike Sunday for as long as he wants to go.

  74. MikeInEverwet

    Run 7 – 10 miles Sat & 10-13 miles Sun (while bunnies are hiding eggs) to get ready for Ragnar later in summer.

  75. Tom

    Haven’t been able to do much for the past week (bum hip) but hopefully i’ll make it into the pool this weekend.

  76. Olli

    Chasing Easter Bunnies in my sleep. Because I have to prepare for the loss of one hour due to the switch to summer time this sunday.

  77. Konstantin Petoukhov

    Doing some hill intervals today and a brick on Sunday!!

  78. Dan

    The gravel road race I planned on doing was cancelled due to a spring dumping of snow in SE Minnesota. It’s indoor cycling class on Saturday and maybe a road ride on Sunday before 1:00 pm Easter Brunch.

  79. Helicomatic

    2.5 hrs group ride Saturday which will be aggressive for me. Perhaps in the rain. Sunday hoping to sneak in 90 minutes of endurance between other obligations. Fueled by candy eggs.

  80. Anthony Yuri

    Eating chocolate eggs, along with open water swimming everyday of the weekend

  81. Marion

    Lots of mama-baby – swim, dance, and boot camp

  82. Chris H

    Got the flu. Hope to bang out 15 min on the trainer.

  83. Joe

    Plan on going on an 8 mile bike ride Saturday, then a 3-4 mile run on Sunday. Thanks for the giveaway!

  84. Marco

    Planning a 10k run to get rid of this annoying flu

  85. Mark F

    Two hour ride into the hills Saturday, 18k run Sunday

  86. Maria

    Cross-training with my husband on Saturday and doing yoga before Easter Brunch on Sunday!

  87. Probably just a run. I need to get my mojo going again as racing season is just around the corner.

  88. Zsolt

    On Sunday I will participate on my first trail half-marathon after a long injury.

  89. Joseph McLeod

    Running on Saturday and trying to fit in a bike ride on Sunday before the basketball games

  90. Albert

    Spending easter in Greece so will try to do a couple of runs if possible!

  91. Bryan Chapman

    Easter training = 1hr swim, 1:15 run, 1:15 bike… And lots of feasting!

  92. Dave D

    Riding with my wife and daughter and hopefully stretching their mileage out.

  93. John Sadler

    Zwift ride today, followed by short outdoor ride tomorrow, then an after Easter brunch ride with my cousin on Sunday.

  94. Derek Paton

    This weekend I will mostly running long distances in the rain!

  95. Wolfgang

    Tomorrow I’m going for a fast 10km run, on Sunday I wanna do about 70km on my bike.
    For monday I can’t decide between eating all eggs I find on sunday and going for a swim – we’ll see…

  96. Tom

    Sprinting against a tidal wave of easter bunnies. :)

  97. Hams & Hamstrings 5k!!!

  98. Russ Lilley

    Saturday is a 10 Miler in preparation for the upcoming Marine Corps Historic Half. Training is going well.

  99. David

    My training plans are to take the weekend off. Rest is when we get stronger anyway, right? Next week, I’ll be back in the saddle with some Zwift and then a camping weekend with some time on the trails with the cross bike.

  100. Robert S. Warden

    Lots of running and eating chocolate bunnies! Calories out and calories in….