The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Burgess

    First time for a longer run – need the snow to hold off though.

  2. Tuomo

    Relaxing with kids on Friday … Will run both on Sat & Sun in the local trails & road!

  3. Jan

    I am going to a club run every day except on sundy. 2x 70km 2x100km. Pretty though that early in the season :)

  4. Saskia Burm

    it might involve spin class or running, but definitely a lot of chocolate!

  5. Levente

    10k easy run is the plan for Sunday :)

  6. Brett

    A run? Maybe. A bike ride? Maybe. Roller coasters and junk food? Absolutely!

  7. Jan Kelley

    I’ve got a 5K and a 5 hour bike ride – and its my birthday on Sunday, which requires its own special training.

  8. Marios

    On Saturday I have a 16-mile run with the last 4mi at marathon pace. Then Sunday has always been my off day so nothing :-)

  9. Nate

    Not the most exciting response, but I’m resting a sore knee this weekend. And I’ll have my fingers crossed about this giveaway.

  10. Tory

    I am finally taking a day off on Saturday and then an easy 10 miler on Sunday.

  11. Frank Satira

    I’ll be trying out new Zwift mountain course, and weather permitting, Easter Sunday 50k ride.

  12. Dave

    Returning from vacation. ?

  13. Nick

    Much needed R&R with the family.

  14. Jason B

    12 to 13 miles on the books this weekend. Thanks for the great opportunity as always Ray!

  15. Tomer Slaney

    Pre family dinner ride, out for a long quiet run Saturday morning, then back from some left overs lunch

  16. Bryan

    Friday: Rest

    Saturday: Typical Team 2 Cycling group which inevitable start with everyone saying how tired they are, what a rough week it’s been or yesterdays intervals really hurt and then ride a 2 to 3 hours “hurt me hurt you fest”

    Sunday: “Easter Bunny Hop” 2 or so hours of hilly back country roads….enjoying the sights, sounds smells and then “eat big dinner”

  17. Rich D.

    Going to run 11 on Friday – play with my grandchildren on Saturday and eat dark chocolate on Sunday. Back to the bike on Monday!

  18. Dan Balestrieri

    15 mile run on Saturday, deep frying a turkey on Sunday!

  19. Jacov Lalou

    Lots of rest and relaxation after the Two Oceans ultra.

  20. Matthew Elam

    Planning on running a 6-hour trail race tomorrow!

  21. Couple of easy runs followed by smoking some chicken and salmon!

  22. Beau Buisson

    Wife’s got a full social day planned sunday, but Saturday I’ll be on the bike for a few hours. I am looking forward to getting a new bike computer. The new Wahoo Elemnt looks pretty awesome!

  23. Christoph Spogis

    I’ll be taking advantage of the new snowfall and skiing. Easter will involve searching for the dish with the most bacon.

  24. Carlos Gonzalez

    Riding 75 miles on Saturday to fulfill my weekly goal of 300 miles.

  25. Lee Douthitt

    2 hours on the bike. And a soccer game.

  26. Noel

    Today is an easy, short recovery ride on some local gravel roads after a medium-hard group ride last night. Tomorrow I’ll be doing threshold intervals on the TT bike, then Sunday is just a 2.5 hour endurance road ride.

  27. Thomas Clement

    My goal is to enjoy time with the family and be able to run 2 times this long week-end. 2nd marathon in may ;)

  28. Justin

    I’ll be riding the Hell of Hunterdon in Skillman, New Jersey, USA. Just over 81 miles and nearly 5,200 feet of climbing! Pray for me.

  29. Odessaboots

    Have to put one last 20 miler in before tapering for Patriots Day.

  30. Frederic

    Tomorrow ski, sunday light run, monday bunny race

  31. Training? Most likely it will be from hiding plastic eggs and then chasing little ones around the yard to find said eggs, then chasing little ones around after eating the candy inside said eggs. Cross-training.

  32. V Chu

    Two-hour run this weekend

  33. Catie brooks

    I am just trying to walk a little each day and have some fun family time with my 2 kids and my in laws.

  34. Daniel

    Two rides and a run for this weekend. One ride will be LSD for a few hours, the second some hill repeats. The run will be a casual 5k.

  35. LaTanya

    I will do a 3 mile run and then enjoy the rest of the beautiful weekend with my family- easter egg hunt and eating dinner.

  36. Yevgeny Ivanov

    Having my niece visiting us with three kids, but hope to go for a bike ride anyway :)

  37. Nicolas

    Road bike on Saturday then trail running on Sunday (Trail des Tranchées, in Verdun – FR).

    Recovery on monday ;)

  38. Mike K

    You always have these when I’m on vacation. Training was done pre trip with 2 long days on the cycle trainer. Then a trail run on Sunday. Maybe I’ll see that Easter Bunny in the woods.

  39. Adam

    After a puncture-riddled, drastically-shortened ride this morning I’m going to stick to the turbo trainer and running!

  40. Ryan P

    I’ve got some group strength training, a 10 mile bike ride and a 45 min run.

  41. Amanaduh

    Hoping to get over this cold and coughing enough to get in an easy ride.

  42. da_fox

    I’ll be hunting the easter bunny on my bike!

  43. Eric

    Looking for my motivation which I seem to have lost lately; wining this give away sure will help

  44. fab

    10k race.

    And an obviously even harder race for chocolate in various gardens.

  45. Stef

    Since the weather in Montréal is really bad, I will go on the computrainer at least for 2 sessions.

  46. Imar Nkeba

    I will be riding 50 miles on back country roads to see all the bunnies out in celebration of humanity’s redemption

  47. Roger

    Training for the Easter weekend include herding small children for an Easter egg hunt and if I’m lucky a quick morning road ride.

  48. Ion

    2 very long rides 150K ++

  49. Rhonda Hertzog

    This weekend will consist of an easy 7-8 mile run. I’m not signed up for anything currently, but doing it to stay in shape!

  50. MaxD

    As I am unfortunately working on saturday, the plan is to go for a soft morning run (around 10K) on sunday, then refuel with chocolate and finally burn all those calories on sunday with a long ride up in the mountains ! Of course don’t forget to take some chocolate during the ride for refuel !
    With that have a nice easter Ray !

  51. Andy C

    If it is nice outside I will be going for a 8-10 mile run on Saturday along with a easy ride on the trainer on Sunday.

  52. Kyle Smith

    Sat. 10-13 miles
    Sun. Likely a 20 miler

    Recovery with chocolate eggs after

  53. Jason Almanza

    8mi run on Saturday in prep for OKC Memorial half marathon, and 35mi bike ride on Sunday in prep for OKC Redbud Classic!

  54. Paul

    Rice, Rice.. Baby (ode to Vanilla Ice) strained my calf on a run earlier this week…. Gonna be catching catching up on some shows!!

  55. Josh McKenna

    Friday: 14 Rounds For Time: -10 Deadlifts -10 Squat Cleans -10 Push Press -50′ Walking Lunge with barbell *Athletes must continue holding onto the bar and can only drop the bar to the ground after rounds 3, 7, and 9……where they will complete 20 burpees! RX Weights-(95/65lbs) Scaled- (65/45)
    Sat: 4mi training run to build base for an ultra while the wife trains for the AVON39.

  56. Malcolm

    I’ll be doing a 3.5-4hr hilly ride… provided I can face the “heavy rain” that’s forecast!

  57. DT

    3 painful hours in the Kickr…

  58. Shawn

    Sister in law is in town and no one is telling me what the plans are so I’m guessing my plans won’t go as planned. Probably MTB and swim today. Road ride on Saturday. Run and swim on Sunday.

  59. joris rhebergen

    I’m going for a short run on saturday. Followed by a 60km road bike adventure at the loonse en drunese duinen (Tilburg the Netherlands).

  60. Tom

    Heading out on my teams group ride, about 60 miles.

  61. Duane

    This time of year I do mostly intense stuff on trainer during the week and try to get some 2-3 outdoor rides at endurance pace.

  62. Brad Stalter

    I bent the rear wheel of my bike in an unfortunate cycle trainer accident on Wednesday and new wheels won’t be in until late next week. This weekend will consist of some out door runs since the weather is supposed to hit 60 here in upstate NY. Love the site and Clever training thanks for doing what you do.

  63. Laurent

    Indoor session to strengthen my knee tendon and maybe squeeze in a short run in between chocolate eating.


    Well beeing the Easter weekend the gym will not be open Sunday but always I can do a 30 – 45 minutes running in the park I have in my neighborhood.

  65. My fitness plans are primarily trying to frantically find all the eggs the kids leave behind before they start stinking!

  66. 3x 10km runs on my favorite routes in my hometown.

  67. Tom

    Winding down from the Barcelona marathon/winding up for London! Just come back from a beautiful 8 mile run on sunny Jersey, and hopefully clocking up another 15-20 on each of Saturday, Sunday and Monday. God bless 4 day weekends!

  68. Dave

    getting bike miles

  69. Jonathan

    Plan on having a sufferfest packed weekend… Includes supper with the inlaws.

  70. Gary Pigott

    No training. Just cruising.

  71. Darren

    Long run, rest day then easy run. Simple!

  72. Staffan

    My plan is to go for a two hours ride on my mtb and a 10 km run on Sunday.
    Otherwise I would do as little as possible…

  73. Tom

    With Snow now gone,- 25mile bike ride sat and sun

  74. Marc

    5k Saturday morning and then hit the gym with the fiancee on Sunday.

  75. Jimmy Stevenson

    I’m going out of towns to visit the in-laws this weekend. I’ll get in about 45 minutes of running tomorrow (and will probably be accompanied by my father in law on his bike creating the image of a Rocky-esque training montage). We’ll be back home Sunday night and I will get in an hour on the trainer before bed.

  76. Jason Miller

    I’ll be taking the bike off the trainer and getting some miles in on the road this weekend to take advantage of the warm weather.

  77. Kendra

    I’ve got my last long run before my half marathon and I’ll be accompanying my boyfriend to his first powerlifting meet!

  78. Steven Dunlop

    Hopefully a nice run in the wet Scottish Countryside!!

  79. David

    A couple long runs, sleeping in, and lots of chocolate.

  80. Seth

    90 minute ride on Sunday and chasing after the kids all weekend.

  81. Kelly B

    Run through new snow. Eat chocolate bunnies.

  82. Henry Holt

    Last long run before 1/2 marathon and 20K trail races on back to back weekends.

  83. Fred Dickson

    Friday is a forced rest day. Saturday, our group is riding 56 miles at a target 19mph. Sunday is a light 90 high cadence easy day.

  84. Stephen

    20 mile long run Saturday. Yoga Sunday.

  85. Luke

    It’s non-standard, but I’ll be rock climbing!

  86. Ran a 6 mi run this morning (Friday). Rest of Saturday. Slow, 3 mile jog on Sunday night.

  87. Dan Peters

    Mountain biking with old friends and an Easter egg hunt on bikes with the kids.

  88. Mark

    Is hiding eggs considered training? Lets call it: setting up dozens of nutrition stops for a 0.1k youth adventure race…..

  89. Chris Jones

    Probably a short run with the family dog – and a ride to the DC cherry blossoms!

  90. Emily

    Being Catholic, I’ll be doing some fasted riding on Good Friday

  91. Jose Manuel

    Mountain bike 25K ride around Limburg, NL

  92. Emma

    I’m going to run and hopefully bike, if I get my bike back from the shop.

  93. Armando Serafini

    I plan on completing some 3-5 mile training runs this weekend in preparation for Chicago’s Shamrock Shuffle on Sunday, April 3. Yes, the leprechaun will still be around after the Easter bunny has hopped away.

  94. Friday nite – 25mile ritual brewing ride
    Saturday – quick run, then golf
    Sunday – 30mile breakfast ride

  95. Robin VT

    Saturday: long easy bike ride in the morning, swim in the afternoon
    Sunday: long ease run in the morning, afternoon short bike spin


  96. Devin

    I’m hosting my in-laws for the weekend…. I have to do as much early morning trainer riding as needed to burn off all the beer I have to drink to make it through the weekend.

  97. Bryan Alsdorf

    I’m heading out to the inlaws in the middle of nowhere east texas today. Fortunately I have room for my kickr and bike in the truck so Saturday morning I will knock out 2.5 hours at various intensities followed by a short 5K run.

  98. Jeff B

    Squeeze in a 35-40 miler on Friday and hope to get in another 40 on Saturday.

  99. Henry Wang

    Going run a 10K Race on Saturday – Hoping to PR then a long run 20m on sunday

  100. Gonna try to wake up early Sunday and get on the trainer for a couple hours.

    And then have some chocolate…