The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Jason

    Plan on a 40 mile ride on Saturday with some hill repeats on Sunday.

  2. Matt S

    Half Marathon Training: 12 Friday, 8 Saturday, 17 Sunday

  3. Stefan Gutehall

    Just arrived home from 5 days in Taiwan (with only walking the city as exercise) I planting run 5k on Saturday and probably longer on Monday.

  4. DannyM

    I’m tapering this weekend. With a dozen hot cross buns.

  5. Andre Costa

    I’ll be taking my new bike for a ride. Hoping the snow will melt soon.

  6. Ben

    Planning on finishing up my training for the Rasputitsa gravel race here in Vermont. Probably a TrainerRoad session.

  7. Adam

    Long ride on trainer road tomorrow then a nice rest day

  8. Rich

    The weekend is looking like this for training. Friday night easy indoor ride. Saturday 40ish mile out door ride, and Sunday 25ish outdoor ride. training is coming to an end; it’s time to ride outside :-)

  9. giorgitd

    Long run and speedwork this weekend. 1st duathlon at the end of April, so I’m getting more specific about training…

  10. Volker

    Saturday, shopping tour. Sunday, Easter walk. Monday, bike ride together with the family.

  11. Julián

    I will rest all the weekend. I’m tired.

  12. Michael

    Sorry if this is a repost- strength training for Good Friday, spinning class on Holy Saturday, worship then dinner with friends for Easter!

  13. Micheal Stevens

    Plan to do a 10 mile ride today, 5k run tomorrow, rest Sunday, and 5 mile run Monday (hooray for a four day weekend!)

  14. Caleb Justis

    Saturday hoping to get log a long bike ride in the cold weather and Sunday get a 10k run in so I can indulge on all the good home cooked food.

  15. Jon Hughes

    Cycle today before the rain comes tomorrow – roll on summer! Turbo sessions thereafter.

  16. Jeff Kohn

    Saturday is long trainer ride and egg coloring. Sunday is egg salad time (best part of the holiday, imo).

  17. Matt

    Runs outside – 8 miles on Saturday and 4 miles Sunday

  18. Jenna

    Big bike ride today, followed by some easy recovery tomorrow.. Then relaxing with the family

  19. Andrew Seidman

    Swimming/Cycling on Saturday. Long ride Sunday morning, stuffing my face Sunday afternoon.

  20. Stephen Bilen

    Bike ride on Saturday, color Easter eggs with my family, and then hunt for Easter eggs on Sunday!

  21. Perry Taylor

    Going for a 65 mile ride today, std. 50 mile group ride tomorrow, and we will see what sunday brings :)

  22. Srinivas Karri

    Going to spend Saturday and Sunday on long bike rides as the family is away on holiday!

  23. Mike Kohnle

    Due to 3 more inches of wonderful white stuff, I’ll be doing an hour long run and finishing it up with a 10 minute tempo run at the end to make things interested. Then eating candy.

  24. Andrew D

    I’ll be swimming at 3k the YMCA on Saturday, and then trail running on Sunday.

  25. Jay Nyman

    Strength train early a.m. on Saturday, followed by “run” of chasing my toddler around at the neighbor’s Easter Egg hunt. Stuff my face at brunch on Sunday and back to the plan on Monday.

  26. sebastian

    Friday: 1hr trial run
    Saturday: 3hr bike ride (80-90km)
    Sunday: 4-5hr (120-130km)
    Monday: Open-end bike ride w/ mate.

  27. Mike Gathy

    6 mile run, followed by some weight lifting

  28. JOnathan Patterson

    6 miles running today, then assorted holisy miles over the weekend, fuelled by Brisket, brownies and beer…

  29. Kyle

    Hopefully I will resume half marathon training with a 3 and 7 mile run. Assuming I can breathe since all the pollens have come out and decided to settle in my sinus cavities.

  30. David

    Going to do 2 runs, 6k and 10k. All the chocolate has to be burned somehow…

  31. Frank

    an easy run or two

  32. Julian Wong

    Hi Ray, my plan for the weekend is to ride indoors for hopefully the last time this season! Can’t wait to start riding outside.

  33. BMart

    For this weekend I’ll be going for a long ride and a speed work run. Both of these will be followed by my extremely painful relationship with my new foam roller.

  34. Kevin

    Getting over being sick, plan to do a recovery style run on Saturday then enjoying family time on Sunday.

  35. Bart

    Planned are a ride on Sunday and a run on Monday.

  36. Kory

    Intervals between easter eggs with my daughter!

  37. Tom W

    Finally the summer in Perth, WA seems to be coming to an end, no more 40c days, and the rain has started, so like a fool, i’m planning to ride tomorrow with 50mm of rain forecasted, got me an ass saver, so shall be ok.

    Disclaimer: I’m English!

  38. Brandon Blanck

    Nothing much for the weekend, enjoying the holiday! Too much turkey and chocolate I’m sure. But skiing next week, if that counts?

  39. Tim

    After a long week, it’s a double rest day!

  40. Drawtender

    I didn’t really have much in the way of an actual plan, but all this talk about chocolate, and SPAM has me hungry now, so I guess I’ll have to run at least as far as the supermarket.

  41. Patrick Bashor

    I plan on doing a 10k on Saturday and doing some tennis cross training on Sunday.

  42. Catie

    Lazy weekend with family, maybe a run or 2

  43. Davesee

    hour and a half bike ride to finish week 4 of a training plan

  44. Mischa3000

    In preparation for IM 70.3 Texas (Galveston) I’ll be laying some bricks on Sat, riding 3hrs and running 6miles. Then running 13miles on Sunday.

  45. Ben Dobson

    Hoping to go for a ride if the weather isn’t too awful

  46. Mathieu

    A tempo run on sundy and some core/strength training tomorrow

  47. Philip Hemmers

    10 mile run followed by a peanut butter egg.

  48. Alanna

    I’m heading to NY to visit my mom for Easter, so I’m planning some beach/boardwalk runs!

  49. Ray J

    An hour run on Saturday, and a 18 mile run on Sunday followed by a lot of chocolate.

  50. Leland Smith

    I’ll be taking it easy with a nice bike ride around Hains Point to catch some cherry blossoms, and a long run up Rock Creek while the weather is perfect.

  51. Nick

    I’m heading off on holidays with my family so my training plan consists of lugging 3 suitcases, 1 two year old and, one pregnant wife to and from airports (with a 9hr flight in between) and from one side of Tokyo to the other.

  52. Carter Terry

    I am doing a 54 mile ride through farm country in western Connecticut and eastern New York (this has been the light at the end of my tunnel all work week) on Saturday. On Sunday, while I am in the neighborhood, I am hoping to spot the Oly run course for the upcoming REV3 Quassy.

  53. Seb

    No training for me, too much rain here ;-)

  54. Pavel Strbik

    My plan was actually a 4 day riding in the mountains, but looks it turns into 4 day stay in bed with a flu. No bunnies seen there so far :)

  55. Mark Southam

    Weather is mild in Pennsylvania, so hopefully I can squeeze in an outdoor recovery ride. Otherwise, will be back on the trainer at least once, prepping for my first-ever cycling race in April.

  56. Benjamin

    Swimming drills this morning, 1:45 run on Saturday, 2:00ish ride Sunday morning, then chocolate and beer repeats in the afternoon.

  57. Chris

    Planning on a 130mi California coast ride on Saturday. Then an easier 90ish mi ride on Sunday.

  58. Chris M.

    On the backend of a knee injury, so probably a couple shorter test runs and possibly break the MTB out.

  59. Andrew

    Some biking/rowing on Saturday and then a long run on Sunday (13-14 miles). Training for my first marathon!

  60. Joe

    I’ve got a short trainer session Saturday morning (probably about an hour), and then a 5 mile run after Easter dinner on Sunday.

  61. John

    Intervals on saturday. Swimming on sunday !

  62. GeorgeH

    10 mile run on Saturday in prep for candy on Sunday.

  63. Justin

    Planning to go hard on my Kickr with TrainerRoad. Recently upped my FTP after my strongest test ever so the next two weeks should be painfull.

    Probably ride 1hr today, 1 hr tomorrow, 1.5 on Sunday then a recovery 2 hrs on Monday.

    I’ll try and steer clear of the Easter chocolates but with 3 kids I doubt it will happen…

  64. Evan

    Planning to get an early bike ride in Saturday then yard work the rest of the day…Sunday will be a long run day after Easter festivities of course!

  65. Joseph Burda

    I am going to be doing a metric century on Saturday, and then a trainer road workout on Sunday.

  66. Kyle J

    Flying down to Florida and then long runs around Sanibel Island!

  67. Thelo

    Just an easy 10k on sunday afternoon.

  68. Donna L

    Family gathering over the weekend will possibly rule out an outdoor ride but, if all else fails I still have the Pro Form bike!

  69. Paul Lee

    Chasing my son finding Easter eggs in the lawn!

  70. Going for a 6 mile tempo on Saturday with our training group, followed by a large group social run on Sunday of about 10 miles!

  71. Amos Desjardins

    25 mile long run on Saturday and a 15 mile run on Sunday with a sprinkling of yoga.

  72. Paul Mackenzie

    starting the long weekend with Maidenhead East 10 (10miles), then it’s parkrun tomorrow (5K – I’ll be taking it slow), and a LSR on Sunday (maybe another 10 miles if my legs have recovered)

  73. Kyle

    Sneaking in any time on the bike I can fit on Saturday. Run on Sunday before Easter dinner festivities.

  74. Bryan Fro

    My plans are to get in a long bike and a decent run.

  75. Raf Castillo

    I’ll be hitting the roads for a 5k Easter Run. And I’ll be hitting the weights. Have Squats 5×5 (190lbs), Overhead Press 5×5 (72.5lb) and Deadlifts 1×5 (230lb).

  76. Guy

    I’m planning to do a LS run on Saturday.
    Sunday will be a lazy one.
    And Monday is not yet decided.

  77. Ryan

    Friday – 5 mile run
    Saturday – 9 mile run
    Sunday – 4 mile run

  78. Colby

    0 miles! Wrapping up my recovery, so I can start my training plan for my next event healthy!

  79. Jessica

    6 mile run on Saturday and possibly some cross training on Sunday. I injured my hamstring last fall, so this will be the longest run I’ve done since the summer!

  80. Larry S.

    Long ride on Sunday outside and not on my trainer!

  81. Kevin McMahon

    I’ll be doing some short ‘shake the legs out’ rides in the Easter weekend sunshine – and putting together my new Kickr Snap for the rainy days yet to come.

  82. Cyril

    Long mountain bike (50-60km ; +1000m) ride in south of Paris (Meudon, Velizy, etc) to get ready for the Jean Racine ride.

  83. Blake Sills

    Hoping to do a 9 mile run tomorrow, and a short 3 mile run before church on Easter Sunday.

  84. RJ Maguire

    3 hr mtn bike on Saturday and running on Sunday.

  85. alan

    Try to stay warm while riding in the mid west spring weather

  86. Jonathan Naim

    Planning on squeezing a bike ride into a boozy WE!

  87. Russell sullivan

    I am going to take a nice 5 hour bike ride to my parents house to meet up with my wife and son for an Easter egg hunt on Saturday and start running home after for my wife to pick me up and head to our grandparents for Easter dinner.

  88. Andy

    My plan is to get a 50 minute trainer ride in on Friday, a 7 Mile run on Saturday, and another trainer ride on Sunday. Or maybe the Friday ride won’t happen and I’ll do the trainer on Saturday and a run on Sunday. We’ll see how the motivation is after work!

  89. Travis Pickell

    I’m in recovery mode post-marathon, so I’ll run 2 miles and try to get in a swim.

  90. Richard Hadjian

    Just got off trainer. 60min at biggest gear, 23mph, then 30mph for 1 min every 5 min. Ride every day for 1h. Other days I’ll stand on pedals during a 1 min interval every 5 min, or ride at higher cadence/speed, or drop to lower gear and very high cadence. Getting ready for La Marmotte in July; 4 big peaks, 120m, 16K feet, finishing with Alp d’Huez. Whoopie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  91. Christopher

    Wish I could bike outside but it just snowed here.

  92. Dan

    Happy Easter! I’ll be out on my roadie both Saturday and Sunday.

  93. Andrew

    Long weekend, so a 10k today, bike ride tomorrow, and maybe run or swim Sunday. All to offset the cinnamon rolls I just made…

  94. Mike

    Having a famiky weekend so mostly chasing or carrying a 2 year old around parks and playgrounds

  95. BenMc

    Taking the holiday lite, starting to taper so plan on logging a couple easy 6 milers and enjoying some jelly beans.

  96. stephane

    Run 5 miles Saturday and go biking (or play golf) Sunday!

  97. Brian F

    Cardio and strength training at the gym Friday. Spin class on Saturday.

  98. dolf denkens

    I plan on walking a lot all over seattle and hopefully get to the gym in my hotel to do some cycling. Real training on layovers is always a puzzle.

    And the eat a lot of Belgian chocolate when I finally get back home.

  99. luca massetti

    3h.30′ bike today, 12km run + 2000mt swim tomorrow and 60km bike sunday, that’s it!

  100. Tim Stevens

    I am doing a 35 mile ride over 3 mountains in North Georgia on Saturday, and then I’ll probably do 30 or so easy miles on Sunday for recovery. Might throw in a 3 mile run either this evening, or on Sunday if the legs feel good.