The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. TomasG

    Tempo run for today, long run for Saturday. Sunday ant Monday will be spent resting and preparing mentally for the first sub-1:30 half-marathon in a week.

  2. Erik

    Couple of long rides

  3. Mario

    I’ll be running 10k on Saturday and 4k on Sunday, after eating Chilaquiles of course.

  4. Deanne Miller

    I’m taking it easy this weekend with the holiday. I will hopefully get a 5 mile run in on Saturday, and maybe ride my bike on the trainer in the basement on Sunday. Nothing long, maybe 10-12 miles.

  5. Melanie Ware

    Snow is in the forecast. I’ll be in the basement pounding out trainer miles to meet my March goal.

  6. Tony Zahn

    I’ve got an 11 mile run on Saturday, and hopefully a rugby game on Sunday, unless they cancel for Easter.

  7. Jo Durand

    Hi!! Brick workout Saturday with 2h bike 40m run and long run Sunday 2h. Hopefully weather will be nice!

  8. Christoph

    My long run will be 32km on Saturday.
    And on Sunday a 10km recovery.

  9. cTUTT

    Sprint distance bike and run on Saturday; will swim-off Sunday’s choco-blast on Monday

  10. Andrew

    Just a few easy runs along the Wild Coast, South Africa.

  11. Tom Degryse

    Sat: 20km long run
    Sun: 6km easy run
    Mon: 8km tempo run

  12. miguel sabido

    sprint triathlon on saturday and 50k bike on sunday

  13. Magnus

    Only short rides this weekend, family first during eastern!

  14. GoldRush

    I’m taking it easy this weekend with 2 hour rides on Saturday and Sunday and maybe an open water swim.

  15. Scott D Gilbert

    Riding #HappinesWatts with my girlfriend and finding craft beer we haven’t tried yet!

  16. Arthur guth

    I do my long run 18 km no saturday

  17. Daniel

    Will try to fit in whatever I can on Easter weekend! Best guess is a short ride on Saturday afternoon…sigh

    Happy Easter!

  18. I know it’s almost impossible to win but here it is: one mid roadbike ride in Austria on Friday and one long (but low pace) run in Athens, Greece on Sunday.

  19. Eric

    After a week off – getting back on the bike and running this weekend.

  20. Phil

    No training for me, caught a nasty illness from my little one and we need to stay at home over the holidays…

  21. Nemo

    Swim/bike on Saturday and then it’s all about the chocolate

  22. Noah R

    Back to back long runs. 24 miles Saturday, 10 on Sunday.

  23. Patrick

    Thanks for organizing this with Clever Training!

    What are YOU doing this weekend??

    Z2 ride Saturday followed by an easy 3 mile run. Sunday is a 90 minute run with the last bit at 1/2 mary pace. I will also be making up stupid excuses to not go swim.

    Thanks again!

  24. Beth S

    I will be running 20 miles. Blerg.

  25. Robert Caldwell

    I was planning on doing a short quintathlon saturday, but that’s cancelled due to me getting sick… so I’ll be doing some skiing instead. And more skiing on sunday?

  26. Max B

    Swim on Saturday with a 2:10 trail run ending at MP on Sunday.

  27. Emily

    Race this weekend!

  28. Nate Jackson

    18 mile long run on our local rail trail starting in about… now!

  29. Dorothee

    Running off the Easter eggs by getting ready for the Boston Marathon with a 20 mile run, and a brick on Sunday with 2h bike and 10k run.

  30. Jeff McFarland

    Run on Saturday, drive home from vacation on Sunday.

  31. Brook

    I’m going to be out of town so I’m just going to bring my running shoes and hope to find time somewhere.

  32. raqball

    Today (Friday) will be a 42 mile ride and Saturday will be a 38 mile ride. On Sunday I plan of stuffing my face and visiting with friends and family. Monday’s ride will be trying correct all the damage I did on Sunday…

  33. Nathaniel

    Hopefully a nice trail run and a swim at the pool. Keep up the great work Ray!

  34. Noelle

    Hoping for around 8 easy miles before Easter Brunch!

  35. Rahul

    I’ll be on the treadmill each day and will also get in a day of strength training.

  36. Tim Ayers

    Saturday: 1-hour practice crit
    Sunday: 3-hour low-aerobic ride

  37. Fernando

    I will be doing strength on Saturday and 40m running intervals on Sunday.

  38. Martijn

    Jumping on the plane from Shanghai to Guilin and going for a long & early Sunday morning trail run in one of China’s most beautiful surroundings…

  39. Matt N

    Cross-training inside. I can’t survive outside with the Spring pollen right now.

  40. Dan Jordy

    Hopefully getting in 2 pain-free easy distance runs

  41. minja

    saturday 35k run
    sunday 90k ride

  42. I will be training for next kitesurfing races combined with giving kitesurfing lessons to ask the visitors we get dieting these holidays in lanzarote

  43. Jon

    Coaching kids on my youth track team Saturday, long run Sunday

  44. dimakor

    Going for the season’s first HM in Sochi, Russia that will take place in Olympic park via Formula 1 track.

  45. Jim Peters

    6 mile fun run with a great breakfast afterwards on Saturday
    10 mile run on Sunday with as little candy as possible afterwards

  46. Barnabie

    Continuing my run-streak with a nice 3 mile run followed by Easter Day XT

  47. Herbert G

    I’ll be doing a few laps in the rowing boat, and maybe Zwift, if the weather is bad.

  48. Tom Albrecht

    Sunday calls for a run in a buildup looking for a fast 5k.

  49. Nicholas

    Now that the weather is getting nicer, I plan to do some long endurance type rides this weekend.

  50. Eric Levario

    I will be Hiking Picacho Peak with my brother on Saturday. Very nice view when you get to the top! On Sunday, I will spend time with Family and get a run in.

  51. Bart

    Trail run and a long ride.

  52. Adam

    A few runs, a bike ride, and some strength training. Getting ready for a trip to Hawaii.

    • Bob WIse

      After taking a few days of rest, I plan on getting back on the bike (weather permitting) and also getting a run in.

  53. April Pratt

    Saturday will be dog training followed by Thor General Strength and Rogue Medicine Ball Routines. Sunday will be an 8 mile steady run.

  54. Jonas S.

    60-75 minutes run on Sunday, plus a 1-2hrs ride testing my new Garmin Edge depending on weather.

  55. Kyle

    This is a cutback week in training for the OKC Memorial Marathon, so I’m just doing 14 miles and a bunch of stretching.

  56. forallhesgot

    Today – moderate 2 hour ride after the rain, tomorrow 100k, sunday off to see family rest day

  57. dana corbin


  58. Hello,

    This weekend I have a business trip to Fort Myers. I have booked a hotel along the Caloosahatchee River so that I can get a run in across the Edison Bridge and through the town’s river district. I don’t have a pace or distance planned because I want to take in the sites and enjoy the run, but it will probably end up around 7 miles or so.

  59. Alex King

    Have Friday off, so 40 flat miles then, Saturday with the family, Sunday a hilly 60.

  60. Felipe P.

    A nice long hard ride Saturday, and then recovery/coffee ride on Sunday.

  61. Pana

    The soon to be longest and hardest ride of my life. 127 miles of suffering that includes almost 30 miles of packed dirt, gravel, and sand that’s better known as The Dirty Devil.

  62. Chris

    Testing calorie consumption limitations.

  63. Ville

    Three hours on cyclocross bike each day.

  64. Jeff

    Going for a metric century, and then eating twice as many calories in Swiss chocolate as I just burned.

  65. Wouter De Raeve

    Tonight back and abs workout. Tomorrow fitness test with the BSX Oxygen 2. Sunday long run in Zone 2.

  66. Nick Campbell

    Saturday is an 11 mile race pace tempo, will be my longest ever. And will be hard to do in the middle of a rough training plan….

  67. Brian

    12 mile run, if only they made Cadbury Crème Egg flavored gu…

  68. Gabe

    taking the girl on her first 60 mile ride. she’s been doing 50 milers consistently. If i win this i’ll get her an edge device.

  69. Andy

    Heading out for a train run.

  70. Andreas Trianta

    I intend to do a 130 km zone 3 ride to the temple of Poseidon in cape Sounio and back (to Piraeus) on Saturday, and a 10k run at a 6′ pace on Sunday

  71. Todd Thorsgaard

    Mid base period for me. So will do a max strength lift, a swim or two plus a medium long ride at moderate pace.
    In or out depending on weather and NCAA games.

  72. Francis M

    Relax because of injury. Indoor training in gym and eating chocolate!

  73. Sarah

    Eliptical and walking around every day to try and get my baby to come.
    How about a happy birthday present to us, baby needs a gopro!

  74. Frank

    Going for a long run both Saturday and Sunday to prepare for what will a very satisfying Easter dinner.

  75. Austin Schauer

    Short run saturday with 2.5hr. run sunday morning

  76. Kurt M

    A mix of virtual and real worlds, with a local back road 35mile ride, followed by two Zwift races including one on the crazy new mountain route,

  77. BG

    One hour cadence workout on the trainer. Happy Easter!

  78. Getting my legs working again after a two week vacation in Mexico!

  79. Joe Brannan

    A weekend full of running, hill sprints tonight, 6-8 easy miles Saturday and 13-15 early before the Easter bunny comes on Sunday. Thanks Ray for the give away opportunities. I never win but chances are better than the state lottery!

  80. Mike

    Lots of bunnyhopping and hare raising stunts before eating too much. Which is just enough, actually.

  81. Hiking at the Grand Canyon and mountain biking in Sedona before heading back home to Portland Oregon.

  82. Jingzi

    Sigh, probably nothing besides walking around the apartment and hoping this cold doesn’t kill me.

  83. Erin B

    I’m going to a friend’s house for Easter this weekend, and I won’t be doing anything while I’m there, but I’m hoping to go for a short run (2-3) miles once I get back on Sunday.

  84. Chris Chapa

    Saturday – I am supposed to do the Trainer Road Palisade…. but I might go fishing. Sunday – more than likely make up for missing the workout.

  85. Martin

    Normally I would run 10k on Friday and 10K on Sunday, but this weekend is somehow special with a lot of goodies prepared for Easter, so I’ll need to extend my distance to 15k on Friday and Sunday so as to enjoy all the extra delicious food :)

  86. Nico Cha

    Going for a long running this weekend

  87. Zach Albaugh

    Some hiking on Saturday and then a run on Sunday (10-12m)

  88. Brian Weatherington

    10 mile hill session on saturday, 3 hour long run on sunday, then try out new mountain bike in the hills sunday afternoon.

  89. Brian Ruggles

    Nothing special – just an easy run and a long run. Thanks!

  90. Juan

    65 mile bike ride Saturday and short 5 mile run on Sunday, before the egg hunt!! Cheers!

  91. Will Darling

    Trainer Road all weekend long!!

  92. Stuart Smith

    I’ll be chasing 8 of my 15 grandchildren around as they participate in an Easter egg hunt.

  93. John Browning

    Spring break trip to Sedona. Road ride up to ghost town Jerome, Arizona.

  94. I’m visiting the beautiful island of Anguilla so every morning I’m out on a rental bike getting an hour or so in in the beautiful head, humidity, wind – and avoiding the goats.

  95. theboxers

    Just cycling this weekend. Hopefully around 100 miles

  96. Ricky Roberts

    I will be running with my kid in her bob jogging stroller. I also do a quick workout at the park while she plays!

  97. Christopher

    100K bike tomorrow and then a swim on Sunday!

  98. Jes

    This weekend will consist of circuit training, deadlifts, and swim sprints.

  99. Karl Maher

    Friday – 5k run around the local park (hopefully not in the rain)
    Saturday – weight session
    Sunday – Day off eating chocolate
    Monday – running chocolate off

  100. Jesse

    This weekend will consist of a crossfit WOD, swim sprints, and deadlifts