The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Blake Sims

    I’ll be running the Chilly Hilly Half on Saturday, followed by a relatively long aerobic bike on Sunday. At least that’s the plan anyway!

  2. San Francisco “Barbary Coast” historic trail walk on Sat, 5k run Sun

  3. mama

    Swimming – Total Immersion style

  4. Ted Chen

    Skiing on Saturday (more snow in Colorado), then a 10km trail run on Sunday.

  5. Matthias G.

    Tomorrow I’ll do a short 10k Birthday run, cause it’s that day of the year ;-).
    Sunday I will try to a 30k and hope I’m finally recovered from the flue.

  6. chris carson

    1st bike of the year and maybe 6 mile rehab run on Sunday.

  7. Saturday’s goal is to ride 45 miles at a steady tempo (35 miles via group ride) as I’m still recovering from surgery. Sunday, I’m just hoping to get sometime to ride if I can sneak away from the wife and kids.

  8. Tim

    2 hour ride on Saturday, hope for the same on bunny day.

  9. Thomas Bassetto

    I will go cross-country and alpine skiing because it is still possible in Norway :)

  10. Spark

    I’m looking forward to doing my first ride on the Neo that’s coming in tomorrow.

  11. Pete

    getting the road bike out and going for a spin, and hopefully a strength training session

  12. Luca

    My goal, and my absolute pleasure, is to go on snowboard for all the WE starting from 9:00 AM and ending when all the slope are already closed. No joking i use to chatch the last run in order to reach the highest peack using last skylit run.

    I’ll be in Bardonecchia, Italy


  13. Owain

    5km parkrun on sat and then 20mile run as part of my marathon training :-)

  14. Steve Lindauer

    Brick workout on saturday and swim on sunday.

  15. Nimsky

    1 hour of swim.

  16. Ben M

    10k saturday and a bike ride of length TBD on Easter.

  17. Drew

    Weights on Saturday, long run and swim on Sunday! Snow on the ground in WI; someone forgot to tell winter that it’s spring

  18. Chris de Bree

    I’m planning on going for a paddle tomorrow morning, followed by a run on Sunday morning….

  19. Gabor

    100 km road biking in this weekend

  20. Raur Meilleur Harvey

    Doing 3 hard workout during the long weekend to prepare for the racing season that is just 3 weeks away!

  21. Amy Coleman

    I plan to knock out my FTP test Saturday and then relax and work on my truck Sunday!

  22. mmb

    Due to a recent additiont to the family, I’m on a whatever whenever schedule for the immediate future.

  23. B Hopkins

    I plan on running for the first time in a week.

  24. Derek M

    Today: an FTP test to check my progress, followed by evening swim
    Saturday: 5k and swim
    Sunday: 10 mile run followed by some relaxation

  25. Jim

    The grandkids (ages 2 & 4) are coming over for Easter weekend.
    Cardio training (chase me grandpa); strength training (horsey back rides); etc…
    Need I say more?

  26. Mark

    Dont plan to do anything but chill out. maybe some gym

  27. Fred Garderes

    Simply 2 10+ miles runs…still recovering from lower back issues.

  28. Lionel Lau

    50 km cycle on Friday
    Time with the family for the rest of the weekend.. Unless the weather is too good.

  29. Roelof

    I’ll go on a short 6km run today, to see how I’m recovering from the ITBS that flared up after an 18km run three days ago. If all goes well I’ll run a 9km on Sunday. If that works out well I’ll be able to run run the half marathon in my town on April 10!
    And probably I’ll go bouldering or climbing for about two hours on Saturday.

  30. Randy Yoder

    WaterRower and treadmill followed by some sweet, sweet Easter chocolate!!

  31. Andrew Schomin

    I’m currently training for my first sprint triathlon so this weekend with be:
    Saturday 1000m Swim + 12mi cycle Brick
    Sunday 15 mi cycle + 5k Run

  32. Brian

    Lot’s planned for the weekend: Long run with Marathon Pace segments on Saturday, and Long Ride on Sunday with a mid-distance run thrown in for good measure.

    Thanks for the giveaway Ray!

  33. Liz

    Last 20 miler before my marathon on Saturday, followed by playing with my baby nephew. Church, yoga and spin on Sunday.

  34. Phil Mills

    Two trainer rides totaling 4.5 hours of sweaty goodness.

  35. Katie Schomin

    This weekend I will do my Saturday morning spin class and then I will be biking with my family on Sunday

  36. Christian

    Weekend bike ride, 40-50 miles is the goal.

  37. Andy Delcambre

    Heading to the mountains for some skate skiing!

  38. Scott H.

    I’m currently building for a 70.3, so I have a 4 hour ride, 2 hour run, swim, and a wedding to fit into this weekend. :)

  39. Stefan

    I’ll be doing the necessary amount of cycling to get rid of the amount of chocolate that I’m going to eat … And maybe get my gf to start spring training

  40. Garrett Mitchell

    Friday: Go for a 2 mile active recovery run while the kids ride their bikes (did the Bataan Memorial March last Sunday. My feet are still jacked up.) Then squat, press, and deadlift.
    Saturday: Stretch and recovery
    Sunday: Easter Bike Sprints. Then squat, bench press, and deadlift.
    Monday: 5 Mile run

    I got a 4-day weekend, so I’m counting Friday and Monday.

  41. YC

    This weekend, taper starts. Preparing the bike for next weekend’s race, etc.

  42. Wonderful weekend . Eating hot cross buns and loving the weather to do some riding. Have to photograph a wedding and then more riding.

  43. Tim Corso

    I’ll be eating one chocolate Lindt bunny each day for the next four days. It’s tough, but someone’s got to try! Oh and I might nudge a few hills between bunnies

  44. Bryan R

    Have a 2 hour ride followed by a short, easy run on Saturday. Sunday will be about a 75 minute run before the Easter egg hunting begins. Think I will be chasing around 7 kids (2 my own) under the age of 6 all day. Should be a nice extra workout with candy rewards!

  45. Roel

    First a good breakfast with some yellow, green, blue and/or red eggs (no worries, they are just painted). After that a nice and long spring ride. Spring is finally here!

  46. Ming

    I ran a 50 miles race last Saturday. I will take this coming weekend easy. Probably just a 13 miles run Sunday afternoon.

  47. Nick F

    Riding the dam loop in austin

  48. Daniel

    My plans for the weekend ahead and following 8-ish days is to just spin on the trainer with my cross bike. My brand new road bike is going to be out of commission as I ship my left-arm SISL2 off to 4iiii to get a Precision power meter installed. I wouldn’t have selected the 4iiii without your review. Incidentally, I ordered from

    Its possible I’ll get out on the road with my cross bike, but I’d have to remove my cassette from my trainer wheel and back onto the cross wheel since the former is not disc and the later is disc.

    Good luck with the Easter give-away.

  49. Jeff Stevens

    Pyramid swim set tonight for ~60 min.
    ~15 mile run Saturday morning.
    If it’s nice, hopefully an outside bike ride on Sunday. And then cutting wood. That counts, right?

  50. Mark

    I’m going to do do a couple long swims, trail running, and (weather permitting) a bike ride.

  51. Mickey

    Wells Ave crit

  52. Sean

    Lots of running. Long run exploring the west side of Manhattan while I’m here and a tempo session.

  53. Dave Scheibel

    Saturday – 60min easy run
    Sunday – TLT (20min warmup, 20mins @tempo, 60min easy, 20mins @tempo, 20min cool down)

  54. Jeremy Chapman

    Recovery week, so:
    Sat: Bike for 1.75 hours Z1/Z2
    Sun: Swim for 1 hour, bike for 45 min Z2, run for 45 min easy

  55. Ornoth

    Waiting for the ATL to go down so the TSB is high enough for another long training ride. And the weather’ll improve, too. It’s Pittsburgh; it’s gonna be all about the hills.

  56. Tobias

    Usual Long distance ride into the Japanese mountains. 170km 2000~2500m climbing

  57. A long threshold trainer ride, a long run and a shorter run with strides.

  58. Kevin

    Nothing fancy. We have a local gravel race series going on, so 50 miles drilling it on single speed Saturday morning, then (maybe) an easy 30-50 Sunday.

  59. Brian

    Organizing my weight area, because really I’m going to start some strength training this time, really I promise.

  60. Shay

    The weekend includes a 40 minute pool swim followed by a 3 hour ride. I hope the chocolate doesn’t melt on the ride sunday.

  61. Ted Bradley

    Taking my son for his first ever bike ride aged 4 months :)

  62. Alo

    3 hrs rogaine on Saturday and probably some x-country skiing on Sunday

  63. Carl

    Trainer sessions! On Saturday, one and a half hours of threshold intervals, and a 3 hour 15 minute spin on Sunday.

  64. Alan Solot

    I’ll go for a 100 mile ride Saturday and something shorter Sunday

  65. Shawn

    Take my new crosstrail out and log a few miles. Need to get back into shape, and ready for some 5k’s this summer.

  66. Mark

    Easy ride on Saturday then 16 miler at roughly marathon pace on Sunday.

  67. Brian M

    Friday: 6 mile run
    Saturday: 45 mile bike ride
    Sunday: maybe another bike ride

  68. martin slagorsky

    Just a lot of stretching and maybe a light bike ride. Pulled my back at the gym on Wed :(

  69. ErolB

    Going for a 3 hours long run in Saturday

  70. Jan

    Well, I’ll do nothing, JUST nothing!

  71. Phil A

    I plan on around 2700y of swimming this evening.
    Tomorrow I have a 8.5mile run.
    – 2mile warm-up
    – 2x(2mile z4 pace, .5 mile jog)
    – 1.5mile cool-down
    Sunday after Church I plan on a 2.5-3hr easy bike ride.

  72. Carrie Aubut

    45 min ride on the indoor trainer tonight, 45 min ride on the indoor trainer early tomorrow morning, hopefully taking some runs down Cannon Mountain tomorrow afternoon. I would like to ride with Jeff Stevens Sunday if it’s nice out and I will be helping him with that wood he’s cutting.

  73. Alfred

    Skiing all day Saturday, followed by skiing all day Sunday.

  74. Gareth Williams

    Social ride today, fast ride tomorrow, hills Monday!

  75. Alin Voicu

    I have my first marathon on the 10th of April, so this weekend I will be running a 3.5 hour course in preparation.

  76. Tuan L

    I’ll be swimming Saturday morning and riding up Mt. Wilson in Angeles National Forest in LA on Sunday!

  77. Cory Kawa

    10k run tonight and Sunday. Building up my km for an adventure race in May.

  78. Chad

    I plan on a block of Bloody Mary Repeats.

  79. Jose Storopoli

    Oh boy! First workout with marathon-pace work on Sunday.
    Let the sufferfest begin!

  80. Jens

    Half day skiing and then a 10 km run in the woods

  81. Jeff Roth

    Run, eat, drink beer, repeat.

  82. John Friesen

    Friday and Saturday weight training. Sunday is an optional run.

  83. Mark Wells

    Swimming this morning, Huddersfield parkrun Saturday and a couple of hours on the bike Sunday morning.

  84. Chris

    I need to get my half marathon training back on track. I’m hoping for it to warm up so I can get a long run in!

  85. Rolf

    Going for a 10k run each day now in preparartion for a beer run in Czech Republic :)
    Weather is supposed to be nice here the next days so maybe i add some kilometers on the bike as well.

  86. Alan

    I am going to do a 2 hour mountain bike ride on Saturday and a 4K run on Sunday. I’m starting to include running in my workouts to eventually do a triathlon.

  87. dharris

    SAT: Brick – Bike to Run – Cycle for 80 Mins, Run a 5K

    SUN: Bike for 105 Mins in the AM, Swim 1200M in the PM

  88. Joost

    I will do a virtual cycling training tonight and tomorrow, on sunday a short family walk ;-) and on monday a long (110 km) cycling training. That would be enough for the weekend :-D

  89. Povilas

    I will take it easy and have a slow jog in the park. I just hope I won’t eat too much during Easter :)

  90. Pieter

    A nice 10k trail run and mountainbiking to compensate the overload of chocolate eggs this weekend :-)

  91. Jeff

    10mi Run + first time back on bike since broken clavicle

  92. Jenni

    8 mile run in prep for 10 mile race next weekend.

  93. Nick

    Spinning class on Friday, then a 10K race on Saturday morning, followed by a long brunch on Sunday!

  94. Karl Trout

    got a 11 mile run on sat, then off to the bike fitter for some adjustments, 2.5 hr tempo ride on sunday followed by an hour swim and a massage. Monday, swim stroke analysis and weight training. chocolate of 80% cocoa.

  95. Dylan

    Saturday is chest and back, Sunday (early before the bunny) will be a run up Camelback Mountain. Thanks for the opportunity Ray!

  96. Oriol Garrote

    I’m gonna go trail running in the pyrenees.

  97. Santhosh K

    Will be doing a lazy 40 min swim workout over the weekend. Have a great Easter.

  98. Brian Hazard

    Long 18 to the in-laws for Easter lunch

  99. Joe

    20 mile long run. Last long run and onto taper phase.

  100. Kaue Pepe

    Easy runs, holidays are not made for work.