The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Nathaniel Smith

    It will be day 6 and 7 this weekend for our team training camp. 4hrs Sat and 5-6 on Sunday.

  2. Mark M

    Zwifting unless weather allows for real reality riding. All followed by a nice IPA and Easter meal!

  3. George

    A long ride, an easy run, and lots of chocolate!

  4. Rose

    Training plans for the weekend: some trail running, some foam rolling, and a little cross training too. Also probably eating a whole bag of Cadbury Mini-Eggs. :)

  5. Brandon Pitt

    Slowly recovering from a nasty bike fall two weeks ago, I’m going to be trying to hit the road again with a nice and easy 5km run. If all goes well, a spinning session on the trainer might be on the cards!

  6. Brant

    I’ll be standing on my feet at work for 12 hours. Then hopefully lots of sleep

  7. Sean Ostermann

    Try to increase my long run to get ready for a half marathon in May

  8. Paul S

    Getting some good dad time with my son who is not yet a week old. And if I’m super lucky a couple of 5km runs.

  9. Eric Patat

    I’ll be running up the mountain!

  10. Mike

    easy 7 mile run

  11. Luis R. De Freitas

    Run/ Long Bike Sat and Long Run Sunday!

  12. Josh

    Trainerroad Friday and Saturday. Short run Saturday and long run Sunday.

  13. Trevor

    Physical therapy for my Achilles’ tendon surgery.

  14. Mikkel If

    Off to Mallorca the climb some hils!

  15. Steve k

    Some morning zwift sessions while I wait for the wife to rise from her slumber, them some weekend bike rides on near by trails

  16. Eric M

    Recovery weekend with good rest (sleeping in) and good nutrition (lots of food)

  17. Andreas

    Running early makes my day happy.

  18. Eirik Torneng

    Doing the final cross country skiing for this season and maybe a short bike ride on Sunday to get back into the cycling routine after having Easter off.

  19. Martin G

    Couple of training pre-Mallorca training rides, hoping the rain stays away

  20. Scott Cavendish

    Hoping to not get rained out on the bike. Would love to be able to get the wife a rose gold Fenix.

  21. Matt C

    My plan is to incorporate some hills into my weekly long run while at my in-laws’ house. Getting close to my half marathon on 4/17!

  22. Supergiordano

    I will go for a 13 kilometer slow speed semi long run on Saturday and a 9 kilometer tempo run on Easter Monday

  23. Lex

    Saturday a 2 hour run, Sunday a 2 hour ride and Monday a 4 hour ride

  24. Teague Moore

    I will be doing a slow recovery run on saturday and recovery day on sunday. :)

  25. Drew

    Lift and run on Saturday, bike and feast on Sunday!

  26. Rafael Moreno

    I will train only bike recovering my legs for incoming months

  27. Bryan Fugate

    Getting a few 2 hour rides in, while eating chocolate for fuel the entire time!!

  28. Joe byrne

    Long cycle tomorrow that looks like it will have to be on the turbo because of the weather, then a nice 1hr 45min run on Sunday to burn off the easter eggs!

  29. Chris

    Kicked off today by smashing out 4 hot cross buns.
    Tomorrow will be an easy 10 mile run fuelled entirely by watching lambs gambolling in the fields and little baby bunnies hopping alongside.
    Sunday will be chocolate egg day whereupon I will take the bike out for easy 2 hour ride to the inlaws where we will eat and eat and eat and eat. Followed by desert and more chocolate eggs.
    Monday will be an eggs to the wall 25mi TT.

  30. Scott

    10-12 Mile Run Saturday and maybe a quick 5-6 Sunday.

  31. Ian Darling

    Freezing rain storm yesterday means a weekend of riding on the trainer.

  32. Luis

    Recovery for me this weekend

  33. Marius

    16mi run!

  34. brian

    15 mile long run Saturday

  35. Fred

    I will do 17km running tomorrow and probably the same on Monday. Will also go for a ride in the first with the Girl :)

  36. Rachel

    It snowed here this week so I’ll likely be doing shovelling as strength training, followed by eating chocolate on the couch.

  37. Chris L

    Hiking on my “rest” day tomorrow and then 10k on Sunday morning! Oh yeah, and pancakes and pizza tomorrow too to celebrate today’s double session!!

  38. mediocre mike

    After stuffing loads of chocolate (schoggi! (swiss-german word for chocolate)) eggs down the throat for filling my glucose storages, my version of “the girl” and I will be going for an easy bike ride on Saturday, hopefully followed by an afternoon swim. Sunday will be the classical long run, again with my better half. Monday, then it goes back on the bike for a nice ride. The main source of energy will be the easter bunnies and chocolate eggs, as well as some delicious pizza tonite. Not giving away the mileage though, that’d be embarrassingly low in comparison to all of you super-sport guys.

  39. Dave

    A couple of long slow runs with the hope my knee isn’t wobbly!

  40. Ari Autio

    Back to trainer, after a few days of flu.

  41. blacky

    I plan a (hopefully last this year) trainer ride on Saturday for 1 hour and a tempo run followed by a swim on Sunday.

  42. John Davie

    Some intense carbo-loading practice (sugar is carbs, right?), running-the-dog and cycling when possible.

  43. Marc Vermill

    3 hour bike ride, 35 mins Trans run Saturday. 2,600 yard swim, 1:30 run Sunday.

  44. Paul E

    Taper run of 8-10 miles in preparation for 2 half marathons in the next 2 weekends, with a duathlon thrown in between them!

  45. S. Wall

    A couple runs along the river and hopefully some jellybean nutrition.

  46. Nuno

    I am going to do zero sport, but cook, bake, eat, drink, sleep, and then repeat. So I will really need this $600 credit to to come back to sport again next week!

  47. Den Keene

    Turbo training sessions on my new Starley JKS 1 Time Trial bike for controlled strengthening of my knee after 10 weeks off due to injury.

  48. Kevin B

    Doing a 10k row on my Concept2 rower on Friday and Sunday. Eating like a champ on Saturday!

  49. Jonah

    I did my long run yesterday, so I’ll probably just get out into the woods for a regular run on Saturday.

  50. Andrew

    I plan on training by racing! I have a circuit race tomorrow.

  51. Grant Lastovica

    Bike riding 5000+ ft in elevation tomorrow on a fun ride followed by a nice long run on Sunday morning before all the Easter festivities

  52. Gabriel

    Getting back into the saddle for 40 mile ride after a couple of weeks of illness. Excited!

  53. JuhaN

    I will be walking a couple of times and then taking one cycling tour. My eastern training plan has also some chocolate eggs in it.

  54. Larry Gray

    I plan on doing my first brick of the year!

  55. Iris

    If my father pushes me I will go for a 6K / 8K run but if he doesn’t, just some cheerleading (hey, before you say it, it is also a tiring sport!)

  56. Stefan

    Going for the first long outdoor bike ride this year!

  57. David Tunney

    Took today off work, rode my bike. Ride my bike tomorrow, each chocolate and ride my bike Sunday. Public holiday Monday so ride my vibe then too!

  58. pingi

    10k as recovery after summiting a 4000m peak

  59. ibrahim albrahim

    Aquathlon race

  60. Sebs

    Eating chocolate and then more chocolate. No exercise. Picking my dog up from boot camp.

  61. Lance Kawabata

    I’ll be doing indoor cardio today. Tomorrow will most likely be a 4 mi walk. Tomorrow night will be hiding easter eggs indoors, weather’s not going to cooperate Easter Sunday. Next week will be fun! I’m coming off of a broken wrist (snowboarding), so it’ll be the first time I get to ride my new ASR-c on the trails. So excited!

  62. Brit Buzhardt

    Nice, easy run this weekend.

  63. Dustin

    Two hour run on Saturday and a 90 min bike ride on the trainer Sunday, no spam included.

  64. Tim C

    After an accident riding to work 4 weeks ago, I plan to head back out for a first ride on the road this weekend.

  65. Chris

    Planning to ride until I ‘break’ (or 4 hours) tomorrow probably in Watopia, then visit the real world Sunday for a longish trail run on and around the Appalachian trail in Northern Virginia

  66. Mehmet Bayram

    gym spinning and some weight training as it will rain in İstanbul this weekend. but sunny spring is just around the corner :) cheers!

  67. Alison H

    Easter training plan- eat as many peeps and Cadbury mini eggs as I can then run to burn them off :-)

  68. Jeffery Rehner

    My goal is run at least 5k each of the next three days

  69. Jitendra

    Starting off with my core workout plan

  70. John Bowers

    just running six easy miles on Saturday as I just did a marathon last weekend and am in recovery mode.

  71. Casey

    Run/Lift on Saturday and a long run on Sunday.

    Nutrition wise…. BBQ for easter. Can’t wait!

  72. Guillermo

    Long run on Sunday, longish ride on Saturday… Or the other way around. Lent is ending so indulging on some chocolate too, plus some BvS.


  73. Raymond Wynman

    Riding Hell of Hunterdon 80 miles on Saturday which includes 15 miles of gravel/dirt road. Fun stuff!! Sunday will be a short recovery ride.

  74. Clint

    I’ll be working arms and legs this weekend by hauling bags through a couple airports on the way to see family. I will of course have mid-workout nutrition consisting of chocolate bunny ears.

  75. Simon Buerger

    Probably a 6k tempo and a couple of easy runs

  76. Chris

    5k run today, 60 k ride tomorrow, 5k run Sunday – eggs in the morning on all days. Had my chocolate egg yesterday.

  77. Absolus

    Going for 21km on Sat and 10km Sun

  78. Charlie

    Definitely hiking with my girl on Sunday, but hopefully it’ll be nice enough for a long ride beforehand, too.

  79. Jacob

    Macathon run on Saturday followed by bike and swim on Sunday after the kids get the Easter bunny goodies!

  80. David

    Long Ride Fri, Swim Sat, Long Run Sun, Long Ride Mon.

    Then it’s time to fall over.

  81. Lee Short

    I’ll be chasing that Easter Bunny virtually on a nice long spin session.

  82. Nathan Brice

    This w/e I’ll be getting some running in chasing the kids around the garden on their bikes

  83. Andreas Haukaas

    Crosscountry skiing.

  84. Jason

    Leg killing. Weight training and hill sprints.

  85. Jose Arnel Dalisay

    Doing a 35 mile ride on my tribike on Saturday and doing about 20 miles with 1,500 ft of climbing on my road bike on Sunday

  86. Roger Harper

    Packing to move is my training plan for this weekend! Rather be riding.

  87. Robert McMillan

    have a renunion run planned on saturday with an old training group, then probably blast out some miles on Zwift during my 2yo’s nap time…all fueled by cadbury mini-eggs!

  88. Erik Hash

    I plan on running 20ish miles on Saturday with a recovery run on Sunday followed by all the chocolate.

  89. Mike

    16k race pace run, prep for Around the Bay 30k next weekend.

  90. Tyler Ellis

    Heading up to San Francisco for the first time to get in a good two-hour run! Look forward to sight-seeing along the way (and stopping by Ghirardelli afterwards)

  91. angela eagle

    at home body weight training this weekend as it is icy outside and the gym is closed

  92. David G.

    testing the new mountain on zwift or following my trainerroad planned workout

  93. Adam Myers

    Racing the “Heck of the North” Sunday morning!

  94. Ales Susnik

    In preparation for Ironman Austria my Saturday will include a slow 80 min run and Sunday a 4,6km swim, following a 4 hour bike ride and a 20 min brick.
    Really really hoping for sunny Sunday with no winds, otherwise it’s gonna be the Kickr again with Zwift.

  95. Saturday morning 90min spin class, 8 mile sunset hike over the Hawaiian mountain range.
    Sunday morning brick 50/10

  96. BrunoCunha

    1h easy run to relax

  97. Rodney Evets

    With 70 degrees in the forcast for the Bay Area, a long spin for the tan.

  98. Christopher Spivey

    Saturday is 1 mile warmup followed by 3×1 mile with 2 min rest between. Sunday is a light 30 minute run.

  99. Rick Yazwinski

    Easy ride Saturday. 90k cross race on Sunday

  100. Greg

    Friday: Strength training and March Madness
    Saturday: 2 hour Z2 aerobic intervals on the bike (with some ILT mixed in), followed by 20 minute transition run, followed by food and watching March Madness
    Sunday: 55 minute Z2 run aerobic intervals, followed by easy 30 minute spin, followed by food and watching March Madness