The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Martin

    Going on a long ride + some running afterwards :)

  2. So… I paln to run a Koh Samui Midnight Run with my son

  3. Marc-Olivier

    Not much on the weekend but a long run on monday

  4. Eduardo

    Struck by a flu, so I’m just going to try some light running on Sunday if I get better.

  5. Hartley mellish

    Swim 1 mile bike 20 on sat and sunday

  6. Michael Fiola

    I was traveling this week so I plan on hitting it hard this weekend. Pretzel on Zwift for Saturday. Sweet spot on Sunday.

  7. Stef

    sat: 1500 vertical meter and 15km skitour
    sun: 10k run and easter lunch ;)
    mon: 1200 vertical meter and 60km mtb ride

  8. Nathaniel A Savage

    Three hour bike and 20 mile run. Training for IMLP is heating up.

  9. Melissa M

    I have to work this weekend, but I have hopes of getting in a quick run, too!

  10. Roli

    will be going for a 25 miles bike ride on Saturday morning and running 10k on Sunday morning. no Easter eggs or chocolates are in plans ?

  11. Henning

    Still recovering from a nasty injury but trying to complete my first 10k run in weeks. Sigh!

  12. SMS

    rain running in germany . and lots of eating ;-)

  13. Saskia

    Last phase of metric century training! I have a 55 mile bike ride scheduled.

  14. Stephane

    As “they” promise a shitty weather, cyclo-cross will be on duty!

  15. John P.

    The plan says a 50 mile bike Saturday (with considerable hills) followed by a 10 mile run Sunday. We’ll see how it goes.

  16. Erik

    Working half of the weekend then squeezing in a couple longish runs when I can.

  17. Ellen

    Bike/run brick on Saturday, with grilled oysters afterward. Run/swim Sunday.

  18. Slowmo

    Just the usual – TR sessions.

  19. Mike

    Made it through midterms, so mountain biking tonight and road ride to the coast tomorrow.

  20. Still recovering from lurgy, a shoulder injury and general lack of oomph, so I’ve decided to take this as an opportunity for some R&R… Therefore no actual training planned but I’m sure I’ll go for a run in the hills, plenty of walks on the beach and probably a windsurf session too.

    I’m also intending to start a proper plan of stretching, foam rolling and general core and mobility work… All in an attempt to keep me feeling young(ish).


  21. Don

    Going to do a 4 hour ride with a mix of FTP intervals and tempo riding. Hoping for good weather!

  22. Jyrki Puttonen

    Swim on Saturday and Sunday morning, bike+run on Saturday and 10k hard run on Sunday

  23. Kenny K

    A short bike and trying to not eat too much candy.
    Oh and hanging drywall.. that counts right?

  24. Piotr

    10k slow hilly run on Sunday before Easter breakfast

  25. ekutter

    Zwift Island mountain climb, here I come.

  26. Jackson Hinde

    Long gravel ride if it doesn’t rain, otherwise a fendered putter about on paved roads.

  27. Alex Dantin

    125-150 miles or so on Saturday and 50-75 on Sunday

  28. Ben

    20 mile long run and 8 mile pace run to be fit around (or justify) the inevitable overeating …

  29. Alysa Bradley

    Kayak on recently thawed lakes

  30. Tim Wood

    Supported charity ride on Saturday and a 75 minute base run on Sunday

  31. Kyle Floyd

    With 4 kids (and a 5th on the way) I plan to strategically squeeze in my triathlon training between family needs. It might look like this: Swim – Make breakfast – go to church – easter egg hunt – bike ride during naptime – make snacks/take pictures – run during early evening – dinner – wrestlemania with kids before bedtime.

  32. Chris Howell

    Sat: Long aerobic ride
    Sun: pre-ride of an upcoming MTB race course

  33. Tom L

    Rode 100km today, resting a couple days and back at it next week.

  34. Robert C.

    I plan on training for my very first 5k. May not sound like much to most people here but I could not run half a mile a month ago without almoast dying :)

  35. Michael

    Skiing / snowboarding! These are actually my training off-days, though I doubt my body realizes it’s resting with all that activity.

  36. Christian

    Gave myself a rest week this week, so getting back into the routine with a med-long run and bike and a swim.

  37. Rafael Olea

    run 17K every day ( friday, saturday and sunday)

  38. I’ve got family visiting, so long workouts to avoid them maybe? ;-)

  39. My training plans for the weekend consist of recovering at altitude by going snowboarding and to take care of my nutrition by eating continental breakfasts and in diners.

  40. Steve

    Looking to PR in the Phillies 5k on Saturday. Using this as a training event for the Cape Cod Ragnar relay, I’ll run 3 miles before the race. Run the race. Then run another 5k later that day to simulate multiple runs in several hours. Winning this giveaway I’d either get a smart trainer OR power meter, more likely the power meter. Thanks Ray and Clever Training for the giveaway, win or lose this is awesome!

  41. Mark

    50 mile road race on Saturday, 50 recovery miles on Sunday

  42. Dow

    A 2.5 hour ride on Sat. and a 4 mile easy run on Sunday. You have a great site.

  43. Paul

    TrainerRoad on Saturday; Easter run on Sunday; Interspersed with totally valid nutrition.

  44. Matt Brauman

    12 mile run and a 2 hour bike ride.

  45. DJH

    Three days of cycling with my cycling club!

  46. Dirk

    Zwift on Saturday and a long run on Sunday!

  47. Gertjan

    Unfortunately still recovering from an earlier accident. So no cycling just yet.

  48. Matt

    Zwift on the rollers.

  49. Rolando Felizola

    Coffee ride with my buddy through Northern San Diego County.

  50. cycloscott

    cycling both days. hill repeats on saturday. ‘cross bike and singletrack on sunday. and woodworking both afternoons.

  51. Dennis

    Still cold here so Plan to do online spinning classes indoors (StudioSweat) riding my recumbent attached to sportcrafter rollers.

  52. Rick Lindquist

    I’m going to ride my bike on Saturday. And then I’m going to ride my bike on Sunday.

  53. jeff g

    Going to do a track workout without a track and a mountain bike ride on pavement.

  54. George

    Long Run Sunday + the run I missed today

  55. Charles Geer

    Let’s see, got in a trail run this morning before work, long run tomorrow and hopefully a rambling ride through SE Ohio on Sunday.

  56. Brion

    Friday swim followed by a short run, long run Saturday, off on Sunday and hard run on Monday. I might have a bike somewhere in there.

  57. Carlos C.

    Hoping to do a 20 mi/6 mi ride/run brick.

  58. M. Van Kekeren

    40k bike training and 5k run on Saturday. Sunday swim training and maybe some walking. Monday strength training.

  59. Ian Maguire

    Fri: indoor sprint tri (not an organized event, just a solo training day)
    Sat: weather/family permitting try to put the bike on the road for the first time of the season
    Sun: 28 lb dead lifts (hoisting my toddler up during the Easter egg hunt) and 12oz curls (searching for eggs at the bottoms of adult beverages)

  60. Marco M.

    First GF of the season in Faenza Italy! Desperate need of a power meter… ;)

  61. Elwood

    Well, since I found out I have both the flu and strep, I’ll probably go ride 20 or 30 miles on Sat then eat my kids candy on Sunday.

  62. Ben C

    Hopefully get up early and spin tomorrow (still a bit chilly outside). Maybe go for a run Sunday afternoon.

  63. Brad D

    Speed work today, followed by a long run(for me) tomorrow.

  64. Ranjan

    Trying to keep the fire going on my marathon training. long slow distancw and an easy run!

  65. Mark Valites

    The plan calls for running 18m on Saturday & 8m on Sunday, but whether to hit the trails or stick to the roads is still up for debate.

    The time after will likely be filled with plenty of yard work.

  66. Jordan

    Some trainer time today with a spin class on Sunday. Still not too warm here.

  67. Phil

    Fri: 10 mile run, Sat: 15 mile MTB ride, Sun: 8 mile walk, Mon: Gardening. Happy Easter.

  68. Weather isn’t looking too good so Zwift it is.

  69. Bart B

    Short run tonight. Try Bkool ipad app tomorrow with apple tv and see if I like the experience, hopefully 20 + miles on the trainer. Sunday – church, eat, and maybe scout turkeys for Spring turkey season.

  70. Russell T.

    Saturday training ride will be standing and seated zone 4 intervals followed by 1 hour zone 2. Sunday will be zone 4/zone 3 over/under intervals followed by 1 hour zone 3 weather permitting.

  71. Kamil Kaczynski

    Hopping on the indoor trainer after work today for some over-under intervals and then waking up early tomorrow to go on a 70 mile group ride.

  72. DavidT

    Long weekend means extra training hours. Thursday 3:30h bike. Friday 2:30h bike and 1:30h off bike run. Sat is swim and run, Sun is a long 5h bike. Monday 2:00h bike and a bit of running easy. Go big or go bust!

  73. Craig McGrory

    Long weights session with wife today in the gym, openwater swim training tomorrow and a hike in the HK trails Sunday with wife and kids. Perfect. Love long weekends to get more training hours in.

  74. Brian Harris

    Hoping to get up skiing on my birthday.

  75. ryanovelo

    Tweaked my neck a few days back so I’m going to stick to a short run and quite a bit of stretching!

  76. Barry Charles

    Last weekend, set the NM state record for USAPL powerlifting @ 93kg Masters. 510kg total. THIS weekend a little conditioning and lots of recovery!

  77. Jorge C.

    Everyone elses plans sound awesome… Im just getting back in shape after a year away from sports. I’ll do 3kms every other day spending time with Mother Nature.

  78. Emmanuel Millan

    I’m going for 80 Km ride with 2000m total ascent

  79. Marie

    Somehow on Sunday I’m going to fit in a 30-mile bike ride between early brunch with friends and Easter dinner with other friends – life is so difficult!

  80. Nathan G

    I have an interval workout Friday night, then Sunday I’ll put in 1 last longer run before my first race (half marathon) of the year next weekend. $600 would make a nice deposit toward a smart bike trainer to improve that leg this season!

  81. Paul B.

    Just recovering from a recently torn labrum, so I’ll be taking it easy with a 3km swim on Saturday, and then an easy 10km run on Sunday.

  82. Jake VanDewater

    Put on 30-40 miles this weekend.

  83. Matt

    Mountain bike ride in the beautiful Okanagan valley :).

  84. Justin

    I plan to do a short run on Saturday then a long’ish ride on Sunday. If the weather cooperates maybe I’ll get in an open water swim too.

  85. Shawn

    I’m going to chase around my 4 year old son and 7 year old nephew as they terrorize their grandmother (and the rest of the family) while on a sugar high.

    Sadly, this will probably be for both days this weekend.

  86. Bob Goodman

    Lots of runs scheduled….Sat/Sun/Monday. Hopefully all the ice melts today so I don’t need my skates. Spring in Canada!

  87. Tracy

    It’s a powder weekend in Colorado so I’ll be skiing both days!

  88. Caelah

    Rode 103km this morning, resting tomorrow, and probably a 2 hour ride Sunday evening.

  89. Devin

    Hike on Saturday and either a run or family bike ride Sunday depending on weather

  90. Melvin Shaffer

    This weekend will probably be a hike Saturday and a long bike ride Sunday.

  91. Bo

    I’ll be hitting the gym this weekend. Strength training with some cardio mixed in. Thanks Ray.

  92. Eric

    Hoping to get out on a long (~60mi?) ride after having been too busy to take advantage of an entire week of beautiful weather.

  93. Steven

    I will ride the cyclo version of the E3 Harelbeke. From my home to the start in Harelbeke, the complete 139km version and back, this willl be a 200km+ ride. The ideal preparation for the full Tour of Flanders next week.

  94. Sherri

    I have two tempo runs and some weights waiting….will also be exercising my willpower to keep the chocolate consumption to a minimum! :)

  95. Colm Costelloe

    16k run, 100k cycle, too much chocolate and a 4k swim!

  96. Ryan

    A short ride around the city while avoiding the rain is all I have for the weekend.

  97. Molly

    I plan to run the dog until we are both exhausted, then run the toddlers until they are exhausted. Then eat all the chocolate while they sleep

  98. Andrew Dyson

    Short relay race today ( 3.5km ) followed by a race simulation for upcoming standard distance duathlon on Sunday. Plus a little strength and conditioning here and there!

  99. Michael Newstead

    8 mile run on Saturday.

  100. Chris

    Hopefully i get the time to stay out all day Saturday for a 160 – 180mi ride.