Giveaway Extravaganza: Tacx Vortex Smart Trainer + Satori Smart for a friend


There are few training tasks worse than riding alone on a trainer in a dark basement or within sketchy closet.  It’s just you, your bike, and the wall ahead of you with 4 paint marks that you still haven’t fixed two seasons later.  So I thought – what if I fix that?

What if I give you an excuse to ride with a friend (either in or outside of your closet), and even the opportunity to ride remotely with said friend by giving them a new trainer too!  Just in case you’ve got no real-life friends nearby.  That’s because both of these trainers support transmitting via ANT+ your power data to apps like Zwift, so you can trash talk your friend from anywhere in the world.  Of course, given you’re still riding in a basement closet – you probably ought to keep that in mind when trash talking.

Giveaway Opens: 12:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 2:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: First look at Tacx Vortex Smart & Satori Smart Trainers

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (virtually everything I review is available there), plus for orders over $75 shipping is free within the US. Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item.

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts! Or, you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Barrett


  2. John

    yeah buddy

  3. Bruce

    That would be cool to have!!

  4. Ben m

    Thanks for the contests!

  5. Josh


  6. Sebastiano


  7. Stefani

    Do I really want this? Then I will have no excuse for not riding…

  8. Ed


  9. David Wariaro

    Nice ?

  10. Brian Lamar

    Need this for the pain cave! The wife needs her own trainer.

  11. Robert

    I would love one of these!

  12. Kendall bohman

    I’m in lets hope

  13. Balazs Mihaly

    Great site, great features! Keep on doing what you’re doing, we love it!

  14. Marcin

    J’ai besoin de cette trainer. Merci.

  15. Goran

    Thanks, Ray!

  16. DTTM

    Yay! No more lonely indoor sessions?

  17. Wayne

    Could use this in new England

  18. Joshua

    Game on

  19. Tony Z

    Indoor training?!?!

  20. Ivan

    I actually have a closet big enough for this…

  21. Mark Pappas

    you’re sooo handsome!

  22. dcg1963

    This would be nice, thanks Ray!

  23. David

    The awesomeness just keeps on coming.

  24. joseph pak

    I want to exercise…?

  25. Christian moore

    Can’t believe I forgot until now :(

  26. Matthias

    I’m going all in ;-)

  27. Ed Rusk

    pick me, please – it will get used tons!

  28. reeli

    These are great trainers!

  29. Jen

    What a nice trainer!!

  30. Efrain Urquidez


  31. JFK

    Great giveaway, DCRainmaker !

  32. Terence hatten

    random allocation selection please

  33. Daniel

    This one has my name on it!

  34. Francisco Araujo

    Got here a little late… I hope I’m lucky today!

  35. Scott Baldwin

    I would love these.

  36. Bevin

    Go go gadget rainmaker!

  37. Judy

    This would be an awesome gift for my husband! He has been working so hard and hasn’t had much training time. This would motivate him to start up again.

  38. Pedro de Carvalho Paese

    Nice one

  39. Shir Rothman

    It has my name :-)

  40. Stacie

    Your website is my Bible.

  41. Marcin


  42. Chris

    Now I just need buy a bike:)

  43. Petteri

    Thank you.

  44. smitty

    yes please!

  45. John Bairen

    Pick me

  46. Joshi

    Yes please

  47. Mike McDowell

    nice review. Thanks

  48. Roger

    What’s better than training? Training with a buddy.

  49. ampestijn

    would be nice to swift with the jensie!

  50. Yannick

    Nice for working with zwift !

  51. Sarah

    I have a very old trainer, so this would be great!

  52. Darren Set

    My wife is pregnant with our first child and we are expecting in October! Need a new trainer to save money for diapers and bc I am not leaving my house for the next few years =)

  53. Matt Foreman


  54. Ryan M

    Ohhh that would be nice for winter training! Yes please

  55. Tim Scholtes

    Oh go on then

  56. Erik Schippers

    Yesss, so I can train with my wife!

  57. Huaxin

    Smart trainer is just what I need.

  58. Gail

    Clever training!

  59. Michiel

    To the batmobile let´s go

  60. Shuo Liu

    we have learned a lot from your site. thank you so much.

  61. Yan C.

    My comment is better than yours

  62. Matt

    Ah, missed the last one!

  63. Caron


  64. Alun

    Perfect for the wet British weekends

  65. Albert

    This would be useful

  66. Francis D.


  67. Alvin Hom


  68. Kathleen

    Please, please, please.

  69. Ned

    This one?

  70. Mike


  71. Steve Hardy

    It’s 100 degrees here in Houston, I need some indoor relief.

  72. Shir Moscovich

    Amazing gift for my winter workouts

  73. Tony

    I’m fat, hook me up

  74. justas

    why not?

  75. meneillos

    I love training in the basement!!

  76. Peter

    Giod to train at home.

  77. Manu

    Yes please!

  78. chiya

    would love one

  79. JMG

    pick me

  80. MattB

    The only issue is it clashes with my wife’s bike colour scheme… but for free she can live with that!

  81. David

    Ok then. Missed the P1 so maybe my luck will be in here

  82. Mari


  83. kris

    a trainer would be great.

  84. Ryan Polly

    Would be perfect for our long Vermont winters!

  85. Sarah L

    smart trainer sounds great!

  86. Ann

    Sweet. I need to upgrade my training options!!

  87. Tim K

    I’d like those

  88. Michael McLaughlin

    Yes please

  89. Dana W

    This would be great for the PNW winters.

  90. Jorge D.

    Let’s get the “trainer-ing” on… See what I did there??? No?

  91. Victoria

    Great for winter!

  92. Rob

    Pick me!

  93. Marten De Dycker

    That’s a crazy price to win! !!

  94. JP Bezuidenhout

    Please Ray I want a trainer so I can check out Zwift!

  95. Melanie


  96. lpossinger

    Win, Win for the win!!!!

  97. chaz M

    nice !

  98. Alexis Meschter

    It would be so cool to win this!!

  99. Florian
