The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Jono

    Saturday I’ll be caucusing, which sounds like a marathon in itself. But Sunday I’ll probably try to get a good 20-30 miles in on the bike, in an attempt to knock the winter’s rust off. Plus dodging church traffic is a good way to work on handling skills.

  2. likepend1

    First long Ride with the guys after the winter break on Sunday (about 120k)! Weather forecast says: “sunshine 16 Degree!!!” :D

  3. Vincent

    I’ll ride from the train station to my parents’. 30 kms. If my wife allows me…

  4. one hip to glory

    hide easter eggs and chase around the kids in the backyard. No better training than that!

  5. Des Lynch

    4 miles plus intervals and cross training with a nice cycle, in lovely Irish weather :)

  6. Ricardo do Canto

    Starday I’ll ride my bike for 50 km and Sunday I’ll do it for 40 km. Happy Easter!

  7. Jason

    I am going to do the usual 65-80 mi ride Saturday, and then Sunday swim around the Oceanside pier, followed by a 7 mi run.

  8. Alex Arnason

    Heading out for a 15k run on Sunday pre Easter ham, then trying (might fail) to hit the pool in the evening!

  9. I think I’ll have two light training sessions and today I’m going on the Montagna dei Fiori, near my home, for a night trekking (with a lot of snow) :)

  10. Scott Dunsmuir

    Training plans are to run commute to/from work Sat night Sun AM then Ride commute to Work sunday night. Might throw in a run Sat AM for the double or triple?

  11. Derek

    Riding my bike. Hopefully 140 mi total.

  12. Marlo S

    Planning on a long run on Saturday then a long bike on Sunday. Happy Easter!

  13. Igor

    60 km outdoor cycling in Zone 2, HIIT intervals on Neo. Lots of chocolate eggs, and, of course, chocolate milk!

  14. Johnny Silvey

    Doing a 5miler Saturday definitely to pre-work off all the Sunday chocolate! :D
    That’s how that works right?

  15. David C

    Quick and easy 5 miles on Sunday.

  16. JoelP

    Doing a hill run as training for a half marathon

  17. Kevin M

    Going on a 40 mile ride to the Grandsons Sunday, Then a 10 mile ride with him and 40 miles back.

  18. Eric McMinoway

    Will be heading out for a bike ride and Run on Saturday. Probably not doing much on Sunday.

  19. Marc Geraldez

    3-4 hour training ride to prepare for the Belgian Waffle Ride in San Diego.

  20. Magnus

    As it is the easter holidays here in Norway, my plan i to go for a long, slow crosscountry skiing trip, bringing enough chocolat and oranges to last me at least til summer…

  21. I plan to run a half marathon for the first time this Sunday!

  22. Chris

    Heading down to St George Utah to do a solid mountain bike ride on some of the best trails in the world!

  23. Graham R

    Chasing around a toddler, hiding and then eating his eggs, and maybe a ride or a run if the weather holds above freezing.

  24. Katie

    Now that the weather has finally turned for the weather (hopefully for good), I plan on taking the bike out for a short ride on Saturday. Sunday will be family time, so probably more chocolate bunnies and delicious foods than anything else.

  25. Mikey T

    Trying to get back into the swing of things post injury- Probably go for 30-40 min on Sunday.

    Probably not much candy, Easter is my least favorite candy holidays.

  26. Pascal D

    No training as I am still recovering from the flu.

  27. Goran

    today, i ran 10k so on easter, a slow-pace 5k run is scheduled.

  28. Tom W

    I plan on riding my mountain bike 25 miles on Saturday and Road bike 56 miles on Sunday. (less traffic on Sunday due to the holiday)

    Then I will drink some Johnny Walker and eat peeps!

  29. Rory Abel

    80 mile bike ride today, 60 miles on Saturday and rest day on Sunday.


  30. Mário pires

    Friday 70km ride with some mountain.
    Saturday 10k fartlek
    Sunday is work day…

  31. Chris

    Running 18 miles plus an hour or two cycling with TrainerRoad on my Kickr

  32. Lucas

    Going for a nice long ride on Sunday

  33. Mark Nickerson

    21 mile Boston Prep – Hopkinton to BC. I am tragically under-prepared :-o

  34. Joe

    base building…60-70mile rides both Sat and Sun

  35. Sat: 20-22 mile long run – 3 weeks to Boston!

    Sun: recovery run & massage

    That’s pretty much my weekend ;)

  36. Benjamin

    Long run saturday + recovery run sunday.

  37. Richard Walker

    Great site. 200km done today – longest ever. Easy riding for the remainder. Thanks

  38. Rainer

    100k ride to get prepared for the ronde fanride

  39. ian r.

    Already done a 71K ride today and managed 30kph all the way round, never done that before !

    So Mini eggs on return as a treat.

    tomorrow is rest and on Sunday a sprint session on the turbo !

  40. Brian Weaver

    Visiting family for the weekend, so my training will be getting their butts up Saturday morning to go on a long run. Probably run out to a nearby forest preserve and do some trail runs – hoping to get in 6-7 miles on Saturday!

  41. Janyne Kizer

    Easy swim on Saturday and long run on Sunday. Hopefully some new gadgets on Monday!

  42. Matt

    Something short and slow. Still trying to shake a cold.

  43. Jakob

    planning on doing at least 2 15 mile workouts in oerder to make up for all the chocolate eggs. Possibly some easter fire..

  44. lindsey k

    I have a 7 mile run planned for Sunday, the longest run I’ll have gone on in over a year!

  45. Florian von Behr

    I’ll try to ride my new bike between eating and drinking.

  46. GrumpyITDude

    Quick little ride. Became unfit over the last few months and starting to work my way back

  47. Taking a break from training this weekend, going away to a wildlife refuge with the family, then jumping on the trainer on sunday night when we return for some sufferfest punishment for my laziness.

  48. Tom

    The menu for this weekend is a long ride on Saturday with a small run as desert. Sunday I am planning an even longer ride.

  49. William mcanirlin

    training plans are to get some runs in, some strength training, and make sure that the bike is ready for when it is actaully warm enough for me to get on the bike.

  50. Saturday calls for a short bike ride and an 8 mile run.
    Sunday will be my 10 mile trail run before Easter dinner!

  51. Rachel Dolan

    A bike ride to enjoy the cherry blossoms here in DC!

  52. DS

    Big 10k race on Saturday, chocolate bunnies and recover ride on Sunday.

  53. My training plan for the weekend will include about 30 miles total in the hills nothing exciting, just long slow runs.

  54. ßryan

    Just basicly, run when I can, bike when I can. (and not eat TOO much kielbasa this year)

  55. Michael Dunlap

    Functional strength training, some swim stroke work, a 12 mile run and bike to the in-laws

  56. Steve

    It’s spring in the Carolinas – going for a long ride.

  57. Tony Zamora

    Last high volume training block before racing starts in 3 weeks! 5 hour SBR brick today, 5 hour MTB ride tomorrow and 5 hour BR brick Sunday!

  58. Manuel P

    My goal is a 10k followed by 18 holes of golf and sleeping the rest of the day.

  59. Daniel Viens

    30 mile tempo ride Saturday, 15-20 miles leisurely spin Sunday before Easter festivities.

  60. easy run Saturday long run Sunday through Hungarian wine country :)

  61. Tareance james

    Figure a way to get 5 miles of running in with 6 month old twins and a three year old while mom works all weekend #challenge

  62. Max Müller

    Short 6-8km run at my hometown planned for Eastermonday, if it doesn’t rain like hell ;)

  63. Jill

    My training this weekend consists of watching tv on the couch…. being 37 weeks pregnant will do that to ya sometimes!

  64. Hank B

    Sixty base miles on the bike with friends on Saturday and running a couple of recovery miles on Sunday.

  65. Picko

    You Sir, are a good egg.
    Group road ride Friday (done), MTB ride Sunday, solo road ride Monday.

  66. Ken Jude

    I will be marshalling at St Albans parkrun on Saturday then on Sunday my final very long run before tapering for the Brighton Marathon.

  67. Klaus

    I will spontaneously do what I feel like. And eat chocolate.

  68. Krispy

    Plan on picking up running again after a hip-related hiatus.

  69. Antti Rasinen

    Swimming. And, time permitting, sorting out the biking clothes and preparing for the summer.

  70. Katie r

    Hike with the husband and 2 year old daughter!

  71. Vincent Needham

    It’s both Easter and rainy, so the chocolate egg diet with family is the plan!

  72. Shane O Sullivan

    The weather is poor so it’s some Mountain Zwifting for the long weekend.

  73. Stephen

    I will hopefully get out for a couple long rides this weekend.

  74. Alex

    Progressive run on Saturday morning, followed by a swim in the evening. Long tempo run on Sunday near the location where I actually saw a real goddamn bunny during the winter, and that was in a city! :)

  75. Haupi

    For Friday night – disco party on 1,5h interval ride with zwift and tempo run…20k for sunday morning

  76. Rob

    Saturday: short 2-3 mile run
    Sunday: Easter bunch followed by recovery

  77. luca

    my Easter training is : rest :-)

  78. Tom

    200m sprints at the velodrome. Time to work on endurance.

  79. Luke

    Saturday evening a ton of choclate eggs, sunday morning 3 eggs in a quiche and an egg-salad on toast, monday a meatball stuffed with egg and sateh sauce. In the meantime running an interval (7*800) and a slow 30K in preparation for the Slachte marathon.
    Happy Easter!

  80. Jörg G.

    Actually it is Regeneration-week from the Venlo-Halfmarathon (Venloop) i ran last Weekend.
    So no bunny-catching this weekend – just searching for some “totally valid nutrition” ;)

  81. Matthijs

    Hi Ray, this weekend will be a weekend of skiing in Austria.

    And eating chocolate eggs of course

  82. Bret Bartness

    Squash today, usual runs on Saturday & Sunday.

  83. Ronald van Herp

    Short recovery ride on saturday, try to win the club championship on sunday.

  84. int_27h

    Base building if the weather is with me :)

  85. Ben Lawson

    Hiding out from an ice storm this weekend. Maybe some planks?


  86. John Gavin

    I plan on climbing Col du Galibier on Virtual Training…assuming it’s not nice enough to ride outside.

  87. Hoping to get back to running from work week hiatus

  88. taper weekend: 2.5 hr ride and a 10 min brick, then easy swim on easter.

  89. Si

    Weather’s looking grim so long walk done today (Achilles isn’t happy at the moment so not pushing it) and it’ll be indoor training over the days ahead.

  90. Joe

    riding if the weather is good. mostly eating chocolate.

  91. Kevin

    Rehab run around the lake Saturday and a killer swim on Sunday

  92. Tommy

    Long slow 3.5 hour trail run. Recovery week in training schedule.

  93. Hi folks !

    Saturday it’s the Aquathlon event in my local swimming pool : 1k swim & 5k dash to the finish line !
    Sundya : long bike ride fot the final preparation of the Ronde !

  94. Simon Nigsch

    Long ride 100km

  95. Daniel van der Weide

    120 km big-ring ride and a long run

  96. Eric Replogle

    Getting ready for a BoyScout backpacking trip, so 3-4mi run on Saturday, 8+ mi hike on Easter.

  97. jeffrey schmidt

    Friday- remove ice from driveway & sidewalk
    Saturday- hit the gym for 1 hour or so
    Sunday- enjoy ham dinner my wife is making

  98. Patrick Chang

    I’m planning about 3000 miles this weekend. On a plane. For spring break. I should be uber-fit by Monday.

  99. Sean Summers

    Tonight I will spend happy hour at the pool for a short swim (easy/fast). I have a friend coming into town tonight so after some carb loading tonight we are getting up for a 60 mile ride tomorrow in the Georgia Hills followed by a short brick run. Easter Sunday, got to get out for a long run to try and chase down the Easter bunny, hopefully he is within 10 miles.

  100. K.C.

    40 mile group ride Saturday morning and probably solo ride Sunday afternoon.