It’s somehow October already, and it’s been months since the Giveaway Extravaganza, and far too many months since a standalone extravaganza. I really need to have more of these. Partly because I love giving away stuff. And partly because if I was smart I’d do more of these posts merely because they take all of about 6 minutes to put together. And in the case of this week, that means I can sit on this beach in Cancun drinking even more all-inclusive drinks instead of writing. Boom!
For everyone else though (except I suppose those either living on a beach or at Kona) – you’ve got the weekend ahead – which is certainly like sitting on a beach. Unless you’re racing, in which case it’s no beach.
For this weekend I (well, technically my friends at Clever Training) will be giving away a brand new Garmin Edge 520. They’ve got plenty of them in stock now, and one has your name on it.
To enter: Simply leave a comment below telling me what your training or racing plans entail this weekend!
Yup, it’s that easy! And yes, you can enter no matter where you live. Louisiana or Lithuania – all are OK! Someone from Lithuania actually won in the most recent giveaway.
Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, unless it’s already on some sort of big sale. From GPS watches to clothing to nutrition.
The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, October 12th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time. Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of your training or racing plans. Unless they are so epic they cannot be ignored.
Hopefully, you found this post useful. The website is really a labor of love, so please consider becoming a DC RAINMAKER Supporter. This gets you an ad-free experience, and access to our (mostly) bi-monthly behind-the-scenes video series of “Shed Talkin’”.
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Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.
Fast dual carriageway 10mile time trial Saturday, hilly 26mile time trial Sunday!!
45 min easy run with a few intervals sprinkled. Then lasagna for proper after workout nutrition.
10 mile tempo run
I am riding 10 miles as a start toward my rebuilding my marathon fitness, 4 months after ankle surgery
Doing a 20 miles ride on Sunday if the weather holds up.
I will do about 20 miles on Saturday. Sunday is a work day for me. I will do another 20 – 30 on Monday (my day off)
Supposed to have great weather this weekend in the Denver metro area. Looking to get in two rides, one my ‘usual’ out to Red Rocks, around Bear Creek Lake Park and home, @35mi. 2nd ride, possibly hit Lookout Mtn, depending on how the legs feel. Looking forward to being worn out on Monday!
I’ll be honest I am not training this weekend but I’d really like the Garmin!
Easy ride and a physio workout at the gym.
Trying to fit in 2 runs for a Marathon in 2 weeks while driving from Oslo to Northern germany
I got me a 2 x 60 min bike session, a 65 run work-out, 50 min of pool time and then some hours picking apples in the Danish fall weather :)
Trail run Saturday, hike with family Sunday
2500 meter swim this morning. 3-hour ride with my coach tomorrow, and a 10-mile run on Sunday.
And then on Monday, I plan to celebrate Columbus Day with smallpox.
Long road ride Saturday followed up by some mountain bike fun on Sunday.
5km run on Sunday! :-)
Running with flashlight in the night race
Marathon for the second week in a row
Waiting for my hip to heal after falling last week and breaking it!! Yes, ouch,
This weekend I will probably do a longer AM ride on zwift (2ish hours) then do a cyclocross race in the afternoon! I could use a 520 head unit really badly!!
Saturday morning FAST!! 25 mile group road cycle with Richardson Bike Mart Pro leaderless group!
Training for a race: 21km hills run.
Long run on Sunday. Participating in 27km race in a week so it’s going to be the last long run before the event.
Maybe rolling some Lower Austria hills tomorrow, not sure, I’m not up to any lengthy rides this w-e.
I plan on an easy bike ride on Saturday and a long training run on Sunday.
Any ride any distance. Trying to rekindle my cycling habits.
Just some fun trail runs with the girl. My girl, that is.
If the weather is good, I’ll go out on long ride to try out my new zipp wheels. If the weather is crap, I’ll do the zwift kona 112 mile challenge.
Sunday there will distance running.
No racing, just 20k running and 50k riding
Visiting a town thats about 40km from me :D so training and sightseeing at the same time :P
I’m going to ride 120km at Saturday in Western Ukraine
Riding my Elliptigo!
60 km slow pace roadbike riding
Roller ski on Saturday and cyclo-cross on Sunday
First mtb ride of the year, a fun tour on the beach, through forests and meadows!
Just a quick 5K run at saturday.
I will do my last important running Session for the upcoming Frankfurt Marathon in two weeks, a 21k race speed work out. #readytosuffer
Marathon trail run in the mountain.
I’ll be rolling around all weekend on gravel roads training for a couple upcoming races…need that computer to tell me how I am doing out there!
Getting in a ride on the trainer while watching football.
Long base ride
A last long slow distance run before my marathon.
Sunday: cruising on the trainer in my basement while I watch some football
Season is done…doing a fun group ride on Saturday and Sunday which I rarely get to do during race season.
Likely the last two mountain bike rides for the year. Snow is coming to Alberta.
Several 12-16 oz curls. Maybe lifting some things on the rocks since my IM is done.
Getting my back used to the aero bars on an autumn bike ride.
Physical training will take a back seat this weekend as we pick up a 8-week chocolate lab and begin his “training” program.
42 mile Cycle, then a few beers to watch England hopefully try to win a game of rugby
Saturday and Sunday rides on the trainer in Zwift
10k for me
No training this weekend. Foot injury!!!!
On the west coast of Canada. Lots of rain and wind. On the trainer. Maybe zwift.
Long run + recovery run. Keeping it simple.
My plans entail a quick swim an evening on the bike and a quick run Sunday morning
Nothing too exciting I’m affraid
Saturday morning 100k ride with my girl, she’ll school me…Mtb ride Sunday morning, then switching between Kona coverage and Bathurst 1000. Big weekend!
14k uphill followed by 14k downhill run saturday. Easy ride sunday
Working with knee rehab exercises after surgery.
Doing a fitness session tonight.
A 120km bike ride tomorrow and another for sunday.
Long run on sunday And half marathon with watching Kona As bonus on Saturday.
This weekend I’ll combine cycling along the loch I live on with photography. I’ve been taking photographs of the northern lights this week and I hope to do this over the weekend. I love cycling in the dark and using the bike for night training and photography allows me to keep my eyes accustom to low light and also increases the chances of seeing interesting wildlife. I love ticking all the boxes.
18mi long run and an easy recovery ride
30 min run on Saturday!
Brick session planned on one day, run with my best running buddy Billy dog. Also planning to do some turbo training research – thanks Ray!
3 hours on the road
mountain biking kettle moraine state park
Sprint and tabata intervals Saturday and on Sunday a 3-hour endurance ride.
Recovery run after my first half marathon last weekend.
Last long run before marathon in a few weeks.
1.5h ride Friday evening, then 3-4h Omnium Racing (St. Paul, MN, USA) team ride Sunday morning.
If it’s not raining, group ride Sat, if it’s raining then on the trainer!
TrainerRoad for me this weekend, start of the base phase.
2 runs and a mountainbike ride
Hopefully both a bike and run…
Not my normal, but a friend convinced me to do an 85 mile ride with 7000 feet of climbing, Big Bear NY. It would be nice to win the 520 but something tells me I won’t need it because I’ll be dead by Saturday afternoon.
Founders Fall Gran Fondo Gravel Road Ride.
Season is over, so no training in the off season for 3 weeks. Just watching some cyclocross on sunday.
Riding, riding, and more riding. The best kind of weekend training plan :)
Run on Saturday and ride on Sunday!
the 3 C’s of my cycling plan this weekend, conditioning,cadence,coffee
Normal ride and run weekend here in Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia. Sure ready for some cooler temperatures.
Just a ride with a rented bicycle in Bern, Switzerland
After commuting by bike each day this week, rest day on Saturday. 50 miler on Suday with the group.
Shopping-marathon with my girlfriend on Saturday and a hilly 140km ride around Vienna on Sunday ;)
This one looks like a perfect fit for my bike ?
Looking forward to enjoying some October sun with an early morning ride tomorrow then a woodland run on Sunday.
Going to do one of my favorite climbing loops up to Oak Glen! Nice 40miler with 4k of climbing.
120 k on Sunday through central Florida, rolling hills. zones 2 & 3
My training this weekend will be one interval run on the bridges of my town (just tot back) and a long run D1 on sunday morning. No cycling this weekend. But would love the 520 ofcourse.
A couple of hours riding a virtual Puig Major on the wahoo kickr and leg spinner down virtual Sa Calobra
On my sofa see Kona Tri
This weekend I will ride this course: link to
I made it last year shortly after I bought my first road bike, and there is a segment, a climb 3km long and 10% average gradient and it felt for me very very hard.
Now I come back to conquer this segment, I want to see how I stand from previous year :)
Greetings from Romania,
Im riding a 100 miler this Saturday in Mississippi.
Soccer tournament this weekend, followed by a 20 run for the Marine Corps Marathon!
Normal early mornings ride and run weekend in Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia. Sure ready for some cooler temperatures.
Cross race Sunday, last road race of the year Monday!
I am going to enjoy last warm weekend here in central Europe with friends on a group ride!
Bike commute 20km total + 5km on Fri, long cycle Sat approx 120km and Sunday before Ireland beat France in the rugby… 10km run.
Army Ten Miler!
Autumnal ride of a couple of hours.
75km on Sat, race with my 8 year old son on Sunday
This Saturday my coach has me doing what he calls ‘devils’, basically intervals on the bike trainer followed by a transition run. On Sunday he has scheduled me for what he calls a ‘broken ladder’ run (more intervals).
I am training for IM Mount Tremblant next August. Hoping to break 12 hrs.
Right now I have a Suunto Ambit2 (purchased from Cleaver Training with your coupon). I don’t have a bike computer so a new Garmin would be great.
Love your web site. Keep up the great work.