It’s somehow October already, and it’s been months since the Giveaway Extravaganza, and far too many months since a standalone extravaganza. I really need to have more of these. Partly because I love giving away stuff. And partly because if I was smart I’d do more of these posts merely because they take all of about 6 minutes to put together. And in the case of this week, that means I can sit on this beach in Cancun drinking even more all-inclusive drinks instead of writing. Boom!
For everyone else though (except I suppose those either living on a beach or at Kona) – you’ve got the weekend ahead – which is certainly like sitting on a beach. Unless you’re racing, in which case it’s no beach.
For this weekend I (well, technically my friends at Clever Training) will be giving away a brand new Garmin Edge 520. They’ve got plenty of them in stock now, and one has your name on it.
To enter: Simply leave a comment below telling me what your training or racing plans entail this weekend!
Yup, it’s that easy! And yes, you can enter no matter where you live. Louisiana or Lithuania – all are OK! Someone from Lithuania actually won in the most recent giveaway.
Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, unless it’s already on some sort of big sale. From GPS watches to clothing to nutrition.
The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, October 12th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time. Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of your training or racing plans. Unless they are so epic they cannot be ignored.
Hopefully, you found this post useful. The website is really a labor of love, so please consider becoming a DC RAINMAKER Supporter. This gets you an ad-free experience, and access to our (mostly) bi-monthly behind-the-scenes video series of “Shed Talkin’”.
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hiit ride
long run
Working in School on Saturday ?
Long ride Sunday up The North Downs in Kent UK. Vigo Hill anyone?
Ironman Louisville
7 mile run on Saturday, hopefully
Train Hard to race fast!
Go out for a “low and long” ride tomorrow if the weather allows, maybe 120 to 160 km, and aim to keep it in Z2 for most of the ride. And a shorter, faster one with a coffee stop with a friend on Sunday.
Saturday: Long Run ~10 Miles
Sunday: Long Ride ~60 Miles
Can’t do any hard training with a baby on board, but getting those steps in regardless!
My plans for the weekend: morning swim on Saturday and Sunday and a lot of studying. Student life :)
I already miss my bike and the rides I did this summer with it.
Trying to squeeze in some runs between kids soccer tournaments. Good weather though.
Heading to Denver to get in some hiking and trail running.
Doing 60k long ride on Saturday and a half Marathon on Sunday!!!
Finally tapering off on training a bit, as I have reached my goal of 20kg weight loss since September last year… Whoop whoop! Not for too long though, 70.3 beckons in a few months time. :)
Long weekend plan:
Friday – am Gym : pm 40 min interval session on rower.
Saturday – 40 miles on bike
Sunday – am 35 miles on bike : pm Gym
Monday – 35 miles on bike (Lax schedule permitting)
Long bike ride on saturday followed by a swim on sunday….
Trainer road session on my new Kickr. Blood sweat and tears ahead!
Its gonna be a endurance run on Saturday morning, and a MTB ride on Sunday.
Put bikes to a car, drive to a nearest semi-mountains (just 600-900 MASL, but better that than nothing) and have some autumn fun on downhills (on XC bikes).
Run 7 miles on Saturday; swim workout Sunday.
Beaches for sun training
Trying out my new turbo trainer because I don’t have time to get outdoors yhis weekend.
Just strength training in gym…
2 Cyclocross races this weekend, maybe 3, i will see how the leg feel sunday :p
I wish it was Kona but that is hopefully for another year! I’ve got 10 miles at altitude this weekend on the books.
20km running and 100km mtb !
1 week out from Amsterdam marathon I would do 45′-60′ on saturday and 90′ on sunday of easy running. But I’m sick/cold right now so I just hope to get better ASAP!
Did already 200 miles this week so tomorrow I will take the day off and Sunday a 50 mile tempo ride.
Working in the chicken coop Saturday. 50 mi group ride on Sunday. Have an 810. Tiered of walking it to the computer.
In between painting Jobs in home I’ll try to Pick My mtb and try the cx course here in Ronse (Belgium)
Ultra season break, time to get the MTB out in the mountains and casually enjoy seeing the autumn leaves in the Colorado mountains and may be some trail running to catch the sunrise.
Riding 70 miles in the inaugural Jensie Gran Fondo Saturday in Marin, CA.
Climbing, lots of climbing
Saturday: 100 km club ride
Sunday: 80 km mtb ride
building for IMWA in 8 weeks so ez day today with 180k ride and 30 min run tomorrow; next sunday is the 200k ride with 40 min run
Saturday – First bike my son (5) to his swimming course, bike back, have coffee with the Girl (Strange enough, I also find one next to me every morning). Go for another 15km bike ride with my son in the park. (He is practicing for the Tour de France he says). Then play with the kids in the park. Have dinner and end the day with a well deserved rest.
Sunday – A day for my own. I’ll do a 65km bike ride to the forests close to our home. Early morning to see the sun rise above the forest. I love this!
Have a great weekend to all!
Last long run of marathon training tomorrow, aiming for 20 off road.
50ish miles on the bike Sunday.
55 mile ride on Sunday (following a belated Oktoberfest on Saturday)
Two sweet spot trainings on TrainerRoad (+Zwift) on the Kickr and a 60k trip on the road with my MTB to friends.
20 km of running and a lot of turkey eating (its is thanksgiving weekend in Canada).
Did some nice 2H MTB exercise with my wife today and will have twice a 4h road ride on saturday and sunday.. That would be even more motivating with that Edge 520.. ;-)
Hey Rain guy… I want one of them. Seriously thanks for all the great reviews you do!
Just for me ???
30km trailrun on Saturday!
Going for som cyclocross technique, and revelling in mud.
Oh. And some weightlifting tomorrow, don’t want that T-rex look.
Training plan-
1) get on bike
2) ride somewhere
3) ride back
4) celebrate training victory with tasty beverage
Hi Mr. Rainmaker,
I have to run on saturday for an Hour, in sunday Iam on my bike for 3-4 Hours. Ist just the Period of transition.
Kind regards
I’ll head south of the city for a short but hopefully sunny ride in the first cold days of autumn.
I’ll go for a run or two, but i can’t tell how far they are because i don’t have a Garmin (yet) ;)
Trainer road, plus several hours of riding outside once it clears up.
Going biking, then fishing. I fish the creeks, and sometimes I have to walk as much as 6 miles.
Doing an 11 mile run in Griffith Park… in the mountains… in the triple digit heat. Maybe I should find a pool instead.
Short run on saturday, 10k race on sunday morning. Trying to beat my PB (42:30).
Saturday 2hour XCO riding at the local track, Sunday Mtb Marathon 70KM in the mountains :)
Some interval training on the bike. Outdoors if the weather is good, on the Kickr if the weather is bad.
65k bike ride on saturday, aming for a KOM.
Crashed and broke my hand on the day of your last giveaway extravaganza. This Saturday will be my first group ride back on the road! Should get in 50 miles Saturday, and another easy spin Sunday too.
Breaking in a new smart trainer on Zwift Island
Spectating 2 full Ironmans in 2 days. Kona from my house, Louisville in person. And a bike ride somewhere in between.
Back to back long runs :) 24 and 20
Saturday, hard cyclocross training on the woods with rain and mud as partners.
Sunday, enjoying a ride with friends, because that’s what this is all about!
Continuing to work on endurance and speed. Almost averaging 10 MPH at my favorite MTB trail on LI.
first MTB race this fall, 60 KM of hardcore fun with the Dutch pro’s ….yikes ;)
I’ve got a 12 mile run as I begin my marathon taper.
Half marathon Race this weekend..
Hitting the trails on the Yeti.
60 mile ride getting ready for Ironman AZ
Long run on Saturday 10-15 miles, and 30-40 Miles road bike on Sunday.
Long run on Saturday and long ride on Sunday.
Long weekend means long break and turkey!
Long ride on Sunday – but first plenty of time with my daughters
Beginning a riding trip through north carolina!
Going to ride my scalpel on the levee for 50 miles Saturday and rest Sunday
Bicycling with a friend. Maybe 25 miles.
Going out with some mates and getting the miles in
2 hour ride. Then Canadian Thanksgiving, followed by a short run (waddle?)
8 mile run Saturday morning with a short recovery run Sunday. Of course watching Kona Saturday after the run.
Visiting Eugene this weekend. Long run on Pre’s Trail.
Amazing seeing it working now with the vary garmin . That is such a bonus.
Long run training for the marathon on Sat and a Duathlon on Sunday.
Army Ten Miler on Saturday!
Runing in the park 6k
Long ride plus a run on Saturday, followed by being a photographer at a kids birthday party (no Strava segments on that one). Sunday entails watching Australia thump Wales in the Rugby World Cup followed by watching the Kona coverage while doing a tempo session on the Wahoo Kickr followed by another run… So not really up to much really…
Quick 30 miles, 70% gravel and 30% road then a few beers for a pals bday.
1 hour swim on Saturday
25 km long run on Sunday
Walking with the dog!
Hi Ray
No racing for me this weekend, just a couple of runs after a tiring week away for work. Probably an easy 12km on Saturday and then a 20km run on Sunday. No specific pace, just getting the miles in.
TrainerRoad while watching Kona coverage Saturday and a long run Sunday.
Frozen trails, by bike & foot
Running the Chicago Marathon on Sunday!
Will be at the Paris 20km on Sunday. Will I see you there? ;)
I’ll be carb loading on Turkey and ham! It’s the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. Then getting on the rain gear and burning it all off again. And again everyday after that for at least a week because of the number of Turkey sandwiches I will have to eat :(
Working hard on cottage of my mother in law is the best training. Beat it. ;-)
Cyclocross race on Sunday!
Short run and some strenght training
Long mountain ride
100k charity ride coming up next month!
Doing a short interval on the racebike tomorrow afternoon and ofcourse the sundaymorning is reserved for a long relaxed ride. All in the Dutch mountains. ??
Recovery week for me. Still gonna get a 2 hr training ride and a 1 hr run in though!
A run here or there and maybe a bike on Monday, supposed to be nice in New England. Either way, I’m in wind down mode.
5 hour ride on tap
Hi Ray, I am going to ride 3 or 4 short but sharp hills in the Nashville, TN area and try to get KOM in my age group (63 yr old)! Juvenile, but fun!
Thanks for the great info on your site,
[ps, just ordered more stuff from CT, including P1 pedals, so hopefully good karma for my chances to win]
I start this weekend my training season. Riding 80km on Saturday and 100km. Hard after 2 weeks break!