I’m sure many of you received various sports gadgets over the last few weeks as part of the holidays. But for those unlucky elves who received a half-eaten gel packet in their Christmas stocking from their not-so-significant others, I’ve got a festivus of a present for you: This giveaway.
The winner will get a $500 credit to CleverTraining.com, my most excellent partner in this giveaway crime. By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell. If you win, you can use that credit for anything from the new Garmin Fenix3 to a BSX Gen2 Insight to a random pair of socks to the 4iiii’s Precision Power Meter, or heck, even towards a new trainer. Whatever floats your boat.
How to enter:
Simply leave a short description of what product you’d get and why (but don’t worry, you can change your mind later if you win).
The reason you need a short description of ‘’why’ is that if you just put a simple product name (i.e. A360), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters. And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM. Got all that?
Good luck!
The giveaway entry period will run through Thursday, December 31st, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time. Winner will be selected randomly. One entry per person. The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.
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4iiii power meter. Already have one on my tri bike, still need a power meter on my road bike.
I’d go for a new Fenix 3, because well why not?
Maybe a new trainer. I wouldn’t mind getting more connected as I head into the tri season.
I actually wanted the BSX Insight but the wife failed to listen… Not surprised though.
A dual leg power meter (4iiii or Watteam if it comes out in time) to help me chart progress as I work through a right leg injury.
Definitively garmin fenix 3
I wanted the Rose Gold Fenix3! I told my husband but apparently he doesn’t care about me enough to buy it for me.
I’d get a power meter since I hate having only power on my weekend ride. Sigh.
I wanted the Tacx Neo but have no monies. *womp womp*
Garmin 520 to integrate with my Varia
Fenix 3 because my Fenix 2 isn’t cool enough to hang out with all my running friends!
I would love to have the Forerunner 630.
Running is my passion. I strive to become a better runner. From being 256 pounds to now a Boston Marathoner with a marathon PR of 2:50. I want to further analyze my gait to improve technique and form to become faster. I want to overcome my limits. I want to run faster and farther!
4iii power meter. I wpuld love to start trainning with power!
#allflashnodash, I’d like some power pedals.
Garmin520 for me!
Tacx Vortex so I can still train on deployment.
A new Garmin 520 to replace my old 705.
Garmin 920xt tri package, because the 910 isn’t the best any longer
Either the Garmin Vector 2s or the Powertap P1 pedals. I want them for obvious reasons :)
I’d get a Garmin Forerunner 235 because I’d love to upgrade from my 210.
I really wanted to get into a new Garmin Fenix 3 this Christmas as it would have made my new year resolutions more credible… Maybe next year or courtesy of dcrainmaker… :-)
I’m in need of a tri watch. But a fancy new trainer to play Zwift on would be nice too. Probably the watch though….
I would love to have a power meter but cannot afford one right now!
A new Forerunner 920XT to replace the one that sidled off with my lost luggage…
I would get the new Wahoo bike computer to help with my wife’s training
4iiii power meter. I don’t have a power meter and it seems a good fit. Thanks!
A Garmin fenix would be awesome to replace my ambit. The ambit is great but they just can’t sort out their Android app… And who can be bothered with cables!
I hope the product I am waiting for will be announced at CES.
My smartphone with Google Fit automatically identifies and registers my steps, runs and cycling activities with good accuracy. But it is useless for swimming or spinning.
I have a Mio Fit around my wrist which does a good job of registering my heart rate. But it does not sync with Google Fit.
Some smartwatches apparently do quite a good job of registering different activities automatically themselves (f.e. withings activité (pop)). But without precise data (swimming stroke and speed, heart rate).
Dedicated sports watches (Garmin, TomTom, Suunto, …) are still pretty “dumb”: you have to tell them when you are moving, swimming recognition can be limited (TT), optical HR can be lacking (Garmin), Google Fit integration is often poor or non existent.
Smart watches are often not waterproof enough for swimming, even the ones targeted at sports (fe Motorola 360 sports).
So in summary, I would like to see a device that combines:
– optical HR, preferably continuously
– automatic sports tracking including swimming, running, cycling, spinning. Triggered by accelerometer and/or optical HR
– Google Fit (and apple health) syncing
– sleep tracking
– smartphone notification, but this is not mandatory.
I will stand in line for such a device. Hopefully soon.
I would love to get the Garmin forerunner 230 since my current GPS watch has reached the end of its life and I can’t afford to get a new GPS watch to replace it.
Wahoo Kickr, because my significant other couldn’t understand why I need yet another trainer.
i want an optical HRM
I would really appreciate 20 (give or take) pairs of socks, so for the three weeks after I win I can wear a new pair everyday! #livingthesream
KICKR. It is actually cold and rainy in the SF Bay Area for the first time in years!
If get 2 wahoo kickr stands for my tandem training needs!
fenix 3. ordered, there was a serious delay, then cancelled and opted for the TT spark… now have regrets… even ordered the tempe…
Garmin varia to keep me safe on solo rides!
Wanted a second road bike. A cheap thing with disc brakes on it.
For me a Garmin edge 1000 for navigation and following trails
A Garmin fenix 3 would be awesome to replace my Ambit2
A new Garmin Edge or a power meter would be nice because I want to some duathlons in 2016.
Ambit3, i need one for my first mountain ultra run
power meter. need the motivation of knowing just how weak i am :)
A power meter! I would to start training with power for the upcoming tri season.
The Garmin Edge 520 would be a great upgrade to my current bike computer.
I would get the 920xt Tri Bundle, because unlike the other versions, it’s not clown colored. It also has swim HR data and run dynamics too…which is cooler than my 910 I guess.
Pioneer Shimano DuraAce 9000 Power Meter Crank Arm — cus yeah, DA all the way!
I want either a power meter or Wahoo Kickr because I got neither this year.
I would buy a 4iiii since I still need a power meter for my bike.
ALL i got for christmas was SOCKS!!! all socks. wanted a 920xt and a vivosmart hr. (allthough I am awaiting Ray’s verdict on the hr precision on the vivosmart hr. – unfortunately cannot wear chest-based HR monitoring and the vivosmart hr is the same price as mio velo when on offer.
Power tap p1 pedals – $500 would go a long way to making them a touch more affordable.
4iiii’s Precision Power Meter for me, I don’t have a power meter yet and wouldn’t mind giving it a go
4iiii power meter because I don’t have one yet
4iii power meter. I’ve never ridden with one before have desired for one for such a long time.
Wahoo Kickr, that would be nice.
Forerunner 235 or Fenix 3 if I’m spending free money. My F405 (am I the last person using one?) is proving to be too durable and still functioning 7.5 years on for me to spend my own money on something with an equivalent feature set.
I’d use it to get an Inpower powermeter. – I’d have to make up the balance myself.
I have one on one bike and it makes such a difference to how I ride and how I view my progress and my fitness that I want another one for my second bike.
It’s great – and it just works.
I would get the fenix 3 so I can track my multiple activities, plus it looks awesome.
I would spend it on a Garmin bike computer! Not sure which one yet…
I’d love to get a Fenix 3 for my trail running…
I would like to get a BSX Gen2 Insight. I am a gadget freak and would like to train close to my lactic acid threshold.
Fenix 3 – the best training watch at the moment
Powertap P1 pedals so I can finally start training/racing with power
Since I no longer run long distances I would probably go for the new spark gps watch with music and optical HR.
Thanks :-)
4iiii power meter, cause it looks like a decent power meter
Fenix 3 sapphire, avid runner and swimmer..
I wanted a power meter for my road bike, but I didn’t get it because my wife would rather get her endless supplies of crafting materials and outrageous gifts for her sisters and parents.
I will for sure go for a new power meter…
I’d definitely ask for a 4iii power meter!
I’d get a FR920XT since my FR310XT is a bit old by now and I need a practical device for my first IM70.3 this summer.
PowerTap P1 is my choice
A fenix 3 or a 920xt because I am taking part in my first triathlon this year.
A Vivosmart HR would do quite nicely.
Wahoo Kickr Snap because it’s too cold outside.
4iiii power meter because i would to start trainning with power!
I would get a new tri-watch, probably the Fenix 3 or 920 XT from Garmin. My Fenix 2 has given me nothing but trouble since about a year ago, but I still like the brand.
I’d get the Garmin 235, as I prefer not to have to use an HR strap, and a bunch of socks to walk off the weight I gained over the holidays!
I’d get a Garmin Forerunner 235, because my 220 is starting to act a bit funny.
Will probably start with a Vector 2 upgrade kit because I can’t seem to get that online in New Zealand so clever training it will be.
Withings WS-50, so I can keep track off and start working of the pounds I’ve gained over the holidays.
wifi weight scale and sleep tracker would be nice!
My wife started running recently so I’ll buy her a running watch.
I would like to get Garmin Fenix 3.
Reason: android compatibility, smart notification, daily watch usage, run metrics, tri functions.
It would be nice to have a fenix 3!
I’d like to get a Garmin Forerunner 630 because I do not have the money to buy it.
forerunner 235
A power meter would be nice for measuring power during cycling.
Definitely a power meter. Currently I can only do power training on my indoor trainer, but with nice weather I miss my power output at the hills.
The Forerunnner 630, but hey… I got the Vivosmart HR, it’s a step of the way.
Scosche rhythm+. So tired of my chest hrm belt!
I’d get a power meter for my 14 y/o road and track racing daughter to use – she’s the good cyclist in the household, not me ;-) Probably Stages or 4iiii.
Either a power meter, or saving it for the fenix 4 or 930xt :)
A Wahoo Kickr. Really need to jump on the smart trainer bandwagon.
Powertap C1. Because I have a serious lack of power meter in my possession.
A power meter for me as well! One of the last things on the list!
A power meter would be great, although maybe slightly depressing compared with what I think I can generate……….
The “Cycleops The Silencer Direct Drive Mag Trainer” because the weather is starting to get wintry outside, and nobody in my apartment building wants to hear the tire friction from a magnetic or fluid trainer through my floor.
A Garmin Edge 520, so i can easily navigate the Spring Classics in Belgium next year!
Garmin FR630 + GoPro HERO4 will surely help me cleverly training for my first 50K trail running competition in 2016!
4iii power meter. Want to build up a bike for really long distance rides, but would hate to not have power on it.
i want to buy garmin varia and vario light front and rear!!!!
A garmin 520 as my girlfriend has stolen my 800 for the new bike I just gave her!
A power meter because I really like having power on my indoor trainer and I want to have it on my outside rides too. I would also look into the sunglass selection they have because my old pair has seen better days.
Hi Ray,
I’d be seriously considering the Garmin 630 – not really sure if I want to go touch screen, but my Ambit2 is starting to feel a bit bulky….
I want the new Garmin Fenix 3 for all the activities possible around – just an amazing gadget!