It’s somehow October already, and it’s been months since the Giveaway Extravaganza, and far too many months since a standalone extravaganza. I really need to have more of these. Partly because I love giving away stuff. And partly because if I was smart I’d do more of these posts merely because they take all of about 6 minutes to put together. And in the case of this week, that means I can sit on this beach in Cancun drinking even more all-inclusive drinks instead of writing. Boom!
For everyone else though (except I suppose those either living on a beach or at Kona) – you’ve got the weekend ahead – which is certainly like sitting on a beach. Unless you’re racing, in which case it’s no beach.
For this weekend I (well, technically my friends at Clever Training) will be giving away a brand new Garmin Edge 520. They’ve got plenty of them in stock now, and one has your name on it.
To enter: Simply leave a comment below telling me what your training or racing plans entail this weekend!
Yup, it’s that easy! And yes, you can enter no matter where you live. Louisiana or Lithuania – all are OK! Someone from Lithuania actually won in the most recent giveaway.
Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, unless it’s already on some sort of big sale. From GPS watches to clothing to nutrition.
The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, October 12th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time. Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of your training or racing plans. Unless they are so epic they cannot be ignored.
Hopefully, you found this post useful. The website is really a labor of love, so please consider becoming a DC RAINMAKER Supporter. This gets you an ad-free experience, and access to our (mostly) bi-monthly behind-the-scenes video series of “Shed Talkin’”.
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Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.
Long ride 3 hrs on Saturday
Long run on Sunday
Happy thanks giving!!
Short Saturday run and a 13 miler on Sunday. Marathon taper.
I just build a new Bicycle and I hope to have my first ride on it… 3.5 months to complete the build.
I’m 6’9″ so I went with a Custom Magnesium Zinn frame with 205mm cranks… now all I need is to figure out what kind of power meter to get (with pedal solutions off the table because I ride speedplay).
So my ride will be the first one on this new bike and also my first ride without a power meter… is that blasphemous?
Saturday racing my Trek Emonda and Sunday enjoying the Indian summer on my Trek Superfly:)
First ‘long run’ after 8 weeks off due to injury. Excited!
Saturday run followed by a Sunday kelp crawl!
20 minute test ride TrainerRoad.
50 mile bike Sat, volunteering @ Chicago Marathon Sunday, followed by a 7 mile run.
A longish fast ride on saturday and a 21k run on sunday…
Rest. Only rest. Doctors orders..
club spin on Sunday with a coffee stop along the way.
6 Mile Run and some fishing.
I need this for the bike.
Jollyville – Mount Bonnell loop in Austin TX.
club ride saturday and fell running with a mate sunday, had a 2 week rest following the 3 peaks cyclocross. Be good to get back out
Chicago marathon – weather is looking good!
20 mile long run.
Easy ride on Saturday, followed by yard work. Sunday is a cross race, followed by yard work.
I ride every day, so it will be my usual 35 a day, both days.
A short run and a long ride! Thx for the opportunity to win.
Hilly half marathon with my winter running crew
My wife is running a 5k and son (5yr) running a kids run on Saturday. I will be running 10 mi on Sunday and 4 today.
Health is wealth!
Eating turkey – Thanksgiving in Canada!
Long run on sunday
Light run, maybe a bike if the weather holds
Setting up the trainer to avoid the weather.
No formal plans due to life getting in the way of training, but I hope to squeeze in a 30ish mi road ride.
I have a run focus the next couple weeks but after that I can add the bike back into training.
Today was running, tomorrow cycling and Sunday it’s running day :)
300 mile run. Because I can do that. Seriously guys. I might even do it twice. No biggie.
I’m going to local Olympic Triathlon in Split
I will be heading out for 40+mile early fall foliage tour of the MO countryside.
I’m running my first trail race and first ultramarathon. The Tesla Hertz 50k in Rocky Point, NY.
3 hour hill ride Saturday
2 hour ride Sunday
running a Half marathon.
Two cx races this weekend! Best part about fall in Chicago, cross every weekend.
Easy ride and watching Kona with friends.
I plan to ride as much as possible this weekend! Here in Québec, the weather is already cold, so there aren’t many good riding days left! Soon it’ll be the “basement riding season” on my new kickr! I’d love to win the brand new Garmin for my next season as my 800 is getting old and doesn’t have the bluetooth function! Come on, shine my way Rainmaker!!!!
Running my first marathon in Hartford
I have a 30 mile migraine buster planned for about an hour from now, and another similar ride on Sunday to capitalize on what will almost certainly be the last 70°F day of the year here in Michigan. I might try to squeeze in a 5k run on Saturday, too.
Getting some new KOM on MTB
Training for the Salkammergut Trophy :-)
Sitting my butt in the trainer for a few hours….at work….getting paid
Saturday I’ll be watching the IRONMAN World Championships, and Sunday I’ll be doing my last big ride (100 miles) before IMFL.
Hartford (Half) Marathon!!
Nice jog w/double stroller & short ride
Long run 26 km.
Cycling on Saturday and heading to the pool on Sunday.
Just out this morning trying to beat my Strava PBs on my Fav route… Bagged 2!
With family in town for the weekend, my training will be focused on “post-race celebratory eating” and possibly “pre-race week carb increases.”
Entering my first hill climb on sunday
Just a 5k parkrun for me
Two hour trail run then tomorrow set up the wind trainer (and the couch!) for Kona.
Building a tree stand with my kids.
Quick bike ride, fast run, masters swim, and more running :)
Thanksgiving this weekend…so, running errands…
Awesome. Looking to race the Dirt Road Derby in Oxford, MI.
Trainer and probably first run after 2 week gap (injury).
Just a hour run for me!
Off to do my first bit of mud plugging this year, yep it’s VTT time.
Training for our winter series
Easy weekend – road bike for possibly one of the last nice weekends for the year (I’m in St. John’s). An early wake-up Sunday to watch the final finishers coming across the line in Kona (becasue that is the best part of the race) and a post -turkey run on the cyclocross bike… gotta love fall in Newfoundland!!
3km sea swim
Long awaited ride on our local greenway trail (old converted railway tracks) on the cross bike!
Going for a quick ride before watching the kids playing football and then complete the ride back home.
Uhhh, nice, would like to have!
Training for uk coast to coast in 2016
Just getting back into riding since lower back injury, ride about 40 miles
Really nothing much. I’m in the recovery phase of my biking calendar so it’s pretty much laid-back riding just to the keep the legs spinning.
56 miles of Spinervals Kona Ironman bike ride at home on the Stationary trainer. Same day as the World Championships in Kona.
200k brevet to Winters (near Davis, CA).
Mellow recovery on Sunday – hopefully with crepes after!
Doing 7hrs of base training in preparation for the ABSA Cape Epic – 4hrs on Saturday and 3hrs on Sunday, all zone 1/2. What better way to track that than with the Edge 520
Some sharpening Saturday and longish on Sunday as next weekend is the USATF Masters 5K XC Nationals in Saratoga, NY and the following weekend I am running the Marine Corps Marathon. Still not sure how this combo will turn out!! After I may need some more cycling to recover! A Garmin Edge 520 would sure help with that!
If I ask nicely?
Does painting my house count?
60 Mile group ride with my neighborhood cycling club on Saturday. 25 mile fun ride on Sunday. Looking forward to testing out some of my new fall cycling gear.
I wish I could train but injury has derailed my plans for a few weeks.
One hour endurance swim on Friday! Two hour endurance ride followed by a 30 minute brick run on Saturday! Sunday is rest day!
Training for the TBF 50 mtb race.
The first trainerroad workout for this season.
No training plans. I have to help my daughter move out of her apartment.
12 mile run on sunday. Last long run before my 1/2
65K with my road bike
Running a 1/2 marathon in Winkler MB
Riding like there is no tomorrow
100km ride with an old friend and my dad on Sunday, a quick spin after work on Saturday.
Just taken delivery of a new TACX Bushido Smart so the weekend will be spent seeing how Zwift and Trainerroad work with FE-C.
Depending on the weather I go running or cycling on sunday. Saturday is a sports rest day.
Sat: road race. 3 laps, 19km each
Sun: 1h active recovery ride
Would be great to give Polar a try, my old Edge 800 is feeling rather outdated.. Gimme, gimme, pick me!
This weekend I run the N70 in the hills near Nijmegen
My first hill climb TT – the HSW event is the same course as this year’s nationals. 1 mile long and up to 25% in places.
Edinburgh Mens 10k
Training fairly limited this weekend as I’m recovering from having my broken collarbone pinned on Monday.
None. I’m healing a stress fracture.
Moving into a new house. I’m going to say that’s enough activity for one weekend!
Short ride on Saturday ~20miles. Longish ride on Sunday ~40-50 miles. 2 mile run thrown in there somewhere.
Having a long indoor ride with my new ergo trainer and some runnig on that.
Saturday 8 KM run, and on sunday some mountainbiking.
A nice long ride.