The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Arnor

    I’ve got my tarmac mounted on the Kinetic Rock And Roll, recording the ride on the Edge 1000. i’m gonna aim for at least 100k over the weekend so i won’t have to feel guilty over all the chocolate i’ll be eating.

  2. Mike

    Going for a long run on Sunday and maybe a swim at some point.

  3. Jason Titus

    I’m hoping to get in a long ride outside and maybe a mid-distance run.

  4. lekkerbek

    I’ll do a long, easy ride on saturday and some intervals on monday.

  5. Justin

    ~4000 yard pool swim on Saturday and a 7 mile run on Sunday, then doing some gut stretches as I try to eat all of the candy that my wife got for our 2-month old daughter.

  6. Otto Donkers

    120 km to the north of North-Holland :-)

  7. Maurice

    Long ride on Saturday afternoon on the WO&D

  8. Andrew

    Training will only include light recovery runs. I did the Georgia Death Race last weekend and have been taking it Slow and Easy!


  9. Wade Bonzon

    Intervals at the track Friday, long run Saturday, and another run Sunday. Marathon training!

  10. Matthias K.

    A nice 28km progression run in preparation for my next marathon in three weeks.

  11. Brad

    Two long rides with egg hunts sandwiched between.

  12. Squeegy

    Everything outside here is covered in ice, so it looks like I’m hitting the trainer in the basement this weekend.

  13. Van Linde

    I going to run a 14K as part of my training for the marathon of Rotterdam on the 10th of april.

  14. Larry Ahearn

    Trail ride saturday and an 18 mile run sunday.

  15. Robin

    Easy trail run tomorrow and an 18 miler on Sunday. Fueling with a chocolate gel, maybe?

  16. Barry D.

    Have a Happy Easter weekend. My plans are to do a Trainer Road session then run later this afternoon; Saturday – aerobic swim in am, Trainer Road around lunch, aerobic run late afternoon/pm; Sunday – weights.

  17. Pieter G

    I won’t be running…
    But I have a 3k zwim and 1h bike ride.

  18. Jon

    Easy 7 miles on Saturday and fishing from the kayak on Sunday (also known as cross-training).

  19. Henrik

    Have fun with the kids.

  20. Brandon

    Taking the weekend off to spend with family.

  21. Justin K

    This Saturday is actually a race. 80 mile gravel grinder in March in Minnesota. It is looking like there actually won’t be much snow anywhere. Recovery on Sunday.

  22. Swim and Run on Saturday, 2 hour bike on Sunday

  23. Mark Bridges

    Pickleball and a massage (I’m on vacation).

  24. Ricardo Araujo

    Going for a city loop on a hopefully sunny Saturday in San Francisco.

  25. Ugo

    This week-end I have planned a swim plus a team duathlon for sunday, plus a monday bike ride.

  26. Jim McQuaide

    Planning on some threshold work today, and hopefully a longer ride on Sunday!

  27. Steven B.

    Saturday about an 9 – 10 miles easy run, Sunday about 50 miles on the bike. Tapering for the a 1/2 distance tri on April 2nd in Ocala, FL

  28. Matthew Weigel

    Swim workout this morning (done), open water long and steady swim this evening… 2 hour run tomorrow morning, some apartment moving, and then finally a longish (~40 mile) bike ride tomorrow afternoon. Sunday will be hiding eggs and eating chocolate. I don’t normally double up on swims, but this week has been kind of weird and it’s resulting in a glut of open water time.

  29. Craig

    An hour of power on the water.

  30. Nic

    Threadmill run, swim
    Tri bike workout on Sun w/ a brick run
    oh, and easter dinner :)

  31. carlos

    Im injured. So I will rest for the weekend, will start running again on monday.

  32. Ross Clements

    This weekend is to be my first ever race! Probably going to be incredibly painful as it’s a Crit. and I’m by no means a sprinter! Should be good fun and if I get dropped as I suspect I will, it’ll make for a perfect training session ready for a summer of racing!

  33. Daniel

    Just received a dump of snow which will take a few days to melt, so it is a couple of long bikes on the trainer. Can’t forget about the last hockey game of the season- spring/summer is almost here!

  34. Richard M

    Family Gym Session this weekend, 3 brothers with core and kettle bell work on the agenda

  35. Nacho García

    Enjoy with my family on Friday, quick run Saturday morning, a promenade with my girlfriend on the afternoon and celebrate Easter on Saturday night!!!

  36. Brian

    15 k run.

  37. Harold

    Long ride on Saturday and a run on Sunday.

  38. George

    Planning on a saturday bike ride and with some luck a short sunday run in between rain showers!

  39. Charles

    Hopefully a short jaunt around Central Park on Saturday, and a longer run in Chicago on Sunday — So long as travel, family, and other plans all line up in perfect harmony.

  40. Brian Q

    Run (or elliptical) on Saturday, pending how cooperative my shins are. Strength training on Sunday.

  41. RJ

    Final run of my 8 week training cycle and a few days rest. Spend weekend with my 3 grandkids.

  42. Russell

    Group ride on Saturday, long run Sunday

  43. Jon Lumpkin

    Friday – 25 mile over/under interval ride on my fixed gear
    Saturday – 70 mile group ride on the road bike
    Sunday – 11 mile run

  44. John L

    70 miler through the hills – and lots of chocolate easter bunnies to refuel

  45. Alberto Reyes

    Lots of running, reading and eating for this weekend.

  46. Daniel

    Ran 8 miles today and taking Saturday off. Then it’s back to half marathon training with a short 4 mile run this Sunday.

  47. Michael do Carmo

    This weekend I’m taking it easy cos I’ve just finished recovering from an injury. Going for a 5km race tomorrow and then maybe hit the gym for an upper body workout on Sunday :)

  48. Kirk

    Running running running trying to pass the physical fitness test for an employment opportunity!

  49. Mel Harbour

    Turbo sessions, while watching the Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race.

  50. Jonathan Burchmore

    6 mile run on Saturday, 12 miles on Sunday. Preparing for the Big Sur International Marathon.

  51. Ciaran

    2km swim this morning
    Long bike tomorrow hopefully with a couple of Zone 5 efforts to get ready for the race league
    Recovery spin and run on sunday before another big bike on Monday,

    With lots of chocolate of course

  52. Timothy

    Start the weekend off with a morning ride of 40k followed by a 10k row in the afternoon and a technical rowing practice on sunday.

  53. Michael

    Rowing 10K on Saturday, stroller jogging on Sunday

  54. tem

    I’m behind on biking so I probably need two longish rides of 20-25 miles. Weather looks great so I may add a third shorter slower ride with my wife. If not I’ll try some of the threshold stuff with a run and my shiny new fenix 3 HR.

  55. Mark

    90 minute spin class.

  56. Rick Barbera

    2 hours of zone 2 today. A group ride on Saturday and Sunday will be a neighborhood cruise on the banana seat bike with the kids.

  57. Alain

    Pretty packed plan:

    Friday evening maybe an run depending on weather (& mood/motivation)
    Saturday longish road bike ride
    Sunday morning easy run (possible short late afternoon MTB ride)
    Monday morning 10k race, trying to achieve a new PB, afternoon recovery bike ride

  58. Lajos Toth

    Long run, ~ 90 minutes followed by an endurance ride for 60 minutes.
    Off on Sunday.

  59. Raphael

    Not much training. Just eating chocolate bunny and visiting Berlin!
    Enjoy your weekend

  60. Jens Zimmermann

    Enjoying a little walk/hike in Engadin (CH), relaxing two nights there, having fantastic dinners planned and last but not least getting the kg back off on Monday on a 100km bike tour around home.

  61. Maarten VD

    A 10K run on saturday, with an emphasis on elevation gain :)

  62. SZ

    I have been sick this past week and can only manage some easy bike workouts on my trainer this weekend

  63. David Bradway

    Hopefully walking around the block with my newborn in a stroller.

  64. Zac

    This weekend is mostly a rest weekend for me but I will go out for a 5k run.

  65. Bruno

    Today was 2 Hours L2, tomorrow is 200km ride with Mixed intensities. Rest of the Weekend should be recovery with a lot of chocolate :-)

  66. Jon Heard

    Does setting up the training area in the basement of my new house count? I hope so. And hopefully a run. After eating a chocolate bunny…..

  67. Josh

    Hoping to go for a long run, but will probably end up drinking bloody marys instead…

  68. Volkmar

    Taper for my first marathon this year next weekend in Freiburg. So just a couple of shorter runs and some biking,

  69. Bob

    Mountain bike 6 miles followed by 30 miles on my road bike.

  70. Tim

    Headed out of town to see family for the weekend so it’ll be limited to running for me. Planning a 5 miler on Saturday and a short 3 miler Sunday morning.

  71. Pieter

    This weekend, I will do two 30minute runs, cycle outside of town and do some couchsurfing.

  72. Tony K

    This weekend im Swimming tonight, Trail run on Saturday morning, and Resting on Sunday.


  73. Quentin van Marcke de Lummen

    Early start today with 53 miler.

  74. Steven

    Lots of snow here, so running has taken a back seat to skiing… but hopefully can fit my long run in this weekend, 12m.

  75. cj

    13 milers coming up in the next few port days. Need to clear the cobwebs, I haven’t been on land in almost 3 weeks.

  76. Rob

    Run, ski and bike,and if I manage all that then a beer and some chocolate.

  77. MAGNUS

    Today is a short 4-6 miler and tomorrow a 55-60 mile ride through the country side.

    Thanks to both you and CT. Looking forward to spending all the monies.

  78. Markus

    run, run, run and tryin to catch the bunny

  79. Scott Thomas

    Long ride and a transition run in between thunderstorms

  80. Theho

    Ran 27k today in the rain, will get on the trainer for an hour.
    Strength on Saturday morning, followed by 3-4 hrs on the bike.
    Sunday 2x60k if the weather is fine, else some time on the trainer.
    Monday – bike & run.

  81. Liza

    Long 5-7 mile run Saturday morning.

  82. I was hoping to ride at least 50 km both Saturday and Sunday but Mother Nature is not cooperating.

  83. Jim Kuch

    After a front blows thunderstorms through today, it is supposed to clear up real nice here in the Northeast US. My wife and I are planning on taking her new Specialized Ruby out for its inaugural cruise, a 15 mile loop with 1500 ft in elevation.

  84. Sangiometti

    2 Hour group bike ride on Saturday.
    12 miles long run on Sunday.
    gorge myself on chocolate.

  85. Benedikt

    I will go for a 14-15km run with about 400m in height.
    And eating with my family can become a challenge

  86. Ivan

    Zwift trainer session tomorrow morning. And resting on Sunday.

  87. TheNCuber

    A long run is up on Saturday and an orienteering race on Monday.
    Happy easter!

  88. William

    A 12 mile hilly run today in the Cotswolds, and maybe a shorter faster one on Sunday.

  89. Todd

    Finally looking at some good weather, so ride, ride, ride….as many miles as time allows.

  90. Ryan Zielinski

    Going to be cold again in New Hampshire, so the only bike rides will be trainer rides. Will get outside for a run though!

  91. shannon

    Hoping to get out for a good ride… but will see if chocolate gets in the way

  92. Andrew

    Final 23 mile run in preparation for the Boston Marathon!

  93. Jeff Lofgren

    My weekend plans for training involve working on endurance and climbing. I am going with a group of guys and girls (~6-8) and riding an 85 mile (137 km) route up Fort Mountain in Chatsworth, Georgia and Burnt Mountain around Ellijay, Georgia. I believe it will be about 6,000 feet of elevation.

    link to

    This is to prepare for the Italian Road Bike Festival (link to on April 2nd. It is an epic ride of 104 miles and 10,853 feet of elevation.

    I did this ride last year and it was a great time, although it completely wore me out.
    link to

    My goal this year is to finish in 6 hours and 15 minutes!

    So there is my training plan and fingers crossed, I win!

  94. Jan

    plan on a 70k ride on saturday

  95. Brendan

    Didn’t run at all last weekend so hopefully 2 runs, 12 miles Saturday and 8 miles Sunday.

  96. Jack

    I plan to ride at least 60km on Saturday on my single speed because my road bike is still mounted on the trainer. Don’t worry though, the road bike will get some Zwift love on Sunday.

  97. Next week if weather let me do it I will ride some 350-400km with 5000m of ascension. With weather fail to me I will ride maybe a 150km on rollers.

  98. john whittington

    Working both days……no bueno

  99. EvilEuro

    My goal will be to finally get three rides in (Sunday, Monday, Wednesday) to kick off my cycling year. At the very least, two of those days. Now if only it’d stop being so windy.

  100. Jeremy Huntsinger

    Will be biking to the Cherry Blossoms in DC this weekend.