It’s somehow October already, and it’s been months since the Giveaway Extravaganza, and far too many months since a standalone extravaganza. I really need to have more of these. Partly because I love giving away stuff. And partly because if I was smart I’d do more of these posts merely because they take all of about 6 minutes to put together. And in the case of this week, that means I can sit on this beach in Cancun drinking even more all-inclusive drinks instead of writing. Boom!
For everyone else though (except I suppose those either living on a beach or at Kona) – you’ve got the weekend ahead – which is certainly like sitting on a beach. Unless you’re racing, in which case it’s no beach.
For this weekend I (well, technically my friends at Clever Training) will be giving away a brand new Garmin Edge 520. They’ve got plenty of them in stock now, and one has your name on it.
To enter: Simply leave a comment below telling me what your training or racing plans entail this weekend!
Yup, it’s that easy! And yes, you can enter no matter where you live. Louisiana or Lithuania – all are OK! Someone from Lithuania actually won in the most recent giveaway.
Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, unless it’s already on some sort of big sale. From GPS watches to clothing to nutrition.
The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, October 12th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time. Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of your training or racing plans. Unless they are so epic they cannot be ignored.
Hopefully, you found this post useful. The website is really a labor of love, so please consider becoming a DC RAINMAKER Supporter. This gets you an ad-free experience, and access to our (mostly) bi-monthly behind-the-scenes video series of “Shed Talkin’”.
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Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.
Racing my last sprint triathlon of the year in the UK. I’m sure it will be freezing.
No plan, just fuuun this weekend :)
Hopefully a bunch of time getting muddy on my Stumpy HT
10 miles on trainer intervals
Casual ride with family
Will run for two hours on Sunday. Trying to get some long runs before winter hits Norway….
Parkrun with my kids, and marshalling my club’s 10k on Sunday. :)
Can I strava mowing the lawn?
This weekend 20km marathon pace! Ciao ;-)
Some endurance training on the bike. outdoors regardless the weather, can’t stand my spinning machine at home! :-)
10 k run and a 3 hour ride.
A 100 mile bike ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway
Recovering from last weeks 70.3. Easy run this weekend and short swim.
Treadmill running to work achilles back in slowly after an injury. And some biking
4K rowing Regatta on Saturday. 35 mile spin on Sunday.
5601 W. Missouri #297
Pool swim, yoga, Mtb local forests, trail run, TT hill climbs, hill reps, sleep and repeat tomorrow :). I have a Six hour enduro in five weeks time and I am in finial part of build before tapper. I’m a data nut with three Garmin watches and training peaks. I need this unit for my road bikes please. Thanks
3 hour training on Saturday, just before going out with the wife to celebrate our wedding anniversary
I just had an arthroscopic surgery a couple of hours ago and upon seeing my discharge card read “avoid sport but cycling is generally alright”, my weekend plan instantly changed from lazying on a couch to putting bike in the trainer and start joint mobilisation.
Tracking others that are exercising in Kona on Saturday.
100K ride.
9+ hours of live video from Kona.
Maybe some rest.
Long bike and run. And watching my nephews race XC!
Two 5 hour endurance rides! Wheeeeeee!
2:30hs cycling + 1:20 running
A ride with Mrs VCSE; first one since breaking two toes after the swim leg of a 70.3
Marine corps marathon taper!! A one hour spin on the bike around our nations Capitol and then a nice relaxing jog!
I’m going to Ride the Hamburg-Berlin brevet. 307km in one take. Wakup is at 4 o Clock in the Morning. Official start is 6:30. 18:30 target Time for Berlin.
No training unfortunately :-( Just a lot of walking around shops
I won’t be riding, but running 44k
Am doing Townsville’s (Queensland, Australia), three peaks challenge. Around 120km and 3 of the cities toughest climbs. All in about 30 degrees C temp
Intervals in ski jump stairs, bouldering and short track speed skating
Raining… So, some hours on Tacx.
A SSI ride on the road and a recovery trainer ride.
Yes, me please.
Going to do a long run on Saturday and a Long Run on Sunday.
50 mile bike ride on Saturday; 8 mile run, alternating hard and easy miles on Sunday.
Short ride today, long run Sunday and long ride holiday Monday (Canadian thanksgiving). Cheers!!!
Long Run for Barcelona
It’s taper time! A short ride and run in prep for my first 70.3 next weekend.
Running in the pool
Intervals on my new Tacx Vortex Smart from CT.
Continue my 5k-a-day run streak between family feasts, Kona watching and old cement step sledgehammer removal.
Staying @ home because of bruised ribs from the last MTB ride. I need some cheering up.
Hi Ray, I’m just packing my mountain bike in the car for tomorrow’s Oktoberfest 8hr solo race in Bristol UK. I’d love the 520 as it would give me a better view of my stats next year when I get the 4iiii precision I hope to order for my mtb.
90K ride
Cycling 30-40 miles Saterday & prone paddling Sunday and Monday.
Getting my butt numb in a freaking long spinning class, running it off and swimming to complete the pain!
A 80k group ride with some Sprints, and perhaps some swim mileage in the evening. And bouldering on Sunday.
Train on my new insideride emotion roller!!!
Riding to St.Marys on Sunday before reloading on a thanksgiving feast (Canadian thanksgiving!!)!!
Need this!
I’ll be racing Cyclocross Saturday and Sunday.
This weekend first ride after two weeks of stop!
Ride with my daughter just for pleasure and planing to be the first mom to win a Garmin 520 ;)
weekend off
I’m climbing Crystal Lake. 60 miles, 6500ft elevation.
15 km on saturday and another 15 km on sunday ;-)
Well its 5.10am Saturday morning right now and in about half an hour I’m meeting a group and going for a group ride then Sunday is a rest day :)
I’ll go for a run, about 15km. Training for a half a marathon
4k unattached college cross country race, getting too old for this
Training for Brazil L’etape!!!
Much tougher exercise than our usual bike rides… moving my fiancé’s furniture in :)
40k bike followed by 5 k park run saturday, Sunday sprint tri (400/25/4) first tri in 6 months.
Rock climbing tomorrow and going on a nice 30 mile road ride with my crazy awesome cyclist of a father! Normally our training plans don’t line up enough to ride together, but it’s a lucky weekend. Thanks for the giveaway DC Rainmaker and Clever Training! Much Appreciated.
Tapering before IM Maryland next weekend!
Hopefully breaking in a new pair of running shoes!
Cycling about 70-80 km arround Bucharest. Hope to not rain.
I am aiming to get out on my bike this weekend (both days), as not been able to for the last couple of weekends. Can’t wait!
Nothing. Getting over a cold
Might sneak a run in tonight if the boy goes off to sleep easily, then either long run or ride at some point depending what fits with family stuff. No more racing this year now.
Between Kona and the Rugby World Cup there may also be some serious holding-the-couch-down training going on.
I’ve signed up for a local CX race tomorrow!
Hopefully I get to dump this cold so I can race again!
Recovering from some broken bones still. Going to get on the bike trainer both days this weekend and rock it.
Running behind my 5 year old on his bike. The G520 will fit nicely next to his GoPro and bell.
Just done 60 k today ,hoping to do another long session tomorrow and a small run Sunday evening after work
Can´t wait to get on my bike after nearly 3 weeks battling pneumonia. Winter is coming!
Easy sightseeing run around Oslo!
Last resting days, so just a dog walks :) Kick off of the new season pn Monday
20-30 miles for for a 75 miler in a few weeks on Saturday. Slow 8 mile run on Sunday for breakfast and chill.
Charm City CX!
Step back week for marathon training.
Long slow run tomorrow and club bike spin Saturday morning.
20 mile run + 25 mile mountain bike ride on Saturday, then a 100 mile road bike ride on Sunday. Trying to enjoy one of Michigan’s last “nice weather” weekends!
Just did a 3 hours trainer ride. 2hr 10min run tomorrow. Last hard weekend for training for my second 70.3
My plans just involve getting on my bike and wandering as far and wide as I can.
100k of rolling hills Saturday. And some cyclocross drills and about 90 minutes of hot laps for Sunday.
I will train changing diapers with my 5 days old daughter.
62 k ride on the trainer Sat, 10 Mile Run Sun
5K run under 30 minutes!
I’m training for the Miami Ironman 70.3. Tomorrow I’ll ride 70 miles plus 3 running and on Sunday a 40 mile ride followed by a 9 to 10 mile run. I hope the Miami Heat doesn’t kill me this weekend.
In Germany on business and nursing a bad knee, so hopefully will do some swim training at the hotel and then some city exploring between meetings.
I’ll be enjoying one of the last remaining weekends with a camping/cycling trip.
Sunday morning 50 miles around Herefordshire’s rolling hills on the Ti (dodging the huge number of potholes).
Runinng – recovery from marathon and cycling endurance miles.
Just a slow 10 miler while I nurse my strained hamstring.
tomorrow riding. Maybe with a computer on my bike? :)
KICKR and Trainer road for 2 hours on Sat and 2 hours on Sun.
Going to do some indoor training om Zwift on sunday.
Ride all day!