The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Rodrigolink

    Bike ride today, 10k on Sunday morning. And some chocolate in between

  2. Chris

    Going for some long rides this weekend

  3. Dustin Harding

    One hour easy ride today, and a run later this weekend with my old man. Love catching up with him that way.

  4. sam

    I’m going to be in Las Vegas :-)

  5. Mike T

    Doing a 50 mile mountain bike race on Saturday and helping the Easter bunny with some eggs on Sunday.

  6. Jens

    I will go for a nice 10k run into the forrest. Hope the weather nows its eastern time. :-)

  7. Bill Gay

    a couple of short 5 mile runs @ an easy pace.

  8. David

    Three hour long run. Hoping for reasonable spring weather here in the Midwest.

  9. Ariel

    8 mile run on Sunday, and then rest up until my half marathon the following week.

  10. Matt

    Saturday – driving my Rabbit (bunny) to a trail somewhere in the Adirondacks. Sunday – bike ride on our bunny-loaded bike path. Post-Easter – Purchasing some on-sale Easter candy, eating it all, and hiding the evidence.

  11. Brian

    I’ll be getting in my March Strava fondo while eating chocolate eggs!

  12. Sandra

    I have a 10k steady run today and a 23k long run on Sunday. I will also fit in a couple of cycling sessions. No chocolate eggs for me, although I’ll sneak some chocolate chips into my weekly Saturday pancakes. :)

  13. Don B

    I ride on zwift Friday night, then a weekend away, but possibly another ride Sunday night when we get back.

  14. Matt

    Hoho, first shot at a giveaway,

    Plans for the week-end includes a slow 10/12k run, that is if the snow melts since the sidewalks are still slippery here. Also planning for one or two 30 min trainer session medium intensity depending on the run.

    Good luck to all and thx DC for the awesome blog/site/news sports gadget compendium you’ve built over the years !

  15. Dan

    Planning on doing some Taekwondo, and then a nice long hike with my new Fenix 3 HR that UPS says is out for delivery right now!!

  16. Nathan

    Indoor trainer intervals during the toddler’s nap times.

  17. Casper

    Do one short and one long run, and make a new chocolate egg eating PR.

  18. Lionel

    Recovery WE. After a strong week (fitness (much), bike, run, and swimm (a little) Easter WE visiting migrants center and making animation for them.

  19. Håkan

    Indoor cycling on my trainer using TrainerRoad.

  20. Suggs

    Short run Saturday, longer one Sunday.

  21. Miha

    I’m doing a 10K this sunday.

  22. Don Schenck

    A long ride on Saturday, followed by a post-ride recovery ale or two. Repeat on Sunday.

  23. Will Nickell

    My training plan is two MTB rides. The weather in Utah is getting dry enough for trail rides!!!!!

  24. Gabe Raff

    I’ve got my first 70.3 in two weeks. I’m doing an 9 mile run on Sat. Then a (short) simulated tri on Sunday.


  25. docta pow

    hilly road ride sat, mtb on sunday

  26. Andrew Caden

    Continue helping my wife get ready for her first 5k post-childbirth.

  27. Benjamin Ryan

    Mountain ride Saturday. Road riding sometime after lying to my children on Sunday about a mythical bunny and dinner with the family.

  28. Matt

    Have a couple runs planned on Saturday and Sunday morning, then (while not technically training) heading out to do some hiking at the local state park.

  29. Zsol

    Spend some time on a turbo trainer, probably about 1.5 hours, then go for a 10 k IM race pace run on Saturday, 80 min run in the morning and 100 min run in the afternoon on a treadmill on Sunday.

  30. Ivan Ivanusic

    My plans are long MTB ride on local mountain Kozjak and rowing race.. Of course there is place for eggs and Easter food

  31. johannes petrus spruit

    5 x 12 minutes intervall on saturday, lond ride on sunday

  32. Brian

    Saturday is a 4h15m ride with a 15min run afterwards.
    Sunday 2h15m run

  33. Kamil

    My plan is simple : 3h of easy ride on Saturday and 2h of climbing on Sunday. Monday depends how I would feel.

    + Easter Bunny ;)

  34. Martin J

    My goal is to do a 1h run every day.

  35. Matt

    Going for a 30km bike ride and 1h low intensity running

  36. Jamie Morton

    Riding down to the Chattahoochee River in full riding kit to try and embarrass my high school daughter in front of her rowing team.

  37. Ben

    Just finished a good block, so just an easy ride here enjoying the sunshine!

  38. Andrei Z

    Last weekend before Paris Marathon. I’ll do short brick and easy run workouts. No swimming :)

  39. Andrew K

    Started running again after a winter break so hopefully will get a long run in this weekend.

  40. John

    Saturday: app. 60-70km ride outside (road)
    Sunday: Depending on the rainy weather here app. 2 hours on Zwift or MTB outside
    Monday: same as Sunday
    In between eating eggs of all kind ;)

  41. Ronni

    Easy run, easy swim, and a long bike ride

  42. Matthew Harris

    Coming out of winter hibernation with a few easy runs

  43. Daniel Brosemer

    I’ll be testing out the new Watopia Mountain Route since we got a foot of snow yesterday.

  44. Harald

    did run intervalls today – tomorrow only 2x20km bike tour to visit friends

    and on sunday finally going clubbing again – as a reward ;)

  45. Jeff B

    Couple rides, couple runs, family time, and as much time outside as possible.

  46. Shawn Pfister

    Besides eating chocolate and commuting by bike everywhere I go, I have no fitness plans for the weekend.

  47. Ingo

    I’ll be doing my 35KM long-jog (with 15KM final acceleration) on Saturday and then a regenerative 20KM run on Sunday.

  48. Raphael Genin

    Not much training this weekend. Maybe running after some bunnies ?

  49. Phil Simpson

    Recuperating from an injured back (fell down stairs in bike shoes), saving for my next chiropractor appointment, waiting for my new helmet to arrive (same as Bradley Wiggin’s when he won the Tour de France so should start smashing the KOMs) and wondering if Varia Vision or Everysight will be released first.

  50. Nicholas

    Long ride of 40 miles Saturday with local bike shop. Then Sunday will be whatever I can talk the wife and family into doing between breakfast and candy.

  51. Johann

    Planning to go for a swim on Saturday and a longer bike on Sunday.
    In between some (a lot) of (chocolate) bunnies!

  52. Sean Morse

    I’ll be running a bit, biking a bit more and probably not swimming.

  53. DORN

    Forecast says rain so its a day off!!! :D

  54. Mihai Tintea

    Indoor ride with spinning bike.

  55. Leonardo

    1500m easy swim and a 20k bike ride with my cycling club

  56. Elena R

    Training for my first half marathon with an easy 3mi run Saturday and a 6mi long run on Sunday!

  57. Dejan M.

    two short 5k runs & lots of eating in the middle ;)

  58. Ted

    Going to the gym to lift some weights and then run on Downtown. Saturday is my birthday but it’s no excuse to skip the workout!

  59. Shannon

    Plan to eat some chocolate and climb some hills.

  60. Chad

    If we don’t get too much rain, I’ll be mountain biking. Otherwise, it’ll be a long road ride.

  61. Eric C

    I’m working all weekend. My plans are to stay upright while I get through it all.

  62. Hasan

    Absolutely no training plans this weekend — it’s a snowboard weekend!

  63. Harrison Muskat

    Going for a few 40+ mile rides assuming the weather cooperates. Saturday will be a solo grind and Sunday will be a nice spin with the work group.

    I just had my bike refitted and I’m hoping to start reaping the rewards.

  64. Al

    Planning to go for a run Saturday (running is always easier when traveling, the shoes fit better than than the bike) and hoping to be back in DC early enough Sunday to get in a longer ride. Cadbury fueled, for sure.

  65. Patrick

    I’m running a 4 mile tempo run on Saturday and 7 easy miles on Saturday in preparation for a half marathon next weekend.

  66. Sylvester Jakubowski

    TrainerRoad – Eclipse and hopefully Tenaya. (Currently in Sweet Sport Base High Volume I)

    Then off to KC, MO for work and stuck with hotel gym…

  67. My plan is going for a run/ride and trying to keep all the eastern food inside my stomach without puking.
    Heavy eating ahead with my Austrian family :-)

  68. Jeff

    Long ride Saturday morning, lap swimming Saturday afternoon, long run Sunday morning and strength Sunday afternoon.

  69. Rico

    I will be doing the usual long run on Sunday for about 90 minutes. Let’s see if I’m lucky this time :P

  70. rm2000

    Restarting running after 4 months break.

  71. Tomasz

    I am having a temperature so I need staying home. Maybe I am lucky anyway.

  72. ryan

    Just finished reading “The Time-Crunched Cyclist”! My weekend plan is to begin to lay the groundwork for my best season ever. I’m in Denver, so this weekend is going to be indoors, (sad face).

  73. Pete

    nothing gnarly, maybe 3hr spin early sat morning, same on sunday.

  74. Jean-Marc

    Enjoy the last days of winter sports – some telemark, some crosscountry skiing, 15-20km each day with a bigger tour on Monday.

  75. Phil T

    getting ready for the local taxing metric ride

  76. Dan Ryan

    First 5k of the season tomorrow. Then as long as the weather holds off, knock off 5 miles with some hills on Sunday. Then its back to Zwift for the work week!

  77. John K

    Busy weekend ahead… tonight I will be at the United Center in Chicago to watch Iowa State beat Virginia, long run Saturday, long bike Sunday. No chocolate bunnies for me…

  78. Dave


  79. Peter P

    Tapering for upcoming race. Only a 20k long run

  80. jonathan T

    running a 6 mile loop, weather permitting!

  81. JAkub

    Some Swimming some running. Rather relaxed easter weekend with family

  82. Kyle

    Long Run Saturday and Long Ride Sunday. All fueled by Pizza Friday.

  83. Ailsa C

    Working off the chocolate with an 10krun

  84. Ken

    4-5 mile tempo run today
    8-9 mile LSD run on Sun
    Sat is supposed to be a rest day, but with the nice weather forecast…

  85. Julien

    20k trail training on mont royal with fresh snow of yesterday !

  86. somecows

    Run, bike, and I shall use a new iPhone app I downloaded to do some core/lower back strengthening exercises.

  87. Simon

    Eating chocolate and a long run on Sunday

  88. Jason W

    20 mile bike ride if the weather cooperates, or 1 hour on the trainer otherwise.

  89. Luca

    Short duathlon test race this sunday.

  90. Either a 1h30, ~18km hilly run in Los Altos Hills, or a 3h ride in the Santa Cruz Mountains.

  91. David B. Boris

    I will be continuing my FTP training program on Zwift and may take a break to go back up the new mountain.

  92. Gee

    Sprint triathlon for me

  93. Chris Boggs

    My “training” plan will most likely consist of helping the wife prepare for Easter day festivities and sitting on the couch watching basketball or cycling race replays on YouTube.

  94. Fabian

    I’m going to test the footpod calibration on the treadmill on Saturday. Sunday will be high intensity interval eating sessions, I’m afraid…

  95. Bruno Sá de Moraes

    A lot of climbing in Rio de Janeiro

  96. John f

    5 mile run, lots of walking hunting Easter eggs!

  97. David C

    5 hour bike ride then 12 mile brick… FUN EASTER

  98. Carl

    Saturday: Century
    Sunday: Easy Run
    Monday-Friday: enjoying spring break from 125 7th graders! Miscellaneous brick workouts as the fancy strikes.

  99. Rune

    Short 4 mile tempo Friday night, flying to Paris tomorrow, and on Sunday or Monday I’ll do the last short “long” run (9-10 miles maybe) before the Paris Marathon next weekend.

  100. Rodrigo Valle Teixeira

    Friday: Rest
    Saturday: Swim 2k easy + run 5k tempo
    Sunday: Road Bike: The great 50km Easter Ride, fueled by lamb, wine and chocolate. Lots… of… chocolate…