The Didn’t Get What You Wanted $500 Gadget Giveaway


I’m sure many of you received various sports gadgets over the last few weeks as part of the holidays.  But for those unlucky elves who received a half-eaten gel packet in their Christmas stocking from their not-so-significant others, I’ve got a festivus of a present for you: This giveaway.

The winner will get a $500 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell.  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 to a BSX Gen2 Insight to a random pair of socks to the 4iiii’s Precision Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer.  Whatever floats your boat.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of what product you’d get and why (but don’t worry, you can change your mind later if you win).

The reason you need a short description of ‘’why’ is that if you just put a simple product name (i.e. A360), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM.  Got all that?

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Thursday, December 31st, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Daniel

    I would love to get a Garmin fenix 3 as it seems to be the most complete sports watch out there at the moment.

  2. I wanted Garmin Fenix3 because my Suunto watch just broke on Christmas Day…

  3. Dillon

    I would get the Forerunner 630 because I’m a data geek and any analytics about my runs are helpful.

  4. Yuriy

    I’d get a new 920xt instead 305!!!

  5. Jason C

    A Garmin 520 or smart trainer.

  6. Todd Thorsgaard

    Love your site and your insight! I am quite interested in the Garmin 920xt tri bundle to help me plan and improve in all three sports in an integrated way! Thanks!!

  7. steve

    I would love a power meter!

  8. cg

    I would like a powertap C1 to replace my growing old G3.

  9. My wife is excited about getting into triathlons so I’d get her a garmin watch, some shoes, and a wet-suit.

  10. Brad

    I’d probably get a Garmin fr235 to replace my Fitbit surge.

  11. Shawn Faucher

    I would buy a bike trainer so my new bike wouldn’t sit useless in my garage for 3-4 months of the year.

  12. Tim M

    I’d put it towards a tacx vortex smart. I’d like a training alternative to the dark, rainy days in Seattle.

  13. Rick

    920xt tri bundle because my Garmin 110 just doesn’t cut it anymore

  14. Charlie

    Garmin 235 so I could ditch the chest heart rate strap.

  15. David

    This will become a $500 discount on the power meter of my dreams!

  16. Steve

    I would LOVE some power pedals! Crossing my fingers …

  17. Kaitlin

    my husband wants to start racing triathlons this year and I would like to compete in a metric century so maybe a bike trainer so that we could both train at home when necessary.

  18. Ron

    The Garmin Fenix 3 – fantastic collection of features. Great battery life.

  19. JB

    I’d get a a 4iiii power meter. It’d about time I get my power tracking on!

  20. Charley

    I would get get an indoor trainer, in order to continue riding during the bad weather.

  21. David

    I would get me a Garmin FR 235 and maybe a good number of random pairs of socks to use up the rest.

  22. Ryan

    I would pick up the garmin fenix3. I would love a cool outdoor gps watch for hiking and running.

  23. Nina

    Power Meter!

  24. Robert D

    A Fenix 3, because the guys at Polar left me out in the dark with all the features they promised for the V800 but didn’t implement.

  25. Nick

    New Garmin Forerunner!

  26. Mikael

    Fenix 3 :-)

  27. Tracy

    I’d get the Powertap C1 power meter!

  28. Lester li

    A new GPS watch. Still using the forerunner 305, can’t get it to upload anymore

  29. Marco

    I would buy a new Garmin, perhaps a 620 or 920

  30. Michael s

    It’s got to be a garmin fenix 3 – the ultimate watch

  31. Rebecca Kieselbach

    A new watch! Or maybe a trainer, can’t decide!

  32. Robert Winterhalter

    Santa must have forgot to bring me a Garmin Fenix 3. Clever Training will not forget.

  33. chris benten

    I would get the Wahoo Table and the new Wahoo ELEMNT.

  34. Roberto

    I need power meter pedals (The Garmins Vector would be perfect…).
    At the moment I have no power meter and I need to combine some quality bike training with my running. Currently I am running every day for commuting and I need to control the cycle training accurately or all my efforts will be useless!

  35. I would get the FR 225 along with a couple of new pairs of running shoes! You can never have too many, and since my goal is to run more this year, I’ll need them!

  36. Alan Solot

    Garmin 520 since I have a Joule GPS and everyone else has a Garmin.

  37. Kent Dale

    Either a power meter or aero bars. Thanks!

  38. Matt

    I’d get the Garmin Forerunner 235 since my 210 takes forever to get a GPS signal and the charging cable is half broken.

  39. Amy Hoffman

    Buy. All. The. Things! Or maybe just a rose-gold Fenix 3.

  40. Jim

    BSXinsight 2.0 for me. In fact, given my Christmas present was a pair of trousers (wtf?), I think there may well be a few other things that could catch my eye as well…

  41. Anton Peterson

    I would get the Tacx Satori smart trainer. In the market for a turbo trainer.

  42. Mick Anderson

    something power’ish for bike

  43. Kris

    Elite Qubo – winter’s coming… :-)

  44. Ronen Ben Ari

    I would love to have the Forerunner 635.

  45. Adam

    I would want to get the bePro Dual Side Power Pedals because there’s so much information I haven’t been able to tap in to without a power meter.

  46. Pedro

    A power meter for me, please, so that I can start training clever…

  47. Kate

    I was hoping for a Scosche RHYTHM (or other brand (heart rate monitor). Coming back from an injury and was thinking I would seize the opportunity to try heart rate training for the first time ever. Also, wanted a headlamp!

  48. Ben

    Garmin fēnix 3!

  49. Martin Levasseur

    I’d certainly like a new watch, my Garmin 310XT feels a bit old (although it still works great). Or maybe it would be time for a GoPro. Hmmmm, much to think about about.

  50. Nicholas

    I would like PowerTap power meter.

  51. Ryan Jeffery

    4iiii power meter

  52. i would Like fenix3 as gift for my wife, the White rosegold version as perfect as it gets for woman :)

  53. Mike S

    Getting myself a power meter and some new apparel for all this weight I lost this year

  54. Michael G Castro

    Its been a few years since my garmin wore out. I think I would go with the one of the newer Garmin’s to help monitor my running. The technology has come along way since I bought my last one.

  55. scott

    Probably the fenix3. Already have powermeters on my roadie and CX bikes. And I much prefer riding rollers over trainers.

  56. Daniel

    What?: Redshift aerobars and seatpoast.
    why?: because I can’t take the plounge to a new tri bike yet

  57. Carlo

    A forerunner 630 or fenix3 please…

  58. Garmin Vector 2 upgrade pedal to have a full PM

  59. Brion

    Fenix 3, because my 920xt was stolen from my truck :(

  60. Misha

    I would love a 4iiii Precision Power Meter so I can finally replace my PowerTap wheel that constantly goes out of true.

  61. Fabian

    Garmin edge 520. One for me and one for my dad. Really want to start the racing season fresh and begin with measuring power+HR.

  62. Tony Yang

    If I won, I would get a Garmin Forerunner 230 as at this point in time it seems more practical than the 235 and 630 for me. When I first started running, it was only for my health as I had a lung issue, but as time went on, I soon fell in love with running. This year alone, I have accomplished many firsts: first half marathon, first 20-miler, and first marathon. In the upcoming year of 2016, I will continue to run just because and move foreward whether I have a GPS running watch or not. My goal this year is to qualify for Boston and the year after that, the Big Sur. Running isn’t a will, but a must!

  63. Carl Belanger

    The new garmin 630!

  64. Ryan

    Fenix 3. Do all device.

  65. Rodrigo Santos

    I would like to have a brand new Garmin 920XT as my 310XT is getting old and taking ages to get some signal!!!

  66. Suunto Traverse to spend time in the mountains

  67. Tim

    A power meter. Why? Because that’s the only thing that my bike needs :)

  68. Matt

    Wahoo Kickr. It’s winter

  69. Bryce

    I would put it toward a power meter. Most likely the P1’s from power tap so that I could transfer between bikes.

  70. Tracey

    I would love to replace my old Garmin with a 230 or 235!

  71. Paul

    Definitely going powermeter!

  72. Carl

    The Vivoactive for my wife. We just had our first child, and she’s just able to be active again.

    I wanted to get her an activity tracker for Christmas that would encourage/measure her stats while she attempts a return to triathlon, but some medical bills set us back.

    As new parents, finding time to pursue fitness is a big challenge. The Vivoactive would help her structure her training in a big way.

  73. Akshay Samel

    4iiii power meter, have the wahoo Kickr, would love to have another power meter for road use.

  74. jen

    a bike trainer for ironman training

  75. Mike J

    The Tacx Vortex trainer looks interesting, but then so does a Garmin Edge 520 or 1000, and then there is also the Forerunner 920XT option. If I win I’ll be sure to make a quick decision. Thank you for the opportunity.

  76. ryan

    i would get 1/2 of a kickr wahoo or a power meter.

  77. Marc verdoold

    A fenix would be epic, or wait the epix! I just like the model and would be nice for mountain biking and hiking.

  78. Billy

    Hey Ray, thanks for the giveaway!

    I’d probably get the Garmin 235, and possibly some accessories (like a foot pod perhaps). I’d like the option to go optical with my heart rate tracking, and I’ve already had to send in my Polar M400 once for the micro USB port failing entirely. I’m a pretty basic runner, so a running watch is all I need.

  79. Kelly

    I would buy a wahoo kickr and enjoy indoor training

  80. Allen Day

    I’d either get a new Suunto Ambit or Garmin Fenix. Probably. I’d definitely get a more advanced running watch than my current TomTom Cardio.

  81. Jean Ayotte

    A Garmin FR235 to get rid of the heart strap.

  82. ben

    ANT FE-C trainer– maybe a Tacx– would love to have a controlled resistance unit!

  83. Derek

    I’d probably put it towards a power meter

  84. Tom Albrecht

    I’d really like to update my 910xt to a 920xt. I know a couple people who could use the current one I have.

  85. Sylvester Jakubowski

    Fenix3! Because my Fenix 2 is awesome but the F3 is awesomer.

  86. Steve Williams

    A Garmin Forerunner 230 for the wife and a Garmin Speed/Cadence sensor to pair with my 630

  87. Gary R.

    When I win, I’ll probably put it towards a good trainer (Wahoo KICKR is currently on my list). I have an older one, but this would be a good excuse to upgrade.

  88. Matt Gardiner

    Fenix 3 performer bundle with a Garmin HRM-Tri.

  89. Kyle

    Power Meter. Just started to up my cycling and would love to train by power.

  90. Ed St John

    A Kicker. Still trying to cut the cord (literally) with the old Computrainer. . .

  91. David Turner

    I would get a Garmin 920xt because my 910 is slowly dying.

  92. James

    I’d love the Garmin Fenix3. I am a casual but regular triathlete and now only have a gps watch for running. I’d love 1 device I could use to track my data for all 3 triathlon disciplines.

  93. Rene

    Garmin Forerunner 235 please!

  94. Matt

    I’d get the Garmin FR 235 to start tracking my running and keep up my exercise!

  95. John Riordan

    Would love to get the new Garmin swim heart rate strap to start

  96. Garvin

    Oh man… I would get the 630 + hr monitor since I started running longer distance and could really use a running gps watch

  97. Cary

    I would love a 4iiii power meter so I could train with power.

  98. Dils

    I got a new Garmin, so I’m happy already. That said, I love the bouncy feeling of a brand new pair of running shoes, so that’s probably what I’d get.

  99. Geert

    It would be great to have new Polar V800, so I can combine my two sports, running en mountain biking.

  100. Luke

    Must… have… POWER!