It’s somehow October already, and it’s been months since the Giveaway Extravaganza, and far too many months since a standalone extravaganza. I really need to have more of these. Partly because I love giving away stuff. And partly because if I was smart I’d do more of these posts merely because they take all of about 6 minutes to put together. And in the case of this week, that means I can sit on this beach in Cancun drinking even more all-inclusive drinks instead of writing. Boom!
For everyone else though (except I suppose those either living on a beach or at Kona) – you’ve got the weekend ahead – which is certainly like sitting on a beach. Unless you’re racing, in which case it’s no beach.
For this weekend I (well, technically my friends at Clever Training) will be giving away a brand new Garmin Edge 520. They’ve got plenty of them in stock now, and one has your name on it.
To enter: Simply leave a comment below telling me what your training or racing plans entail this weekend!
Yup, it’s that easy! And yes, you can enter no matter where you live. Louisiana or Lithuania – all are OK! Someone from Lithuania actually won in the most recent giveaway.
Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, unless it’s already on some sort of big sale. From GPS watches to clothing to nutrition.
The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, October 12th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time. Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of your training or racing plans. Unless they are so epic they cannot be ignored.
Hopefully, you found this post useful. The website is really a labor of love, so please consider becoming a DC RAINMAKER Supporter. This gets you an ad-free experience, and access to our (mostly) bi-monthly behind-the-scenes video series of “Shed Talkin’”.
Support DCRainMaker - Shop on Amazon
Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.
Commuting to work on the bike this sunday, being on call this weekend. All of 50K.
Doing my first ever cyclocross race and can’t wait!
Long run tomorrow as I prep for a half marathon in another week. Hopefully a fall bike ride with my hubby.
10 mile run – slow
Training for my first 100km ride from Brisbane to Gold Coast next weekend. Don’t want to get lost. I need a Garmin.
I’m going to be unpacking my bike after last weekend’s Levi’s Gran Fondo. The ride made me aware of what a 20+ % grade looks like. It also made me realize that I’m going to be riding a bunch of hills in my near future so that I don’t have a heart attack. So yes, after the ole trusty stead is built back to its glory. I will be riding some hills and more hills after I am done with the first set.
Just an old overweight guy hoping to log 20 to 30 miles Saturday morning.
Recovering from a marathon last week.
Out of town for a family wedding, so will have to settle for a swim and a stationary bike, otherwise there’s some hero level dirt in the Front Range this time of year.
Long ride Saturday. Long run Sunday. All in preparation for my first 70.3 in Mandurah in a month’s time ???
100+ mile ride from Madison, Wisconsin, to Devil’s Lake state park for one last ride with a good friend before he heads to Europe (insert jealousy).
Saturday is a family ride with my wife and daughter, then settle in to watch a little Ironman coverage. Sunday will be a 3 hour group ride with some of my neighbors.
sprint tri tomorrow and then an 18 mile run on sunday
Maybe a couple short easy rides, resting after a long season of hard riding.
Testing out mountain bikes for potential upgrades. A new Garmin would be the perfect accessory.
quick run this weekend
I’ve got a broken wrist so it just a short ride for me and a run on Sunday.
Going for a 90k ride.
Have a rest period before start new season. So walking and swimming is going to fulfil my weekend
Saturday 10k running and after it 1h roadbike, Sunday MTB :-)
Today I’ll be w the kids at Little Athletics. Tomorrow I have a Cyclo Sportif race on in the Adelaide Hills.
Riding Around the Bay- Melbourne
Usual 100km training ride
Just a short bike ride for my revalidation since my motorcycle accident last year. :)
My plan? Recovery! After doing Ironman 70.3 Silverman, my fiancé and I are giving ourselves some much deserved rest. Still, we’re making time for a short swim, as well as some wedding locale scouting. :) She’d actually be the lucky user of said device if the random numbers fall my way.
Doing some weight training tonight followed by a run tomorrow doing a long run Sunday doing a long bike followed by a run, why? Because I tri that’s why.
Just some recovery riding planned for the weekend.
A fun MTB ride through the forest to see the fall colours.
Planning to do about 40 miles on Sat. and 100 miles on Sun.
Road season has finished so I’m taking a break from the bike. Will run 5km or so and the do some 16oz arm curls tonight
A mountainbike ride tomorrow and a road bike ride on Sunday
Racing my first CX race, hoping that my training has paid off and its a lot of fun.
Bike commute to work even though it’s below zero here already :)
A 50 km ride with my girlfriend through one of most beautiful regions in Poland – Trail of Eagle Nests. It is a trail, that leads through many historical Polish castles, with breathtaking views. Take a look here: link to
50mile climbing ride Sunday morning.
Rest weekend, so my plans are to be pushing the baby round in the stroller and chasing after a toddler in the park.
Riding to work with my trusty old forerunner 110.
I’ll be training on the Austin 70.3 course!
The weekend training: 70km ride on Saturday and 10km run on Sunday.
Winter has come to Sweden. Its below zero degrees celsius but still riding my mtb on Saturday. Sunday it might be a trainer session premier!
In sunny San Diego we can still ride our asses off in 80+ degree weather…I plan hitting a nice 50 miler on Sunday morning!
Try 50 miles each day, make the most of the end of summer!
Brick. 2 hour bike/ 50 minute run.
5k Pumpkin Run tomorrow and then a long 8 mile run on Sunday. Training for my second half!
90 miles piloting tandem with blind cycling mate
This weekend will be a quiet one; since “Joaquin” is heading our Peninsula (at least that’s what they predict), I’m still “on hold” regarding my bike rides: Saturday, Sunday, none of them? Hope at least I get the chance to ride one of the days… ;)
This weekend prob just a 50 mile bike ride and an hour of so of swimming.
2 weeks ago I helped crew the Mt. Taylor 50K here in NM. Winner (Craig Curley) broke the course record. Ran it in 4:13. Last guy was 11 hours+.
Y’all have a great weekend !!
My plans entail a wedding and some back rehab, not necessarily connected.
Riding the single speed all weekend and volunteering/coaching at IMLouisville!!
140 km Bike ride
Hit the trainer in between the kids soccer games and painting the ceiling!
No big plans, but putting together a new bike and getting a few hours in on it!
70 mile training ride Saturday with the group, out and back. Recovery ride from last weekend’s inaugural NT444 from Nashville.
Fall Bike ride through a few small towns hoping so see some fall colors.
I will drive my wife ther tri sprint
In San Diego, doing repeats up the Purple Monster!
Day dreaming of using my new Garmin Edge 520 courtesy of DC Rainmaker & Clever Training ?
Medium long & recovery runs, at least one on trails, likely both in the rain.
Saturday morning parkrun, tri master swim session on Sunday evening and a ZWIFT ride somewhere in between.. enjoy Mexico!!
Maybe the last dry sunny epic ride of the season!
Depends on the weather. Probably a 10km run.
Visitors in town- trying to sneak something short in Sunday morning!
Saturday I will be cheering on my wife as she runs the queen bee half marathon. Following I will hit the weights in the gym and go for a run. Sunday is my long ride day. Cheers!
Last long run on Sunday before my first ever Marathon – Amsterdam, next Sunday.
Back to base training now. Focusing on the distance. 80 to 100km, possibly taking some hills in before winter rules the high ground out.
No training but a weekend with my girlfriend! Monday gonna Hurt I guess
Getting my nails done a ride with the kids
I’ll be giving my new Stages Power Meter a decent ride with 6000 ft of elevation gain in HOT SoCal
Actually, I’m going to have the weekend off for the first time in like nine months
Running a 5k race as part of my half marathon training
Training for AIDS/Lifecycle SF to LA, weekend ride #2, riding with the ladies. An easy 25 miler, looking forward to it.
Running medium distance tomorrow, then cycling some random distance on Sun!
Hey Ray – Fremantle Half Marathon on Sunday morning for me!
Might have a go at Zwift in the morning. Then a Sunday ride with a mate to Cambridge.
Hoping not to get injured on my longest run in six years!
Running in moraira to keep the weight down during the holiday here
Carb marathon then Steamtown marathon
2 hours zone 2 endurance building on the bike this Sunday!
A long “VTT” ride in Saint Germain forest sunday morning.
Doing a MTB Poker Ride on Saturday and going out to support friends doing the Long Beach Marathon by passing out beer at mile 20.
Fast metric century with the club
enjoying the last warmth of summer
Getting the SS cyclocross bike a little dirty while following everything Kona. TRS Radio will be my go to for all the info.
10k run
Nothing just did Ironman Barcelona!
DC Rainmaker is awesome, would love me a 520 :-)
8 miles Saturday, 18 miles Sunday. Ick, upcoming marathon
Half marathon! 13 months post op left hip replacement. Going to try to get close to my PR!
Mountain biking for probably the last time this year before the snow starts flying here in Manitoba, Canada.
Bodypump and Spin class tomorrow morning!
Riding with my Dad around town! Taking it easy. And then running a half marathon on Sunday.
I’m planning a 38mile bike ride. Training for a duathlon in November. Last race of the year.
31mile gravel ride this morning. nothing for the weekend itself as going to Vegas!
4 k swim this morning, one hour bike this afternoon and a half marathon tomorrow :)
relaxing and waiting for the new trainings season begin :-) Greetings from Austria! (country without Kangaroos ;-))
Cyclocross race sunday in Denmark :-)
We’re into spring training here and starting to get ready for move to Melbourne so doing base distance and low-intensity this weekend.
No plans, going on my honeymoon. :)
This weekend is Canberra’s State (Territory) road race and time trail Championships. Just about to start my warm up. It’s going to be a fun weekend!
Try to start training again after my first ironman. so light running and light bike trainer ride