It’s somehow October already, and it’s been months since the Giveaway Extravaganza, and far too many months since a standalone extravaganza. I really need to have more of these. Partly because I love giving away stuff. And partly because if I was smart I’d do more of these posts merely because they take all of about 6 minutes to put together. And in the case of this week, that means I can sit on this beach in Cancun drinking even more all-inclusive drinks instead of writing. Boom!
For everyone else though (except I suppose those either living on a beach or at Kona) – you’ve got the weekend ahead – which is certainly like sitting on a beach. Unless you’re racing, in which case it’s no beach.
For this weekend I (well, technically my friends at Clever Training) will be giving away a brand new Garmin Edge 520. They’ve got plenty of them in stock now, and one has your name on it.
To enter: Simply leave a comment below telling me what your training or racing plans entail this weekend!
Yup, it’s that easy! And yes, you can enter no matter where you live. Louisiana or Lithuania – all are OK! Someone from Lithuania actually won in the most recent giveaway.
Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, unless it’s already on some sort of big sale. From GPS watches to clothing to nutrition.
The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, October 12th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time. Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of your training or racing plans. Unless they are so epic they cannot be ignored.
Hopefully, you found this post useful. The website is really a labor of love, so please consider becoming a DC RAINMAKER Supporter. This gets you an ad-free experience, and access to our (mostly) bi-monthly behind-the-scenes video series of “Shed Talkin’”.
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Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.
Mountain biking on Krvavec mountain on saturday. And on sunday probably running from my wife because of the saturday :)
75 mile ride to Beggs Oklahoma and back!
just a short ride on sunday morning. Ciao
I am in New York this weekend so running in Centra Park to prepare for my next 70.3 in November is on the schedule. Nice weather for a run
Just riding!
I’ll hike for a couple of hours on Saturday, and a sprint triathlon rehearsal on Sunday…
Beach ride with a swim in the nice cold ocean
3 mile leisure run on Sanibel Island in the Gulf of Mexico. Thanks Ray!
Swim/Bike/Run/Watch Kona/Drink Beer
Looking after the kids while Her indoors runs for two hours!
timing a race, then hopefully a couple of nice long rides!!!
Beer and Intervals
Tennis, run, tennis and run!!!
Off-season beer drinking & IM Kona watching… Oh, before that FTP test, and Sunday – long ride :)
Tapering for a Mountain Run next weekend. Super stoked to be at top shape!
A short run to get the 650km car travel out of the system.
It’ll be threshold hills tomorrow and hopefully a fast 100k sunday ?
Was on injured reserve for last 3 weeks…so slowly getting back on the horse: 30 miles tomorrow.
post ironman recovery ride and a easy paced run
100k on Saturday morning and circuit training Sunday.
Half marathon on the 24th of Oct, so this weekend will be the last true long run. Probably 17-18km. Likely a short recovery ride (15 km) the following day to flush the legs out.
Riding at the beach while on vacation.
This weekend consists of 55 mph club run on Saturday with a CX race 2hrs away on Sunday!
Run a Marathon in Graz/Austria on Sunday :-)
This Saturday my college triathlon club is having a time trial about equivalent to a sprint triathlon. Transitions aren’t timed so no flying off the bike needed. Sunday will be composed of an easy pace trail adventure (~8 mile run) in the scenic Rockies of Colorado. And sleep.
Going for some base endurance rides to roll into the next season with more power. Think on booth days something about 5 hours each on northern Germany roads.
Running 14miles on Saturday. Swimming and running with the kids on sumday
After last weekends IM Barcelona this weekend will be pretty calm.
Long ride tomorrow, then watching Kona.
85 mile ride on Saturday with some friends and recovery ride on Sunday with my wife!!
hills hills and more hills
50K on sunday morning near the seashore.
Army 10 miler @ DC… Mcm in two week!
Morning Sunrise ride for 24 miles prior to work. 50 mile Sunday group ride to the hills.
A long and beautiful fall ride on the country roads of Northern Illinois and a run through the the forest preserves of Suburban Chicago. ?
Sunday friend ride!
Recovery weekend with 30-40 minutes easy running, 1-2 hour easy bike, and around 2,000 yards easy swimming.
Hiking acropole des draveurs in quebec(Canada) tomorrow eith friends.
8 km run on Friday, 2km swim on Saturday, 60km bike ride Sunday – show my Kona spirit
I want :)
Swimming Saturday and Cyclocross race on Sunday!
The last 70km race in my first racing season.
no training for me – a weekend of Open University study entails instead
Just slow running and swimming.
Gonna ride my tandem with my wife out at Hickam Aiirforce Base and monitor how friends are doing at Kona
Ride, ride, ride, and then ride some more.
training for my first triathlon
13 miler on saturday and a nice bike ride sunday
Mountainbiking two Hours Whith friends.
Avoiding flu attack today and improving my marathon PB from 4:00 to 3:30 on sunday.
Riding from Rancho Bernardo, CA to Julian, CA…Pie Ride!
Orienteering competence on Saturday, and riding on Sunday.
Got a ten miler scheduled for Sunday
I need it for IM Boulder 2016! Love your site Ray!
Gonna do nothing on Friday, then bike around 1hr Saturday Sunday Monday before sitting down to EAT!
50 km ride testing autumn/winter clothes for the first time, as there might be a big temperature drop.
Definitely some biking and running!
Gonna do a local trailcompetion called the Trailking :)
Training on the sofa this weekend. Having a little break from a long racing season.
Tufty Trail race in Falkland, Scotland
I just finished IMWI and now moving on to ultra marathon season. I am doing a 4-5 hr run on Saturday followed by a 2 hr run on Sunday.
Easy, 45 minute run on Saturday and easy 2 hour bike ride on Sunday. Please pick me!
Happy to be back on the mtb!
Hopefully a few miles with the kids in the running stroller. Good resistance running.
Hauling pumpkins out of the pumpkin patch with my wife!
I am running the Munich marathon this sunday!
Long run sat – 13-15 miles.
1 hour ride Saturday and 20 mile run Sunday
18k run on saturday, rest on sunday :)
Mimosas and Kona live feed top the list of activities for this weekend! Monday it’s back to swim/bike/run. Thanks DC Rainmaker & Clever Training!
A good long spin, dancing on the pedals with joy of not having 4 walls nd a roof blocking me from the fresh open air
A couple runs for upcoming half marathon in December…just finished my weeklong vacation in Munich, Paris, and London with my wife without any running, so it’s going to be a rough re-entry to training.
I’ve got a cyclocross race this weekend. Got to love fall. what’s not to love about pumpkins, apples, cider donuts, racing and beer.
Last (indoor) brick then an anti-bully walk with my kid.
Long swim this AM. Easy 6 mile hill run this afternoon. Nice group ride tomorrow morning at the local bike shop. 9 mile run on Sunday. Easy swim Monday morning.
Two recovery rides, 2h each.
2h of mtb on sat plus a 16k Run on Sun.
Unorthodox triathlon for me: taking 5 month old boy for a swim Sunday morning, running round to sister-in-law’s for lunch with the wife, then crunching out a few hours on the turbo in the man cave!
After a week of hard training it is time for the family! So no training this weekend.
But sure love to win the Garmin Egde 520!
I plan on riding 50 miles each day finishing with about 4 beers each night.
I’m doing 17 miles on Sat with friends who are training for a full marathon, and then coaching a soccer game that afternoon. On Sunday, I think I will do 4-5 miles in the morning and then look forward to Monday as a rest/yoga day!
Im going on 120km mtb ride around lake Võrtsjarv in Estonia.
10km run on staurday morning
Rain forecast for Curitiba, what a surprise! Indoor swimming on the plan. Crossing fingers….
92mile charity bike ride for Shelter Cymru
And watching Wales win against Austrailia in the Rugby World Cup 2105 :)
link to
On vacation in tuscany right now so every minute spent in the hotel pool counts as training :)
One last long/slow run before tapering to my first half marathon next weekend! Targets set at a half-IM next year!
Undertrained BAA 1/2 marathon on Sunday
In true triathlon bug style – Block of 20 km bike + 10km run x2 T >3 minutes.
Donadea 10km, lovely run through the forest, spin on the bike. And rugby and beer. G’wan Ireland!
Trying for my first 100 mile ride!
Recovering from last week IM Barcelona so jogs and easy swim for this weekend
Winter is coming… So sufferfest with my vortex ?
Looking to train for a 10K and a 65 mile ride I have coming up. two runs and one long ride this weekend for me.
Rest time we travelled to Orlando for my daughter’s birthday
Saturday long ride – looking to pull about 80 miles.
Loooong gravel bike ride!
Sadly not much training and no racing as I’ve got a dodgy knee so resting up :-(
Testing out a new bike fit on my new bike and most likely a leisurely hour run or so. And more importantly supporting friends who are @ Kona!
Saturday: 3 hour endurance ride with sprints; Sunday: 3 hour very hilly endurance ride