The DCR Easter Bunny $600 Gadget Giveaway


First off, no, I’m not giving away the Easter Bunny.  That’d involve going to a nearby shopping mall and somehow kidnapping the poor guy as he gets photos taken with small children.  And I’m pretty sure that’d be awkward for everyone involved.

Instead, I’ll be like an Easter Bunny – and some lucky duck (or bunny as it may be) will get their gadget wishes fulfilled.  No searching for semi-rotten poorly water-colored eggs required.

The winner will get a $600 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 HR, to a Fitbit Blaze, a pair of Hawaiian themed underwear (yes, actually) to the WatTeam Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what your training plans are for the weekend ahead – with or without the bunny.  Note that eating chocolate eggs is totally valid nutrition.

The reason you need a short description of ‘what’ is that if you just put a simple one word answer (i.e.5k), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 28th, 2016 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Kevin

    Doing some spinning on the bike trainer.

  2. Matthew Hunt

    Long ride on Sat with a short run after and then a long run on Sunday

  3. Jeff Beck

    The weather hasn’t broken yet for spring, so my training continues to be indoors :-(

  4. Bryce Nixon

    Play with my daughter and hopefully go for a ride.

  5. Ben McDonald

    It rained this past weekend so my Xterra training on the bike didn’t happen. I did an easy 6 mile run and swam today.

  6. Juan Iriarte

    Commuting to work by bike on Friday, swimming on Saturday morning, run 7k with my wife and another bike ride on Sunday.

  7. Jenn

    Easy to post a goal after it’s done….chased the Easter bunny for 10k Friday and again for 5k Monday…..never found it, just the evidence left behind and quickly eaten :)

  8. RMG

    Went for a four mile run followed by an hour and a half of high intensity gym time. Legs are destroyed.

  9. Dave

    Back in the saddle ride

  10. Cody Dickerson

    I’d recently started swimming more, so I’ll be swimming laps at the local Y and running I the evenings. I’ll try to get at least one bike ride in this week as well. Hoping to knock off my first triathlon this summer.

  11. Jeff Barnes

    Run a little and rise a little. Hopefully that offsets some of the eat a lot..

  12. Joey

    My training will involve unloading a truckload of mulch to get my yard ready for Spring.. Good times. I also hope to get in a run with my beautiful wife and awesome 20 month old lil boy. =]

  13. Ben

    Trail run with tons of elevation gain on Saturday with an easy bike ride on Sunday.

  14. Gary Lewis

    Working on building back my bike and run fitness.

  15. Renato Atilio

    I plan a friday at gym, a saturday swimming and a sunday with chocolate eggs nutrition :)

  16. jesse dexter-thornton

    Going to the gym with my dad.

  17. Richard W. Mable

    Assembling a Trek Madone 4.5 that’s arriving Wednesday and taking it out for shakedown ride

  18. Juliana Granados Mota

    My plan is a short run and a long swim! And shall avoid too much chocolate!

  19. Leandro Anjos

    Weekend with my family, no workout unfortunately…

  20. David Hill

    Pre-Easter festivity bike trainer ride and brick run.

  21. Robert G

    Two hours out on the bike, an hour run, 3/4 mi. swim and a spin class. And a few beers for recovery. :)

  22. p k

    Running repeats 10×40 meters 4x and 2.5 hr functional movement based training regimen.

  23. Jennifer Wimmer

    2 hours on the trainer, hour run outside if possible, 2000 yd swim, strength class

  24. Stephen W.

    Went on a nice hike in a county park. Even spotted a desert hare on the way out — how fitting!

  25. Jvance

    Peeps and some zwifting. Good times.

  26. Rob L.

    Did some hiking while on vacaction in Argentina.

  27. AnnaMDT

    Plan to spend time with the family and get in enough activity that will hopefully counter-balance the calories in the chocolate.

  28. Richard

    Going for a short ride with the family

  29. rubens fernando maciel alencar

    My goal for the end of the Easter week was cycling 40 km on Friday and Sunday. I managed to ride half of what was planned.

  30. Ethan S

    Spend some time with the kids on their swimming form, then swim myself, followed by a short treadmill session. Thanks!

  31. VTThrash

    Run 2 out of 3 days with my 14 year old in training for his junior high track team. (may sneak in a long run for myself on the third day)

  32. Nicholas Carey

    Just did mine – 11km run. Windy as all hell.

  33. Larry Steinberg

    If the doc says my broken wrist us healed then out on the mountain bike.

  34. gerard

    My training this weekend consisted of a ladder repeat session on the track on Friday, a 12km easy run on Sunday, and a killer mat pilates class on Monday (more core baby!)

  35. Jilly Bean

    Still resting/recovering after Shamrock Weekend. So instead I will chase my 8 year old in bunny related festivities.

  36. David

    16k run

  37. Eduardo

    Recovery weekend after upping my milage recently.

  38. Ranjith S

    A 20mile hike in the redwoods.

  39. Joshua

    Tagging along with my wife on her marathon training (around 24 miles in 2 days!)

  40. Dan

    Back to Masters swimming after a Spring Break break.

  41. Matt Wolfe

    Strength, long swim, long bike (on the trainer), still working on getting my running form back.

  42. Samuli Jarvinen

    Weekend is for transition towards the snow. Next week is skiing!

  43. Lee Reforma

    25km Trail Race this weakend to start out the trail running season!!

  44. Xavier

    Ski all weekend long, that should be a sweet workout session.

  45. Iván Higuera Mendieta

    I’m planning to improve the pace of my long runs.

  46. Morgan williams

    Went away for the Easter long weekend, so very little training. Apart from chocolate eating that is…

  47. Brook

    Started out with an easy run to test Matt Fitzgerald’s 80/20 Running theory.

  48. Eric

    Last loooong run before Boston, have to as a split run because of injury issues.

  49. Moses

    Riding long enough to get a proper sunburn

  50. Thien

    Brought my bike out for 1st ride on Sunday for a easy ride around town

  51. JonP

    Well I’m afraid no running in the near term as I recover from osteitis pubis, but Friday swimming and a lot of weekend PT exercises to get prepared for training for the New York marathon.

  52. Jeremy Speirs

    Well on Friday, a 30-20-10 style fartlek, chased by a 21k+ long run on Saturday. I will try my best to avoid stepping on any leftover Easter eggs since they would be kind of ripe by then.

  53. Brad

    After a hard week, I took Saturday off and then went for an endurance ride on Sunday. Now I have enough reserve to start the training cycle over again.

  54. Smichael

    Hot yoga one day, long run the next day, eating a chocolate bunny as recovery nutrition.

  55. Michael

    Weekend over already… but there was a lot of beach running.

  56. Nick

    I’ll be running my local half marathon this Saturday, and likely following up with more run miles on Sunday.

  57. Stephanie Bechtold

    Strength training, core work, and PT!

  58. Batmansdad

    Marathon training. Way behind, so lot to catch up on.

  59. Lauren

    Hiding all the easter eggs from my 2 year old.

  60. Casey gourley

    I have my first sprint tri of the year on Sunday.

  61. Chris Owens

    My training plan? Cherry Blossom 10 Mile run! First race since getting hit by a car last summer on my bike!

  62. monica

    Golf and a seven mile run

  63. Starr

    I’m starting my summer running training plan and also getting ready to do some spring gravel cycling events.

  64. Alex

    Actually it will be a recovery weekend, with low intensity cardio (cycling)

  65. Lance VB

    Great Easter- too much food to work off! Still snowing and cold so indoor riding it is.

  66. Thomas K

    recovering from eating lots of chocolate

  67. John Phoebus

    12 mile run followed by two days rest.

  68. Ricardo HR

    Start training again before my 45th birthday, follow my plan for half marathon in 16 weeks.

  69. Francisco

    Going for a long mountain bike ride

  70. Adam W

    Hey, probably too late, My training was taking extra rides on the public holidays. Less traffic. But Rain complicated things a bit.

  71. David

    Need to get back.. Winning would be nice…

  72. Paul

    Evening beach run in Khao Lak, Thailand.

  73. Andi

    Got new wheels, so if the weather allows, a couple of rides.

  74. Roy Atkinson

    Back to work, so a couple of runs and a cycle at the weekend.

  75. Tim

    3x3500m freestyle swim
    2x 10k low speed running
    Core Strength exercises in between

  76. Sven

    A quick 10k tempo run on Monday.

  77. Kevin V

    The “ronde van Vlaanderen” Cyclo saturday (227km) and recovery ride sunday

  78. Jeremy Linter

    My training has been put on hold while I decorate the nursery and assemble a cot in preparation for our first child….if I work hard enough I may be able to go for a run

  79. Toms

    I will ride a bike for fun!

  80. Emil

    Too late?

  81. lots of dog walking and bbq

  82. Angelo Bryant

    My goal is to win my home race in 2016

  83. Peter

    Just running, preparation for the Prague Marathon.

  84. Bogbrush

    Another 40 miles of running as prep for London Marathon

  85. Asbjoern

    Go up and down some hill and, if weather permits, ride around aimlessly for several hours.

  86. Pawel

    Hard one. For next three days:31k long run,next day 20×1′ HM pace, and last one will be 14k treshold.