It’s somehow October already, and it’s been months since the Giveaway Extravaganza, and far too many months since a standalone extravaganza. I really need to have more of these. Partly because I love giving away stuff. And partly because if I was smart I’d do more of these posts merely because they take all of about 6 minutes to put together. And in the case of this week, that means I can sit on this beach in Cancun drinking even more all-inclusive drinks instead of writing. Boom!
For everyone else though (except I suppose those either living on a beach or at Kona) – you’ve got the weekend ahead – which is certainly like sitting on a beach. Unless you’re racing, in which case it’s no beach.
For this weekend I (well, technically my friends at Clever Training) will be giving away a brand new Garmin Edge 520. They’ve got plenty of them in stock now, and one has your name on it.
To enter: Simply leave a comment below telling me what your training or racing plans entail this weekend!
Yup, it’s that easy! And yes, you can enter no matter where you live. Louisiana or Lithuania – all are OK! Someone from Lithuania actually won in the most recent giveaway.
Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, unless it’s already on some sort of big sale. From GPS watches to clothing to nutrition.
The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, October 12th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time. Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of your training or racing plans. Unless they are so epic they cannot be ignored.
Hopefully, you found this post useful. The website is really a labor of love, so please consider becoming a DC RAINMAKER Supporter. This gets you an ad-free experience, and access to our (mostly) bi-monthly behind-the-scenes video series of “Shed Talkin’”.
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Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.
Taking a saturday morning ride before the October fest and then we have to see If there’s going to be any cycling on Sunday ?
Planning on a 10k easy run and probably a 50k cycling If weather permits…
A couple of 1.5-2 hour tempo pace trainer rides with Zwift.
Going for a nice long run tomorrow. Love fall weather!
Looking forward to my weekly 80K group ride one day and 10K run the next this weekend.
No racing, but some training: Sat and Sun morning running, distance (relatively speaking) and intervals, about 5 – 10 mi each day.
I’ll be racing in the single speed race at minuteman cx!
Saturday morning autumn trail run in the idyllic and chilly Norwegian foresty hills right out from my front door before heading out with my daugher to her soccer cup! :-)
On Saturday: long ride in the swiss mountains
On Sunday: Unfreezing from the ride.
Hour Swim on Sat, easy Bike on Sun.
A simple 35km ride to end the week .
30k ride with my son getting started training for an event
Hop across the pond from Austin to Barcelona for a work event, and hopefully time for a workout on a torture device (aka hotel exercise bike) on Sunday after arrival.
Track, cyclocross, crit racing…and more cyclocross!
Tmrw starting with 3 k swim, followed by 15 k run and later on 8 h of TV, there are some guys in hawaii doing some sports… that is my weekend plan
Uhhh.., A couple of Zwift sessions while watching Abu Dhabi and Kona. :)
hike, bike and run! Algonquin park style
Race simulation.
20 min warmup
2×7 minute zone three with five minutes zone two between each effort
Five minutes zone two rest
3×2 minute zone five with three minutes recovery in zone one between each effort
Five minutes zone one rest
4×30 second zone six with one minute zone one between each effort
On Saturday I got recovery day, after 5 days of training during the week. On Sunday I’m going cycling and it’s going to be amazing- its sunny in Poland but in the morning the temperatures already drop below 0C so the air will be fresh and the roads empty:D
Todah running session: warmup 15′ + 3x [1500 @3:50 + 500@3:30] rec1:30 + 15′ @4:25…legs hurts!
My training this weekend is chasing the kids around the park, doing laps of the kids pool and then rolling my legs over on the trainer tonight.
Lots of mountain biking with my sons (5 and 8yo). We are going on a extended family weekend – lots of kids, lots of biking :-)
Tommorow a 40km ride and an easy swimm.
On Sunday, going to my Mom’s sixtieth birthday ;)
Saturday family day and rest.
Sunday 1 hour crit. Hope the rain stays away ☺
Saturday I ‘ll go riding for about 3hours and Sunday will be a long hike in the mountains for the whole day.
I’m planning on a 12 mile road run on Saturday and 8 mile trial run Sunday but it’s motivating reading everyone’s plans – maybe I’ll get a ride or two in
Sat. 10-12 mi run to prep for upcoming Half
Sun. 20 mile bike ride for upcoming sportive.
This weekend is the last weekend before Beach2Battleship full (my first full iron triathlon) so I will be doing a brick workout on Saturday and then an organized swim on Sunday. All the while trying not to freak out that it will be less than a week until my first full!!!!!
It is fall color season in Minnesota with beautiful weather. I’ll be out cross training carrying my cameras around.
Hosting a 3 and 5 year olds Birthday Party equiv= 80 km ride :)
i received my stages power meter and will be testing and learning more about my output this weekend!
I have my 1st marathon in 2 weeks so I am in taper mode.
Saturday I have an easy 50 min run and Sunday a 2 hour race paced run.
I came off my brand new carbon road bike four weeks ago and did some damage to the AC joint in my shoulder. Oh, and I damaged my bike too – it was a write off. No bike and a recovering shoulder = no training for me this weekend!
Short run on friday evening. Cycling on saturday and sunday. Outdoors or trainer depending on the weather.
Today a have a interval Training for 60 minuttes. I train very Haes every Day. Saturday is my restday bur sunday i will go on a70 km trip. Its a bit cold here in Denmark so it will be slowly. Just to go out for a while
Run Saturday morning and swim Sunday afternoon.
This weekend training is not training! Gotta rest more :)
huh !
no training !
Gotta work all weekend !
50 km mtb in “coto cuadros” In Murcia Spain whit friends
Survival of the Mills 7 stage Triathlon Race
Minimum 50km ride. Its Gattung cold heute. We ll See. Maybe longer
I’m going to race to see how much sleep I get before I got woken up by baby screams.
Ironman Florida training. Saturday is recovery swim. Sunday is big day: 2.4 mile swim, 5hr bike, 2hr run. ??
Conditioning on the recumbent bike!
Riding a GranFondo next Sunday. 150 kms with 2500D+:
link to
Easy trip with family on Saturday. Perhaps 30 – 50 km
21 mile run Sunday, last long run before taper
First long ride since double Achilles surgery 4 weeks ago.
Long run 25km
Due to Canadian Thanksgiving my Saturday ride was cut so I will be riding Zwift for 1-2 hours.
Sunday will be climbing in Gatineau Park ~70km ~1150m.
20 mile ride Saturday morning.
It is a perfect weekend for a training run with my wife and then a relaxing ride in the country to spin out the sore legs!
Nice easy bike.. walk with the woman Sat. 13 Miles with friends on Sun.
This weekend is all about Sunday. 270km ride as preparation for something even longer in a couple of weeks.
50miles on flats with some sprint sessions!
Long club ride tomorrow, long run Sunday.
20 mi bike ride in Raleigh, NC!
Just a standard Brick!
I’m actually volunteering for a triathlon this weekend for a change, to give back after a busy triathlon season. Typically the long ride type on Saturdays. Recovering from a back injury so timing just worked out to volunteer instead of race…
Pick me! Pick me!
Actually not doing any training/racing this weekend. Ithaca is way too cold and wet right now!
11mile marathon training run in the English countryside!
30 to 40 mile ride up the hills!
It is Thanksgiving in Canada. I plan to ride to my wife’s family’s Thanksgiving Dinner (around 30-40km). If I get enough time, I will try to get in a treadmill workout while watching the Ironman World Championships. Go Lionel Sanders Go!!!!!
intervals on saturday and a long run on sunday ;-)
a trainer ride or two and maybe some 4-6 mi runs.
Saturday: 5h in Road bike Zone 2 and Zone 3. Bulding some fondo.
2 bike rides – 50k saturday, 50k sunday
50 mule ride through good ole fort worth tx
I’ve got to run around 6 miles, tapering for an upcoming half marathon. And I’ve got a lot of beer to drink, leftover from my Oktoberfest party. And of course I’ll be watching American football. I’d love a 520 for my bikes!
No training for me this weekend. Got snip snipped today.
Rest day today, followed Sunday by a long 100k ride into the hills. Weather looks to be epicly nice.
Brick workout Saturday morning: long bike ride followed by 10k run. Swim Sunday.
This would prove I’m quicker than my bf !
Boom pick me
MTB Ride with my buddies on saturday, road cycling on sunday. Actually my edge 510 broke down to day.
Need new computer. love Garmin!
Hills, hills, hills today. Need to get some weight off! Flat with a group tomorrow…..
hopefully a rep of trainerroad Hawkmountain, plus a mountain bike ride (which ends up being a fairly random assortment of intervals.) And hike up the local mountain to paraglide off it. :-)
Thanks for the great website Ray!
Riding in Amish country on Saturday and the Metroparks on Sunday.
70km undulating bike ride (possibly in a thunderstorm) and a 10km run (on post Berlin marathon legs) :)
Long ride in Lisbon, Portugal before a week of work.
Saturday group ride. Should be a lovely fall day.
Saturday – club hill climb championship
Sunday – club downhill championship (locked front crank)!
Plan on doing a little hiking at my local lake!
I’m going to warm up for the weekend with some stair reps filling the cellar with a shipment of Prosecco that’s arriving at dawn. Then we’ll to Finale Ligure on the coast to retrace the stages of the Enduro World Series still fresh from last week, with a bunch of MTB singlespeed fanatics ;)
Power profile test (once I fix my dodgy Garmin Vectors) and lots of endurance miles!
Joining an all womens group, on a velodrome track for the first time!
Mtn bike rides with the kids
2 sufferfest videos and 2 cyclocross skills sessions.
If I get Well in time I Will Run 10km on Sunday
Trying to get out and mtb. Great fall weekend in OH
Thanks for the giveaway Ray/CT! This weeks a bit of a rest week for me, so I’m just going out for a moderate intensity 1:30hr ride down to the beach on Sunday, I’m excited for it though, because I just got new shoes and pedals this week!
Parkrun on Saturday and long run Sunday
75k short ride and 200k long ride in the hills
100 miles Saturday and 30 Sunday for the Bike MS Coastal Challenge!
Hopefully going to enjoy a nice run in the mountains in Virginia this weekend if the weather holds up while also attending a friend’s wedding. If I win this, it will not be there wedding gift though, it will be my new toy. ?
Quick 30 mile out and back on Saturday if weather permits.
Just trying to restart some training after over two months of downtime!
At a family wedding and couldn’t bring my bike but riding intervals on monday!
ride out to White’s Ferry (MD side) Saturday am, will have to book it to get back in time to take kids to soccer. Then easy spin on Sunday.
Parkrun on Saturday with some biking after and maybe something longer on Sunday :-)