It’s somehow October already, and it’s been months since the Giveaway Extravaganza, and far too many months since a standalone extravaganza. I really need to have more of these. Partly because I love giving away stuff. And partly because if I was smart I’d do more of these posts merely because they take all of about 6 minutes to put together. And in the case of this week, that means I can sit on this beach in Cancun drinking even more all-inclusive drinks instead of writing. Boom!
For everyone else though (except I suppose those either living on a beach or at Kona) – you’ve got the weekend ahead – which is certainly like sitting on a beach. Unless you’re racing, in which case it’s no beach.
For this weekend I (well, technically my friends at Clever Training) will be giving away a brand new Garmin Edge 520. They’ve got plenty of them in stock now, and one has your name on it.
To enter: Simply leave a comment below telling me what your training or racing plans entail this weekend!
Yup, it’s that easy! And yes, you can enter no matter where you live. Louisiana or Lithuania – all are OK! Someone from Lithuania actually won in the most recent giveaway.
Remember that by supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically everything they sell, unless it’s already on some sort of big sale. From GPS watches to clothing to nutrition.
The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, October 12th, 2015 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time. Winner will be selected randomly, not on coolness of your training or racing plans. Unless they are so epic they cannot be ignored.
Hopefully, you found this post useful. The website is really a labor of love, so please consider becoming a DC RAINMAKER Supporter. This gets you an ad-free experience, and access to our (mostly) bi-monthly behind-the-scenes video series of “Shed Talkin’”.
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Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.
Short 3 mile run with the kiddos and dog then a bike ride.
30km run plus a 50km ride and lots of ham and maybe turkey (thanksgiving in Canada) :)
Saturday – Bike Trip, Sunday – Long Run
Going to go for a 100k cycle
Two cyclocross races, Charm City Cx on Sat and Sun.
After 200Km of commuting this week, a brisk metric century around the North Shore hills around Montreal. This morning it was 5C.
No races or specific training this weekend as it is thanksgiving in Canada. I get to spend a great weekend with the family on vacation!
Racing the Dam Tri in South Carolina, thanks Ray!
Long easy Ride and maybe an open water swim (brrrrrrrr)
Getting my bum back on the saddle after 6 month after being diagnosed with ms. Bring it on!
Back on the road after Twin Cities Marathon last week, plus a little 50 mile bike ride!!
With the forecast looking grim this week-end I’ll happy to get away with a dry 2-3 hours ride. But I’ll make sure to smash it if I get that chance.
100km club ride through NE Scotland.
A big ride with the beautiful fall landscape of Quebec
Oh yes this would be a great addition to my Trek.
I’m on my way to be re-hospitalized for a blood clot. Training=none. :(
This weekend I have a mountain bike 100k marathon in the menu. I could definitely use one of those!
Saturday 4 hour fatbike ride, Zone 2
Sunday 2h e-bike recovery ride.
Tapering for IMMD 2.0. 30 miles on the bike Saturday; 30 minute run Sunday
Low zone winter spin, 100km.
Planning a 100k loop out through livermore, over altamont (toward tracy), along the via duct, back over Corral Hollow road, and home…
Hit the local hill loop tomorrow, once I’m let out (DIY orders) – hopefully – and Sunday tandem to the club hill climb to watch (I know my limits and HCs really are not attractive to do, for me)
Climb local 80m hill 10 times in a row on saturday (road), followed by easy 50km MTB on sunday!
No workout for me. I’ll be Spectating Ironman Lousiville! My wife is racing!
Racing a Sprint Tri on Saturday.
Post-fever recovery ride, perhaps.
Sunday 80 k bike ride with small group of friends.
17-miler marathon training run
40 km time trial and then rest! Last ride before Challenge Mallorca Paguera.
Turbo tonight in the lounge because the husband is at work and I’ve got to work all weekend but will go for a little run tomorrow first thing ?
Long slow run Saturday
Looking forward to a long interval bike workout and long run. Oh and of course a swim. You are like the real Santa Claus. Thank you!
Hopefully a nice ride on Sunday, but plans also include rearranging my bedroom and setting up a spot for my trainer and Zwift for the winter. Ride on!
Just back from a short ride on the TT bike, and Sunday I’ll go for a ~120km ride on the road bike.
Swimming Saturday morning, volunteer work then miles of walking to see Art Prize for Saturday. Sunday will be Michigan weather dependent.
2K OWS, trainer ride then a long run on sunday..
Probably some hiking!
Training for first CX season after a late Road biking season went well. And a 10k race in early November.
So this weekend sat 60min CX simulation and sunday a 3 to 4 mile tempo run.
Watching Kona coverage on the trainer Saturday, with some motocross testing on Sunday!
20k run!
50m Social Saturday followed by a 60m chain-gang on Sunday.
Training goal is to get 6K ft elevation gained :)
Early bird MTB training saturday and easy trail running and spectating a local CX race with my son on Sunday
Visiting DC. Going to go on a bike ride!
Putting in at least 60 miles on the bike this weekend if weather permits.
Crossfit Saturday morning and a long run Sunday! :)
1h Indoor Cycling on Sundy
50km MTB ride on Saturday
Long ride and long run …
Hitting the gym for some gains and maybe a 20 mile bike ride for some cardio.
Going out for a day-ride to the “Taunus” in beautiful Hessen – Germany on sunday.
Big club ride out on Sunday, maybe gym time in Saturday
A recovery ride and a 3hour group ride.
Mmmh cycling
There may be a short run somewhere, but the main event this weekend is a massage.
Running the Royal Parks Half Marathon in London with a nice recovery swim/cycle to keep it all ticking over.
I’ll be doing a few runs as part of my marathon training. A short run and a long run.
2 x long run. Preparing for half marathon.
Run forest run.. Long and hard run =0
No racing this weekend. I have a 10 mile training run planned for tomorrow.
60-80 km low temperature slipstream ride in the north of Germany
a whole lot of climbing and enjoying the view with friends at the end of it
Heavy weights on Saturday and Sunday. Monday is Canadian Thanksgiving recovery run.
Mountain bike ride and trail maintenance Sat.
Surviving mother in law visit Sunday.
get out early sat morning ride up into the watching reservation in nj. And into the great swamp. Nj. Sun 10 am spin class at my local gym in springfield nj
I have a nice gravel ride with the boys on Saturday and then I am going to try and inflict massive suffering on the field during Sunday’s cyclocross race in Ottawa Canada.
Watching Kona live on laptop and mountain biking on sunday afternoon !
So cool ..
Long ride Sunday, ride Monday.
Probably gonna do some endurance riding with sweet spot intervals, while trying to accept that summer is over, it’s goddamn cold again and wind is trying to blow my head off.
1 hour ride Saturday evening. Then I’ll be doing the LBS group ride Sunday evening.
Nights!!! 2 x 12 hour bum work out with 60min rest intervals
who trains wins…..Snnnn
Mtb ride planned for tomorrow in Uppsala, Sweden. Y’all are welcome. :-)
Bike riding “Bohnental” with my brother
link to
If whatever permits hopefully a ride around Seattle. Otherwise some work on the trainer.
Easy spin on saturday and/or sunday.
Would love to CX, but still recovering from surgery.
I’m doing the Prairie Fire Marathon in Wichita KS on Sunday.
…something witty in case i win….
Mohawk Hudson Half Marathon. Hoping to be Sub 1:24:00
Plan on nice easy spin on the trainer Saturday before racing in Trek Cup CX on Sunday
Getting on some steep inclines after sitting on my butt for a few months now.
Training plan of the weekend: to put away the first ftp assessment of the season.
Begin working on next years training – an easy run today and an easy mountain bike ride on Saturday
Last hard training before IM 70.3 Turkey with Saturday 2.5km swim and a short brick of 1 hour biking and 1.5 hours running. Sunday a 3 hour bike back and forth over the Utrecht ridge back.
Racing a half in UK
Watching Wales v Australia in the rugby world cup on Saturday so I’ll be training for the drinking by having a few drinks tonight. Will also do a very short bike ride to test my injured knee plus a swim on Sunday.
Does watching the Ironman coverage count as training?
’tis Canadian Thanksgiving, the remains of the hurricane are going to be hitting hard, and my Honey-Do list is full. Rest :-)
25 mile gravel ride Sunday.
18km run on Saturday and 80km bike ride Sunday and then a well deserved Canadian Thanksgiving turkey Monday.
just done a 2 hr run in the hills. feet up for the rest of saturday. then on sunday easy swim in the am bike at lunch on the turbo while watching a little race going on in kona
4 hour CCW refresher class on Saturday. 45 or so miles easy on the road bike Sunday.
THis is a long weekend for my kids so we are going to Wisconsin Dells. Plan on some hiking, maybe a short trail ride. Resting in order to prepare for next weeks training.
11 mile training run Saturday for my first half marathon! (Ahead of my first half ironman)
Nice easy 6m… 8:45 pace. Saturday.
1 hour bike ride followed by 30-45 minute run.
After a month off with injury, some more cycling and a little bit of easy running.
I’ll be doing some heavy-duty fall mileage this weekend!
Six miles on Saturday and 13 on Sunday!