The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Lauren

    I’ve got a 2.5 hour ride tomorrow morning and an hour and a half run on Sunday. Last long workouts before the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler next weekend!

  2. Carl Bélanger

    A (last) trainer bike session and a long run on sunday!

  3. sschott

    Sprint ride / swim / long run on Sunday – then eat!

  4. gingerneil

    Parkrun is an absolute must with my kids. Then hoping to find a local 5k fun run for us all on Monday.
    3 weeks until my marathon, so I’ll be on the chocolate eggs to fuel for my last long run on Tuesday! :)

  5. Eric G.

    I am hoping to run a few miles in preparation for a fun run next Sunday. I also hope to shoot a few hoops in honor of the NCAA tournament.

  6. Alex A.

    An easy 5 mile run in taper preparation for half next weekend.

  7. Sadewo

    It’s 1 month away from my half marathon race. There’ll be no tapering off this time, no thanks to missed runs due to injury. Will be increasing my mileage all the way to the finish line (hopefully)

  8. Greg K

    Going for a run, and hopefully adding some bike work.

  9. Jan

    My new Kickr Snap should be arriving! I plan on trying it out and doing lots of agility with my dog.

  10. Kyle

    I’ve got the day off for Good Friday so I’m about to head out on a long hike. I’ll cycle Saturday and maybe run Sunday evening.

  11. Kristin K

    I’ll be walking a few miles with the dog.

  12. Jeff

    Long run or xc ski – depends on whether mother nature gives me more snow or not.

  13. Nick

    I’ll be eating Easter eggs whilst watching TV!

  14. Joe Price

    Crossfit open 16.5 (aka death) then some good long runs.

  15. Probably a 20K run on Saturday and a bike ride on Sunday.

  16. Jim

    Ride 60 miles Saturday, eat the ears off the bunny. Ride another 50 Sunday, finish him.

  17. Jon

    Snowshoeing in the Rockies with the family then mix in some time on Zwift.

  18. Becky

    I’ll be doing my first double-digit long run of the year on Saturday and then gorging on Easter Brunch on Sunday!

  19. Holland King

    Two short easy runs… coming back from an injury. One long (for me bike ride).

  20. Matt

    Cross training today with a hike, followed by some swimming and biking over the weekend!

  21. John C

    Three days of riding in the TX hill country, 37 degree temps be damned!

  22. James Gould

    Intervals on Saturday, group ride after Easter eating on Sunday.

  23. Eric Oppenhuizen

    My training plan is 2 HIIT sessions. Quick and effective makes for more weekend fun!

  24. Richard

    I will do a 35km run for my marathon preperation

  25. Mark Miller

    I plan to go out and ride with my kids! Family training time

  26. Karl W

    On Saturday I am planning on squeezing an ride on the bike trainer before work. On Sunday, hopefully, weather permitting, a long outdoor run between Easter festivities.

  27. Paul Mitton

    Final long run before marathon in 3 weeks, 22 miles

  28. Keenan

    I’m going for two runs and a mountain bike ride. One day is a short run plus the ride, the other is my long run!

  29. JP

    Longest run of the training cycle tomorrow – 23 miles. Going to have to start early, though as the family is pretty busy.

  30. Turn The Damn Cranks

    Hoping to get a few short to medium runs in after a three week injury layoff. Have a 10 miler to run a week from Sunday, so it’s now or never!

  31. Stella Yeung

    Light sessions on stationary bike and yoga

  32. Justin B

    This weekend is the second race weekend for collegiate cycling. Saturday is a 3 corner criterium, and Sunday is circuit race. Many chocolates will consumed post-races :)

  33. Scott Layher

    I will be doing a 10 mile run tonight and a one hour trainerroad ride tomorrow morning. Then I will be refueling with chocolate bunnies and jelly beans.

  34. LT

    Teaching a beginner triathlete class.

  35. Stepan

    I just finished a 3h long bike ride and I have long run tomorrow. Getting prepared for my first IM!

  36. Alex

    5k run on sun

  37. Michael

    Bike Ride Saturday, Long Run on Sunday

  38. Jorge D.

    No training… 5K race on Satturday and completing the Crossfit Open 16.5 on Sunday. Then a lot of rest

  39. MrFlux

    Field test to check where I am before starting base training.

  40. Erik Orberg

    Sat: 16 mi progression run with fast-finish, PM swim
    Sun: long endurance ride ~70 mi

  41. Matthieu M>

    Not much activity planned, going to Boston with the family and the max temp is going to be 45F… So chocolate eggs for the win ! (brought to you by flying bells as per the French tradition, as you should know by now)

    Thanks for this !

  42. Toby

    Saturday: 10k run
    Sunday: 100k ride

  43. Swan

    Let’s see, I’m guessing that it will be mostly the same as any other weekend: 4-5 hours of swimming plus 10 hours of cycling (assuming that it doesn’t rain). What gadget do I need? Well, an Edge 1000 would be most welcome!

  44. Colin

    2 hour run scheduled for Saturday

  45. Kyle Brockman

    FTP Test, 1 mi low HR TT, 1000yd TT, 3 hr aerobic threshold ride

  46. Josh A.

    18 mile run on Saturday followed by an easy 8 mile run on Sunday. Should be nicer weather, at least.

  47. paul

    40 mile bike ride on Saturday
    Morning hike after sunrise service.

  48. James Semaj

    Going for a trail run & biking.

  49. charlie

    I ran my fastest 5K (23:51) and fastest mile (6:52) today! I have a 12 miler planned for tomorrow and probably another 6 miles sunday to balance out stuffing my face at Easter dinner!

  50. Eyal

    100km in the hills with my excellent road bike

  51. FCaz

    A nice long run in preparation for a semi in a few weeks

  52. Vito

    Bike ride on saturday and a shirt run on Subway!

  53. Suzanne

    My training plans this weekend include pressure washing the deck…

  54. Keith Rousseau

    Running Eastern States 20 miler on Saturday and an easy 4 mile run Sunday

  55. Pridexx

    Well, maybe i is lucky duck or maybe not :) Anyway i planning to start running from April.

  56. Mariano F.

    A short run with my dog this afternoon, that may become a lazy walk. We’ll see.
    Thanks for the great job, Ray!

  57. Samuel

    I am in the south of france so looking forward for my rides in the pyrenees during this long week-end

  58. Dan Lee

    FTP test on Saturday, followed up with a long, slow ride on Sunday

  59. Jonathan

    I plan on a short run on Sat morning with some weight training.

  60. Josh Arkins

    Mountain biking cross training and final long run before 1/2 marathon next weekend

  61. Mike McMillen

    Enjoying a couple of long rides on my new S5

  62. Avigail

    1.2km swim in the pool

  63. Charles

    Hiking and camping in Death Valley

  64. Tom

    sat: 200 km
    sun: 61 km
    mon: 87 km

  65. Will

    Long ride on Saturday and a long run on Sunday. At least with the run I won’t have to worry much about church traffic as they all flood out of the easter service.

  66. Charles Schwartz

    Starting to train for my first sprint triathlon — swimming and running this weekend! (and cycling if the weather permits)

  67. Yuri

    Gonna run half a marathon this Saturday and maybe go hiking Sunday or Monday

  68. I have a 70k criterium style race on Saturday (my goal is simply to finish, which is not so straightforward here in Belgium, where there is no Cat 5-Cat 1, but only pro or non licence holder, so the ‘amateur competition’ can be crazy fierce), then Sunday is for eating all the chocolate eggs ;)

  69. ErwanM

    Easy 15km run on Sunday morning, preparing my stomach for a nice lamb meal!

  70. Jhonathan Montoya

    Well im going to rest, and probably only go for a small ride, maybe 1h only. Thanks

  71. Matt L

    Run and swim on Friday, first outside ride of year in Saturday

  72. Jared F

    2 mile swim and 3 hour brick on Friday, 14 mile run Saturday and 3 hour bike on Sunday. Woohoo need some goodies

  73. Tefi M.

    I have to work the hole weekend, :(. Plenty of chocolate for shure!

  74. Matt

    Regular run today, then squeeze in a couple of short ones when I can over the next 2 days.

  75. Justin

    Gonna spend the weekend shaking out my new Elemnt and Powerbeat power meters. Got the replacement right pod installed so I can finally get some good power data.

  76. jwarkins

    Go for a long run then eat some chocolate

  77. Daniel

    I’m hoping to do my first outside rides of the year this weekend, along with some swimming and running of course.

  78. Kris

    I plan on eating a bunch of chocolate then going for a 10 miles run stopping at each mile point to eat more chocolate

  79. Troy

    I plan on taking some nice easy walks around the neighborhood with the dogs

  80. Gretchen

    I’ll be lifting and doing some time on the arc trainer and hoping for spring to come soon for outside running!

  81. Chris

    Spring has finally sprung and I’m ready for a pleasant outdoor run. I’ll be outside running away from the dogs and watching the trees turn into logs at the neighborhood construction site. Looking forward to a great Easter weekend and the beginning of a wonderful Spring season!.

  82. Mike D

    Looking outside, it looks like I’ll be spending some quality time in Watopia. Sounds so much more pleasant than “spending some time in my basement.”

  83. Peter Van Quaethem

    I am planning a 24km run with my toddler son in the jogger buggy.

  84. Patrick

    Running 20 miles, 5 weeks to the marathon

  85. I will be riding down the coast in Southern California as I do most weekends!

  86. Matt S

    Referee some soccer games.

  87. Minh Nguyen

    I got injured during my earlier training session, so i will just lay down on the couch this weekend

  88. Luke

    Waiting for my wife to deliver (3 days late) and probably a stroller run with our 3 year old.

    When you have kids are you going to start reviewing running strollers? Because that would be amazing!

  89. Mark Endrizzi

    One hour on the trainer (it just snowed again :( ) followed by a short run on the treadmill. Hoping for warmer days soon!

  90. Patrick G

    I’m planning on going for easy runs this weekend as I’m home from college visiting my family.

  91. David D

    I will be doing the CrossFit 16.5 Open workout on Saturday, and starting my training for an upcoming Ragnar on Sunday with a run!

  92. Besse Jean-Claude

    First training camp of the year.

  93. Vincent

    Going for a 50 mile ride on my gravel grinder on the Montour Trail in suburban Pittsburgh where my mother-in-law lives.

  94. Aaron Ainsworth

    Since I am on call at the local hospital it will all be indoor training unfortunately. Zwift and treadmill. 3 hrs ride Saturday followed by 30 min run. 1.5 hr run on Sunday.

  95. Russ Jewell

    Sat. Recovery run after Friday’s workout
    Sun A 12 mile Long Run with Speed

  96. Sergey

    no training: will give a rest to my feet.
    i noticed some starnge ache in them.

  97. Yanick

    Do Vo2Max Running intervall and some endurance training on the bike.

  98. Rob

    Saturday long run , Sunday family stuff

  99. Neil Glessner

    Hopefully a run and a ride (maybe zwift)… unless the baby decides to arrive early. Cadbury mini eggs should make for perfect nutrition! Won’t melt in the pocket!

  100. Pavel

    2 hours of martial arts training today, then 2 km swimming on Saturday and probably ski on Sunday – if the weather will be fine.