A November Garmin (Fancy) Fenix3 Giveaway


It’s somehow already halfway through November, and we’ve lacked a giveaway this month.  Heck, did we even have a giveaway last month? That seems like eons ago.  My bad.

No worries though, I’m here to save the day.  Or at least, save Tuesday.  I’ll be giving you a Fenix3.  But not any Fenix3, one of their newfangled fancy looking Fenix3 watches.  Had I thought this post through a little bit more, I could have put it on Friday, and named it the ‘Fancy Fenix3 Friday Freebie’, but alas – I didn’t think of that until now as I write on the plane.  My mental schedule is set for the week, and here it is.

In any case, they released these ones back a few months ago.  One is more of a leather strap, and the other more womanly with swanky rose gold trimmings.  Though honestly, it’s still kinda a big watch for a woman – so if you’re more petite – I’ll let you downsize and pick some other GPS watch that Clever Training stocks, even if it might not look as pretty and be lacking the flower power.


Since I landed in a snowy place this evening, we’re going to get you thinking about winter. To enter, simply leave a quick comment with an answer to the following:

How do you adapt your training schedule for winter? Do you change sports altogether, or do you happen to be one of those lucky ducks living in Hawaii?

Giveaway closes Friday evening, November 20th at 11:59PM US Eastern Time.


Oh – and by the way – I’m piloting a bit of a new option for folks to support the blog.  Many of you have asked for a way to simply support more directly than via Amazon or Clever Training purchases.  Now you can!  If you become a DCR Supporter™ (no, not really trademarked) you’ll help support things around these parts.  More tangibly though, you’ll get a totally ad-free site.  Although you’ll still have to put up with my occasional rosé wine inspired tech rants.  And pictures of the food I eat.  And my travels.  None of those disappear.

I use PayPal as a processing provider, but you need not have a PayPal account (it takes any credit card).  I don’t store your credit card info, nor do I sell/giveaway your e-mail/info.  But obviously you’re creating an account here to sign-in (so you can be super-special going forward and skip the ads).  But to be SUPER CLEAR – you need not sign-up to enter the giveaway.  As will ALWAYS be the case, my regular giveaways are free to enter.

You can also sign-up for just my newsletter – which is a roughly once a week collection of my posts and a few additional tidbits.  Again, another thing that a gazillion of you have asked for for many years.  Simply hit up the checkbox at the bottom.

With that – thanks for reading, and the support!  And of course, as always, thanks to Clever Training for giving away some really pretty watches!  You can always save 10% with them via the DCR Coupon Code or VIP program.


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  1. Dennis

    I live in south Florida so nothing to change here… It’s always sunny in Florida =)

  2. Dan H

    More indoor cross training. When outside always put on a pair of gloves. Fingers always goes first.

  3. Johnny

    I reduce my outside runs and hikes to more of a weekend event (and then pray that it doesn’t get rainy/mucky before then). I tighten up the screws and bolts on the ol’ elliptical, and it becomes my workout tool of choice. Nothing beats the cold like running inside your house with a good movie on.

  4. Chris Chapa

    Kickr and TrainerRoad!!!! and running outside!

  5. Irene

    Lots of biking indoors on the trainer, watching tv shows and movies that I don’t have time to watch the rest of the year.

  6. JJones

    Bundle up an ride or hop on the trainer.

  7. Erik B

    I move into the garage and ride my Monark LT2 instead of proper cycling. Good HTFU training for the mind :)

  8. Kristyn

    I layer up to go out into the wintry nightmare for now. As soon as I finish vet school though I’m moving as close to the equator as I can get!!!

  9. Dimitris T

    the winter is not very cold here, so a long sleeve top, gloves and a buff in hat mode will do for even the coldest days…
    I don’t have a good plan for rainy days thought…

  10. George

    Warmer clothes!

  11. Dusan

    Winter – more (snow) trail running for me…

  12. merlinbk

    When that time of the year comes around. I put on a sweater. :) I’m fortunate enough to live in a warm climate. Thank goodness.

  13. Denis

    Summer, winter, or even snow, no change. Ok not during snow ;) But basically keep on running, swimming and cycling !

  14. Keith forshew

    I switch to a little more mountain biking, trail runs, and enjoy skipping swimming!

  15. Jonathan


  16. Guna

    I’ll be running thru snowy forest

  17. Tim Vincek

    back off some,cross train. And ride as weather permits!

  18. Gilyana

    I mostly work on a trainer and run on a treadmill

  19. Ben

    I run in the cold and dark. Biggest change is the amount of profanity.

  20. Matt

    I try to do more inside, but not always realistic. So, i bundle up and hit the trails in the cold. With the right tires, I can even have some fun in the snow.

  21. Henry

    I live in Singapore and no winter here :-)

  22. I got outside for a run. No matter the weather or temperature. Love to be out when the snow starts …. I like to be out on a run when school is called!

  23. Shay Hutchings

    I adabt to my winter schedule by alternating times and gear I use for training.

  24. Kristin K

    Hitting the indoor trainer.

  25. Maurice

    Flannel underpants!

  26. Bart Bloomquist

    Just dress warm.

  27. Fabio Reis

    Happy to leave in a warm place.

  28. Mark

    There’s no bad weather – only bad clothing choices. I just wear more thermal clothing.

  29. Bernardo Harvey

    Thats actually a nice watch to have.. could be a good replacement for my ole’ RCX5 :D

  30. morey

    Winter? What’s winter? We don’t really get winter where I live. I do like to change GPS watches for the season tho’.

  31. George

    In Atlanta, winter training doesn’t change appreciably, just need additional layers of clothes.

  32. Marivs

    More indoor swimming and cross training and less running / riding my bike but here’s to hoping for a mild winter.

  33. Joey Allen

    Thankfully, our winters in Louisiana aren’t too bad.. We rarely see snow, so running in winter just involves a bit more motivation and a headlamp. =]

  34. Jan

    I just move workouts into the gym for the winter.

  35. Nemo

    This year I’m moving my “home office” to Florida for February and March! That should help take the edge off.

  36. Mykl

    Kickr Pandora trainer road. And lots running hats

  37. Jack

    I’m hoping to move to rollers this year but usually I don’t adapt the training much, stay on the bike outside and run in the dark!

  38. Petr

    Got hit by a car while bike-commuting and ended up with separated shoulder… So this winter will be mainly rehab, swimming and gym.

  39. Andy

    Time to hit the slopes at White Pass and do some touring in the backcountry!

  40. I live in Toronto and simply gear up! No excuses.

  41. Scott

    Early Christmas Gift!!!!

  42. Jeff K

    Everything moves to my basement where trainerroad, sufferfest and (now) zwift do their best to make the trainer a little less boring.

  43. Jonathan Tan

    i run so it’s simply a matter of layering up. But ice is a no go.

  44. Greg K

    Break-in the Kickr.

  45. Audrey

    I don’t change a thing

  46. NIKOS

    i live in Greece. no heavy winter here!

  47. John Wilson

    Have to move indoors and switch to the Spin bike for most mid week exercise and runs on the weekends. Really “need” one of those fancy new trainers you just reviewed.

  48. I’m in Austin, TX, so this is actually running season for us. The weather’s down to 50 degrees in the early morning. Light training is underway for the Disney marathon in January and a 50K/50M trail race on Valentine’s Day.

  49. B Hopkins

    I tend to exercise a bit less, and call it my off-season. Living in South Texas, the winters aren’t generally too harsh though.

  50. Mike

    Just suckt it up and brave the elements in Chicago.

  51. Blake Sills

    I don’t change much up with my training here in Texas. Only thing is no more outdoor evening bike rides after work due to shorter days. Those get moved to the trainer.

  52. Benji

    down in the southeastern US, it never really gets cold enough to stop going outside. kinda wish it would just so i could get that ‘ice in the beard’ look that’s really in right now.

  53. Brian

    Way too much indoor training in cold, windy Chicago

  54. jonathan kull

    i take the training indoors in the winter, lots of gym/swiming but also lots of running outsidew

  55. Giedrius

    More swimming & weight training. Less running & biking :)

  56. Taylor Wleczyk

    Just lifting since I am hurt.

  57. John

    Since I do the majority of my riding indoors on the trainer, my winter routine doesn’t change much. I just lower the intensity for a couple of months.

  58. Swim more, ride on the Kickr a lot, and bundle up for outside running

  59. Nicholas Fournier

    Living in Texas, not too many changes except I run in the dark a lot more.

  60. Dave

    I eat a lot so that when I lose the weight my power to weight ration goes up.

  61. Brandon

    Run more and bike less.

  62. Lenny

    Indoor biking and pool swimming, volume and intensity remains the same on running. Bike is more structured indoors and swimming is a lot of technique and not so much volume though it still adds up

  63. Chris Flavell

    Despite us Brits moaning about the weather as if its a hobby, winters over here aren’t really that bad. So any adaption choices can really be summed up as “do i wear a hat or don’t I”. Or more to the point when it does get a little chilly or wet. MTFU.

  64. Shawn Faucher

    About the only thing I change is switching my crosstraining day from cycling to hiking. Otherwise I suck it up and run my normal schedule in the cold. I’d rather run in the cold than heat/humidity any day.

  65. Narbus

    Switch from cycling to running during bad winter conditions

  66. Building that base mileage up on some snow covered roads.

  67. Stephen P

    Winters in Missouri aren’t terrible, but typically aren’t the most cycling friendly. While cycling is my primary sport, I dust off the running shoes and log all the miles I can to fight off the winter lbs.

  68. luis p

    Leg warmers for the really really cold days ~60F in South Florida :)

  69. jamie

    Hi Ray,

    I was intending to do more weights during the winter and hopefully improve my cycling strength. I’m getting older and running out of time to achieve some personal bests that I would like to achieve. I think my endurance is there just need more strength. However my gym is closing, the alternative options are poorly equipped gyms or a lot more expensive examples. So instead for the next few months I will be back to being a pool tart and visiting lots of different pools until I find one that fits with my life. I will also be running on the street more, unfortunately probably cutting back on the cycling for now until I find another gym. Difficult with a family to get out at weekends and then difficult to ride to London from Kent. Not impossible but life expectancy drops a lot with the idiot drivers out there.

    Thinking about stashing a kettle bell in one of the local parks to where I work and doing early morning kettle bell training until someone finds it and nicks the dam thing. Won’t be practical to bring it in by motorcycle every day..

    Keep up the great work Ray.


  70. Gary A

    Here in Texas winter is the training season. We change our trainings when summer comes.

  71. Tanel

    I still try run as much as possible. Also cross country skiing when we have snow. And focus more on upper body exercises.

  72. Mike P.

    I recently acquired a treadmill and I’ll be ordering a Wahoo Kickr in the next day or two. Previously I had endured sub-zero temps while running and riding on a non-smart trainer.

  73. Dan

    With the cooler weather, I will commute to work via bike a couple times a week. This keeps me active during the week and frees up some time when I get home at night.

  74. Roberto José de la Cabada

    I use my trainer when the weather gets crappy. And will now be able to swim indoors! New municipal indoor pool inaugurated this week! So that will not change this year.

  75. M

    Thicker socks, extra layers, and if there’s much snow on the ground, I’ll use my trail shoes for running my regular road routes. Also have to carry water since the outdoor water fountains are generally off in winter.

  76. Bing

    First winter of regular exercise. I bought the Sugoi running tights you recommended and plan on running the same schedule unless there’s too much ice.

  77. Bryce

    I take everything indoors except for running. Trainer Road, Pool Swims and layers while running is how I adapt.

  78. John

    I cut down on outside training in winter, and go to the trainer and the gym. I also cut back some so that in the spring I have more enthusiasm and I’m not tired of it.

  79. JMTechie

    Just signed up for my first half IronMan so to get ready I picked up a Fuji road bike and a Cycleops trainer to start building my bike base over the winter along with a pool membership. I have warmer layered clothing and a park that keeps the paths clear and salted that I can run when it gets into the single digits of the Michigan winter.

  80. More clothes and a mask to filter out the coal smog.

  81. Emil

    Living in Sweden, I’ve cut down on my road cycling and increased the time running, using my trainer and soon also doing some cross country skiing.

  82. Jeffery Rehner

    My run schedule doesn’t change. I dress for the colder weather.

  83. Laurent

    I will keep paddling on the Lac Leman even if it snows. (at least this is the plan). I will also ridie my bike until I reach the snow and then swap to skimo. Lac Leman area is a great play field.

  84. Dave Yeung

    Tend to switch from mostly cycling to a lot more running and occasional bouldering.

  85. Nicholas

    Sometimes the treadmill and sometimes the trainer but mostly layers here in the Inland Empire in So Cal. I’m sure the weather I bundle up for would be routinely mocked in other segments of the country. On a happy/sad note, my wife has stolen my bike trainer which means I get to buy another one. Thanks for the recently published recommendations.

  86. Johannes

    In Finland I just get my skis from the attic and enjoy the winter

  87. Jake S

    Coming from Arizona and now residing in Texas, I’ve always had the dubious benefit of reverse seasons. In the unbearably hot summers, I am often relegated to the treadmill, but in the winter I get to enjoy the crisp coolness that motivates me to run just a little faster!

  88. Lt

    I ride my fat bike every chance I get, swim alot and lift at the gym.

  89. Matze

    More running, less biking. No more outdoor swimming.

  90. Jan Kelley

    Bundle up and head outside.

  91. Davesee

    I ride through the winter as much as possible down to 20 degrees and clear roads–the gear available today to do that is amazing. When colder than 20 degrees or wet/snowy roads–get on the trainer in the garage.

  92. Hector

    I leave in the north-east of the USA. For Winter, just layers and layers on warm clothing. With a forecast of a strong “EL Niño” current this coming months, maybe the northeast will have a mild winter and now snow.

  93. Luis R. De Freitas

    I do most of my training indoors :(

  94. TomC

    More time with the bike trainer and swimming, a bit less running.

  95. Eelke

    Keep on running!

  96. Daniel Widlowski

    Wear way more layers going out for a run, and focus on stretching to prevent cold legs from snapping.

    And cross train on the rainy days.

  97. Suresh

    Fortunately I have a treadmill at home and I catchup on movies and tv shows with an ipad while running when the temperature goes below 15F. But I do make sure I run with my friends outside on all of my long runs irrespective of the conditions outside (-3F was the coldest I ran)

  98. Pete R.

    Minnesota winter weather requires a complete change in my training regimen. If we get enough snow this winter (sadly not a given) then I cross country ski in place of running. Otherwise, it’s the treadmill; it’s the poor footing more than the cold that forces this. For cycling, I ride on the trainer although I am considering a fat bike purchase to deal with the sloppy conditions over the next 5 months. I also spend more time in the pool (it’s hard to go inside to swim when the weather is good enough to run or ride outside).

  99. In Quebec City it can be very cold in winter. I still run outside for most of my run but speed play is done on treadmill.

  100. Michael Love

    Shifting away from endurance training towards weight lifting.