Giveaway Extravaganza: Tacx Vortex Smart Trainer + Satori Smart for a friend


There are few training tasks worse than riding alone on a trainer in a dark basement or within sketchy closet.  It’s just you, your bike, and the wall ahead of you with 4 paint marks that you still haven’t fixed two seasons later.  So I thought – what if I fix that?

What if I give you an excuse to ride with a friend (either in or outside of your closet), and even the opportunity to ride remotely with said friend by giving them a new trainer too!  Just in case you’ve got no real-life friends nearby.  That’s because both of these trainers support transmitting via ANT+ your power data to apps like Zwift, so you can trash talk your friend from anywhere in the world.  Of course, given you’re still riding in a basement closet – you probably ought to keep that in mind when trash talking.

Giveaway Opens: 12:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 2:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: First look at Tacx Vortex Smart & Satori Smart Trainers

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (virtually everything I review is available there), plus for orders over $75 shipping is free within the US. Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item.

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts! Or, you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Rolando felizola

    In it to win it

  2. Anthony

    One more try!

  3. carmen borsa


  4. Lee Short

    Misery loves company!

  5. Ben ryan

    I’ll finally have some company in my basement.

  6. Greg

    indoor time

  7. Adam


  8. Ileana Paul

    Looking forward to some indoor riding!

  9. Joel


  10. Michael joyce

    More want!

  11. Jari Hirvonen


  12. Emily Blakemore

    Pick Me! I need a better trainer, and I love data!

  13. Andreas L.

    This would be nice for my fiance and myself in the cold winters of Canada…

  14. Tristan

    I don’t think my Kinetic will ever break, but it would be great to have one at work too!

  15. Todd

    This would be AWESOME.

  16. Hi from sunny Arizona.

  17. Keith

    Here is to keeping in shape in the winter.

  18. Tom Whateley

    Yes please!

  19. Thom

    Thank you for all you do Ray!!

  20. Chris Reed


  21. Stian

    Perfect for Norwegian winters;)

  22. Jesus Gonzalez

    Useful in long rainy seasons. In!

  23. Daniel Sharp

    Yes please

  24. Jacob Bugno

    Perfect for the upcoming fall/winter

  25. Marius Podaru

    It’s always cold over here, this would be ideal.

  26. Paul_T

    This certainly falls under the ‘need’ category! Thanks!

  27. alan

    one for me one for the wife

  28. kristi t

    zwift anyone??

  29. Lety


  30. Leah

    Yes please

  31. Yury Y

    I was looking to buy one of these this fall. Would be cool to get one of them :D

  32. Robin

    That’s awesome!

  33. Stefan


  34. Scott Harding


  35. ryan

    need a new trainer!

  36. Nate

    In to win!

  37. Kyle Foster

    Train Hard, Play Hard

  38. Pete Thomas

    Just what I need, a new trainer to replace my old Tacx!

  39. Christer

    Yes please :)

  40. Kristin

    yes please

  41. Mark

    just what I need to replace my aging Tacx Bushido

  42. Peter Day


  43. Sheila P

    How do I pass that up?!?! It would be awesome. Thanks.

  44. Marcus Sheldon

    Yes please!

  45. Sean

    I’d love this

  46. Brian Lemanczyk

    These look really cool for winter training

  47. dan

    Pretty Please with sugar on top.

  48. Orkki

    Här I från tvättas!

  49. Ben

    Hot diggity

  50. Freek


  51. nikw


  52. Enrique Ortiz

    ok this one will make me happy!

  53. chook

    yea this mine

  54. Noah


  55. Gregory L

    spin spin spin

  56. Zeynep

    Let’s give it a try!

  57. Kristian


  58. Krystian

    Hello again

  59. Kent

    Thanks again Ray.

  60. Leslie

    Train away

  61. Colm Costelloe

    Count me in!

  62. Mark

    Thanks Ray!

  63. SJ

    I really need this!

  64. Olivier Champoux

    I need a new trainer

  65. neilo

    I probably won’t win! But got to be in it to win it!

  66. Brian B

    These things look awesome and I hope I win.

  67. Tim

    An epic day!

  68. Julek

    Me, me :)

  69. Mark

    First trainer.

  70. Yanik

    My turn!

  71. Arjen


  72. Matt Charlton

    Yes please!

  73. Bora

    I guess this will be mine

  74. Tuge

    Marko time!

  75. B

    would come in handy for my winter training!

  76. Alison

    Living in MN this is a must!

  77. Sean

    C’mon pick me.

  78. Tim

    I really need need need a new trainer

  79. Thomas Reher

    great one as always; hoping for a chance :)

  80. RV


  81. OneMoreBen

    Now… this is something ideal to train for the Velib’ season. I’m sure it could work wile leaving the bike racked !

  82. Andrew D

    If you insist :)

  83. Bar

    Hey Ray

  84. YES YES I need that in my life. Winter is coming soon

  85. LuckyOrNot


  86. Melanie

    would make intervals at home with 4 kids much easier!

  87. Ted Chen


  88. Lindsay


  89. Dmytro

    I want it )

  90. Pall Erlendsson

    Yes please

  91. Alex Shterenberg

    I need one!

  92. Bryan


  93. Amy

    oooooo pretty!

  94. Robin

    Awesome giveaway!

  95. Naama

    Thank you Ray

  96. C Dawgie

    wind trainer, yeah