The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Sandro

    Maybe an easy run on Saturday but for sure a long run on Sunday.

  2. Kimberly D

    Sprints on Saturday. Slow distance Sunday

  3. Rebecca

    A run and a bike planned for Saturday. Rest day on Sunday to spend time with the family and enjoy chocolate bunnies!

  4. Chris Cooper

    I will be running around after my kid, trying not to eat too many of her Easter candy.

  5. Paul

    Parkrun on saturday morning. 100k cycle sunday. :)

  6. Bill M

    Long walks along canal as giving running a break.

  7. Jean-Philippe Beaulieu-Savard

    Planning to do an “Easter Eggs” local 10km race on Saturday!

  8. Matthew

    I’ve got a 10K training run on Saturday, then hoping to maybe get in some biking as well.

  9. Matthew Aguirre

    This weekend we got a group ride of roughly 45 miles and maybe a quick 15 min off the bike. Easter Sunday a 90 min run to make some room for the feast with the family!

    Thanks Ray,

    Matt Aguirre

  10. VICTOR G

    The next weekend I’ll spend trying my new Garmin Fenix 3 HR, I’ll performe different tests to decide if I buy the HRM band.

  11. Darla

    Cadbury Mini Eggs. Running a 10k to break even on the Mini Eggs. Then probably more Mini Eggs.

  12. Chris

    We’ll be hiking up a mountain in a national park… And if I’m feeling sprightly I’ll probably get on my indoor trainer too.

  13. Peter

    So long as my back spasms stop, I will ride my bike for 1-2 hrs tomorrow morning to get back in to the swing of things after a bout w the flu.

  14. Joppe

    Friday a long rainy run, Sunday hopefully a fast sunny one. If all things go as planned a quick ride on the bike Saturday.

  15. Felix Wilson

    OK, a sick MTB shred and then a nice tempo 10km on Saturday followed by some form of bike ride on Sunday!

  16. Chris Mac

    Still some snow here in Colorado, so I’m headed out for a backcountry ski.

  17. Colin

    Getting out for a ride today on my bike fresh from a tuneup!

  18. Andrew

    A few spin classes and a short run

  19. Toby Jutras

    Planning a 35 mile, 5,000 training climb on Saturday, and a light run on Sunday!

  20. Cedric

    Saturday 53 mile road race and on Sunday continue training for AZT300 on mtb.

  21. Hoping to recover from my spring cold enough to get a cycle in.

  22. Eli Selzer

    Going out Saturday morning for a long, slow run in prep for a half marathon in Orlando in April. Might jump on the bike for a spin on Sunday. I have a new Forerunner 920 I’m trying to test out (for which $600 would have been helpful a week ago).

  23. Daniel

    I’m gonna test my new 27.5 hardtail on the local trails :-D.

  24. Evert

    Only doing some indoor training this weekend, gotta watch the baby ;)

  25. Scott

    eating chocolate eggs

  26. Seb LEONARD

    Going for my last training before the marathon de Paris next week, around 15km I guess

  27. Heather

    Home for Easter so it’s a 12 mile run around a forest preserve a few times instead of playing dodge the cherry blossom tourists.

  28. Ben R

    Long unstructured rides both days, to enjoy the wonderful weather forecast for this weekend!

  29. Chris Mohr

    1. 40 mile ride sat
    2. 25 mile sunday
    3. eat 50 cadbury eggs.
    (no one can eat 50 eggs).

  30. Don Kiely

    I’m still a bit under two months from my next marathon (which is actually part of a running festival – 58 miles or so of races in one week), and on a reduced week after two long ones. So I’ll do a shorter long run on Saturday and a recovery run on Sunday.

    Thanks for the giveaway, Ray!

  31. morey

    Last 20mi LSD before tapering for Boston. Although, I pulled a muscle in my left calf (soleus) so may need to put it off for a few days. it’s not too bad. just a little sore.

  32. Rick

    Back to back trainer rides on the Trainer Road 1/2 build plan. Squeezing in a 6 mile run somewhere too.

  33. Jon

    Lots of Zwifting until the weather turns a bit more so I can get outside. Merry Easter All!

  34. Robin Skibo-Birney

    Heading back to Scotland to see family and to go for some wet, windy runs up the braes.

  35. Phil P

    Riding on zwift, trying to rebuild my CTL

  36. Pete McAdams

    100 mile gravel ride Saturday

  37. Oscar Järkvik

    My knee acted up after last weekend’s 23 K run so I will mostly be resting sadly, but Friday I will do a nice 8-10 K run. I’ve also already done some laps in the pool.

  38. Mike

    Planning a long run for Saturday

  39. Heading out for park laps on Friday, and two ~30 milers Saturday and Sunday. Maybe longer Sunday to work off the after effects of a long Saturday eating chili.

  40. Brad L

    I have two 100k bike rides planned on some Midwestern gravel roads.

  41. Sarah

    Two runs and a yoga class!

  42. C Snow

    Saturday: 35 mile tempo ride
    Sunday: wishing I could run and biking instead.

  43. Robert D

    First bike ride this year wearing shorts and a long swim session with hopefully not too much chocolate bunny related drag

  44. Jack

    Going for a solid swim and then some solid runs this weekend. Might go for a leisurely ride if the weather is especially nice.

  45. Han

    Easy 13 mile run as I’m starting to taper for my half marathon.

  46. nicklesmn

    Recovering from last week’s 10 mile run event; so just a moderate recovery run, with a 2 hr bike spin thrown in for good measure. With plenty of Easter candy for re-fueling.

  47. Christian Seibert

    A 20km run each on Saturday and Sunday, perhaps a bike trip on Monday

  48. Jason Descamps

    Weekend before my first A race this year. Short rides and runs and I’m sure there will be some nutrition enhancements in the form of Reese’s eggs…

  49. Wendoley

    My “long” run is of the shorter variety this Saturday — 6 or 8 miles.

  50. Alex

    Rehearsal workouts for IM 70.3 Oceanside. Pick me!

  51. Wilco

    10 km forrest run (run Forrest)!

  52. Matt

    Just some time on the trainer and treadmill, as I’m on call for work. No fun.

  53. Sixto

    Easy week… recovering from Barcelona Marathon, and after 3 days skiing I need to build up some mileage for the next one (April 24th, Madrid Marathon)

  54. Going on a 70km+ ride tomorrow!

    link to

  55. Michael

    I plan on easy base miles. Some on the trainer tonight, and then a couple of easy runs over the weekend.

  56. Andy S

    Egg hunt. Trainer Ride. Ham.

  57. Jamie

    Trainer rides + Netflix due to a weekend of rain. Thanks for the chance!

  58. Andrew

    Running 22 miles to cap off my peak mileage week for spring marathon.

  59. JR

    I’m doing a seven mile run in Saturday and resting on Sunday.

  60. Allen Day

    Half marathon training. Tonight, 45 min EZ with hill sprints. Later this weekend, long run between painting projects. Hoping to get a ride in, too.

  61. Jo

    We’re going skiing! And maybe I’ll hide a few eggs on the slopes for the kids to find. The Easter Bunny is actually a snowshoe hare in our house. :)

  62. Bruno Medeiros

    I’ll do a phased tempo training with 8 strides in the middle!

  63. Tom T.

    I hope for some weights and some swimming tomorrow and some running on Sunday. Thanks,

  64. Karim Demirdache

    I have a 70 mile club ride Saturday morning and then on Sunday i will do intervals on the treadmill. Then I will proceed to devour a scrumptious milk chocolate easter bunny.

  65. Fabrizio

    Long bike ride with at least 2500m+

  66. Pat C

    The goal is to get the mountain bike at some point this weekend, and run a few miles

  67. Felipe Araya

    3200+ mts in 90 kms, nice to live in chile, lot of earthquakes but nice mountains LOL

  68. Mark

    Just an easy run, still taking it easy after a recent half marathon

  69. Nicolas Côté-Nolin

    Snow storm this night here in Quebec, so I will use the trainer ;-)

  70. Elliot

    Long run weekend ahead … 24 miles on Saturday and probably 20 on Sunday. Training for a 100 miler in June.

  71. Bill H.

    Resuming indoor cycling Saturday after a bit of a hiatus, then a distance pool swim on Sunday, followed by far too much refueling.

  72. 15 mile trail run on Saturday and then a couple of durability miles on sunday.

  73. Weekend training plans? Making waffles. Strawberries are in season and I’m having trouble being motivated in a wet PNW spring. (though I am using my KICKR..)

  74. IzzyODT

    Long ride on Saturday
    Family Sunday
    Short run on holliday Monday morning

  75. Pam Britt

    Heading to one of my favorite Southern Delta towns – Greenwood, Mississippi. Will run the Viking (think kitchen stoves not Nordic guys or football teams) half marathon Saturday morning followed by a runner’s Easter brunch at a truly ‘old south’ restaurant where I will enjoy rewarding myself with the best lemon pie I have ever tasted.

  76. Omar A

    I’m staring at a 40 mile ride on Sat, followed by a 9-10 mile run on Sunday. Luckily the weather will be nice.

  77. Issao

    No training for me, just recovery after a surgery.

  78. Ana

    No training at all… easy golf, recovering from a dental problem

  79. Mike

    Long swim today, ride tomorrow. Sleep in on Sunday.

  80. Dave F

    10 mile run at HM pace

  81. Peter Eidegren

    Doing Sa Calobra on Mallorca.

  82. Daniel

    Long slow run to build up the base.

  83. Vlad

    Run 5k on A treadmill

  84. Aleksander Domanski

    Tri training

  85. Sebastiaan Verweij

    Very easy run. Suffering from an inflamed tendon which I’m hoping will largely be fixed before Sunday’s 10 or so miles easy.

  86. Julian

    Going on the “long” ride of the season with my wife (who doesn’t ride through the winter as much as I do.) She indicated either our 12-mile or possibly the 16-mile ride. We didn’t actually get much of a winter this year, and it’s already getting quite spring-like about a month ahead of the usual.

  87. Anthony Anicete

    2.5 hr taper ride + 20′ brick on Sat.
    50′ swim on Sun
    Prep for Oceanside

  88. H.W.

    Last real weekend of training prior to the Rotterdam Marathon. 2,5 hours of egg hunting in the dunes to look forward to!

  89. Hannah

    Just joined a gym so that I can swim and get some quick triathlon practice in – I’m happy with my running and cycling.

  90. Neil C

    Stair work out at McClellan Ranch in Cupertino, followed by some rugby.

  91. Patrick

    40-50 miles on the bike on Saturday helping a buddy shake out a new ride.

  92. JR Beitia

    This weekend my training plans are to go on a nice long ride to get my legs working after a slow winter.

  93. Scott Harding

    Weather is getting a little nicer here in Ottawa so I am going to try to get out for a bike ride (outdoor). If not, maybe an outdoor run. And worst case scenario I will just sit on my couch and enjoy my Easter off…

  94. Will

    I’m doing one last long run before the taper for the Boston Marathon! Then having celebratory pancake =D

  95. Chad

    Saturday: 8 mile run; Sunday: 2500m swim

  96. Tom G

    Looking forward for my first run after a severe cold.

  97. This Easter i will do a brick training on Sunday and on Saturday i will do a 2:30 hour bike ride

  98. James Greenbaum

    Time to build the base! Planning to ride around 50 miles on Saturday with a mix of terrain. Should see elevation gains of around 2500 feet for this ride. The weather is not looking so good for Sunday. Weather permitting I will sneak in a 25-30 mile ride.

  99. Timo VDW

    Both a run and a ride, lets get ready for the tour of flanders (for tourists)

  100. Ben G

    Heading up to the mountains for some skiing which will hopefully not totally kill my legs for the next week on the bike.