I’m sure many of you received various sports gadgets over the last few weeks as part of the holidays. But for those unlucky elves who received a half-eaten gel packet in their Christmas stocking from their not-so-significant others, I’ve got a festivus of a present for you: This giveaway.
The winner will get a $500 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime. By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell. If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 to a BSX Gen2 Insight to a random pair of socks to the 4iiii’s Precision Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer. Whatever floats your boat.
How to enter:
Simply leave a short description of what product you’d get and why (but don’t worry, you can change your mind later if you win).
The reason you need a short description of ‘’why’ is that if you just put a simple product name (i.e. A360), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters. And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM. Got all that?
Good luck!
The giveaway entry period will run through Thursday, December 31st, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time. Winner will be selected randomly. One entry per person. The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.
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A Limits 105 172.5mm crank arm power meter for my roadie please :-)
My first power meter! Most likely the power2max.
a new trainer…
I would buy a power meter, probably the 4iiii one. to put it on my road bike that sits currently on my tacx flow and also for training to power in the summer.
Regards Dominik
A fenix 3 would be nice to assist in my training.
Tacx Vortex Smart Trainer for my cross-training days this winter!
I asked for a Fenix 3 from Santa but never got one…
I’d like a Garmin FR235. They still need to work on the HR bit to make it closer to perfect, but it would be just what I need. Running, activity tracking, pulse measurement without a strap. Just what the doctor ordered!
Well but I actually trying to buy a Garmin Fenix 3. I going out of an injury and back to trainning in 2016!!
I would possibly upgrade to the Garmin 920 and hand down my 910 to a nephew.
An Edge 520 to keep me informed on the bike.
I’d buy the tacx smart upgrade so I can use my laptop with my new vortex trainer.
Me, I’d go for the Fenix 3. My 910 is on it’s last leg, so this would be a good next step.
Fenix 3 and foot pods, please!
It would be nice to get rid of my HR monitor…would love a garmin 235!
Garmin edge 520 for the live Strave segments
A Garmin 235 would be awesome!
GoPro Hero 4 Silver!
A power meter would be great. Or a Garmin Edge 1000 to replace me old Edge 200.
I’m looking for a power meter…. that would be really nice ;)
Powertap P1 power meter to allow me to have a power meter in my pedals.
A Garmin Fenix 3 would definitely motivate me to take part in a triathlon in 2016.
I would get a Garmin 920XT to replace my Polar V800
Either Garmin FR 235 or Fenix 3…hmm…
Power tap wheel-set. 2 in 1
I’d love to upgrade my tri watch to a 920 XT. I love my gamin 310 but it’s getting old :/
I would get a Wahoo Kicker because it’s starting to really get cold outside, I would like to try zwift, and you DC Rainmaker has been touting it for years, I’d like to try it.
Still need a crank for my new bike. So I’d go for the Powertap C1…
I’d really like to get a FR235 for a built in heart rate monitor!
I’ll go for garmin 520 because it’s very handy and complete for my road bike
A random pair of socks!! I love socks
Would like a new trainer.
Fenix 3 because my forerunner 910xt is not as smart as the fenix 3 and it is three years old ;)
A Garmin Vivoactive. Because it looks pretty and great. And pretty great.
The BSX Insight was on my Christmas list, but convincing Santa was a challenge. I’m a huge data geek when it comes to running, using it to train smarter over time, and the Insight is the missing piece of my arsenal!
I’m after a Garmin 920xt and the mounting kit.
I’d like to get some new running gear and a wifi scale to gear up for winter training.
Power training indoors all winter it would be a power meter for sure. Not to concerned wit the brand…Happy New Year!
Definitly a powermeter!
Rollers. I get so bored on the trainer, and need a new challenge. Rollers would be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
920xt tri bundle. I love that gray + black combo.
I would get the Fenix 3, I’ve ran 3 50 mile ultras this year and need an endurance watch!
Tough choice since the snow is covering the ground. Either a new trainer that would allow enrollment in Zwift. Or, a power meter in case spring comes. Thanks for all your hard work!
I want a Giro Synthe Mips Helmet, because my old helmet stinks!
One of the new Garmin watches. My old one is on its last legs. Time for an upgrade.
I could really do with i nice new wetsuit or a garmin 920xt would be sweet!
I’d love to have Garmin Forerunner 630. For me, it is perfect running watch. And it looks fabulous in blue.
I’d love a right side 4iiii to go with the left-side I already have and love!
I would like a new Garmin running watch.
I would love to upgrade my Forerunner 220 to a 630!
Hi ! My dream is Fr630! Herzchen Herzchen Herzchen
I would get a vivofit 2 because I have been borrowing a friend’s and have come to love it.
Wanted the Polar A360 for my wife, but thanks to Ray’s review will be taking a closer look at Vivosmart HR.
Fenix 3. Need an activity tracker to spark competition with my 9 year old who got a vivofit 2 from santa. I figure it is better to go the fenix to replace my ambit2s rather than adding another device on my wrist.
A new forerunner 235 for sure. Or maybe a trainer. Thanks Ray!
I’d order a wahoo kickr trainer. I have a very simple trainer right now so it’d be nice to be able to upgrade!
Probably the 920xt since my old 910 is struggling to turn on!
All the things! Or at least $500 of all the things..:)
I’d get a GoPro Hero 4 Black to shoot some skiing footage
Tacx Neo. The east coast US winter weather hasn’t really hit yet, but when it does I need all the help I can get to stay on the trainer.
I’d buy the Garmin fr235 for my girl. She just started running and she’s doing great, but regular hr-straps don’t work on her. With the rest of the money I’d buy a footpod for my polar m400.
A Fenix 3 please! To cover all my activities from surfing to hiking to Tri.
A Garmin Edge 520 and Varia light/radar setup because I’m tired of using my Forerunner to track bike workouts.
A Wahoo Kickr to help me survive training for IMFL indoors in Iraq
Santa Rain Man,
I would 100% go for the Fenix 3. I have been eyeballing that watch for 5 months. Was hoping to get it for Christmas but my wife told me that it was way too much money. I am a beginner triathlete and outdoors man. I would never take this watch off!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for the opprtunity!
Perhaps a new Garmin FR235 or something new from Suunto/Polar
I’d love to get a Garmin Edge 1000 or a new sock wardrobe with some arm/leg warmers, my socks are getting seriously raggedy.
The new Garmin Vivosmart HR, assuming your upcoming review is positive.
I think it’s GoPro time for 2016
The old Garmin is dying a slow and painful death. Trying to decide between the 235 and 630.
Best wishes to you and the the Girl for a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Garmin watch would be very kind!
Power meter for sure. Not because I need it or because it will make me better, but because they are cool.
Fenix 3 is the first that comes to mind. I am sure that’s going to be the most popular request here :)
I would probably get bike cadence/speed sensors and a trainer. Winters in Indiana are hard on bicyclists. Might also get my husband a tracker to wear or trainer. I’m also ready to do some swimming and a little running. I have a vivoactive that I won from work. Love it!
I am looking at one of the Garmin watches. Can’t really decide yet on which one.
An upgrade of my running watch from Forerunner 220 to 630 would be great.
Fenix 3 ready for next years ultras
I would get a Fenix3 probably, because it looks like an awesome all-around training watch!
I would get the 4iiii’s Precision Power Meter. I’ve been training for tri’s for 6 years using HR and perceived effort to improve. I feel like i’m making little gains now and believe and would like to try a power meter to take me to another level.
Garmin fenix 3, Silver
Garmin FR 235 nothing is more convenient that already having your running watch on your wrist, best way to do that combine it with your activity tracker HR monitor
I’ll take a Fenix “4”!!!
A garmin 920xt would be amazing (well, anything free would be amazing :) )
Garmin Fenix 3 watch will really help as im doing my first ironman this coming December 2016.
Probably put the money towards a Kickr
I was hoping for a Garmin 520 Edge. It’s time to take my cycling to the next level and perfect my cadence and pedal stroke.
Fr 920xt please
Wahoo Kickr – because let’s face it just like the Stark’s say “Winter is coming”.
A Virb or a Fenix3 Saphire. I have been looking at action cams a long time, i could get some good footage, but my current Smart watch is lacking in build quality and is sporting a few cracks, maybe it is time for a new one?
Any Watch is fine!
Power Meter!! been eyeing on those power2max power meters for a time to replace my old garmin speed/candece sensor but budget is still tight right now
Was totally hoping for a 520 and some tri shoes – no luck with Santa, but the random number generator will do me proud
Rose gold fenix 3. I’ll run faster…. right?
I would love to get the new Powertap pedals.
I’d start with a new heart rate sensor. The one I have has been providing readings I’m pretty suspicious of.
Garmin Forerunner 235. I currently have the the 620 with the heart rate monitor but rarely use the heart rate monitor. Having the optical sensor in the watch would definitely be cool
A new Fenix 3 would be very nice!
Garmin Edge 25 for my bike and HRM-Tri for my Fenix 3 !
Powertap P1 pedals to start training with power.
Fenix3 . well it simply looks better than my current ambit2 ?