The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. John P.

    Two mile swim in Barton Springs (check it out next time you’re in Austin), followed by a 70 mile ride in Texas Hill Country.

  2. chrisn

    Go for a run

  3. Jeff

    This weekends plans involve tennis, paintball, and running around look for eggs with candy in them.

  4. Jim Nordin

    I’m planning for a nice trail run on Sunday… Happy Easter!

  5. Kevin R.

    Gonna be a great weekend in RVA! 2.5hrs on the bike with long hill reps on Saturday and then 70min run on Sunday.

  6. Carlos C

    I’ll be going for either a ~30 mile ride or a 10k run on Saturday, followed by a ~10 mile hike in beautiful NorCal on Sunday.

  7. Mike

    10 mile race on Saturday morning, and a wine tasting in the evening (training the palate)

  8. Andre L.

    3 hour cross-country ski up in the mountains today. Nothing tomorrow because I’m going swing dancing in the evening. Probably another couple of hours of skiing again on Sunday.

  9. Torkil Skill

    Looks like it’s time to start the outdoors cycling season this weekend, also as far north as Trondheim, Norway. So hopefully I’ll be taking a short ~50km ride after work on Sunday, and a bit further on Monday, at least if it’s +10C and sun as the forecast is saying atm.

  10. Randall S. Wise

    8M trail run and max rep squat test.

  11. william

    I think I will go to the cinema to watch a movie.

  12. Gary Robbins

    I’m doing some renovation work on my house this weekend to prep for move-in, which will involve a lot of lifting, bending, and stretching. So, that’s my workout!

  13. David Horn

    I’m working this weekend, which means my training will be a series of 20 minute sprints on hotel treadmills (it’s not nice weather where I’m going…) ;-)

  14. David

    At least one long ride and one long run that’ll force me to hurry up to do it before bad weather comes on sunday…

  15. Jay

    Gonna hop around the block for a few miles

  16. Jessica

    Treadmill, Lots of treadmill.

  17. Aaron Claessens

    800s today, 150 minutes on the trainer tomorrow, and a bit of a brick on Sunday …

  18. Y.L.

    Taking care of friends’ golden retriever for the spring break. Lots of running and poo-picking with the dog.

  19. Chris delaney

    1 hour run today, cross training (tennis match) tomorrow and refueling with brunch on Sunday.

  20. Adam

    Run, run a then run some more!

  21. Kelsey

    I’ll be lucky if I get out for runs this weekend as I am scheduled to work both days! Happy Easter!

  22. nir br

    I will have a long 34k run on Friday and a nice 15k on Saturday.

  23. Robin

    A spinning class on Saturday and a run outside (~10k) on Sunday!

  24. Fabian Campo

    Open Waters Swimming combined with some nice pace jog…

  25. Dennis

    Plan to do online video spin classes (StudioSweat) indoors. Still cold here!

  26. Mike G.

    A nice 10 mile run on Saturday morning with the running club here in Pittsburgh. Happy Easter.

  27. T. Thomas Shirley

    Saturday run of 8-10 miles. Sunday 3 hour bike followed by 4-6 mile run.

  28. Brian O.

    Run on Saturday and a nice long bike Easter morning…

  29. Mike B.

    Planning to fit in a ~6 mile run before going skiing for the weekend.

  30. Nik

    No training this weekend. Going deep sea fishing though.

  31. Wachowski

    Smash out some trainer intervals and then rest on the Sunday

  32. Andrii Pogrebennyk

    Long run on Sunday, perhaps some swim on Saturday.
    Happy Easter Ray!

  33. Duane

    Brick ride and run to work on my transitions on Saturday. Sunday is an off day as I taper into a race next weekend.

  34. Brian Reese

    Doing ACL therapy exercises and icing to recover from recent ACL surgery due to skiing accident.

  35. Stefan

    Some rides on the Kickr. Still waiting till my rear wheel has been fixed….

  36. Colin G Jordan

    I’m planning to ride 100 miles from the city of Santa Barbara to the city of San Luis Obispo though the mountains of the Santa Inez range. When I arrive in San Luis, my girlfriend will meet me there and has promised to ply me with post-ride recovery margaritas.

  37. Jennifer

    20miles in about an hour & then recovery run tomorrow & a cycle on Sunday. Happy Easter!

  38. David

    I’ve got 1.5 hours on the bike, a 10 mile run, and 3,000 yards in the pool. Should be fun.

  39. Andy

    Little 5k action

  40. Kevin C.

    I will be doing some functional fitness…Cleaning out my garage in preparation for my new home gym setup which will be arriving next week.

  41. Kenneth

    10k Race Saturday and ~2 hour family bike ride Sunday morning

  42. Diana

    As tomorrow is my birthday and I’m gonna be with one year older than I am today, I need to watch out and try to burn more calories – so no chocolate for me. :) I’m gonna start with a few pool laps and finish with some core exercises. For Sunday, my plans are to get involved in a cycling event and pedal a few kms and then relax and get ready for a new week.

  43. Jeff Schwarz

    I plan either: (1) if we stay at lower altitude and it does not snow, two road bike rides; or (2) if we go to the mountains, one day fat bike snow ride with the dog and one day telemark. Nothing like March in Colorado. Keep up the good work Ray!

  44. Ian Ha

    Two bike rides and then a long run sandwiched in the middle. I love long weekends.

  45. Ron Green

    I will be doing a ride up Bear Mountain on Sunday

  46. Joshu

    Probably 20-30 total miles on trails, looking toward some final tuneups for an upcoming race, testing out new nutrition along thew ay.

  47. Thomas Nichols

    Shockingly enough, I will be running, swimming, and biking (trainer) this weekend

  48. Richard

    The build for the 10k swim continues. 4.5k long swim this weekend.

  49. Scott

    Saturday: 50 miles / 4,000’…Sunday is 65 miles 7,500′. Final prep for big Mulholland Challenge ride coming up in April.

  50. Steven

    Long run (14 miles) this weekend

  51. Mike

    Likely running 10 miles on a treadmill since it’s supposed to snow another 4 inches tomorrow and the 17 inches from Wednesday haven’t melted yet.

  52. Cameron Taylor

    A knee injury has kept me out of running shoes and off the bike. And swimming just seems silly. Hoping to get back on the mountain bike this weekend and run down a chocolate bunny or two.

  53. Jack

    Long run on Sunday morning followed by an Easter brunch bloody mary.

  54. Jacob V

    Planning a 10k run and hopefully getting out for a ride on my new road bike if the weather will cooperate. Utah is having a hard time letting go of winter.

  55. Noah McMurray

    Finally getting a ride in Easter morning after a no-riding business trip.

  56. Miinhow

    Since I just beat this wisdom tooth thing…

    Gonna do some brick training this Saturday and follow that up with an easy run on Sunday

  57. Peter H

    Away from home so it’s 7 minute workout 3 sets

  58. Phil G

    Lately I’ve been stuck on the bike trainer due to the weather outside. Looks like we’re going to have a nice weekend so I plan on going out for a nice long bike ride.

  59. Tan Ee Tze

    Plan to have either a 10K or two 5k run in the morning over the weekend.

  60. RO

    A 25km run on Saturday morning as part of marathon training.

  61. Jon Dunsdon

    Try to get a long ride today and Monday – with lots of walking around San Fran with friends in-between – does beer tasting count as rehydration and carb loading all in one :)

  62. Gregory Foster

    On Saturday I’m cycling for an hour and strength training. On Sunday I’m doing a 2 hour brick workout (90 min cycling 30 min running).

  63. Imre

    That will involve eating a lot of eggs, ham, and everything else (except of the Easter Bunny, of course).
    Maybe a little wood chopping (that counts as cross-training, right?).

  64. mick

    First week of 12 week training plan for UK ironman

  65. Michael B.

    Medium-Long run as part of my base building for the 2016 Bolder Boulder, than on to the NYC Marathon training. Also, a medium run. Both will be in deep snow as we just had a blizzard here in Boulder, CO. All runs will be using my wonderful new Garmin Fenix HR watch. I love it! Stay safe in Paris Ray.

  66. Hermi

    Fri 100km group ride
    Sat Over Under intervals
    Sun Short 40km ride

  67. Bethany Jirak

    I’m planning on doing a little walking (after a back injury), and a little Reese’s egg eating. :)

  68. Jaco

    This weekend only a short test run of 30mins. Will be first activity after two weeks of enjoying a nice winter flu :(

  69. Andrew N

    Run Sweat Beers at a local brewery tonight, solo jog Sunday.

  70. Andrew Stone

    I’ll probably run 10 miles on Saturday and then 16 miles on Sunday prior to eating every piece of candy that I possibly can.

  71. Marcus Lowry

    This Sunday I will be feasting and burning as little calories as possible as my kids go on Easter Egg hunts. Training starts again the following day.

  72. TomC

    60 mile bike with run afterwards on Saturday, 12 mile run on Sunday.

  73. Richard S

    Sat – 8k trail run , family hike
    Sun – indoor trainer bike ride
    Have a great Easter

  74. Timiji

    Sick. Movies on the couch and recovery chocolate so I can… go back to work next week?? Sigh

  75. Greg

    Little HTFU Roubaix ride Saturday with some recovery on Easter Sunday.

  76. Eric

    Trail race double on Sat : 5k followed by 5k map run. Sun long ride.

  77. Phillip Smith

    Racing the tour of Northumberland

  78. Mindz

    Swimming in the maldives

  79. Mikko

    Some cross-country skiing here in the northern Finland.

  80. Shawn

    In Colorado we had 70 degree weather one day and then a freak blizzard with 2-3 feet of snow the next. So I will likely do some treadmill running and lifting some weights in the basement. Along with all the core/back exercises and stretches required for my aging body that’s falling apart.
    …unless it’s 70 then I’ll look for eggs.

  81. Luke

    Christmas are not an excuse ;) Running as usual – Saturday long run about 20km, Monday easy run 10km with strength session.

  82. Raymond_B

    Saturday, easy ride to (hopefully) burn off Sunday’s calories…

  83. Bob

    45 minute circuit training weight lifting Saturday
    2 hour ride Sunday followed by stuffing my face

  84. Dan Merry

    Parental duties for me so rest weekend but I will be watching a lot of cycling…

  85. Chelsea Walker

    20 miles on Saturday, 50 miles on Sunday

  86. cosmide14

    Une sortie en vélo aujourd’hui et du hiking demain.

  87. Barry

    Only a quick and easy bike ride as my son is home for college spring break.

  88. Nathan Byren

    Already ran the Two Oceans Long Trail…24km with 1597m of gain. Still a few more runs on the cards for the weekend too.

  89. Saturday I have a 20 mile training run on the books. Sunday will be an easy 3-4 mile run. Happy hunting!

  90. Mark

    Going for a hike Saturday and a long run (for me) Sunday with some weights worked in!

  91. Mark

    Mostly a lazy weekend of waiting for UPS to deliver some new shoes. But I might get out for a long run Sunday

  92. bufordt

    I plan on a short swim sans wetsuit in 63F water and following it up with a 12 mile bike. It will be my first real OWS and outdoor bike ride since getting a basil cell carcinoma removed from my face. Wear sunscreen kids!

  93. I’m just starting to taper for an upcoming 50k, so this weekend will be an easy long run (about 2 hours) on the trails on Saturday and then some fartlek action on Sunday. Happy training, Ray!

  94. Steven Crawford

    20 mile trail run through the AZ desert on Saturday, a Sunday morning bike ride (20-60 miles depending on how I feel), and then an afternoon of ham by the pool.

  95. Josh

    I am a CPA and haven’t run all tax season. I am looking forward to getting in a run this weekend! fingers crossed…

  96. William

    Saturday morning biking and running Sunday afternoon.

  97. Chris Redmann

    Weather dependent, a nice long ride in the hills on Saturday…or indoors on the trainer

  98. I plan to do some serious ITB exercises and probably not run :( I know it’s all about the journey but I want this pet of the journey to end!!!

  99. Tomas

    My goal is to do a nice easy 15 mile run followed by hanging with the fam and some wine!

  100. Paul Adams

    6 miles walk on Saturday.